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The Trio sat at a table in the lair staring at each other in silence “We need to think of something” Warren suddenly shouted out which caused Andrew to jump “But what? We can’t kill her she is too strong” Jonathan shook his head “And she is very smart” Warren sat back in his chair “Well then let's get rid of her strength and her smarts” he smiled a wicked smile “Andrew smiled but then looked at him confused “What do you mean?” he asked. Warren turned to Jonathan “Isn’t there a spell you could use to do that to someone?” Jonathan shrugged “I’m not sure, I will have to look it up” he said nervously. Warren smiled again “Then once Buffy is out of the picture then this town is ours”.

Buffy sat at a table in The Magic Box staring outside, she was wearing a leather jacket with a white shirt underneath and dark blue jeans, the sun was setting and it was making her feel anxious “Once its dark then I will go out on patrol, maybe killing a few vamps will help me fell better, its been a very strange couple of weeks, I just hope I dont see Spike I cant deal with him right now” she sighed as she slowly stood up. She began to walk towards the front door when she heard a strange noise all around her “Whats that? Wheres it coming from” she thought as she stood still looking around. Thick smoke appeared from out of nowhere and surrounded her, she tried to move but was unable too as the smoke made its way up her body engulfing her”

In a van across the street Warren watched as Buffy was consumed by thick smoke, Andrew was staring at Jonathan who was chanting repeatedly “So the smoke strips Buffy off her strength and her smarts and puts it into that?” he said pointing at a child’s baby doll, the doll was wearing a white tutu with a cupcake on the front with striped socks, Warren nodded “Yes, she will be completely helpless to stop us after tonight, keep it up Jonathan” he said when Warren suddenly began to panic “Warren is that meant to happen?” he asked nervously as the baby doll was suddenly surrounded in smoke. Warren shook his head “I guess so, it must be transferring over now, by the way why did you choose a baby doll?” he asked Andrew shrugged his shoulders “Jonathan said we needed to use something that resembled a human but that wasn’t strong in case it came to life, I was going to use Darth Vader because that would have been so cool but then I thought he might choke us with the force, so I decided to use something that couldn’t hurt us in case this went wrong”. Warren nodded “Alright good choice then” he said.Slowly the smoke began to fall down from both Buffy and the doll, Warren stared at The Magic Box nervously as Andrew stared at the doll puzzled “Is that meant to happen?” he asked Warren quickly turned around as the smoke vanished from the doll “I’m not sure” he said as he stared at the doll that was now wearing a leather jacket, a white shirt and dark blue jeans. His jaw dropped open as he quickly turned to look at The Magic Box. Buffy stood for a moment looking down at the large cupcake that covered most of her front as she frowned “What?” she said when suddenly her legs began to wobble “What’s happening?” she said when she quickly fell down onto her bum.

Her jaw dropped open as she felt the large padding surrounding her bum “What is that?” she said as she slowly opened her legs and pulled the tutu up to reveal her padded groin “Am I wearing a diaper? How am I wearing a diaper? Wait why am I wearing this? What happened?” she shook her head “I wasn’t wearing this earlier was I? I think I was but I wasn’t wearing a diaper but now I am, why am I wearing a diaper under my tutu?” she shook her head again. “I need to get out of this diaper...” she paused as she looked down at her padded groin “...I need someone to change me out of this diaper...” she giggled “...After I have gone weewee” she said as slowly she began to wet the diaper.


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