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Oathkeeper and Ice Baby! 



Oathkeeper and Ice Baby.



Fun fact: The actor who plays Tommen was also one of the young Lannister hostages that were killed by Jon Umber in season 3. Talisa treated them, the kids that asked if it was true that Rob could turn into a direwolf.

Yutaka Tamanaha

Jesus…I’ve been waiting for this!!!



Ciara Armstrong

Your reactions are SO good. I’m an addict now, can’t wait for the next few!!

Laura Thornley

For context I don't think was mentioned before regarding Littlefinger - he's more subtle in the books. In the show they play on the sleaze and mistrust a lot, even having none of the other characters trust him in conversation and yet they keep trusting him because the plot demanded it. Book Littlefinger is very pleasant, mild mannered, always polite and eager to help people out and everyone thinks he's harmless (and some even like him, though most just seem him as a weak lesser lord who's useful to them). All while he's scamming the finances covertly, building a network of spies and forcing secret alliances that even his future allies aren't really aware of. Its why its a big shock when he rips off the mask briefly when he betrays Ned Stark - until he slips right back into being meek helpful Petry Baelish - everyone's friend who just wants to be useful. The only one who might see through him is Varys. And we don't really get confirmation since there's no POV chapters for either of them and Varys rarely gives out complete information to anyone. And he's more curious in the books too, a real man of mystery. Damn I love the books. I should re-read them. Have you received the books yet, Bridget?

Kenneth thomas

i really appreciate how you guys do extended reactions for patreon rather than syncing up with the show. it's super convenient and awesome


If you rewatch 4-2, The purple wedding now, you can see exactly how Joffery was murdered. And, if you think back to all of season 3 gamesmanship you can see how the red wedding was staring us all in the face. Tywin was writing so many letters. Little finger on his way to marry Lysa and rule the Vale but intent on taking Sansa. Varys finds out - likely knowing what Tywin had planned for Rob and the Starks and could not let Little finger take Sansa- the key to the north. So he offers her up to Olenna who, along with Margery plots to marry Sansa to Loras. Little finger tests Sansa, asking her to leave with him. But she says mmmm, nah. I’ll stick around because she is excited to marry Loras. Then suddenly Tywin finds out the Tyrrells are plotting to take Sansa and orders Tyrion to marry her instead, and Cersei to marry Loras. Tywin forces Olenna’s hand and she agrees. But now to get Sansa back in his grip, Littlefinger plots with Olenna to kill Joffery, sparing Margery and sneaks off with the key to the north. The whole season they are all plotting to get sansa because she is the key to the north and none of us thought much of what that means for Rob and Catlyn.


Pod "The Rod" is two gifts in one.

Stannis loves grammar.

One question I still have. Which I think in book or show will never be answerered . H ow did castor come to the arraignment with the white walkers ? Did he take a meeting?