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You stand in the rain, accepting a mysterious invitation from Honey, your guide, to explore the unknown wonders of the Blue Room.


Character Type: Your Enigmatic Guide, Honey

Theme or Scenario: A Mysterious Invitation

Emotional Tone or Mood: Mysterious and Enveloping

Content Type: Relaxation Induction

Teaser: Dare to step through the door and leave the mundane behind? Or is the allure of the unknown not quite tempting enough?


[F4A] The Blue Room [Guided Relaxation][An Invitation to Mystery][Relaxation Induction][Sensual Beats][Velvet Opportunities][Beyond the Door][Let Go And Relax][Countdown][ Gender Neutral][Follow Me, and Leave Your Worries Behind. But Bring Your Curiosity, It’s the Only Currency Here]


Darren Crittall

Happy to see you posting, but how are you doing healthwise?

Camilo Iribarren

This is why I love the color blue. “I’m blue! Da-be-da-ba-da!”