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It looks like this earth is on big danger, the symbiotes are loose and breaking havoc on the superhero community, they are taking control over many heroes and villains. Black cat is already under the symbiote control, and this new acquired costume is granting her amazing powers, this will allow her to chase and defeat a recent enemy of hers: Spider Woman. 

Poor Spider Woman, she sealed her destiny at the moment she decided to flirt to Spider Man, this is unaceptable for Black Cat and she will not rest until Spider Woman is defeated, then the symbiotes will dispose of the heroine´s body for their purpose.

Black Cat faced Spider Woman, and after a long fight the spider was getting cornered, she was getting tired and the symbiote was inmovilizing her limb by limb. Spider Woman is incredibly strong, she was getting free of the symbiote ties, but Black Cat is a clever fighter, she researched her enemy and she was aware of her secret pheromones that she uses to hypnotize. Black Cat knew about the source of such pheromones: Spider Woman´s feet, and she knew that those pheromones can get stronger the sweatier the feet are.

While Spider Woman was struggling to free herself from those ties Black Cat removed the spider´s boots. Spider Woman was panicking, she knew what was all that about, she was vulnerable to her own pheromones and Black Cat would use them to defeat her, and the worst part is that tiring her was all part of a plan to make her feet sweat and make the pheromones stronger. 

Spider Woman´s boots had all the scent and the pheromones inside and there was no use on resisting, Spider Woman was completely hypnotized. The symbiote made Black Cat inmune to the pheromones, but the scent was still too strong and delicious to resist, Black Cat was getting really horny, she licked and sucked every inch of Spider Woman´s feet to please her senses. 

Spider Woman is completely defeated, she belongs to the symbiotes now. She is already on the dark side of this story and she will serve the symbiotes. She will not only chase on other heroes, she will please her senses too by hunting super heroines feet.

This story will continue really soon!!



Gianfranco Cembran

Sexy evil Black Cat tis of extasi for peromones of Spider Woman. Spider Woman semi Incosus for feet peromones. Adorable hon and dirty verction