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Ever thought of a career in biowarfare? Because you've certainly taken me down.


Character Type: Sarcastic Girlfriend

Theme or Scenario: Navigating the trials of love during a cold-infested Valentine's Day, where every sneeze and cough echoes romance.

Emotional Tone or Mood: Comically Sarcastic

Content Type: Audio Roleplay

Teaser: Here's to the man who gives me everything, including his germs.


[F4M] I Hate Being Sick [Wailing Children Are the Soundtrack to My Misery][When Did Lucozade Become So Fancy][Brain Shutting Down][Girlfriend Roleplay][Tentacles Are Good for You][Voicemail][You Infected Me and Therefore Have to Treat Me Like a Princess][Sick Day Drama][Flu Amor][Bae Fever][So, I Guess Sharing Really Is Caring—Especially Your Germs, Right?]


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