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That weld better be good! lol


The first time I saw how thin the submarine pressure hull skin was, I got scarred. But I had already been on a few underways by that point.

Raven Coldheart

Yeah, it is kinda scary how strong steel alloy and other material alloys can be. Even when looking at known high tensile strength alloys, the pressues they can endure are pretty insane. And the around 4 degree Celsius of the ocean are comfortably in the middle of steels that are amagnetic and adjusted for brittleness. Sry for the nerd out, had a few years of material science at university, when studying Aerospace engineering.

Raven Coldheart

Hey, just a quick question about the production pipeline. Will you be doing subs like the Foxtrot or other Russian/Soviet diesel subs in the near future? I love the nuclear powered subs as much as the next guy, so no worries there, but my father was STO, ship technical officer, on a 206 and I would really like to hear about the adversaries he faced. He rarely talks about the submarine part of his military career.


I plan on covering Soviet era diesel boats.


Felix: Don't apologize for nerding out. Interesting stuff. BTW: how has that aerospace engineering degree worked out for you? Have a cousin with the same and has struggled to gain employment with it. Its supposed to be a poor career area of engineering to enter into.


BTW: Your real name appears in these comments. Don't know if you care, but thought you should know.