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Well I got back yesterday, but just took last night to decompress. But, it was a great needed vacation. Now, that the batteries are recharged, I am back at it again. Been busy all day just trying to finish up this scene and even managed to sneak an animation in last night.

I also have a little comic to do soon, so since I still have the rest of the week off at home without real life work ill do that most likely tomorrow.

Thank you for not getting too angry at me for taking a few days off :P





I was too busy playing RPGM games to notice you were gone.

Rob The Weed Enthusiast

My prayers have been answered I've been praying everyday that u would come back soon and fulfill my dream lol


Glad you didn't die mate.


Who says he didn't? Could be Burt is ghost writing Patreon, too...


Lies. Don't believe Andor's Lies.

Julian Harper

Welcome back and it was well deserved!

Baku K

Yeah! Welcome back! Take care!


Well everyone has a right to some holidays and R&R also a dev of smutty games:P Hope you had fun. :)

Mike S

Welcome back and GIVE US MORE ;D


welcome back and we are waiting for chapter 5


glad to see you're back! Can't wait for Ch 5!