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Now we are back in full force after that vacation. Was nice to just have some time away from everything just to let things recharge. Once I got back, I dove straight in again. So, for this update it won't be large, so I will make it quick.

First, we are now up to 180 renders and 9 animations though one of those I may have some work to do. Another 2 are setup and ready to go. Windows update decided the other night that I didn't want to have number 10...

I do realize the number is a fair bit smaller than usual, but just after release then being away for a bit obviously made that smaller, but we are on the usual schedule again.

Oh, I also did another comic for the $20 and up which I will post shortly after this. It is stupid beyond measure, but also pretty hot. The screenshot above is from that along with 30 other renders in a renpy format.

Next week I will also put out a poll for custom renders for the month. It will be Chandra and going with the halloween theme so be on the lookout for that.

As always, stay awesome guys!





workhouse philly back at it


Hey man I’m leaving for boot camp soon when is chapter 5 coming out!!!


Sorry for bothering here, didnt know where else to. How/Where do i get the discord link?


O M G ... Philly .... ^^ DAMN U !!! :) What a view ,,,, puuuh ! :P


Yeeees another scene with Shanlon, i hope so damn good like the last one :D looking forward to it! Thank you for your great work Philly :D