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I have started rendering once again, so since my last post where I was struggling with lighting, that seems to have been fixed! so that help I recieved off a friend seems to have helped.

This is just a test but very well might become a character in my game, I do kinda like her.

I will be putting a poll up so you all can vote if you do want to see sneak pics like this. To be fair they are made anyway for me to test things and work out what I want to do going forward so for me it isn't any bother to post or not.

This is just a full dump of every render I did with this model in this scene, it certainly is a work in progress but it is up to you all if you want to see stuff like this.

So over the next week I am going to make some characters and show them here and you can vote on who you want to see in the game or not :D

The game itself is going well in terms of coding, to be fair it is very basic and early days but my studying of python code is paying off!

Right now getting pictures to go with what I am writing is currently stopping me coding any more as it doesn't make sense to write and code so much text without a picture that can live out what is being said.

Secondly, I have rewritten the intro seven times because writing a book is very different to writing how a VN should read. I knew it would be, but I didn't think I would be so unhappy with the flow of it right off the bat, hence the rewrites.

So overall, happy that I am doing this fun and exciting thing but as I have said, lots to do :D




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