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Shits going down at Craster’s!





Letssssssssssss GO!

Julia RMcNew

A DOUBLE drop?????? We are blessed 🙏🙏💕💕


Omg yesssss

Jack S

We have the 2 piece. Could we maybe get a 2 piece with a soda? The soda being the trial of course. Either way, the 2 piece is a very good item so thank you!



D Gyre

DOUBLE POST! I love this, please do more of this. I'd pay for a higher tier too if it gave me access to two drops at a time.

Ciara Armstrong

Can I get 1 more please sir? Just one more? 😂😂😂😂 Addicted.

Pam Nail

I started binging this show just before the final season and I was spoiled on almost everything major already, but nothing floored me like that knowledge drop about Lysa's role in all this mess. Was completely unspoiled and it SHOOK me.

Robert L

How do people get spoiled? All you have to do is never search for the show online until you finish the show.


some people think it's funny to spoil things for others, unfortunately. i'm really glad that hasn't been the case here!


Long wait, but y'all made up for it with TWO episodes! 👏👏YAY👏👏👍❤️! Now, for a "serious matter", I'm about to pay my third $10 Patreon payment, yet my name still isn't on the list. 🥺 If you would, you can list it as "Lady Diana" and I think it goes in the yellow section. THANK YOU, guys! ❤️ (PS: I LOVE when Bridget sings her name!) 😍

Pam Nail

I wasn't terribly interested in keeping up with the show until just before the last season (I'd watched the first season and read the first novel), but I kept up with major developments on social media and recap sites just to keep up with the conversation. I spoiled myself very much on purpose. But somehow I missed this bit with Lysa. And you can get plenty spoiled without seeking stuff out. I just don't usually care enough about that to bother with muting and such.

Laura Thornley

Ooooh, I found a criticism of this episode! A minor one, but anyway. Littlefinger talking about the Bloody Gate being the only way to the Eerie is wrong. Its the only way into the Vale - from the west. You can get in via ship from the north, south and east, and you can also walk the coastline, though it is a much longer and harder route. Then again, he is a bullshit artist and since they cut out travelling to the Fingers (his home) it makes... some sense at least. Still, I would have liked to have seen the Drearfort just so we could see how far Littlefinger has come - he was barely a lord, not just poor but with a tiny amount of owned land that was mostly shingle and rock with half a dozen servants and a few dozen local peasants.

Laura Thornley

As less of a criticism, since this is still a great episode - the reveal of Lysa is wonderfully twisted. And its hinted that a certain someone might be the real father, hint hint, never confirmed, hint hint.

Laura Thornley

People seem to get a kick out of putting spoilers everywhere for popular shows, sometimes hiding them in memes not related to the show. Those people suck. Now there is an unspoken rule of waiting two weeks after broadcast before discussing things in public forums or social media - though that rule gets broken a lot. If you can't even wait until the show finishes broadcasting globally then you kind of suck - and that's what happened to me with the Walking Dead, people spoiled a big plot point less then an hour after first broadcast before it had even finished broadcasting across America let alone the rest of the world. I stopped watching the show after that point - I lost all interest.

Amanda Sargent

Next episode won one of the actors an Emmy for their monologue, it’s epic - have back up drinks & snacks at the ready ;)


“Be careful of the nips” nearly took me out 😂😂

Melanie Vine

"Let me wash my dick" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Anyone else excited for the rest of this season 😆😳😎😱

Melanie Vine

Thank you for this, is it in the books? I've just downloaded them all on audible. I tried to read them but I'm dyslexic and GRRM writes a "certain way" that my dumb brain wouldn't understand!

Melanie Vine

I thought that. He doesn't look like Peter but with that crazy moose who could tell 🤭

Melanie Vine

Me too Diana, I'm on the top tier and mines not been on for weeks. I messaged a couple of times about it and Bridget did reply but I nothings changed. Makes me feel a but irrelevant. I should be in the yellow section too. I bloody love these guys though 😁

Melanie Vine

I'm waiting especially for episode 8 although all are phenomenal!


I’ll try to get it fixed this upcoming weekend I’m not sure why Patreon isn’t exporting the proper list of names 😭

Melanie Vine

Oh yeah, it was Ghost that was being held in the cage, not Summer 😁

Laura Thornley

Yeah it is. Its not a big plot point, more some interesting world building in a couple of chapters. All the important things are condensed into the Eerie plot for the show.

Laura Thornley

Yeah its less clear in the show since they probably didn't cast with that in mind. Its more obscured in the books since facial descriptions can only do so much to convey how someone looks. But both have darker hair - in book Lysa had red hair and Jon Arryn supposedly had blonde hair in his youth. The book and show make a big deal of hair colour being important for showing family relations, so... why does Robert "Sweetrobin" Arryn have darker hair?


Poor Sanza..... GoT.......hold my Pint..

Laura Thornley

Episode 7 and 8 tend to be the most spicey, though for this season every episode has been super spicey. Best season, in my opinion.

Stannis loves grammar.

Who doesn't want a direwolf. Hey I think we should all start the request for HOTD after there done . They move at a pretty quick pace .

ariel mermaid

Hey I’m alittle new to patron how does the upload schedule work different from the YouTube schedule

Laura Thornley

Its pretty much "when they get round to it". Sometimes they drop two or three episodes in a single day.


Cant wait for your next episode reaction!