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Zatanna sighed as she slumped into her chair “I can’t get anyone to come and see me anymore, I haven’t had a sell out show in months. Who would want to pay to see me perform magic when they can see Supergirl or Wonder Woman flying around the city saving the day”. She spun around in her chair in frustration as she looked around her small dressing room. “What I need is something that would pull the people in, something as popular as Supergirl” she suddenly stopped spinning and cocked her head “Wait a minute, not something as popular as her but actually her”. She stood up and straightened her black blazer as she walked towards her dressing room table, Zatanna looked into the mirror that sat atop the table and brushed her long black hair back and smiled as she placed her top hat on her head “Now what to do with her that will get people's attention”. She wondered for a moment as she stared at herself in the mirror then laughed “I know I can change her clothing, something she would never wear, something that would show off my power. If I can do that to Superman’s cousin, then what else could I do? That will bring in the customers” she nodded with satisfaction. She looked down at her clothing, her fishnet stockings running up her shapely legs towards her black pants, the white corset wrapped around her tightly showing off her womanly figure that was hidden under the blazer with long coattails securing the stage magician's look and then she smiled again “Womanly figure!” she said to herself as her hands ran down her chest and rested on her hips “I know what it will be, the last thing Supergirl would ever wear which would humiliate her and prove my power” she laughed as she picked up her wand “Let's get this show on the road”.

Zatanna smiled as she set up the camera on the tripod “This is going to be great and turn my shows back to sell outs” she smiled as she looked down the shipping yard “Out of the way, nobody around so I’m the one to get the exclusive” she nodded as she turned on the camera and sat down in the leather chair “Now we just need the guest of honor”. She took hold of her wand a raised it up into the sky “A clear signal will get her here, lrigrepus langis” she shouted and a pink spark shot out of her wand towards the sky, suddenly a large pink S appeared in the sky above Zatanna. She smiled as she lowered her wand and sat back and waited “Hurry up Supergirl” she said with a smile.

Kara felt the wind rush past her as she flew high above the city “A quiet night tonight, Its good but it's also a little boring” she thought when suddenly a bright pink S appeared in the sky. She stopped her flight and floated in the air, her cape red cape wrapped around her as she stared at the large S “It’s not very subtle now is it” she said with a slight smile “It is pretty cool to get my own signal though” she shook her head “Well I did say tonight was boring” she said as she sighed and began to fly towards the signal. Kara flew towards the shipping areas beneath the pink S where she stopped in midair once again, she placed her hands on her hips as she looked down to the ground below her. She frowned as she spotted a woman sitting on a leather chair “Who is that? What does she want with me? I better be on guard, this has trap written all over it” she thought as she slowly flew down to the ground “I need to keep my guard up, if she can create that S in the middle of the sky then she must have magic powers” she thought as she landed.

Kara slowly removed her hands from her hips as she stared at the strangely dressed woman “You called?” she asked, Zatanna smiled “And you answered, perfect” she said as she pointed her wand at Supergirl. Kara cocked her head “You’re a magician? Are you going to pull a rabbit out of your hat?” she mocked, Zatanna laughed to herself “Repaid” she shouted. A bright light shot forward that covered Kara then suddenly vanished. Kara smiled as she shook her head “Repaid? Repaid for what?” she said when suddenly she felt something strange. Her eyes shot down to where her skirt once was and her jaw dropped open as she stared at the white diaper that now rested around her waist “What?” she shouted, she could feel the thick padding around her groin and covering her bum which made her turn red with embarrassment. She looked up with confusion in her eyes but nobody was there “Who was she? Why did she do this?” she thought nervously. She swallowed hard when she noticed beside the leather chair that the woman was sitting on was a tripod and her heart sank “Did she have a camera? Did she record this? She has footage of me wearing a” she shook her head in disbelief “Wearing a diaper?”.


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