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Patreon Choose Your Own Adventure - Star-Crossed or Star-Tossed? You Decide with Wayward!

  • The Eager Adventurer 13
  • The Confused Dater 15
  • The Undercover DDB Operative 8
  • 2023-12-18
  • —2023-12-25
  • 36 votes
{'title': 'Patreon Choose Your Own Adventure - Star-Crossed or Star-Tossed? You Decide with Wayward!', 'choices': [{'text': 'The Eager Adventurer', 'votes': 13}, {'text': ' The Confused Dater', 'votes': 15}, {'text': 'The Undercover DDB Operative', 'votes': 8}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 25, 23, 21, 22, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 18, 23, 6, 51, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 36}


[Opening with retro 80s synth-pop music, the screen flickers to life, revealing a dimly lit room adorned with various interdimensional knick-knacks. In the centre, there's a chair, and seated in it is Wayward, her purple hair slightly dishevelled, wearing a smirk that suggests she's up to no good. A VHS-style static overlay gives it an authentic 80s feel.]

Wayward: [Waving with mock enthusiasm] "Hello there, potential companions of the cosmos! I'm Wayward, your not-so-average, off-brand Time Lord. I've hijacked this quaint 80s dating service—not for love, mind you. My heart belongs to Hot Rod, and no, I don’t mean the car. But I'm in dire need of a partner in crime, or, let's say, a comrade in chaos!"

[The camera zooms in slightly, capturing her mischievous grin. She leans forward, her eyes gleaming with excitement.]

Wayward: "Are you tired of the mundane? Do you long for adventure that's less 'walk in the park' and more 'leap through the fabric of reality'? If so, you might just be the sidekick I'm looking for. Picture this: hopping through dimensions where the laws of physics are mere suggestions, and every day is a gamble between delight and disaster!"

[She stands up, gesturing animatedly, knocking over a stack of books, which she nonchalantly kicks aside.]

Wayward: "Our journey will be full of thrills, spills, and the occasional existential crisis. Expect the unexpected – from sipping tea with sentient toasters to outrunning time itself. Oh, and a fair warning: my trusty 'Unpredictable Portal Generator' lives up to its name, so if you're allergic to spontaneous interdimensional travel... well, tough biscuits."

[Wayward picks up a bizarre-looking gadget, fiddling with it, causing sparks to fly out.]

Wayward: "You should be quick-witted, adaptable, and have a penchant for the peculiar. A sense of humour is non-negotiable; you'll need it. As for survival skills, let's just say if you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a paradox. Or was it a paradoxical wrench?"

[She chuckles darkly, tossing the gadget over her shoulder where it vanishes in a puff of smoke.]

Wayward: "So, if the thought of dancing through dimensions with an off-brand Time Lord and discussing the existential implications of Schrödinger's Corgi over a cuppa sounds like your cup of tea, then what are you waiting for? Join me, and let's write our story across the multiverse!"

[The screen starts to glitch as Wayward gives a final, theatrical bow.]

Wayward: "Remember, life's too short for boring and too weird for normal. I'm Wayward, and I can't wait to meet my next... victim—I mean, companion!"

[The screen fizzles out to static, leaving the viewer with a sense of bewildered excitement and a hint of foreboding.]



Choice 1: The Eager Adventurer

[The camera focuses on a figure sitting eagerly in front of a vintage computer, their eyes sparkling with excitement. They lean towards the screen, a grin spreading across their face.]

Eager Adventurer: "Hey Wayward! I just watched your 'totally not a dating' video, and let me tell you, it's like you're speaking directly to my soul! The idea of dodging paradoxes and sipping tea with sentient toasters? Count me in! I'm ready for a life less ordinary, and your brand of cosmic chaos sounds just right. Where do I sign up to be your next companion in interdimensional shenanigans?"

[They give a thumbs up, their enthusiasm is as bright as a supernova.]



Choice 2: The Confused Dater

[The scene shows a somewhat confused individual, dressed up for a date, holding a bunch of flowers, and staring at the screen in bewilderment.]

Confused Dater: "Um, hi... Wayward, was it? I was trying to connect with someone named Orchid for a nice, normal date. I think there might've been a mix-up, but your video... well, it’s oddly compelling. Interdimensional travel wasn’t quite what I had in mind for a first date, but hey, I'm always up for something new. So, how about we swap those sentient toasters for a quiet dinner first, and then maybe consider the whole hopping through dimensions thing?"

[They shrug, a bemused smile on their face, still holding the flowers awkwardly.]



Choice 3: The Undercover DDB Operative

[A figure in a dark room, their face partially obscured, speaks into a recording device, their voice calm and calculated.]

Undercover DDB Operative: "Agent reporting in. I've viewed the subject's video, and it's as unconventional as expected from Wayward. I will proceed by engaging her under the guise of an interested companion. This presents a prime opportunity to infiltrate her circle and gain her trust. I will exploit her adventurous nature to lead her into a trap. All measures will be taken to ensure the operation's success and Wayward's capture, in line with the Bureau's directive."

[The screen fades to black; the sense of a hidden agenda is palpable in the air.]



Tone 720

Option 1.

Darren Crittall

Hey wheres the option for confused adventurer.