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Game Title    : Europa Universalis IV (64Bits)

Game Version  : (ebe5)(X64)

Game Sponsor  : Vodos (game) + darkedone02 (DLC) + PF (DLCs)

Process Name  : eu4.exe

Relevant Info : 64bits/TBS

Script Version: 11.0 (x64)

CE Version    : 7.4

Release date  : 08-Nov-2023

Author        : Recifense


21-Sep-2019: First Release for 64bits version

09-Dec-2019: Release for version New feature

10-Jun-2020: Release for version (Emperor)

11-Jun-2020: Fix for Army/Navy tradition (S9.3)

12-Jun-2020: Fix for changing Religion/Culture (S9.4)

16-Feb-2021: Release for version (S9.5)

27-Apr-2021: Release for version (S9.6)

28-Apr-2021: Release for version (S9.7)

03-May-2021: Release for version (S9.8)

10-Jul-2021: Release for version (S9.9)

07-Sep-2021: New feature: Minimum Nation Design Points (S10.0)

11-Nov-2021: Release for version (S10.1)

02-Mar-2022: Release for version (S10.2)

17-Sep-2022: Release for version (S10.3)

22-Apr-2023: Release for version (S10.4)

21-May-2023: Release for version (S10.5)

21-Jun-2023: Release for version (S10.6)

08-Nov-2023: Release for version (S11.0)


- Minimum Ducats                  [1]

- Full Manpower                   [2]

- Minimum Stability

- Minimum Prestige                [3]

- Minimum Power:                  [4]

- Administrative

- Diplomatic

- Military

- Minimum Army/Navy Tradition     [6]

- Minimum Mercantilism            [7]

- Minimum Legitimacy              [8]

- Move to adjacent area in 1 turn [A]

- Tasks in 1 turn:                [B]

- Recruitment

- Production

- Construction

- Culture

- Make Core

- Colonization in 1 turn          [C] (**)

- Blessed Province:               [D] (*)

- Minimum Trade Power

- Minimum ManPower Bonus

- Quick Province Ownership        [E] (*)

- God Mode:                       [F]

- Army

- Fleet

- Garrison (Province)

- Assault

- Attrition

- No Native                       [G] (*)

- Full Garrison                   [H] (*)

- Change Religion                 [I] (*)

- Change Culture                  [J] (*)

- No Decay                        [K]

- Quick Exploration (new)         [M]

- Religion Conversion in 1 Day    [N] (new)(s9.1)

- Minimum Nation Design Points    [O] (new)(s10.0)

- pointers


[1] It will not go under 70000;

[2] That's it;

[3] It will not go under 90;

[4] It will not go under Maximum-4;

[6] It will not go under 67;

[7] It will not go under 30%;

[8] It will not go under 90%;

[A] Army and Fleet;

[B] That's it;

[C] That's it;

[D] Global Trade power will not go under 50 ...

... and Manpower will not go under 5000;

[E] Conquer the province and it will be yours;

[F] That's it;

[G] That's it;

[H] It will be set to full capacity;

[I] It will be set to player's main religion;

[J] It will be set to player's main culture;

[K] No decay for Human player;

[L] Minimum value is 400;

[M] Region Exploration in 1 Turn;

[N] That's it. Just send a Missionary to your province;

[O] That's it. You can change the minimum value;

(*) The province should be selected in order to work;

(**)It will only change into a province when the month changes;



1) Run CE70 or greater;

2) Run Game;

3) Load the game process "eu4.exe" in CE;

4) Load this table and activate the main script;

5) Now Activate the script of each cheat you want to use;

6) Game On;



None pre-defined



Save your game before unsing the cheats.



Tested on Win 11 64bits



Link for EU4 32bits Tables:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/europa-iv-21272751




Please consider returning to Fearless. Thanks.


1.35 update coming out within the hour. Though I recommend not to jump on it since according to Paradox history they will release a hotfix or two within the next few days.

Faisal Kandari

hope you can update it to 1.35 soon!

Tlan Imass

Saw that Swiss can get Mercs for 4 Ducats so yes there will be quick hotfixes

Dan Fagan

Gonna be so pog when you get around to this update for now we struggle


I think he means the Papal Controller and Holy Roman Emperor, as in directly modding who is elected, I think


The first hotfix is up, that was quite fast on their part.


pls update boss

Dan Fagan

Need this in my life lmao other cheat software dont cut it


Someone uploaded your table on Fearless. Thought you might want to know

Dan Fagan

Thank you for the update your the man


1.35.2 is out, it works with 1.35.1 tables.


And now it became 1.35.3. But as far as I'm aware, the table still works.

Stijn Van Hove

Looks like it stopped working again after today's patch. Table won't load.


Table no longer works after 1.35.4. :(

Pixiv Account

can I request for a pointer or so that allow a province to have coal as its potential resource? It exists in the game but I havent seen any other mods do this so Im requesting here


Wow that was fast! Thank you!


Tested all cheats with game version 1.35.6 Everything on my installation works perfectly fine




Yes, new DLC has been released which has b0rked the table once again


pls update 1.36.0 and DLC thx boss


1.36 is here! can't wait for your update

Erik Blas

Thank you for the updated table!!

Trent Morell

So fast!!! Thank you so much Rec:)


Thanks for the update!

Dominic Su

Is this compatible with 1.36.1?


My saviour is here!


Any chance we could add a console enabler to the table? Thanks again!


so will it be a 1.30 version of the table dear recifense~




Thank you for your work. I tested some of the options, Minimum army/navy traditions did nothing, the others that i could test worked fine. The options Default Pointers - Player Info - Current XXX Tradition also do not show the correct values and also do not change the ingame values for both traditions

Simon Laroque

Hi, thank you for your work. On both 1.30, I have the message "the array of bytes named MORC cannot be found" if I run it after unpausing the game. It works if I start it right after loading the game.

Recifense Cheers

Strange! It should work at the game main menu as well. Are you quitting to menu and starting a new game or loading a game after that? If so, you should unload the main script before quitting, because the game will restart and you need select the process again.


First of all, thank you for your work. May I inquire when this wonderful table will be updated for 1.30.2?


The table for 1.30.5 kind of works with the new released 1.30.6 patch (money, manpower, prestige, monarch points and such things) but certain GUI actions make the game crash if the script is active (no options activated in the table). Things like opening/closing the outliner or switching the music. These crashes also happen if i go back to 1.30.4 or 1.30.3 and use the 1.30.1 table Maybe they made some GUI change that are not reverted when using the beta old versions.


Sorry for the delay, i had it when activating the script and then Opening/Closing the Outliner, that is the Menu on the right side of the GUI with Diplomats, Colonizers and so on, also when in the music player clicking on a different music track. I tested it without the script there are no crashes but as soon as i activate the script crashes happen, not on every GUI action, i found only those 2 so far. The Log files of the game don't show anything useful. I tried it right now and the activation of the script is the moment and it is only opening the Outliner Menu that crashes the game, not closing it. I can attach Cheat Engine and loading the table just fine and as soon as i activate the script and play around with the Outliner Menu button, the game crashes. I'm using Cheat Engine 7.2 from November 2020 (if that is important)


https://abload.de/img/eu4-outliner-button5dkct.jpg Screenshot shows the Outliner menu and the button for it.

Recifense Cheers

I tried to reproduce the issue, but it did not happen. I did the opening/closing process several times. Are you using MODs?


I am. No huge overhaul mods or so and no GUI mods and without the script active there are no crashes. I'll try without mods later today to see if the issue is between a mod and the script. Edit: Tried it without all mods and with ironman mode, had the script activated about a year after the game start and the game crashed when trying to open the Outliner menu after closing it (Game version 1.30.6 Tableversion is the 1.30.5 S95 Table from here, CE is 7.2), nothing else was used, no Table extension or anything.


Very confusing. It is not a problem of the script or CE or the game. HOI4 gave me a crash with a Visual C++ Runtime Error with your CE script active but only when opening the Minimap, all other UI functions and the table options worked fine so i started uninstalling, reinstalling the Visual C++ Redistributable which did not help. Then i disabled my AV (Avast). I had whitelisted CE before but i had no real other idea and that disabling solved the issue. Sometimes i think Antivirus Software is more trouble than helpful. Sorry for taking your time. Final edit: it is the "hardware assisted virtualization" part in my Avast antivirus which not only crashed the games with CE scripts active but also slows down Paradox games even without CE use or mods.


Thanks for all your work. However the "Full Garrison" script always crashes the game. Game version is

Recifense Cheers

I have just tested the last table (for version and I was not able to reproduce the issue. What table are you using?


Sorry. The cause might not be "Full Garrison". I tried to active every option but "Full Garrison" and the game still crashed. It may need more test.

Nuttawat Rouadreaw

i think u shoud add Quick reform progress or Max Governing Capacity :) btw it is a idea

Bob-Engelbert Gambolputty VII Esq

It the latest table supposed to work with On one hand I haven't seen a whole lot of clamors for updates and on the other hand I get an error when I attempt to activate the script (pGame was supposed to be added to the symbollist, but it isn't declared).


Don't know if this is still on your radar, but todays patch broke it. I was using 64 bit, but update has patched it to 1.33 and the table no longer runs


Please update when you have time!

Stefan Joseski

Yup 1.33 is here, so hopefully we'll get the table soon.

André Michels

'no decay modifiers' doesn't appear to have an effect (that is to say modifiers still decay)

Konrad Kunka

Naval tradition is missing. Script changes army tradition instead of naval one.


Table no longer activates with game update to (Sweden). I was hoping it would, but doesn't. So if you're not aware already, an update would be appreciated :-)


It's only when I dont have the table that I realise how rubbish I am at the game :)


Well the console commands still work (even in ironman, if you use the extension table from cheat engine tables forum). Table just makes things like army movement a lot more fun. I hate hunting down fleeing AI.

MrHeavem .

No, we are just all used to cheating, thats why we think we are good, but inn reality we have no idea what we are doing. :D

Nuttawat Rouadreaw

pls add more governing capacity :) (you can see governing capacity in stability and expansion window)

Nuttawat Rouadreaw

https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1795270761724155008/2E563F798F7B40FB1334EBF5F9E8DB479A4F7216/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false u can see here :)



Recifense Cheers

"Can you add the functions of directly modifying the guardianship of the Holy See and the emperor?"

Ruben Lampe

Dude you are the best

Jeonghyun Han

Thank you for your work. btw it would be good for all if u post ur patreon page on fearless. ppl will have an easier time to pay for ur work and get ur table early.

Random Person A

Did you test it for 1.34.4? Doesn't seem to work.

Andrei Dorin

Please, can u update the table to Thanks!! U are the best


Instead of adding the above option, it is better to add a pointer, to edit the number of points, reform progress. In the cheat engine, it is two 4 byte lines, x10k You can then freeze this, and for reform points expand governing capacity, to the desired value. I, unfortunately, do not know how to create such tables and pointers.