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Tay sat on the wood decking at her parent's house feeling miserable, the hot sun shone down on her, Ashley had placed a baseball cap on Tay’s head to protect her face from the sun but it caused her to feel even more foolish with her baby attire. She was wearing a white shirt with pink thrills on the arms and around her belly button where the short shirt stopped and showed off her slim figure. Below her shirt, wrapped around her waist was the main reason for Tay’s foul mood, the large pink plastic panties that did very little to conceal the three thick cloth diapers pinned to her underneath. She was holding a pink rabbit as she looked around the decking of her parents back yard, she was thankful that nobody else was around to see her in this embarrassing state, nobody but her former photographer and now nanny.

Tay sighed as she moved the toy bunny around the wooden floor she couldn’t believe what had happened to her life, a famous singer with devoted fans and more money than she ever thought was possible yet here she was sitting on the floor dressed like a baby wearing a diaper and being looked after by Ashley. Her parents had forced Tay back into diapers when they thought that she was getting out of hand with her lavish lifestyle and that she needed to be brought back down to earth. They had a hold on her, something that stopped Tay from resisting, she was unable to fight back or make them stop any of their strange choices. They kept her in diapers 24/7 and told her staff that she had cracked from the pressure and would be living her life differently, all of Tay’s staff were supportive of her new way of life and helped as much as they could to Tay’s displeasure. Tay had been forced to live her life as an adult baby while at home or at hotels and a diaper-wearing adult while out in public, she had kept the diapers a secret and was getting used to her new way of life until she went on a photoshoot with Ashley. Ashley took a picture of Tay with her shorts down and her diaper on clear display, she posted the photo onto Tay’s Instagram page and the internet blew up. Tay’s life wasn’t the same after that, her parents decided that if everyone knew she wore diapers, then she would be an adult baby full time. Since then every time Tay went out, had an interview or performed she was dressed as an adult baby, with diapers clearly on show and Ashley was all too happy to update Tay's Instagram with any embarrassing pictures for everyone to see. Tay hadn't seen half of what the public now saw of her but she knew of one picture that Ashley had taken and posted up, she even showed Tay the hashtag for it and every time she thought about people seeing her in that position doing that in her diaper it made her feel like crying.

Tay shook her head amazed at what her life had become while she moved the toy rabbit across the decking when suddenly she felt the now familiar feeling of warm urine enter her diaper. She scrunched up her face as she continued to wet her diaper, the urine spread inside the cloth diaper and she could feel it against her bum cheeks. She let out a groan as she finished wetting herself, she couldn’t believe that she now couldn’t control her bladder when a horrible realization washed over. If her parents ever let her out of diapers she would have to spend time training her body to use the toilet again, she knew her parents would treat her just like a real toddler and have her use a potty before she could move onto the toilet. She frowned at the thought of using a potty but she thought it had to be better than using diapers, which made her feel even worse about the situation she was now it as she realized she wouldn’t be free from diapers for a very long time.

As the pee cooled in her soaked diaper she threw her bunny in frustration, it landed against the house and then fell down between the gap in the decking and the house, she stared down through the decking towards the darkness below for a moment not knowing what to do when she heard Ashley stand up from her chair and walk over to her. “Did baby Tay lose her toy?” she cooed down to the young woman, which caused Tay to blush bright red, she hated being talked to like a baby. Tay looked up at her nanny and slowly nodded, Ashley smiled “Well let's go and get it little one, we can go on an adventure to find the lost toy” she said with excitement as she turned and walked towards the steps of the decking. Tay groaned silently as she got up off her large padded bum and onto her hands and knees and began to crawl towards her nanny. She hated crawling, it was so demeaning but her parents wouldn’t allow her to walk anywhere if she wasn’t holding onto a grown-up's hand, so she spent most of the time at home crawling around after people. Ashley walked down the fives steps and turned around to face Tay at the bottom, she held out her hands and smiled “Come on baby, you can do it” she said with excitement. She sighed as she once again sat down on her large padded bum and scooted towards the steps, slowly she bounced down the steps one at a time until she got to the bottom and sat at Ashley’s feet.

Ashley smiled down at her “Follow me baby, I think I know where your bunny is” she cooed, she turned and walked to the side of the decking as Tay got onto her hands and knees once again and crawled after her. At the large gap in the decking, She looked into the darkened space and quickly spotted the bunny but she didn’t move, she knew she had to wait for her nanny or another grown up to tell her where she was allowed to go otherwise she would get into trouble. Ashley smiled down at Tay “Can baby girl find her bunny? Why doesn’t baby go and look for him?” she said in a soothing tone, which made Tay feel foolish. Slowly she crawled towards the bunny and picked it up, she was turning around in the small space to crawl back when she looked up at Ashley and her phone flashed. Tay’s eyes widened as Ashley smiled “Another cute baby picture for your Instagram page baby girl” she cooed, Tay wanted to cry at the humiliation of knowing thousands of people were about to see her once again dressed as a baby.


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