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Chapter 01

 Becky slowly opened her eyes and smiled as she stared at the sleeping man beside her, she took her hand and stroked his short black hair as they both lay in his bed. She shook her head and bit her lip as she lifted the bedsheets and looked down “He has such a great body it is a bit strange that he completely shaved, like no hair anywhere apart from the top of his head but it works for him I guess” she thought as she stared at Seth’s naked body. She let out a satisfied sigh as she looked down at her own slim body and smiled. “I can’t believe we finally did it last night” she thought as she lowered the sheets and rolled onto her back “We have been seeing each other now for four weeks and finally last night we had sex” she closed her eyes and let out another satisfied sigh “It was so good, I like him so much because he made me wait I think it has made me like him more.

He always had an excuse why I couldn’t stay over and I can never contact him on the weekends (nobody can really) but last night, Friday night he said his parents would be away till late Saturday (well today now) and I could come over, so I organized a taxi and began to get ready. I spent ages doing my hair, my long fire red hair was straightened and styled (unlike now I bet, we really did go at it), I wore a blue dress and a black bra with no underwear. I knew what I wanted and I hoped that would help me get it” she shook her head with a silent giggle. “Once the movie was over the passion took us over and we couldn’t keep our hands off each other, we kissed each other from the living room all the way to his bedroom, he removed my dress and bra and I pulled down his pants and took off his shirt. We stood naked in front of each other and my heart was racing. I couldn’t contain myself and I rushed him, he picked me up squeezing my bum cheeks hard (but not too hard, the right amount of pain) and we ended up on the bed. It was great” she thought when suddenly the door swung open.

Becky’s eyes sprung open as she tightly gripped the bedsheet to hide her nudity from the stranger, the tall woman was wearing black leggings and a blue crop top, her long black hair was tied up in a ponytail as she walked across the room and opened the bottom draw to a cupboard, she pulled out a few items and set them on the floor. She walked back over to the bed where Becky looked up at her and blushed “What the hell?” she thought as she kept her grip tight on the sheet. “Get up Sethy, my little prince. It’s time to get you ready for the day” she cooed. Becky looked questionably at Seth who had turned bright red, he awkwardly smiled at her as he rolled onto his back and looked up at the woman “Please mommy, not now can we do it later?” he pleaded. Becky frowned at him “Mommy? What is his mother doing? Barging into his room? He’s 18 years old doesn’t he have any privacy?” she thought as Seth’s mom shook her head with a smile. “Now sweety, you can play with your friend after you are ready now come on” she cooed once again which caused Seth to blush even more, he turned back to face Becky and opened his mouth but before he could say anything his mom took hold of his arm and dragged him out of the bed.

Becky watched wide-eyed as Seth’s naked butt was pulled out of the bed “What the hell is going on? I should get out of here” she thought but she eyed her dress from last night across the room and sighed as her naked boyfriend was pulled across the room by his mom. Seth quickly dropped to the floor and his mom squatted down in front of him, Becky slowly sat up to get a better view of what was happening, it was like an eclipse she couldn’t look away as she stared at Seth lying on a large padded mat on the floor with his knees bent and his feet on the floor while his mom sat down on her knees at his feet. Becky’s jaw dropped open, she placed her hand over her mouth as she shook her head “What the fuck is going on? What is he doing? He is lying naked in front of his own mother?” she thought with disgust. Seth stared up at the ceiling still blushing red as his mom unfolded a large diaper at his feet and quickly slid it under his bum, Becky felt a shiver run through her as she shook her head “Is she putting a diaper on him? She is putting a diaper on Seth? Seth who I just slept with? My boyfriend Seth?” she shook her head again when a sweet smell entered the room. She looked over as Seth’s mom sprinkling baby powder over his manhood and before she could react the front of the diaper was lifted and Seth was sealed inside the large white diaper.

This can’t be happening! I’m not watching this, it just doesn’t make any sense” she thought as Seth’s mom gave the front of Seth’s diaper a couple of gentle pats “All ready for the day” she cooed. She took hold of her sons arms and helped him to sit up, she pulled a large blue pacifier out of her pocket and placed it in his mouth which he quickly began to suck. “Whose my special little boy, you are. Yes you are baby now come on baby its time for you to have some brekky” she cooed as she pinched his cheeks. She stood up as Seth got onto his hands and knees, Seth didn’t raise his head as he quickly crawled out of the room, his mom stopped at the bed and finally acknowledged Becky “Sethy is going to have brekky, you are welcome to join us. It’s always nice to meet Sethy’s little friends” she cooed, Becky slowly removed her hand from her mouth but before she could say anything the tall woman left the room closing the door behind her. Becky stared at the empty space in complete shock “What the fuck?” she shouted out. She sat straight up in the bed as the sheet fell down revealing her breasts, she didn’t care as she shook her head again “What the fuck?” she repeated “Seth is out there now wearing a diaper? He is sucking on a pacifier and crawling around like a baby? What the fuck?” she said. She took a deep breath “I need to get out of here” she thought as she quickly got out of bed and rushed over to her clothes from the previous night. She placed her bra on and quickly threw the dress over her head when she then looked around the room “Where's my phone? Where is it? Fuck” she said as she let out a sigh “It’s out there in the living room with my bag and shoes. I need to get my phone so I can get a taxi out of here. I would walk but the shoes I have are not for that and we are in the middle of nowhere I would get lost as soon as I leave” she took a deep breath “Right so go out and hopefully nobody sees me and then I can slip away” she shook her head again as she approached the door “A diaper? I can’t believe we slept together” she thought with a sigh.

Chapter 02

  Becky paced up and down the room shaking her head in frustration “This must be a joke, I can’t believe anyone would be serious about this. Did I really just see it or was it all a weird dream?” she sighed. “Nope I saw it, the man that I just slept with had his mom place a diaper on him and then crawl out of the room like a baby” she stopped and shook all over “I slept with him, how did I not know about this?” she let out a sigh. She walked towards the door and stopped “Wait is this why nobody can contact him on the weekends? Does he do this every weekend? How far does it go? Who else knows about this? I know he has an older and a younger sister do they know? Do they take part in it? Do they all wear diapers? Does he use the diapers? ” she shook in disgust “I need to get out of here”.

Becky slowly opened the bedroom door, hoping that nobody could hear her “OK so down this hall then turn right into the living room where my bag and phone are then back out of that room and towards the front door” she said to herself quietly. Cautiously she left the bedroom and walked down the hallway towards the living room “Seth’s mum said they are having breakfast, hopefully that is in the kitchen and they are still in there so nobody should see me enter the living room” she stopped suddenly “I didn’t take to long in the bedroom, did I? I was pacing for a while? No they can’t be finished with breakfast already so I should be OK” she thought as she continued towards the living room entrance. She held her breath as she stood with her back against the wall “OK grab my bag and phone and then leave, if Seth wants to explain it to me he can during the week, I can’t see him like that right now” she thought as she turned around the corner and froze.

Becky’s eyes were wide and her mouth open as she stared at Seth lying across his mom’s lap sucking on an oversized bottle that his mom was holding firmly in his mouth, they sat on the exact sofa that Becky and Seth fooled around on last night which made the whole seen turn Becky’s stomach. Seth turned bright red and quickly looked away from Becky as his mom smiled at her “Hi, you took your time, we have finished breakfast but if you want anything help yourself, sorry I didn’t catch your name?” Seth’s mom asked. Becky stood stunned as she stared at Seth, his white thick diaper clearly on show, with his legs stretching across the sofa. Becky swallowed hard as she shook her head slowly and looked up at Seth’s mom “Erm Becky, I was...” “Oh this is Becky, Seth has spoke a lot about you, I’m Tara” she said with a warm smile. Becky raised her eyebrows as she quickly looked around the room but she couldn’t see her bag “Ok, well I’m just after my bag and phone and...” “You have to stay for a coffee or something, I don’t get to meet Seth’s girlfriends” she said cheerfully. Becky swallowed as she opened her mouth but before she could say anything Tara continued “Now sit down, once Sethy has finished his bottle I will make you a coffee”, Becky shook her head as she looked away from the blushing Seth “I can’t believe he is just lying there sucking on a bottle, this is so wrong but I kinda need to know why this is happening now though, its to weird to just leave and not find out I mean why is he doing this?” she thought with a sigh.

Becky nodded slowly as she moved towards the single chair beside her close to the sofa where Seth and his mom were, she sat down as Seth finished the bottle. “All gone baby” Tara cooed as she removed the bottle from her sons lips and before Seth could reply the blue pacifier was placed back into his mouth “Lets get you in your playpen while the grown-ups talk hey little boy” she giggled as Seth rolled off his mom’s lap and onto the floor on his hands and knees. Tara stood up and walked over to the far wall where something was covered with a large brown sheet, she bent down and pulled the sheet off to reveal a large playpen. Becky couldn’t believe the size of it, it had a mesh fence running around with blue padded bars to keep it sturdy as it stood at Tara’s waist height. She opened up a panel in the playpen and Becky watched as Seth crawled in, his mom closed the panel behind him and locked it. Tara walked back to the sofa and sat down as Seth sat down on his padded rear facing away from his mom and Becky, he picked up a toy and began to play.

Becky shook her head as she looked from Seth towards his mom and for the first time actually noticed her, she was a tall attractive woman with a slim build, her blonde hair was tied back in a ponytail and she was wearing jeans and a tight red shirt. Becky shook her head and opened her mouth as Tara giggled “You're wondering what's going on?” she said. Becky quickly nodded as she looked back at Seth sitting inside the playpen “How is that the same guy that I know?” she asked. Tara nodded “Well it started when Seth was about 12, we had just moved here and I had split from his dad and he wasn’t coping. He came to one day and said that he didn’t want to grow up anymore that he wanted to be happy and be a baby again, I was shocked but I listened and we ended up with a compromise. He could only be a baby on the weekends, during the week he was his normal age but either Friday night or Saturday morning he would be baby Sethy” she smiled. Becky shook her head “So he has been doing this since he was 12?” she asked, Tara nodded “Yes the first weekend I just treated him like a child really, fed him, read him stories and played with him and after the first weekend I asked if its what he really wanted and he said yes. He was much happier and his schoolwork improved, so we did it again the next weekend. After about a month I decided that we needed to do it properly and see if he really wanted it so I introduced the diapers, a playpen, nap times and a few rules. Sethy isn’t allowed to talk like a big boy, he isn’t allowed walk, use the toilet, go anywhere on his own or be left on his own at any time”. Becky sat back in the chair in shock “So he uses the diapers?” she asked which Tara nodded with a smile.

Chapter 03

   Becky’s head was spinning she couldn’t believe that the man that she has spent the night with was also a baby on the weekends “He actually uses them? Like messes himself?” she asked. Tara giggled “Oh yes, he makes quite the little stinkers don’t you baby boy” she cooed over to Seth who was still facing away from the two women. Becky shook her head “Right, this is too weird I have to go” she said as she quickly stood up, Tara’s eyes widened and panic ran across her face, she stood up and quickly placed her hand on Becky’s shoulder “I freaked you out, I’m sorry please stay” she said with a nervous smile. Becky shook her head “I don’t know I need some time to process this” she said as she looked around for her bag once again, Tara shook her head “I know why don’t I go make you a cup of tea to help calm you down” she said with a smile. She looked uneasy but slowly nodded her head “Fine then I need to find my phone” she said, Tara gently pushed Becky down to the chair “Plenty of time for that” she said as Becky sat back down.

Tara turned on the spot and walked towards the kitchen “Do you take milk? Sugar?” she asked. Becky nodded “Yeah and two sugars” she said. Tara nodded “Do watch after Sethy while I’m in the kitchen” she said and before Becky could protest she was gone. Becky shook her head as she sighed “What is going on, how is this happening” she said to herself when she heard movement from the playpen. She looked up and saw Seth scooting around on his padded bum to face Becky, he was blushing bright red as he slowly looked up at her “I’m sorry” he said and he quickly looked down at the floor. Becky sat back in the chair and shook her head once again “He’s sorry? He could have told me” she smirked “Yeah like that would have helped, I would have run for the hills straight away. He must really like me to risk me seeing this though. Why did he have me come over?” she wondered. She swallowed as she stood up from the chair “He’s the only one that will tell me why” she thought as she slowly walked over to the infantile man. Becky stood at the playpen looking down at Seth and sighed as he continued to stare down at the floor obviously embarrassed by the situation. Becky suddenly felt sadness for him “He has been hiding this part of his life for years and here he is wearing a diaper in front of someone that’s not family. I have so many questions for him” she thought as she slowly squatted down so she was eye level with her new boyfriend.

She awkwardly smiled as Seth continued to look down at the floor “So why did you invite me over if you knew this was going to happen today?” she asked. Seth shrugged his shoulders “Me thought mummy would be out till later and didn’t think she would do this while you were still here” he said weakly. Becky shook her head “Why did you go along with it then?” Seth sighed “Me baby on weekends, it rules. Don’t want to be bad baby” he said while scrunching up his face. She frowned “But you're not a baby” she said flatly which caused Seth to shake his head “Me am baby, on weekends me baby. Always am” he said with frustration. Becky sighed “It’s like talking to a toddler, I’m not going to get the answers out of him now. So I have to wait till Monday to ask him about this? But he’s right here?” she shook her head again “This is so weird” she thought as she began to stand up “I really like you” he said as he scooted back around on his padded bum to face the wall.

Tara entered the room with two cups “This...” she noticed where Becky was standing and froze “Everything OK?” she asked, Becky looked over at Tara while shaking her head “Yeah” she said with a sigh. Tara smiled “Here’s your tea dear, now let's talk about you for a while” she said as she walked back over to the sofa. Becky frowned as she joined Tara on the sofa “Me? Really?” she asked, Tara nodded as she handed Becky her tea “Yeah, Seth hasn’t brought a girl home ever, I don’t think he has had a girlfriend before so I want to know about you” she said with a smile. Becky looked back over at Seth in his playpen “Never had a girlfriend? He seemed confident enough last night” she thought as she took a drink of her tea. “So do you have any siblings?” Tara asked, Becky shook her head “No, just me. Who else knows about Seth?” she blurted out without thinking. Tara looked up at the ceiling pondering the question “Hmmm” she said then looked back at Becky “Me obviously, his sister Daphne.…” Becky cut Tara off as she almost choked on her tea “Daphne? He has a sister? How old is she?” she asked. Tara smiled “Yeah Daphne is twenty-three, she moved out two years ago. They don’t really get along which is a shame, when they were kids they were so close, like best friends then when Sethy decided he wanted his baby time they grew apart” Becky looked back over at Seth and once again felt sorry for him “His sister rejected him because of this, could I be that heartless and do the same? He isn’t hurting anyone with this and I really don’t know what to think” she thought as she took another drink of tea.





Omg yes




This is great!


Yes, please keep going. Very curious as to how Becky's and Seth's relationship unfolds.