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Long story short, some bunghole installed our new glass fiber Internet and did it wrong. We have to wait on 3 companies to work together again to fix it. I'll keep you updated and I have enough videos scheduled here on Patreon. Just nothing live for now. :(

So sorry sweethearts! I'll post an extra video this week to make up for it. 



wow, I'm sorry tess! I hope your internet gets fixed soon!


Me ttttooooo! It's so annoying and I feel so bad for not streaming. And next to that, it's interfering with grocery shopping (online via app), entertaniment (tv and games) and relaxation (meditation via apps). We're too connected, maybe. :s

eric ortiz

I hope they fix it soon. Person was probably rushing installing it.


I hope so too. We're in a speed situation now, but it might still take 48 hours (which they said might start tomorrow since we were visited late today) and then still two companies have to arrange stuff. Yeah, I don't get how that person has a job. He gave us only half the cables and they're not secured either, but it's super sensitive stuff because of the glass. That's why it keeps falling out and why it can't sustain a connection. So stay away from T-Mobile. :S