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Hello Everyone,


Thank you for clicking and checking in on this big update, I am sure it will be worth your time 😊

Writing - is still going to be my primary focus and I will continue to release stories. Right now, I have enough content to last a few weeks before I need to stop and write any more. This is intentional, by following me and my work you will still get the regular amount of content. I have got Rekindling continuing to release followed by World Famous, I have also received two smaller commissions for 2k words, so they will be sprinkled in somewhere too.

Polls - last month I didn’t do any polls, my humblest of apologies for Patreons, I will redouble this for this month with more polls this month than probably ever before.

Collabs - I have been working on a few collabs and partnerships with some creators, you will have seen some of these come out over the last month and some more are coming, I only ask that you support them as you have me as they are my friends 😊

Game – This is the big one, this is the reason I have been so hype this week. I won’t lie, I am probably a while off getting this stuff up and running but I am thoroughly enjoying what I am working on right now and I hope to share bits with you really soon in terms of a playable demo. This section will generate a lot of extra polls while I work on some bits to get this up and running. Model choices, story beats and how to post etc. If you check in on my page tomorrow you can see some of my first renders after a long break. My aim is to share content but frequency will be something I will need to work out. Right now I have been acquiring everything I need to start to create some content for this game, I have coded some of the intro, right now in my mind the game is going to be a VN with conversation flags and choices that will change how people react (Or there abouts…)

Life – This would be the boring bit that you can skip. During the last two months my life has flipped upside down and there hasn’t been any real issues with posting, that has taken a lot of effort from me, and I am so glad I am through it however I will say my online presence has dipped for sure. My life isn’t quite on stable ground yet, but the posts will remain, I only ask that you bear with me in terms of messages and replies. The only real downside is that some books aren’t made on Amazon in time, some posts are late, and I have got no advertising going on right now, but those are all “Me” problems (Sharing free content, commenting, using Hype badges on DA, favouriting / liking helps a lot!)

Thank you for reading all of that, this is probably the biggest update I have written, it means a lot and I really hope you enjoy this content that I have planned alongside the stories I am writing



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