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Since I've switched to Euro's, and allowing people to pledge in their own currency (as far as Patreon handles them right now) I've seen a steep decline of patrons and pledges.

Please let me know why/how this is a problem for you so I can change things for the better. I had expected people to be happy they didn't have to pay exchange fees anymore, but it seems something else is wrong. :(

I'd love to hear from you to be able to fix it! Thanks for your feedback.


eric ortiz

I feel like people got quite shocked seeing how much Euros are compared to dollars.


US dollar is less than a euro . 1 euro is $1.22


Heh yeah, that might be it. I've had to change the amounts strangely. I wish I could have round ones for both. But maybe that would be unfair.


I know :s this way it does have twice the transfer fees. But it's different indeed.