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This is an early look at my next YouTube video focusing on Anti Submarine Warfare.

These photos remind me of how much I miss hunting a submarine desperately trying to evade detection. It's quite a rush.



Paul D Berkebile

When my unit went to the Shipboard Simulater a couple of times I manned the surface search radar. When a low-flying craft registered on the screen, it really made your a$$ pucker! They would be on top of you in about 3 radar revolutions.

Toni Siukola

Are the old theory videos still somewhere? Really liked the theory of sonar reflections, boundary layer, bounce back, long range propagation etc. Might have been Jive Turkey channel... Wouldn't hurt to have that redone maybe in higher tech even though the whiteboard was informative as well.

Captain Eagle

What's with the cool blue lights? Is it to mimic daylight? It looks a bit dark and gloomy...


All of those were taken down/unlisted on YouTube. Can’t access them from our side anymore