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Adding Q&A to the Patreon. Post your comments and questions below and I will read them in the next episode.



Scott Cunningham

That isn’t a Styx on the RIB. The actual Styx missile is the size of a MiG-15. It looks like they just pulled the warhead out and mounted it. At 1000lbs, it’s a big heavy item all by itself.


This is a good idea, thanks Jive! My Question for Q&A: A few years back Lexus had a commercial in which they showed a car in a loud environment and a quiet interior. They said they used microphones on the outside and speakers on the inside to broadcast the opposite waveform of the sound outside to cancel it out and make the interior quiet. Is this sort of sound canceling system used on submarines to cancel out sounds being broadcast from the ship into the surrounding waters?

Andrew Devries

Hey Aaron, just a fun hypothetical question for ya. If you were able to go back in time and start your Navy career over, would you still go into sonar and follow the same path, or would you go do something else?