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 Game Title    : Endless Legend

 Game Version  : 1.8.52 S3 (Steam)

 Game Sponsor  : Esph (Game) + PF(7 DLCs)

 Process Name  : EndlessLegend.exe

 Relevant Info : Mono Engine/64bits/TBS

 Script Version: 2.2

 CE Version    : 7.0

 Release date  : 19-Jul-2021

 Author        : Recifense


 05-Oct-2019: First Release

 15-Oct-2019: Added Minimum S/L resources

 01-Dec-2019: Release for version 1.8.2 + fix for Move on Water (s2.1)

 19-Jul-2021: Release for version 1.8.52 (s2.2)


 - Army Movement unlimited Times [1]

 - Army Act unlimited Times      [2]

 - God Mode                      [3]

 - Minimum Aproval (City/Empire) [4]

 - Minimum Dust                  [5]

 - Minimum Influence             [6]

 - Research in 1 turn            [7] (new)(s2.1) <==

 - Minimum Strategic Resources   [8] (new)(s2.0)

 - Minimum Luxury Resources      [9] (new)(s2.0)

 - Some Pointers                 [A]


[1] For Armies and Fleets (HPO);

[2] Searches and Battles (HPO);

[3] Human player's units will not suffer damage in manual combat;

[4] Minimum approval from cities = 90 (HPO);

[5] Dust will not go under minimum value (17000)(HPO);

[6] Influence will not go under minimum value (7000)(HPO);

[7] That's it (HPO);

[8] Minimum Strategic Resources = 250 (HPO);

[9] Minimum Luxury    Resources = 250 (HPO);

[A] Used at the table;

HPO = Human Player Only



1) Run CE70 or greater; 

----------------- important -----------------

2) Run Game; 

3) Load or start a new game; 

----------------- important -----------------

3a) If you have, at least, a city, go to step 3c

3b) Let a turn pass and go to step 4


3c) Open "Empire Management Screen"/"City List Screen"/"Research Screen"/"Quest Screen";


4) Load the game process "EndlessLegend.exe" in CE;

5) Load this table; 

6) Activate the script (in blue) by checking/clicking its box [X];

7) Now Activate the script of each cheat you want to use;

--------------- Back to Game ----------------

8) Play On.


[IMPORTANT] Close Main Script before closing the game;


[USAGE XP](**)

- The same amoount that add to the current valut "Current XP (01) ==>", you should add to the other five values (pointers):


Current XP (01) ==> 100 + 1000

Current XP (02) ==> 100 + 1000

Current XP (03) ==> 100 + 1000

Total XP (01) ==> 500   + 1000

Total XP (02) ==> 500   + 1000

Total XP (03) ==> 500   + 1000



 - None defined



When you can,save the game before starting using table/cheat. So you can always come back in case you don't like the result.



Tested on Win 10 64bits



Many thanks to "Esph" for providing the game.






Hello. I tried to use the latest table today but it won't load. I get an error message for line 111, "The bytes are not what was expected" Any hints what I could have done wrong?


Hello!! I am revisiting this game now that it was on sale on Steam. After following the instructions above, I received an Error in line 111.


"The bytes at DepartmentOfTheTreasury:ComputeConstructionProgress+02D4 are not what was expected"


same error : <>


Error in line 111 (assert(DepartmentOfTheTreasury:ComputeContructionProgress+02D4,F3 41 0F 10 4E 18 F3 0F 5A C9 F2 0F 5A E9)) :The bytes at DepartmentOfTheTreasury:ComputeContructionProgress+02D4 are not what was expected


hi, thanks for the table ! I can't seem to get the latest version working, I have the right version of all involved (CE and game) but can't get the script to load. Upon right clicking I get "Error in Line 110(assert(DepartmentoftheTreasury( [...] are not what was expected &gt;&gt;. I am missing something ? Thanks a lot !


I'm not sure if I'm missing a step or something but I followed the usage instructions including the part on Open "Empire Management Screen"/"City List Screen"/"Research Screen"/"Quest Screen"; but still getting an error.

Recifense Cheers

Please follow these steps: - Run CE; - Run Game - Start or load a game; - Open "Empire Management Screen"/"City List Screen"/"Research Screen"/"Quest Screen" - Back to CE;

Recifense Cheers

- Load the game process - Load the table; - Activate the main script; - Now activate the options you want to use - Back to the game and have fun! Cheers!