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Game Title    : Hearts of Iron IV  (x64)

Game Version  : 1.14.1 (82ef) 

Game Sponsor  : TheSaviour + PF (DLCs)

Process Name  : hoit4.exe

Relevant Info : 64bits/RTS/New Engine

Script Version: 9.6 (for x64)(AOB)

CE Version    : 7.4

Release date  : 09-Mar-2024

Author        : Recifense


07-Jun-2019: First Release for 64bits (v1.7.0)(s7.0)(CE68)

14-Jun-2019: Fix for some crashes + improve time to load the table(s7.1)

23-Jun-2019: Fix for some Weak Foe (Ships) (s7.2)

23-Jun-2019: Release for v1.7.1-f8d7 (Beta) (s7.3)

24-Jun-2019: Release for v1.7.1-87c8 (Beta) (s7.4)

03-Sep-2019: Fix for GM (s7.5)(CE70)

22-Sep-2019: A script patch due to CE70 issue (s7.6)

13-Nov-2019: Release for v1.8.0-3241 (s7.7)

14-Nov-2019: Release for v1.8.1-aa59 (s7.8)

01-Dec-2019: Fix for identifying the player (s7.9)

19-Dec-2019: Fix GM for ships (s7.10)

07-Feb-2020: Release for v1.8.2-ce2f (s7.11)

27-Feb-2020: Release for v1.9.0-ab9c + new features (s8.0)

02-Mar-2020: Fix Manpower (s8.1)

09-Mar-2020: Added 4 new features(s8.2)

10-Apr-2020: Release for v1.9.1-6d23 (s8.3)

06-May-2020: Release for v1.9.2-a73d (s8.4)

04-Jun-2020: Release for v1.9.3-a7a4 (s8.5)

16-Oct-2020: Release for v1.10.1-dd56 (s8.6) (Battle for the Bosporus)

12-Nov-2020: Release for v1.10.2-f82d (s8.7)

26-Nov-2020: Release for v1.10.3-aa89 (s8.8)(AOB)

07-Feb-2021: Release for v1.10.4-8878 (s8.9)(AOB)

15-Apr-2021: Release for v1.10.5-502a (s8.10)(AOB)

26-Nov-2021: Release for v1.11.2-7844 (s8.11) (No Step Back)

15-Dec-2021: Release for v1.11.4-b22c (s8.12)

30-Jan-2022: Release for v1.11.5-7e1e (s8.13)(CE7.4)

17-Feb-2022: Release for v1.11.7-98bf (s8.14)(CE7.4)

03-Apr-2022: Release for v1.11.9-3f99  (s8.15) (not finished)

09-Apr-2022: Release for v1.11.10-09ac (s8.16) + New feature

29-Sep-2022: Release for v1.12.1-a74e (s9.0) (By Blood Alone)

12-Oct-2022: Release for v1.12.3-f3bb (s9.1) + Fix GM/WF

21-Oct-2022: Release for v1.12.4-f96e (s9.2)

10-Jun-2023: Release for v1.12.14-50e7 (s9.3) + Fix Deployment

21-Oct-2023: Release for v1.13.4-0735 (s9.4)(Arms Against Tyranny) +new feature

02-Nov-2023: Release for v1.13.5-7c31 (s9.5)

09-Mar-2024: Release for v1.14.1-82ef (s9.6)


- Minimum Political Points  (700)   [1]

- Minimum Natural Resources (250)   [2]

- Construction in 1 day             [3]

- Research in 1 day                 [4]

- Production in 1 day               [5]

- Move to adjacent region in 1 hour [6]

- God Mode (Army/Fleet)             [7]

- Minimum Manpower per State (7000) [8]

- Fill up player squadrons          [9] (s3.0)

- Weak Foe                          [A] (s4.0)

- Minimum Base Stability   (80%)    [B] (new)

- Minimum Base War Support (50%)    [C} (new)

- Finish Focus in 1 day             [D] (new) (s5.2)

- Refitting in 1 day                [E] (new) (s6.0)

- Minimum Army/Navy/Air XP (268)    [F] (new) (s6.0)

- Minimum Command Points   (68)     [G] (new) (s6.0)

- Agency Construction in 1 day      [H] (new) (s8.0)(La Resistance)

- Agency Upgrade in 1 day           [I] (new) (s8.0)(La Resistance)

- Operative Recruitment in 1 day    [J] (new) (s8.0)(La Resistance)

- Cipher Decrypting in 1 Day        [K] (new) (s8.0)(La Resistance)

- Deployment in 1 Day               [L] (new) (s8.2)

- Network Creation in 1 Days        [M] (new) (s8.2)(La Resistance)

- Intel Operation in 1 Day          [N] (new) (s8.2)(La Resistance)

- Each Operation Phase in 3 Days    [O] (new) (s8.2)(La Resistance)

- Each railway in 1 day             [P] (new) (S8.16)

- Reveal Intel in 1 day                 (brand-new)(9.4)

- Some Pointers                     [P]


[1] It will not go under 700;

[2] It will not be lower than 250 (*);

[3] That's it;

[4] That's it;

[5] That's it;

[6] Now every hour counts; :)

[7] HP and Organization (Army and Navy);

[8] It will not go under 7000;

[9] The planes will replaced very quickly;

[A] Battles involving the Human Player will end quickly (army/fleet);

[B] Human player minimum base stability will be 80%;

[C] Human player minimum War Support will be 50%;

[D] That's it; :)

[E] That's it; :)

[F] It will not go under 268;

[G] It will not go under 68;

[H] That's it; :)

[I] That's it; :)

[J] That's it; :)

[K] That's it; :)

[L] At least, one item of each requirement should be available;

[M] That's it; :)

[N] That's it; :)

[O] It depends on the available requirements and the Agency should be selected at least once after starting;

[P] That's it; :)

[Q] Not used at the table;

(*) Let an hour pass so you can see the effect on the trade tab.

(**)You have to look at the contruction tab once a day, preferably at 23:00.



1) Run CE70 or greater;

2) Run Game;

3) Load the game process "hoi4.exe" in CE;

4) Load this table and activate the main script;

5) Now Activate the script of each cheat you want to use;

6) Game On;



None pre-defined



Save your game before unsing the cheats.



Tested on Win 10 64bits


Table for 32bits versions, please look at https://www.patreon.com/posts/hearts-of-iron-25109708




André Michels

I'm not finding any errors; the version has changed to 1.12.8, but the table engages, and everything I could check reasonably (god mod, instant construction, instant movement, weak foe) is still functional


Is it still avaliable for 1.12.11?


Oh, everything good, no thing broken after update.


The Unit Deployment in 1 Day feature broken in 1.12.12


1.12.13 everything still works except for the 1 day deployment


Just letting you know, the natural resources feature isn't working

Soma - The Gaming Wolf

1.13.1 has now been released, main script no longer activates. Pretty huge update.


Looking forward to the new update--the new DLC looks promising.


New DLC just dropped, tried to use the table and wouldn't activate. I almost never play HoI without your table, so I look forward to whenever it's updated!


Thanks for working on the update!, any chance we could get any functions for the new Military industrial concerns? If not cool, thank you for the update regardless <3

yong-bea yu

please update table


Thank You for update!


Thanks for update!

Caspar Minning

@Recifense there is a new function in the game, where you have several industrial concerns that can research & manufacture equipment. Doing these things, the concerns get XP and level up. Unlocking a point where you assign bonuses, you can then manufacture equipment with said bonuses. It normally takes quite a while to get points, and you spend a lot of time upgrading previous made equipment to have the new bonuses.

Caspar Minning

You can find the concerns under your country management (where you previously selected the different companies that affected your designs) or through the little icons in the research tab on the research themselves


o7 There is new version 1.13.5 we need update o7

ReppnKing Gaming

Needs Update 1.13.4 table won't work on 1.13.5


Thanks for update!


New patch just arrived


Most of the features aren't working for me unfortunately


Whenever you can Reci, appreciate your work


Wow quick!!!

André Michels

1.14.2 is here, breaking verify again. Paradox loves making work for Reci


Will we eventually get the option for unlimited resources back? :(


1.14.6 is out


I tested everything. It seems all of the table works, Except God Mode.


Hello there, since new update game sometimes (like after 20mins) crashes (game let me save anyway so its no big deal, just anoying). Will there be some update or am I doing something wrong? Previous updates worked like charm, thanks for good work!


I have the same issue, the game crashes to desktop randomly (I have only god mode enabled) throwing EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in logs

Recifense Cheers

There was a fix. Please try the table with script 7.2.


By previous updates I meant tables for previous versions of the game. Will try updated table today, thanks for good work!


Updated table (1.7.0) still crashes game :/ I had about 2 hours smooth run, but when wars started to happen, game crashes after 10 minutes. In logs it is same as for Winchester > "Unhandled Exception C0000005 (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION) at address 0x00007FF64994AC90", the address par changes. Thanks for your work tho!

Recifense Cheers

There are some reports for crashing at the steam/Paradosx forum. They ask to not use any software with overlays. Please disable steam /discord/Nvidia/ etc overlays. You can send me the crash dump (only one). it would be good if you could try to beta patch your game and see what happens.

Steen Larsen

Hello Recifence, i am also having the same problems as tzm with crashes and this is witout any overlays activated and it happens on both 1.7.0 and the latest 1.7.1 beta. Do you still need a exeption.txt from the game ?

Recifense Cheers

Yes. I'd like to analyze the crash dump file that can be found at C:\Users\your user\AppData\Local\CrashDumps


Hello, I uploaded mine on Wetransfer: https://we.tl/t-DNzcxKRAsf hope it will help

Steen Larsen

Was my dump file to any help?


I'm having the same issue. Here are my dumps: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/q0qjo3zcv9ka6zc/AAA29sqeM-jnJKp98pMEZ3Hra?dl=0


Messing around a bit more, it seems like it is only god mode which causes issues.

Recifense Cheers

I was not able to find the issue. All dumps I have looked at are not related to inside my code. And not at the same place in the the game code. For now, please, don't use GM. Use Weak Foe and you win most of the battles.

Steen Larsen

Thank you so much 😊

Steen Larsen

Hello Recifence, i dont know about anybody else, but for me unlimited manpower does not work, i am using 1.90 with all dlc and no mods.


Thank you for the update!

Tobias Herkula

There is an 1.10.1 (dd56) update...


Patch 1.10.2 was released there. I look forward to the update) Thank you in advance for your work. You are the best!

Rui Pinheiro

There is an update 1.10.4(8878)

Sanjin Jovanovic

Update if you can please. Thank you so much.

Niels (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 21:02:35 &lt;3
2021-04-16 09:35:12 <3



Hey, I would love an update to this table, it's great fun. (Edit: table IS up to date, I'm just tired and can't see things in front of my face.)


Oh, sorry 1.10.5 was released this month. Thanks for the quick reply.

Nuttawat Rouadreaw

Can you add quick gain xp for troop,general?


A new update today. :D Tank customization now. Should be fun.

George Zachos

The game was updated. Thank you for your efforts, Recifence.


I'll sponsor the new dlc if no one else has already, just let me know how.


Big thanks for the rework! This update was quite a doozy, so I'm imagining those last 3 nights were quite busy :P


Thanks for making the time and effort for this complicated update! 'really appreciate it! :D

Steen Larsen

Thank you Recifense.


Unfortunately, rapid construction does not work with railways and supply points. (I apologize for the google translator. )

Recifense Cheers

Some updates are pretty time consuming. In this case are so many interception points to deal with so many changed objects. It happens. Cheers!


Hi Recifense! There was a mini-update today! :O


Thanks Recifense! Quick check, was the railway and supply hub construction solvable? :O


And even 1.11.7!

Xinjian Wu

1.11.7 has been released, my buddy


any chance you'd be willing to add a script that allows for upgrades past 5 for equipment? I know for the table extension it existed.

Marcel Botta

Thanks for your hard work!

Sven Kevin van Langen

I have used your tables a lot on fearlessrevolution, for ck2 and HoI4, I want to thank you!


1.11.8 just released

Xinjian Wu

1.11.8 is out

Gabriel Brochu

Hello Recifense! new 1.11.8 update! in the last few tables, instant construction for railway didn't work, can you make a pointer for it? If not no worries :) Thank you for the tables!!

Recifense Cheers

Hi guys. I tested the table for version 1.11.7 works fine with the latest version. Regarding railway, I did not implement a feature for it yet.


Game was updated to v.1.11.9

Stefan Joseski

Old table isnt working anymore on 1.11.9.

lol lOl

not working with 1.11.9


Looks like God Mode not working for Fleets. Ships still sink during battles.

Khristofor Donik

Good day. How soon will the table be released for version 1.11.11?

lol lOl

update to


Hey :) When will be the table updated? Kind regards :D

Gabriel Brochu

Hello! new update and the tables are broken, is it coming soon?


Any updates for the table?


Table still not working(


New DLC is out along with patch. Please, update the table.




Very much looking forward to the By Blood Alone update.


I can pay you if there is an update today. Write only how much, and why so much xDD

Matthew Savoy

That's one way to hope to get his attention. Be patient, though. Two Paradox games got updates in two weeks, and this one was a big one for HoI, so it might take some time.


He does a nice thing and fully deserves money. I wouldn't do cheats for games for free, which I don't play. I would like to reward him for a cheat for this game, because I would like to get achievements, and like all of you, I am also a noob and I like to make life easier when I can. xD My game, my rules :D My Money, Your Work! xD

Recifense Cheers

I started woking on version 1.12.1 yesterday (Sep,27th). Tonight I had a good progress. I intend to release the table tomorrow night. Cheers!


Or maybe it's better to do on 1.12.2? (open beta on Steam is available) Thanks for your effort. Cheers!


The table is working for both 1.12.1 and 1.12.2 open beta :)

Viktor Rauch (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-11 12:30:43 Great work Reci, thanks! May I suggest a minium stock of equipment function? Do you think it's possible? :)
2022-09-30 11:00:55 Great work Reci, thanks! May I suggest a minium stock of equipment function? Do you think it's possible? :)

Great work Reci, thanks! May I suggest a minium stock of equipment function? Do you think it's possible? :)

Marcel Botta

Thanks for your work, Recifense!


I think 12.2 broke god mode and weak forces - my game crashes all the time with either on.

Raphael Ribeiro Barreto

Recifense, any idea when will you have time to update this table? It seems some features have broken. Cheers from a fellow Brazilian (Baiano!) and thanks for all your work!


Getting error on line 92 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/799863789973012532/1031762472903909386/unknown.png Will check some more on my end and update according.

Recifense Cheers

Please check the table are using. It should be: hoi4_HeartsOfIron_IV_x64_v1-12-3-f3bb_Steam_TheSavour_PF_CE74_S9-1-AOB_T81.CT Cheers!


Looks like the recent update broke the table. Must be a small update, I don't see any patch notes for it.


does not work with 1-12-4

Jose Herrera

this morning's HOI-4 update to v1.12.4 (f96e) breaks the latest .CT table


PLS. Update



Brad Hardegger

Any timeline on when the table will be updated for 1.12.4?


Thank you.


The latest update broke the table again :(

Tim H

The table checks to see if its running on the right version -- it doesn't break it, the table says nah not going to run


The game broke from the table tho. Like the table accepts the game version, but the moment the next hour ticks, the game breaks.

Tim H

Can confirm the same, looks like everything is working on the new open beta too


What about version 1.12.6? Is the 1.12.4 table compatible?

Fabrício Valério

Just letting you know that the new update broke the table