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The symbiotes are taking over the world, and the heros are falling to this menace. The symbiote god Knull is behind all of this, and he is glad that Black Cat was succesful on defeating Spider Woman so he can control her using his symbiotes. This new knullified hero is a perfect warrior for the symbiotes, she is a powerful and nimble hunter, and she is hungry for super heroines feet. Jessica Drew´s basic memories remained and she always wanted to take on Ava Ayala a.k.a. White Tiger, she is a long time rival, and she will prove herself a worthy hunter taking on this powerful predator. 

Spider Woman and White Tiger are having a big and long confrontation, the fight is really balanced but there´s a small advantage for Spider woman: White Tiger is slowly getting infected with the symbiote. White Tiger will not fall easily, she is trying to defeat Spider Woman before losing control, but Spider Woman was building up enough sweat on her feet during the fight to use her secret weapon: her feet pheromones.

Spider Woman briefly inmovilizes White Tiger, and before she can cut the symbiote ties, the Spider plants her bare foot on the heroine´s face. Before White Tiger can react, she feels completely stunned and dizzy, the scent from that sweaty bare sole is shutting down all her will and she is getting weakened so the symbiote can fuse with her.

White Tiger is not giving up yet, so Spider Woman continues using her feet to weaken her, White Tiger is slowly losing her will and gets horny instead. Spider Woman realizes how horny White Tiger is for her feet, so she tries to making her hornier by licking her own foot encouraging her to do that too. White Tiger can not resist anymore, seeing Spider Woman licking her own foot is too much, so she gives up and starts to worship Spider Woman´s foot. Now that all of her will is gone the symbiote can take control of her body.

White Tiger is now under the symbiote´s control, and she is a powerful predator who is also thirsty for super heroine´s feet. She exposes her own bare feet embracing her newly acquired symbiote foot fetish, and she will start her own feet hunting really soon!



MC Gamer

I hope She-Hulk and her large feet are on the infected heroines' agenda.

Linn Li

What size you think She-Hulk's feet would be??