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Nice cock! 




Oh lord. So much is happening.



The title had me choking on my cereal Wasn’t expecting that to pop up on my screen☠️


"Because he's huge, murder you with his bare hands." Interesting....

Julia RMcNew

Bridgette I LOVE your top and shawl!!!!! Also guys, with the Varys thing (Little V), he was talking to Illyrio in the dungeons where Arya heard (Illyrio was the one with Dany and Viserys, who helped sell Dany to the Dothraki) and they were discussing in the Small Council that Jorah has been working as a secret informant, working as a traitor to Danaerys!! It's complicated I know 😅😅 Hope that helps with some of the confusion!!!!! Love yalls reaction (as always!) and I'm so excited to see you guys continue your Game of Thrones journey!!!!!

Marcos Paulo

You didn’t blur dick but you sensor the word cunt 🤣


LMAO the cunt edit was because I knew I would forget it later 😂 I could never forget to blur the peen


this show is such a ride - i'm glad ya'll are enjoying it!! 💖

Melanie Vine

Yeah sorry guys, i enjoy the longer version, sorry for leaving, I'm back. You two have so so much to come. The greatest show on TV ..... Ever


Just wanna clear something up. Ned is a competent swordsman for sure, he is a veteran of two wars. Howver, Jaime is a prodigy swordsman and regarded as one of the best in Westeros. If anything, he should've won quicker than that. Also, the Jaime and Ned fight never happened in the books, I think the writers just threw it in to satisfy the fans who wanted it.


Ok! Good to know. After him and Ned talked about how Jamie’s armor had little damage and he chose his enemies carefully, I think I more so assumed this was Ned alluding to Jamie being a bit of a coward. However I’ve noticed since then he loves talking about wars and battles a lot 😂 I was clearly too confident for Ned there

Marcos Paulo

Sorry guys I ruined for every non patreons on YT. Everything is blurry now. Tits! 🤣


I’m actually really enjoying watching this with you guys. It’s not something I ever was particularly intrigued to watch but with you two starting it, I thought why not watch along? With your commentary, the who’s who board, I’m really enjoying it 😂


It’s been a good way to pass the time waiting for more Stranger Things 😭😂


It is! I’ll probably be 80 before season 5 comes out with the writers strike 😩😂 I’m rewatching all seasons of your Stranger Things reactions, everything you upload basically and I see you just uploaded episode 6 of GoT….onto the next! You guys are the best


The Varys and Littlefinger scenes together are always great. Really enjoying rewatching this show with you two!