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Love in a time of overcrowding—romantic, isn't it?


Character Type: Dystopian Megacity Resident

Theme or Scenario: An intimate evening discussing the day’s trials in a near-future dystopian city

Emotional Tone or Mood: Bitterly humorous, intimately heartwarming

Content Type: Audio Roleplay

Teaser: The city's so beautiful this time of year, if you're into neon and existential despair.


[F4A] Predetermination [Sci-Fi][Fate][Love at First Sight][Adoration][Dystopian Future][Rainy Ambience][Megacity Life][Dream of New Skies][Love Against Odds][Together We Can][Escape the Neon][Rain or Shine Together][[Gender Neutral][Wife Roleplay][Join Me for a Romantic Evening of Trying to See the Stars Through the Smog]


Kate Mackenzie

Something about this is heartwrenching for me - the struggle to keep going, the love when everything is terrible, the hope for a better future because the people you love deserve it..

Aleksander Zdunek

It seems they CAN take the sky from me.