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A Boeing 737 filled with 127 people begins falling from the sky, in the middle of a thunderstorm. As the passengers scream, the pilot’s struggle desperately to control their jet. How have they gotten into this life and death situation? And will they be able to get out of it? This is the story of Bhoja Air flight 213.





Awful accident, excellent video! Incredible that this could still happen in 2012. The Swiss cheese animations were great, I really understood how it all happened.


Thank you for more fantastic content! I am also a fan of the swiss cheese analogy (and will shamelessly borrow the analogy when facilitating team problem-solving at my work). 🙂 In several of your videos, you point out that the airline industry has benefitted tremendously from solid investigations and analysis, followed by improvements based on the lessons learned. It is a shame that a carrier could be in business with problems that had already been resolved. Lessons learned are of little value if they have to be relearned over and over with every new carrier that starts operating in a country. Is the lack of robust oversight specific to certain countries?


Absolutely agreed, James. Poor oversight has been a problem in Pakistan for a long time - it's a global outlier in this regard, though I'm sure there are other countries who come close. Thanks for the comment, and I'm glad you're enjoying the videos :)