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Photo credit to Saturnax

Here is a hydraulic press testing the strength of the lower rudder or stern plane surface area. I would not want to be in this room if it fails!

Yasen SSGN sub brief is in the Research phase.  I am plowing through a lot of false 'facts' in this sub brief.  I expect to have this one ready in the next 10 days.  I'll post more updates between now and then.




Dig it


Pretty good!


You cant rush perfection, Captain. 😉 Take your time! 👍🏻


Please take your time, it would be nice to have someplace where you can go and learn about some reliable information about a new and exciting submarine.


The press is on one side, probably for testing bending strength when rudder is full to one side ? Interesting, at first i thought it was a hydraulic shaker used for vibration testing but then the speeds at which naval vessels travel flow indiced vibration wont occur.


Excited! Take your time and make it right Skipper.

Raven Coldheart

In other subbriefs Jive said, that some Soviet subs had problems with literally shaking themselves apart while on a flank bell.


Direct vibration due to poor design (poor structural damping) is different from flow induced vibration, even a good designed vehicle can undergo flow induced vibration if the structures natural frequency matches that of the flow. If you fancy a bit of mathematical and cfd analyses, i would suggest this paper on submarine flow noises https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/9/1/106/pdf&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwifpPqis-DoAhXFMewKHTMSCBsQFjAAegQIDRAB&usg=AOvVaw12X8bAIuFecDeR_nTCa4FD