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From the Despicable Desk of Honey Vixen
Secretary Extraordinaire, THE LEAGUE OF EVIL!!!

Subject: A Villainous Vow of Veneration and Some Paperwork (Obviously)

Dearest Supervillain,

I must say, what absolutely DELIGHTFUL news has reached our dastardly doors! The whole office is practically BURSTING with malevolent mirth and wicked whoops of joy upon hearing that THE LEAGUE OF EVIL’s most anticipated ship has finally sailed into the tumultuous seas of twisted romance! Congratulations on officially bewitching the superhero’s girl into swapping her caped zero for a nefarious hero! 🎉

We’ve been ROOTING (villainously, of course) for your devilish duo to become an item since, well, the dawn of your dastardly deeds. To see it come to fruition is as thrilling as watching the hero stumble into one of our perfectly planned pitfalls! Ah, the drama, the intrigue, the scandal! It’s all too deliciously evil, isn’t it?

However, let us not forget that with great power comes great... administrative responsibility. 📑 Yes, darling, even villains must adhere to protocol. Thus, please ensure you complete the following forms with your usual villainous vigour:

  • Form 666-A: “Declaration of Diabolical Attachment” - To officially declare your scintillating new sidekick.

  • Form 13-B: “Change of Heart (or Hostage)” - Should you need to update your status from single villain to wickedly wed.

  • Form 999-C: “Nemesis Notification” - A courteous (or taunting, your choice really) notification to any relevant superheroes that there's a new power couple in town.

All forms are due by the next full moon. Failure to comply will result in a stern letter and possibly a mild curse (nothing too ghastly, perhaps just a week of bad hair days or an unshakable craving for liquorice).

In conclusion, BRAVO on this marvellously malevolent match! The office pool had quite the pot going on whether or not you’d pull it off, and let’s just say, quite a few minions are now either richer or ruefully re-evaluating their betting strategies.

Wishing you and your new dastardly damsel all the best in your future schemes and conquests. May your love be as enduring as our enmity for the heroes!

With Villainous Affection and Diabolical Delight,

Honey Vixen
Secretary of Sin,
THE LEAGUE OF EVIL!!! (Cue thunderclap and ominous organ music)


Darren Crittall

You have to love the Honey Vixen, such a delightful combination of evil and cuteness.