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In the middle of the night, high above the Atlantic Ocean, smoke begins to fill the cockpit of a Swissair MD-11. A fire has started, and the pilots try desperately to get their plane back to the airport. Behind them, 227 lives hang in the balance. The pilots race through emergency checklists as conditions in the cockpit deteriorate. In the space above their heads, the fire has started to burn through critical aircraft systems. The First Officer’s instruments go dark, and he has to squint through the smoke to see his tiny backup instruments.  

Will the crew be able to get their stricken aircraft to an airport before time runs out?   

This is the chilling story, of Swissair flight 111.


Swissair 111

In the middle of the night, high above the Atlantic Ocean, smoke begins to fill the cockpit of a Swissair MD-11. A fire has started, and the pilots try desperately to get their plane back to the airport. Behind them, 227 lives hang in the balance.


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