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Written by The Shadow from the DiaperedXtreme team: 

Chapter 01 - The Deal

Brad and Laura sat across from the table, staring at each other. Between them, was Brad’s cell phone, the screen showing a long list of messages from one of Brad’s co-workers.

“Well? What do you have to say for yourself?” Laura demanded, her one leg bouncing from anger.


“Do our vows mean so little to you that you would cheat on me with this whore?”

“I didn’t sleep…”

“Yet!” Laura interrupted, “You didn’t sleep with her yet! But how long, Brad? How long until you do?”

“Never! I would never do that to you!”

“Sure. Like I can believe that. I can’t believe you. I’ve done everything I could for you. I’ve given you all that I have and yet it’s not enough?”

“You are all that I want. All that I ever wanted.” Brad whined.

Laura growled, her anger sharpened to a point that she wanted nothing more than to smash his phone across his stupid lying face.

“How can I believe you? How can I believe anything that you say?”

“I…” Brad hung his head. “I’ll grab some things and leave.”

“Leave? Because that’s what we do? We just give up? After all the years that we’ve been together?”

“What do you want me to say, Laura? What can I do to make you believe me that I never have and will never sleep with anyone but you? What is it going to take for you to trust me? They were just messages. I just liked the attention she gave me. You’ve been so busy with work that I always feel like I’m alone. I don’t want her. I want you, I always have and I always will.”

Brad stood up and walked out of the room, leaving his phone on the table. Laura grabbed it and scrolled through the messages again, reading them slowly. Sure, they had been massaging little sexual fantasies to each other, but there wasn’t any clear evidence that he had sex with her or that he wanted to. She looked through his call log and he had never dialled her number, nor had this woman called him. Brad had betrayed her but he hadn’t cheated. Laura loved him, as they had been together for over a decade, and she didn’t want to think of the possibility of having to start over. He was a good man, if impulsive, but he had always been good to her.

Brad came back into the room, a sack of clothes in his hand. He looked at his wife with pain in his eyes. He wore his regret all over his face. He gave her a short wave goodbye and turned back towards the door.

“Wait.” She said, her voice calm, but stern. He stopped and turned back to face her.

“I don’t want you to go. I am so angry with you right now. So hurt. But you are still my husband. So I want you to sleep on the couch tonight. I need time to think. If you are still here in the morning, we can talk about what we are going to do about this. I’m taking your phone.” She said, standing up and heading for the bedroom. Brad said nothing as she stormed past him. She quickly disappeared down the hall and with a slam, she closed the bedroom door.

Morning came, and Brad woke up to Laura sitting in the lounge chair near the couch.

“Surprised you can sleep through all of this.”

“When I’m tired, I’m tired.”

“Whatever. Look, after going through your phone and staying up most of the night thinking, I may have come up with a solution.”

“Umm, ok.”

“Because you have some...interests that are not normal, I think I have found a way to put us to a test. And I meant to say us. If we are going to make this marriage work, then we both need to put our best effort into it. So here is what I propose.” She reached behind her and pulled out two things that Brad recognized immediately. An adult diaper and a chastity cage.

Brad’s face paled. They had played around with chastity a little, but not much, and she had never attempted to use his desire for diapers against him.

“My idea is for one week. If you agree, you will spend one week in the cage and in diapers. I will change you three times a day, no more. I know that we work very different schedules but I think we can make it work. I will change you in the morning, before you go to work, and when you get home from work. The only rule is that you are not allowed to take your diapers off for any reason. Yes, I know that means that you will mess yourself. But this is a test for both of us. If you can go the whole week without breaking that one rule, then I know that you are committed to our marriage. If I can show you that I am willing to take care of you no matter what, then you know that I am always here for you.”

“What about work?” It was all that Brad could say, the thoughts of divorce and losing everything he had were more powerful than the disgust he had over messing himself.

“What about it? You work by yourself a large portion of the time and I doubt you will want anyone to know about what you are wearing.”

“I’ve never worn diapers for that long.”

“And? You have wanted to wear for longer and longer times? What would a week matter?”

“I guess it wouldn’t.”

“Listen, honey, and listen carefully. This is not black. This is not an ultimatum. This is a choice. Prove to me that you want to be married to me, that I’m worth any amount of potential shame and we can get our relationship back on track. If you don’t want to do this, if this is too much for you, then I understand. We will have a lot to figure out. But this is the only way I know to make sure that you understand that I am serious.”

“Diapers or divorce?”

“A week versus a lifetime. If you can’t do a week for me, I don’t know if I can ever forgive you.”

Brad thought about it. It wasn’t wearing the diapers that bothered him, it was the length of time. But he loved his wife and he had always said that he would do anything for her. Time to put up or shut up.

“Ok, I’ll do it.”

“Ok. So I suggest that you go take a shower and shave as much of your diaper area as you can. When you are done, come back here and I will get you into your diaper.”

“Ok.” Brad went to the bathroom and got in the shower, his mind racing. He used his last razor cartridge to shave off as much hair around his privates as he could. Each time he touched himself, he couldn’t help but think of how it would feel to locked in the cage for a week. And that he would be stuck in diapers that whole time. Aroused, he shamefully masturbated and finished rinsing himself off. He dried off with a towel and wrapped it around his waist. He weighed his options briefly but knew that he had only one choice.

Laura was still sitting in the lounge chair, diaper and cage sitting on her lap. Brad walked slowly out to the living room, her eyes watching his every movement. He stood in front of her, his eyes to the floor.

“Are you sure you want to do this?”


“Then spread your towel on the floor and lay down on it.”

Brad did as instructed, his eyes glued to the ceiling, his face flushed red from embarrassment.

“Why are you blushing? This isn’t the first time that I’ve put either of these on you.”

“I don’t know…. I guess because this time, it’s not for fun.”

“Very true,” she said, sliding the ring around his balls, her soft hands feeling like heavenly. With a click, he felt the cage press around his penis, stopping his erection from growing any more. Another click and the lock was secure. In less than a minute, he had been castrated. He heard the crinkle of the diaper as she unfolded it.

“Up.” She said, and he complied, lifting his hips so that she could slide the diaper under him.

“Down.” He complied again. She adjusted it a little before pulling it up between his legs. He heard the sticky tear of the tabs being pulled apart and the pressure as she secured the bottom of each side first, before tightening the top two.

“There. All done.” She returned to the chair and Brad sat up, the loud crinkle of plastic prison around his waist was deafening. Brad flushed red again, feeling vulnerable and emasculated.

“It’s loud.”

“You sound surprised. Remember the rule. You do not tamper with it at all. For any reason. Or the deal is off. It’s going on 8 in the morning. I have to be at work at 1:30. So if you need to be changed, it will have to happen before I leave.”


“This is going to be hard for both of us. But I think we will better understand each other at the end of this.”


She handed him back his phone, it’s battery near dead. “Charge this, and when I’m gone, we can talk. I need to be alone for a little.” 

She left him sitting on the floor in nothing but his diaper and retreated back to the bedroom. The house was so quiet that he could hear her and the dull noise of her vibrator. He was useless to her and that’s how he felt. His eyes watered, but Brad refused to give in. He may look like a baby, but he was man enough to not cry because of it. So began the first day.

Chapter 02

 He got dressed, his day already started and he figured why not. His jeans helped squash the noise from his diaper and although she had put it on rather tight, he was able to move around with very little problem. The problem, he found, was that his jeans couldn’t hide the bulge from the diaper and that the waistband of the diaper stuck up well over an inch from his jeans. His shirt and a sweater would cover it, but any crouching or overhead reaching would cause it to be visible.

Still early in the morning, Brad wondered how long he could go before he would need to be changed. Before the fight, whenever he would wear them for fun, he could go a few hours at most before wetting, but with the stress of not getting out of them for a week weighing on his ming, Brad was anxious. He made himself some breakfast, wondering if she was going to instill more rules on him since she essentially had him by the balls. The limited baby time that she had allotted him before had involved onesies, pacifiers on rare occasions, and if she was feeling really generous, a baby bottle. This time, however, was not for fun or relaxation. She had meant every word she had said, the tone in her voice was stern and authoritative. He hadn’t seen where she had tucked the key to his cage, so for all intents and purposes, she owned him, a humiliating aspect that would have had him aroused if not for the plastic cage within his plastic prison.

Brad contemplated what he was going to do. How as he going to survive the next five days of work wearing diapers? He ate in silence, knowing that each bite was pushing him closer and closer to the one thing that he didn’t want to do. He could put it off for a while, but he knew that longer than a day was asking for too much.

Laura was in the bedroom, still angry at Brad, but after a sexual release, she was feeling better. Watching him blush as he submitted to her had gotten her more excited than she had been in a long time. She knew that it wasn’t going to be easy, the next few days were going to be the hardest, but she knew that if he could prove himself devoted to her, and to be honest, who would be interested in a diaper-wearing, chastity caged loser? Even she wasn’t so sure that she still wanted him, her heart hurt from what he had done, but she had put them to the test, so they both had to choose to commit.

She left the bedroom to find some breakfast of her own to find him dressed and sitting in the living room, watching television. Part of her wanted to make things worse for him, but she knew his body, it was only a matter of time before she would also be tested. She grabbed a breakfast bar from the cupboard and sat on the couch near him. Not close enough for him to touch her, but close enough to show her that he was not alone in the struggle. She watched him intently, waiting for any sign that she was needed. But like normal, if he had wet himself, he was good at hiding it. 3 changes a day weren’t much, so he would have to make the most out of each one, and as she would be getting ready for work and he would be heading to his afternoon job in a few hours, if he wanted a change, he had best to time it right.

They watched television for most of the day, sitting in silence. But she could tell that things were getting harder for him. Each time he got up and walked around, she could tell that his legs were being pushed farther and farther apart. It wouldn’t be long now before he would need to be changed. The question on her mind, is would he ask?

She was in the bathroom, putting the final touches on her makeup when he waddled into view, his eyes down, averting his gaze to the floor.

“Yes?” She said, without looking at him.

He kind of fidgeted but didn’t say anything.

“I can’t hear your head rattle.”

“...I kinda...you know…”

“No. I don’t know.”

“I’m wet.”


“Well, you said that I can’t take it off so…” He trailed off, not wanting to say what he knew he had to.

“Is there a question here, or are you just stating the obvious?”

“Why do you have to sound so mean?”

“Why do you have to talk sexual to other women?”


“Look, you need to let me know exactly what you want. I’m not a mind reader.”

“I already said that I am wet.”

“And facts don’t help your situation does it?”

“Laura, please…”

“Say the words, Bradly.”

“Can you change me?”

“What about you?”

Brad sighed, defeated, “Can you change my diaper please?”

“In a minute, I’m almost done. Go wait in the bedroom.”


“I’m sorry. What was that?”

Brad sighed again, “Really?”

“Yes, Bradly, really. I think it would be best if you address me the way you should when you are in your diapers.” She only called him Bradly when she was talking down to him.

Brad was silent, feeling the warm sag between his legs. He had wet himself 3 times already, and he wasn’t sure that his diaper could hold another. He didn’t want to know what she would do if he leaked everywhere.


“You can do better than that, baby.”

“Yes, Mommy.”

“Good boy. I’m happy to see that you are using your diapers the way a baby should now go wait in the bedroom and I will there shortly to change you.”

“Yes, Mommy,” Brad said, heading for the bedroom. They had messed around with ageplay before, but she had never been that into it. Hearing her now, the way she said each word with absolute authority, made him quiver in his cage. This was supposed to be a test. Not playtime. And he couldn’t tell if she was just trying to make him feel worse or alleviate the coming doom.

He stood in the bedroom, afraid to sit on the bed. He didn’t know if he was allowed for one, and he didn’t want to leak for two. His side of the bed hadn’t been disturbed, and his pillow looked so comfortable.

“I see that you are starting to see just how serious this is.” Laura came in behind him, the sting in her voice still as strong. She walked around him, her superiority over him on full display. She pulled out the changing pad, latex gloves, wipes, powder, and oil. Laura set everything on the floor and finally looked at him.

“Now. I want you to grab a fresh diaper and your pacifier. You will present both of them to me before I will change you.”

“This isn’t a game Laura,” Brad said, having had enough.

“No, Bradly, it isn’t a game. This is your life for the next week. Do you think I want to do this? Do you think that I want to change my husband’s wet diapers? Cause I don’t! I don’t want to have to resort to such things to get you to realize how much I care for you. But I am willing to do anything I have to. The question is, are you?”

She glared at him with ice-cold intensity, impatiently tapping her foot, her arms crossed across her chest. Brad stared at her for a moment before slumping his shoulders forward and dropping his gaze. He slowly walked to the closet and pulled out a fresh diaper and his pacifier. Fighting with her never seemed to work out in his favor, and he knew that he was in the wrong. He didn’t want to be treated like a baby but at the same time, he didn’t want her to leave him. He walked back over to her and held the diaper out, the pacifier sitting on top of it.

“Look at me, Bradly.”

He turned his eyes up to her to see her holding the pacifier inches from his lips. He felt his bottom lip quiver as he slowly opened his mouth, letting her slide it between his lips.

“Good boy. Now lay down.”

He did what he was told and as she undid his pants and pulled them down to his ankles, she talked to him. Her voice now softer, more nurturing.

“I know this isn’t easy, Bradly. I can tell that this is hard for you, but I want you to know that I’m only doing this because I still love you. I want us to be able to understand each other.”

She pulled open the tapes on his diaper, the warm bulk sagging to the floor.

“Oh my, did you fill this one up. Such a good boy, doing what Mommy tells him to do.”

She cleaned him with the help of several cold wipes, being sure to wipe carefully around his cage. She pulled the wet mess out from under him and unfolded the fresh diaper. He lifted up for her without being told to, and she smiled at him while putting on the gloves.

“You are going to be in this one for a while, so it’s best to protect your skin.” She told him, applying liberal amounts of baby oil to his bare flesh. If he wasn’t caged, he would have been rock hard. She spread the oil everywhere, including between his cheeks. Then she grabbed the powder, sprinkling it all over his privates before coating the inside of his diaper with it. Satisfied, she pulled it up between his legs and like a seasoned pro, had the tapes fastened before he really knew what was going on. She tossed the gloves and diaper in the garbage can before patting him on his diaper.

“There. All changed. Doesn’t that feel better, baby?”

Brad nodded, and she helped him stand up, the loud crinkling noise had returned. She pulled his jeans back up and looked him in the eye as she did it up.

“Let’s try to not have these problems with each change, okay? I would hate to have to spank you.”

“Yesh, Mommy,” Brad said around the pacifier.

“Now, I have to finish getting ready for work, and so do you. I want you to take your pacifier with you in case you need it. Will you do that for me?”

Bradly nodded, giving in to her nurturing voice. He was in his own personal hell, but she had made it feel so inviting.

“Now, remember what I said. No touching your diaper when you are at work. I expect you to do whatever everyone else says and work super duper hard for Mommy. And I don’t want you to worry about anything else, I will be here with a fresh diaper and a bath for you when you get home.”

She kissed him in the forehead, and he melted a little. She had so many ways of making him feel weak. He nodded again, and she smiled, the first time she had smiled in what seemed like a long time.

Bradly watched her finish gathering her things for work and before long, she had patted his padded butt and was out the door, leaving Bradly alone to wonder what the hell had happened to his life. He had to be to work in the next hour and he had no idea how he was supposed to mask the smell of the oil and powder. The only thing he could do was douse himself with body spray, hoping that it would linger long enough for him to get to his work site where he could be alone with his thoughts.

Two hours into his shift, and Brad was miserable. He was feeling the all too familiar pressure in his stomach. He needed to poop. But with six hours left to go, and his hesitation to mess himself, Brad was slowly but surely reaching his true breaking point. It was one thing to see a grown man wet himself. Something he could do with a few too many drinks at the bar. But to soil himself? That was too much. He was frantically thinking of ways that he could get around it. He couldn’t hold it back for too long, he knew that his body wouldn’t let him, but he wondered if he would be able to at least make it till the end of his shift. He thought about trying to shimmy out of his diaper to do his business. Just this time. It wouldn’t take much and he could just tell her that he didn’t have to go today. But that would be cheating, and therein lay the message. To prove that he was loyal to her, he would have to do things the hard way.

The minutes ticked by and Brad felt worse and worse. He couldn’t eat on his lunch break, it would just put too much pressure on his stomach, and he tried his best to avoid all of his coworkers. A feat that was easy the first day, but as events were planned for the rest of the week, he knew that wouldn’t last for much longer. He was constantly paranoid. Watching how he walked and checking over his shoulder often to see if anyone was doing a double-take. If they suspected anything, they kept it to themselves, and as the last agonizing hours wound down, Brad was growing ever closer to losing all control over himself.

Laura had been quiet most of the night, only sending him a few messages to see how he was. She had correctly assumed that he was having a hard time as while she waited the last hour for him to come home, she knew that they were both in for the hardest part of the test. She had one idea that would help cement his new role for the week.

Brad got home right on time, his pacifier in his hand. He saw his wife sitting on the couch, her back to him. He wanted to be alone, his stomach in knots, the pressure to release was getting to be too much.

“Bradly? Come to Mommy.”

Brad inwardly groaned, but carefully walked over to her. She patted the couch next to her, and he cautiously sat down, bending over was painful, and he clenched himself even tighter.

“I have something for you because you told me that you didn’t eat lunch.” She gently tugged him into her lap, letting him stretch out and noticing the slight whimper. He was close to erupting. She held his hand in the crook of her left arm and brought out her secret weapon. A bottle of warm milk. Innocent enough, but to Brad, it was one of the fastest ways to turn her big strong man into a compliant man-sized baby.

He tried to say something about not being hungry, but she gave him a disapproving look and slid the adult-sized nipple between his lips.

“Now, I want you to finish this like a good boy and when you are done, I have another sitting next to me. Mommy can’t let her baby go hungry.”

She held the bottle to his lips with the hand that held his head while she undid his pants to check his diaper.

“I think I will have to do this more often. What do you think? Mommy needs to check your diapers often to see if you need to be changed. Wouldn’t that be better than you having to tell me? Kind of hard to talk with bottles and binkies between your lips.”

She wiggled the nipple in his mouth and looked at him again. He had drunk only a little of it and had tears forming in the corners of his eyes.

“Drink, Bradly. I will not tell you again. We can sit here all night if we have to.”

The tears welled up more as he suckled on the bottle. The effect on his stomach was too much and Brad lost the last semblance of control and dignity. Actively crying, Baby Bradly sucked on his bottle while his body voided his bowels into his diaper. A grown man had been successfully reduced to an infant.

Laura sensed the change in him, his fight for his manhood was gone. Now, more than ever before, he was dependent on her to fulfill her end of the bargain. She cooed at him softly, aware that the hard part was now on her. He had his eyes closed, tears were streaking down his face, and he had almost finished his first bottle. She swapped it out for the second one, and he happily suckled away, more hungry than he thought he was. He hated the feeling of the warm mess sticking to his rear. He hated how much pain he had been in and then in a few moments, the pain had disappeared and embarrassment had replaced it. Brad dreaded having to do that every day. And worse, he dreaded having anyone else know what he had done in his pants.

With his second bottle finished, Laura helped him up and to the bathroom. She stripped him down to just his diaper and braced herself. She undid the tapes and did her best to wipe the bulk of it off him before directing him towards the shower. With a combination of the hot water and plenty of soap, she managed to clean him up. She had taken the easy road and she knew it, but he was already in a pliable and fragile state. Once clean of waste, she let the tub fill and tossed in some plastic toys to play with while she washed the rest of him. He didn’t say anything and neither did she. There was nothing to be said.

After his bath, she led him to the bedroom and laid him on the floor, in a matter of moments, she had him in a fresh diaper and after disappearing for a moment, she came back with another bottle and his pacifier. She invited him into the bed and held the bottle for him. Once gone, she slipped his pacifier in place of it and as he turned over to face the wall away from her, she had a momentary twinge of sympathy. She was putting him through a lot but for their love, she would have to stay strong.

Baby Bradly faced the wall, sucking on his pacifier, tears slowly streaming down his face. One day was done. Six more to go.

Chapter 03 - Day 02

  Brad woke up with a start, swearing that it had all been a dream. Yesterday didn’t happen. It couldn’t have. There was no way that he would agree to be put back in diapers for a week. There was no way that he would let his wife lock him in a cage and withhold the key from him. And there was absolutely no way that he would be forced to mess himself. Right? It was all just a terrible dream.

It wasn’t a dream, Brad quickly found out, as he reached down between his legs to feel the plastic cage tucked neatly into his diaper. Brad whimpered in despair, yesterday’s events coming back to him in an almost literal flood. He had to pee, as he did every morning. Which meant that he would then have to ask his wife Laura to change him. Rather, his mommy. She was going to play this game for as long as she could, he feared, and he was worried that it was going to get worse. Much, much worse.

As if thinking about her was something that she could hear, she materialized from the bathroom down the hall, her nightgown barely tied. She leaned over to kiss him on the forehead, her bountiful breasts hanging mere inches from his face, taunting him. She pulled the covers off of him and squeezed the front of his diaper.

“Still dry, huh? Well, I have to be to work soon, so if you want to be changed before I go, you need to hurry up.”

She didn’t wait for him to respond, instead, she pushed the nipple of a bottle into his mouth.

“Drink up, while I get dressed. Maybe that will help things along.”

He suckled on the bottle. It was apple juice this time. Better than warm milk, he supposed. But she was right, as he neared the end of the bottle, the urge to go was getting to be too much, and with a sigh, he let loose into the eager absorbent material of his diaper. She must have been watching him because she smiled.

“That’s my good boy. As soon as Mommy is done getting ready, I’ll change you. Finish your baba and I’ll bring you another one. I want my little boy to grow up big and strong.”

Brad said nothing, he just finished off his bottle. He felt ashamed that he liked how she talked to him and more so that all of it, the diaper, the bottle, her tone, were making him aroused. Well, as aroused as he could be in his pink plastic prison.

She finished getting dressed and laid the changing mat on the floor. She disappeared to the kitchen with his empty bottle and before long, she returned with it refilled. Laura took him by the hand, helping him out of the bed and over to the changing mat. Once laying down, she toyed with him a moment, rubbing the nipple across his lips, watching him obediently opening his mouth for it before finally giving it to him. Content that he wouldn’t be causing a fuss, she went about changing him. His morning diapers were always going to be worse than the few during the day, as he was able to fill one near max with one go. She contemplated if she was doing any real harm to him. That this test was slowly doing away with his potty training. She dismissed the thought as she wiped him clean. It didn’t seem feasible that a week could do anything with lasting impact. Lotion and powder were next, and she checked on the status of his bottle. Nearly gone. He was very thirsty. A few moments later, and he was all taped up. She watched him finish off his bottle before helping him to his feet. He burped as a baby would, and she patted him on the back.

“Now, you go play and be a good baby. Mommy has to finish getting ready for work.”

“Yes, Mommy,” Bradly said. He was always more compliant after being changed. She never understood why until now. A fresh diaper was a surefire way to get his head into baby mode. It wouldn’t last for very long unless she was constantly engaging with him, but it was nice to have a moment or two when she didn’t feel like he was going to resist. After all, he was physically stronger, stubborn, and had a mean streak if pushed far enough, but under all the posturing male ego, part of him had always liked submitting to her.

He went off to the living room, probably to play his games, while she finished applying her makeup. He had left his pacifier on the nightstand, she noticed, and she put it in her purse. She was trying to decide whether to punish him for it. While not really against the rules, the thought crossed her mind anyway.

She found him in his gaming chair, playing some violently bloody game. That couldn’t do.

“Isn’t that a little too grown-up for you?”


“No? Are you sure? Because from where I stand, you are not old enough to play games like that. Please turn it off.”

“No.” He responded, pressing the right button to rip some foul looking thing apart.

Her voice hardened, the complacent moment had passed alright.

“I. Said. Turn. It. Off!”

“And I said no. I’m a grown man. I can play what I want.”

He paused the game as she moved in front of the screen, blocking his view. An audible click sound was heard, and his face paled as she slowly walked over to him, her phone in her hand. She showed him the picture and it clearly showed his face and the only thing he wore. His diaper.

She grasped his chin, hard, turning his gaze to meet hers. Her face screamed of intensity, and he knew that he had made a mistake. He was completely shocked when she spoke, her voice and tone level and calm.

“Bradly? Are you listening to me?”



“Yes, Mommy.”

“Mmhmm. And why did you call me Mommy?”


“Because why, Bradly?”

“Because…” His eyes darted down, “I’m your baby.”

“That’s correct. You are my baby. You are my little baby boy, whom I love very much. And it’s my job to take care of you. I clean you and feed you and change your diapers. And as your Mommy, when I tell you to do something, it’s because I know best. Isn’t that right.”

“Yes, Mommy.”

“So when I told you to turn off that violent video game, what should you have done?”

“Turn it off.”

“And what did you do instead?”

“Said no.”

“And what should Mommy do about that?”

If he could have gotten any whiter, he would have, and Laura knew it.

“I don’t know.”

“You don’t know? Well, now you will have all day to think about it. Mommy has to go to work. I will be home on my lunch to change you.”

“Yes, Mommy.”

“Behave yourself, baby. Mommy doesn’t want to have to punish you any worse.”

“Sowwy, Mommy.”

She smiled. It hadn’t taken much for her to resume control of the situation. Not that she really cared about what he was playing, but if he was going to play the role, then the devil was in the details. She found herself slightly aroused from the interchange. Having him submit to her wasn’t totally new, but to have him give up all levels of control over the situation was.

As she drove to work, she thought of ways to make him truly sorry for his recalcitrance. There were a few things that she could do, but she decided that the simplest things were sometimes the most effective. She wouldn’t ruin her day by focusing too much on it, but it was a pleasant distraction. Before her shift, though, she did some quick searching on her phone and ordered a few things that she thought that she might need later.

She had just left the house and Baby Bradly was sitting in the same spot, stunned. Not from what she did. But what she didn’t know had happened. With that iron grip on his chin and her authoritative tone, she had caused him to wet himself slightly. His wife, a woman that he could have easily pushed away or overpowered, had scared him into wetting his pampers. Bradly didn’t know what was happening to his life. A strong-willed man, normally in control of everything in his life, now at the mercy of his wife who was repeating showing that she had the upper hand.

With a shake of his head, Brad looked back at the image on the television screen. It was his game. He had bought it with the money that he had earned from working. Who was she to tell him that he couldn’t play it? He sighed and heard the telltale crinkle from his waist. He looked down at the kid like prints on his diaper. Little puppies in tiny spaceships. Every slight movement made it crinkle even more. His bottom lip trembled and Bradly slowly pressed the buttons necessary to shut off the game.

It was strange to him how quickly he was bouncing between the two. Brad and Bradly. Every time she made him feel little, Bradly would come out. Try as hard as he could, Brad couldn’t stop it from happening. And it was happening more and more often. Brad didn’t know if it was just because of this week or his fragile emotional state, but he felt as if part of him was slipping away, lost in this game that they were playing.

He shook his head again, banishing the thoughts from his mind. He found a cute monster collecting game that he liked and put that in his game machine to play. He told himself that it was something he chose to do and what she had said and done had nothing to do with it.  

He paid more attention to the game than anything else and before he knew it, or understood what was happening, he felt a warmth spread between his legs, trickling down to his cheeks. He was shocked that he had very little warning that he even had to go, much less no real chance to stop it.

By the time that Laura got home on her lunch break around noon to change him, Bradly had thoroughly soaked his diaper. It sagged and bulged between his legs and caused him to waddle wherever he walked. She found it almost comically endearing, to see him waddle towards her, a pouting look of desperation on his face. It had been so simple to slip something into his morning bottle. Not that she had needed to, but she was curious as to the results and was feeling a little vindictive. It wasn’t something that she was going to often do, but she needed to see the results to be able to judge the correct dosage.

She changed her baby husband with encouraging support. He blubbered on about how he didn’t know what was going on, and she let him ramble. She wasn’t angry or upset with him, as so far, he had been true to the deal and no matter the state of his diaper, which she guessed was close to capacity, he had shown no signs of tampering with it or circumventing it to use the toilet.

Cleaned and in a fresh diaper, she patted him on the butt and led him to the kitchen. She made him a can of ravioli and after a little effort and some stern looks, she put a bib on him and spoon-fed the can to him. She intentionally missed his open mouth from time to time, to help the illusion that he was a messy eater. They didn’t really talk as adults through the whole thing but there was a sense of companionship. They were bonding in a way that they hadn’t bonded before. Her anger at his actions was still very much there, however, in his current state, it was like he was a whole different person.

She cleaned him up and got him dressed for work, giving him a kiss on the cheek and another pat on the butt before she went back to her job. He would have to last for eleven hours on that one change unless he resorted to drastic actions. It would be today that tested whether he would make it through the rest of the week. Would he resort to cheating the deal to not have his pampers leak? Would he hold true and let it leak? Or would he be forced to cross a barrier and risk asking her for a change?

Brad had made it a decent chunk into his day before he started having issues. First was Erica, the woman that he had been sending inappropriate texts to. She was extra chatty today and tried to get closer to him than he was comfortable with. He would have loved her attention, especially because he was feeling isolated and ignored. But he couldn’t shake the shame or the smell of his current predicament. He hadn’t made any messes, but the smell of baby powder coupled with the noise of his diaper turned him off to her advances.

She had given him some strange looks and was a little sour at his refusal, but she left him alone. She tried to message him and open a dialog that way but wasn’t given any reply. Why he was ignoring her, she didn’t know, but she was going to find out, as that was the kind of woman that she was.

With that bullet dodged, Brad was able to make it through the hardest part of his day without anyone else attempting to get close to him. The same couldn’t be said about his situation. He had limited his liquid intake to a minimum but it hadn’t don’t much to hold back the flood. By his lunch break, he was soaked and near leaking. He was going at least a little bit each hour and four hours later, he knew that he couldn’t finish his night as he was. He was stressed about what to do. He knew that he had very limited options. And before he mustered the courage, his phone went off with a string of text messages.

How’s my baby doing tonight? Mommy misses you! XOXOXOX

I’m good. And I miss you too.

Awww. You are such a sweet little boy.


So everything is ok? You know you can tell Mommy anything.


Talk to me, baby.

I kinda need a change

A change? Of what?

You know what.

Bradly, I thought we talked about this.


Sorry, Mommy.

I need my diaper changed.

I see. Well, let me know when you are on your lunch break and I will come up there and change you.

What? Here? NO!

Bradly. The last time I checked. I was the grown-up and you were the baby. So when I chose to change you or where that is my decision.

But people can see me!

See what? A baby getting his diaper changed? What’s to see?

Mommy. Please don’t!

It’s either I change you on your lunch or you don’t get changed at all.

You know what. Send me a picture of your diaper and I will decide if you need to be changed at all.

Bradly did what she demanded, standing in the bathroom, taking up-close shots of his very full diaper. He sent them to her, blushing the entire time. It was a little while before she responded, but she did.

Oh dear, you are wet. Very wet. Mommy is proud that my baby is enjoying his pampers. You are enjoying your diapers, aren’t you?

Yes, mommy.

I knew it. Well, you for sure need a change and considering how full your diapers are getting, I’m seriously considering using two diapers each time I change you.

But then it will be obvious that I’m wearing something embarrassing.

I don’t see what there is to be embarrassed about. You are a baby. Baby need pampers to control their messes. Right?

Yes, mommy.

I will be there to see you during your lunch. So you finish this part of your day and I will see my very wet baby in a little bit.

Yes, mommy.

Bradly pulled up his pants, covering his soaking wet shame. It was only the second day, and he couldn’t understand how he could be so wet all the time. He had worn for a while before and each time, the longer he spent, the more frequent he would end up using his diapers. He had done some research and couldn’t find much about it, at least not in such a short time span. What he did find out, and what worried him, is that prolonged use of diapers would, over time, render him incontinent as his body would grow accustomed to not having to hold it. Urinary incontinence was something that he wasn’t as concerned about versus the other. Soiling himself without him really knowing or having control of it was more startling. By his research, it would take up to 6 or 8 months of constant wearing to get to that part and it was like the tipping point for him. He wanted to fully believe that 5 days from now that she would let him out of this, with him having held up his end of the deal, but there was a twinge of doubt and fear in the back of his mind.

He went from his first job site, barely acknowledging Erica as he left and tried his hardest not to waddle as he walked past her. Out of her sight, he didn’t have much of a choice. The sagging, squishy bulge between his legs forced his thighs apart, and he was stuck waddling to his car. He got to his second job and saw Laura’s car sitting off in the dark at the far end of the parking lot. She at least had the courtesy to try to hide what was going on.

He briefly talked to his site boss before heading back outside for his lunch break, trying to walk/ waddle as quickly as he could to her car. She smiled as she watched him, amused that he was so desperate to see her. Under different circumstances, it would have been heartfelt, but she wasn’t there yet.

“My my. Is someone in a rush to see me?” She asked as he hopped into the car.

“Yes, mommy. Will you change me now?”

“I guess. Hop into the back seat and lay down.”


“You heard me.”

He groaned, quickly looking around to make sure that no one was paying attention to them. The parking lot was mostly clear, save for a few cars near the entrance. He complied with her instruction, eager to have the whole ordeal over with.

“So I thought about a lot of things today,” She said, as she undid his pants. “I was going to punish you for disobeying me today but I’ve decided not too, yet.”

She undid his diaper and pulled it out from under him, reaching for the wipes.

“And since you have been such a little pee pants, I’ve decided that you need a little more help to control yourself.”

She pulled out two pink clothlike objects, and he couldn’t really tell what they were. She unfolded them and showed him one of them. They were little princess pull-ups. Designed for children. Specifically, little girls.

“You are going to wear two of these with each diaper. They should help soak up all your little tinkles.”

She tore the sides of them, making it so that she didn’t have to remove his pants to get them on him. She unfolded the adult-sized diaper and slid it under him. Between the pamper and his body, she added the two layers of princess pull-ups. Lotion and powder were next, and he trembled as she pulled the increased bulk up between his legs, taping it closed expertly.

She let him pull his pants up and return to the front seat of the car. Dismayed, the added cloth forced his legs apart near as bad as the soaking wet diaper he had just been changed out of.

He whimpered and whined under his breath, but she heard all of it. More fuel to the fire. He looked at her in dismay, tears forming at the edges of his eyes. He felt as if she was being cruel, trying to get him exposed so that everyone would know that she had put him back in diapers.

“Now come here and I will feed you your bottle.” She said, a snarling grin on her face.

“Mommy...please don’t make me do this.”

“Do what?”

“I don’t want to wear pull-ups with my diapers.”

“I don’t want you to leak everywhere. What would everyone say if you wet your pants?”

“I can say that I just had an accident.”

“An accident? What’s worse? A little bulge and a slight waddle, or a bunch of adult men knowing that you wet your pants? I think the answer is obvious. No. I think you will stay like that until the weekend. And if things progress further, it will be double diapers all day and all night.”

She pulled him close, his head practically in her lap and he had to reposition to not be totally uncomfortable. She pulled a bottle out of his diaper bag and slid it between his lips. He didn’t remember buying a diaper bag, childish prints and all. The questions seemed to slip out of his mind as he sucked on the large nipple and she cooed in his ear, softly humming. She was enjoying herself, seeing him so weak and helpless. He wanted to be furious with her but couldn’t seem to get up enough rage to be angry. He was more scared, timid and frightened that someone would find out about his little secret. It terrified him to the core imagining how everyone would react if they saw or knew what he was forced to do.

She finished feeding him and sent him on his way, watching as the once proud manly strut was now a hesitant waddle. Content that he wouldn’t be an issue for the rest of the night, she headed home to work herself over with her vibrator. Keeping him in this state of prolonged submission was insanely exciting for her, and she needed her release. She briefly wondered how he was doing in that department but decided rather quickly that she didn’t care. She wondered if that other girl had gotten him aroused with her honied words and that dumped fresh fuel on the anger fire. Laura was not yet ready to forgive him or try to understand why. All she knew what that he had a constant reminder of his compliance with her, and she was going to enjoy every minute of it.

He came home right on time, and she was ready with another bath and bottle. He was soaked as she expected, the diuretic that she had used that morning had taken a long time to wear off, but the extra absorbing layers had helped. She bathed him and changed him, opting instead to use two diapers instead of the pull-ups for the night. He was a deep sleeper, and she didn’t want to wake up to wet sheets. He protested slightly but not very much. Brad was running out of energy to fight her.

She fed him two bottles and another can of ravioli. She knew that it wasn’t what he was used to eating, but she wanted absolute control over his diet, as a way to prolong having to deal with him messing. As they settled down for the night, she pulled him close and snuggled his face into her bare chest, the last token of kindness for the day. Two days were done, five more to go.

 Chapter 04 - Day Three - Part 01

 Laura woke up that morning, feeling well-rested for once. She couldn’t remember when the last time that she had slept this well. She didn’t fully understand how or why until she realized the heat coming from her chest. Laura looked down to see her baby husband still snuggling to her bare chest. He was still asleep, as he always slept harder and longer than she did, so she had the time to enjoy his innocence for a little while longer.

He shifted slightly, and she could hear the crinkling coming from under the covers. She smiled again, he had been so accepting of her demands. Each time she came up with something new, he would protest slightly but did what she wanted. Double diapered, the protective material pushing his legs apart, he looked absolutely adorable, especially when his head was buried between her breasts.

She looked down at him, memorizing how he looked in his current state. He breathed deeply, his lips quivering, and she hit upon an idea. She shuffled slightly, bringing her nipple close to his mouth. Unsteady, as she wasn’t used to doing this, she gently slid her arm under his head and while holding her breast with the other hand, she traced her hardening nipple across his bottom lip. Whether by reflex or desire, his lips parted and closed again, mimicking a nursing motion. She pulled his head closer to her chest, pushing his mouth onto her breast. His body reacted immediately, and he began to suckle from her. Unlike his attempts during sex, he was gentle here, and she felt a swirling mixture of arousal and contentment. She held his hand with one hand, keeping him steady, and with the other, she softly brushed her fingers through his hair.

It was in moments like this that she loved him the most. Calm and vulnerable, he was everything that she had ever wanted him to be. She felt a stirring in her loins as her arousal slowly increased. She murmured and cooed at him, whispering encouragements. Laura briefly paused to reach down and pull the blankets off of his body so that she could see all of him. This caused her nipple to slip from his lips, and he uttered a soft whimper. She comforted him with soft tones before leading him back to her breast. He turned onto his side to get a better angle, and she was granted an excellent view of his diapered bottom. She patted him, amused at each crinkle her pats made.

If he could get move any closer to her, he would have, and in that picturesque moment, both of them were truly content. She reached down between his legs and held the front of his diapers, realizing that he was not wet so she whispered more encouragements to him. “It’s okay, baby. You can let go. Go ahead and use your diapers for mommy. Can you do that? Can you be a good boy for mommy?” She said to him, gently squeezing him. He moaned, probably due to this being the first bit of sexual attention he had received all week and within moments, she felt the front of his diaper swell and get warm. Thoroughly soaked now, he lay there, still latched onto her breast, utterly helpless.

She thought back to a previous conversation they had once, where she had drilled him on why he liked diapers so much. He had attributed his desire for them to a bedwetting accident when he was a small boy, 8 or so, and was put back into diapers for the day while he soaked clothes and bedding were washed. The neighbor kids he was playing with had teased him about it briefly and set about playing the game of house, where, naturally, because of his padded state, he was relegated to being the baby of the game. It was all pretending and in good fun, but that memory had stuck with him for many years. While it may have shed some light on why he liked them, to Laura, it didn’t explain why he used them, as he had remained dry for the entirety of his time in them.

He told her about a state of mind that he called little space. Which he described as being free from his otherwise adult concerns, where he was allowed to reconnect to the boy that he used to be or the boy that he wasn’t allowed to be growing up. She felt initially that he was in need of some psychiatric therapy, but in time, she grew to understand that his desires were, for the most part, harmless. He never attempted to get her to wear alongside him, and when he managed to get deep enough into his little space, he was as harmless as a toddler. One of the things that was sure to put him in that space was being put back in diapers, the first change, but it was harder and harder to keep him there for long periods of time because she didn’t really give it her all. It was something that he liked, and while she had her apprehensions about it, she complied for the sake of his happiness.

Today, however, three days into his test, that was no longer the case. He wore diapers because she demanded him too. And now, as his inner diaper swelled from his morning pee, he had used them because she had told him too. Couple the utter domination of the cage and the diapers with him firmly latched onto her breast, much like a baby would be, and she could tell that he was deep into his little space. Useful for later, but for now, during the test, this was not supposed to be for his enjoyment, this was supposed to push him to the limits. How was he going to show her that he was truly sorry if he was enjoying everything she made him do? She thought on this for a while longer, letting his tongue dance across her nipple, stirring her desires for release. She didn’t have to go to work today, so she had all morning to spend with him and she was content to let him sit in his wet diaper for as long as she wanted him to.

Laura also figured that she could put off changing him under the guise that he hadn’t made a mess in the past day or so and was overdue. A plan formulated, she gently pulled away from him and headed for the shower. “Mommy will change you after breakfast. Why do you go and watch some cartoons? Mommy is going to take a shower.”

He shuffled off to the living room, his crinkles could be heard down the hall and it wasn’t long before the t.v. turned on. Content, Laura grabbed some clothes and headed for the shower. Her baby would be entertained and now she needed some attention of her own. She took one of the longest showers that she could remember, long enough that the water was starting to run cold. She wanted him, the adult version of him, but her mind played out scenarios of ways that she could treat the baby version of him. Perhaps there was more to this test then she had originally thought.

He was laying on the couch when she came out from her shower, engrossed in whatever mindless show was playing on the screen. He wasn’t wearing anything save for his diapers and he looked so cute and innocent. She fixed him his morning bottles, three this time, and handed him one. He took it without complaint while she busied herself about the kitchen. She checked on him occasionally, swapping his empty bottle out with a fresh one. With her breakfast made, she poured him a large bowl of cereal, high in fiber. She entertained thoughts of feeding it to him but thought it best to not. It would take too much time and cause too much annoyance for her. She led him to the table, noticing the soggy bulge between his legs had grown. The first diaper must be filled close to capacity she figured. Not that he was at risk of leaking, but it was almost comical to watch. They ate in silence for a while, with him wolfing down his bowl of cereal. He hadn’t really had much to eat the past few days, and he was starving. All part of the plan.


He looked up from his empty bowl, “Huh?”


He looked at her confused, “So what?”

“It’s been over a day. I think you are overdue.”

“Overdue for what?”

She glared at him, “You know exactly what I’m talking about.”

“I don’t have to go yet.”

“Why do I find that hard to believe?”

“I don’t know.”

“You know what I think? I think you are holding it. Because you don’t want to do what you are told.”

“I’m not holding anything!”

“Sure. Either way, we need to go to the store for more baby wipes so if you are done eating, go get dressed.”

He stood up and headed for the bedroom before stopping and coming back to the kitchen, “Aren’t you going to change me first?”

She looked at him and then down at his diaper. The blue line on the front of it was still showing, he hadn’t leaked into the second one yet.

“No. I don’t see a reason to just yet.”

“But I’m soaked!” He pouted, looking at her with desperation.

She walked over to him and looked at his diaper up close before looking him dead in the eye.

“It doesn’t seem that way to me. And remember, I will change you when I’m good and ready! Now I won’t tell you again. Go get dressed!”

He whimpered under his breath and slinked off to the bedroom. The three bottles and bowl of cereal were already weighing heavily on his stomach. He knew he needed to go, but after the other night, he wasn’t to keen on doing it again. The way it had felt, the mess sticking to his body, and the utter helplessness that he had felt was too much to bear again. He didn’t know how he was going to get out of it, but he knew that he couldn’t be subjugated to feeling that way again. He pulled on a pair of jeans, the biggest pair he had and quickly realized that nothing could hide the huge bulge of the double diapers he wore. He pulled on a shirt that was a few sizes too big and an even bigger sweater to try to hide his shame as best he could. It was a struggle to get his feet high enough for him to put socks on, the extra bulk of his clothes and the soggy girth of his diapers made things difficult. Finally ready, he looked himself over in the mirror, somewhat reassured that he had covered himself enough.

“Are you finally ready? I knew I should have helped you get dressed.” Laura said, standing in the doorway.

“Yeah. I’m ready.”

“Good, let’s go.” She turned and headed for the door, keys in hand. She paused briefly, swinging her purse over her shoulder.

“Oh! I almost forgot!” She dug in her purse for a moment before pulling out his pacifier and holding it in his face.

“I don’t want it! People will see me!”

“People will see what? A baby with his pacifier? Who cares? Open your mouth!” She demanded, shoving the rubber nipple between his lips.

“My are you awfully fussy today. You better be on your best behavior at the store or so help me, I’ll put you over my knee and give you the spanking of a lifetime!”

She led him out to the car while he tried to keep his head down as best he could. She buckled him into the passenger seat while he sulked. The shame of being out in public with a pacifier in his mouth was too much. People could see him, and he could swear that every car they passed had someone pointing at him and laughing. Laura was nice enough to go to the pharmacy on the other side of town, where they were less likely to be seen by someone they knew. She was also nice enough to put his pacifier back in her purse.

“I’m saying this one last time best behavior out of you.”

“Yes, Mommy,” was all that he could muster, having been shamed into compliance, and little did she know, had finally leaked into his second diaper. Everything was a soggy warm mess between his legs, and he had to walk slightly bowlegged to keep it from rubbing too much. He held her hand and walked slightly behind her, reassuring him of his place and her dominance over him. They walked the aisles of the store slowly, more deliberately than he would have hoped. An older woman, and employee of the store, had greeted them when they entered and as they were the only people in the store, they had plenty of opportunities to take their time.

“Bradly, will you be my big helper and go ask the nice lady where the diaper rash ointment is?”

“It should be down aisle five. See? The sign says baby supplies.”

“You should go ask anyway. One, because you are a baby and don’t know anything. And two, because I said so.”



He paused, confused.


Why was she counting?


He sighed in desperation and wandered back to the entrance to the store. A few people had come in. Young girls in their twenties and Bradly flushed red, ever more aware of the sagging mess in his pants.

He did his best to ignore them as they flipped through magazines and gossiped. He went up to the store clerk and muttered his question. The lady was elderly and hard of hearing so Bradly had to repeat himself, louder this time. She pointed to aisle five and went back to the checklist she was working on. One of the girls had overheard the exchange and offered to show him where it was. If he could blush any more, he would have as he followed her lithe body to the aisle.

The young girl was saying something about her little brother always getting rashes and pointed out several brands that she recommended.

“So how old is the baby?”

Bradly tried to stammer a response but Laura appeared behind him and cut him off.

“My baby is about three and is having some difficulties with potty training, so I’ve had to keep him in diapers. Isn’t that right, sweetie?”

“Oh, I know all about that. My little brother Kevin was super difficult to potty train. He didn’t learn until he was ready for school. I’ve changed more diapers than I care to admit to. And the older they get, the more reluctant they are.”

“Very true,” Laura said, “They act like they don’t need their diapers and then the second you get them in one, they are wetting themselves. They whine about wearing them, they whine about changing them, and they whine about everything else.”

“Well, they do say that boys mature much more slowly than girls. I know my brother whined a lot, so my mom had to get him one of these.” She pulled a package off its hook. “You see, this thing attaches to a baby’s pacifier so that it can be tied around their head. It sounds cruel, but it was enough to keep him quiet during changes. And of course, the threat of a spanking was always good at getting them to behave.”

“Thankfully, I haven’t had to resort to that yet, but this sounds like it would be useful. Don’t you agree, sweetie?”

Bradly shook his head no and was mortified that he was a part of this conversation. The young girl didn’t know about his predicament, but he was embarrassed just the same.

“And if he gets too out of hand, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to put some mittens on his hands. Keeps naughty boys from taking off their diapers.”

“That sounds like a marvelous idea! Where would I be able to find some of those?”

“I don’t think we need...”

“Hush now, the adults are talking,” Laura said sternly. It was a slip of the tongue, but the damage was done. The young girl stared at Bradly for a minute and then back at Laura. His posture and the way he shrunk away from his gaze gave away more than Laura’s words did. She handed the package to Laura and then pulled her phone out of her pocket. She quickly found a website in her browsing history and showed it to Laura. Bradly could barely see any of the screen but it didn’t look good.

“Oh my, look at all the wonderful things! This is marvelous!”

“Yeah, I’ve had to use quite a few of them and trust me, they all work. And if you ever need any pointers,” she said as she programed her number into Laura’s phone, “just shoot me a text.”

“Well, my little one is a bit bigger than your average baby boy.”

“Boys are all the same. My brother wasn’t out of diapers until he was 18. It doesn’t matter how big they get, a baby is a baby. You have a good day, now.”

She left them alone and Bradly flushed red again. She was probably going back to tell her friends that he was nothing but a big slobbering baby. He didn’t know how much more shame he could take. Laura grabbed several packages of wipes, a few tubes of ointment, and several bottles of powder. Bradly followed closely behind her as she wound her way down the rest of the aisles. He kept his hand on the cart as it slowly filled up with more things that he didn’t want to think about. He should have paid attention to what she was buying, but he couldn’t get that young girl out of his head. Why would she offer to give advice? Was her brother really kept in diapers for 18 years? How was something like that even possible? Could something like that happen to him? He wouldn’t let it. No way, no how. Seven days. That was the deal. And he would make it through. He only had four more days to go and as the clocked ticked closer to noon, he knew that this day was far from over.

Chapter 05 - Day Three - Part Two

  After purchasing all the supplies, Bradly sat in the car, pouting again. Laura was busy pulling the package open and in moments, she had fished his pacifier out of her purse. She tied the straps to either side of it and pulled on it, testing its strength. It seemed so weak, but she figured that if he kept his hands off of it, there would be no way he could remove it with just his tongue.

“Mommy, please… don’t do this.”

“Do what?”

“Don’t put that on me.”

“And why not?”

“Because I don’t like it and I don’t want it.”

She laughed. “You don’t like it? You don’t want it? Well, too bad! You seem to think that you have any say in the matter. You have been nothing but a little brat today, and I am tired of listening to you whine!”

She crammed the pacifier between his lips and in a swift motion, secured it with the straps around his head. Heading off his next move, she grabbed him by the chin with her iron tight grip and stared deep into his eyes. They stared at each other, a battle of wills before he broke, tears forming at the corners of his eyes. She didn’t know it, but in caving, he also wet himself again, his manhood being stripped away with each passing day.

“That’s what I thought.” She sneered at him, tossing the empty packaging into the back seat. He hung his head in shame, the pacifier secured in his mouth, silencing him. She did some searching on her phone and in moments, they were back on the road. They headed off to a part of the town that he didn’t really know and his stomach fell to his feet as they pulled into the parking lot of an adult sex toy shop.

“Stay put. I’ll only be gone for a minute.” Was all she said, leaving him in the car. He dreaded her return, dreaded the deal, and most of all he dreaded his choices in life. She returned in time, bags in hand. She set them in the trunk of the car so that he couldn’t see what she had bought. A pit was forming in his stomach. Whoever that young girl was in the store, she had given Laura ideas that Bradly knew that he wasn’t going to like. It terrified him that she had so much control over him. He felt the warmth spreading between his legs, the capacity having been reached. It wouldn’t be long before he started leaking. He flushed red again, unable to face the possibility of asking for a change again. She wasn’t in the mood for his nonsense, as she had clearly perfected the male mute button. He tried to push the pacifier out of his mouth with his tongue but was unable to. The straps wrapped around his head were surprisingly effective. Even if he had the courage to ask, he couldn’t. Full of despair, he simply sat there, with his head down, trying to hide his shame from all the passersbys.

Back at home, Bradly waddled into the house as fast as he could, trying his best to hide the pacifier. For the moment, it was his only preoccupation, forgetting temporarily about the bulge in his pants and the outline it formed in his pants. The neighbors may have noticed, but if they did, they didn’t say anything. Inside, Brad had the courage to stand his ground, he ripped the pacifier from his lips, pulling the straps off. Laura had calmly followed him into the house, her recent purchases in hand. She was bemused at his display, the way he pouted and tried to stand there in defiance, even with his diaper visibly sagging.

“Enough is enough, Laura! I’m not doing this anymore!”

“Oh, really?” She said, slowly setting the bags down and dropping her purse off on the end table.

“This has gone too far! I can handle the diapers, I can handle the bottles, but I will not let you publicly shame me!” He was getting riled up, and she for a moment expected him to stomp his foot like the baby he was.

“I did no such thing. Remember that it was you that chose this route.”

“I agreed to one week in diapers, not humiliation.” His voice was straining and he was starting to have a breakdown. It wouldn’t be long now.

“You agreed to be in diapers and you didn’t protest when I started treating you like a

baby. Isn’t that what you’ve always wanted? For me to be your mommy and treat you like the little baby you are?”

“I AM NOT A BABY!!” He lost it and stomped his foot to each word.

“Are you sure? Because from where I stand,” She held up a hand and began counting fingers, “You have tears running down your face. You are holding your binky. You’re having a tantrum. You’re stomping your foot. And you clearly need your diaper changed. That’s five reasons that you are behaving like a baby. Do I need to continue?”

“I’m...not...a baby…” He sniveled, overwhelmed by his situation. “I’m not!” He yelled one last time, throwing his pacifier at her. “I’m done with this!”

“You know,” She said, calmly, her voice seething in anger, “I’ve about had it with you little boy. I’ve tried to be a good Mommy. I’ve tried to be patient. But this is the last straw.”

She picked the pacifier up off the floor and walked over to him. He shrank back at each of her steps, unable to flee and frozen in place. She grabbed him by his ear and pulled, dragging him, whimpering, over to the nearest corner. She pushed his face into it and growled with utter dominance, “Stay!”

Unable to resist, his courage gone, baby Bradly did what Mommy told him to do. He stayed, his nose pressed into the corner, tears running down his face. He heard her rummaging

around behind him but dared not to look. He heard the familiar sound of diapers hitting the floor and foolishly hoped that she was finally going to change him. He heard a few more noises, something similar to a jar opening and a box tearing before he heard the sound of a chair being

dragged across the floor. Everything went quiet, and he was sure that he was alone. He heard the telltale click of her heels returning from the bedroom and that pit in his stomach grew. He heard a rustling noise and then, silence.

“Come here, Bradly.” Her voice was collected, authoritative and level.

He slowly turned away from the wall and saw that she had many things strewn about her, but mainly, she sat on one of the kitchen chairs in the middle of the living room.


He fell to his hands and knees, trying to make sense of what was going to happen. He slowly moved towards her, frightened into obedience. When he got to her, he hung his head. The surrounding air spelled doom.

“Look at me.”

He turned his head up to her. She held his pacifier in her hand and a scowl on her face.

“I will only say this once, Bradly. You are not to behave that way, ever! I will not allow you to throw your things or have a tantrum because things aren’t going your way. Now, open.”

She inserted the pacifier back into his mouth and tied it securely around his head.

“Sit up.”

He complied, and she pulled his right hand forward, sliding what appeared to be a bag over his hand. She buckled it tightly around his wrist and motioned for the left hand. As she was

securing his hands together, she spoke.

“These mittens will make sure that you keep your hands to yourself. Try as you might, you will be unable to do much with these hands. Fitting that your hands and mouth got you into this mess, and now they are mine. Now stand.”

He stood, finding it horrifying that she was absolutely right. He couldn’t grasp anything with the mittens on his hands, their sleek plastic outer coating made it impossible for him to get even the most basic of grips on anything. She ignored the expression on his face as she undid his pants, letting them drop to his ankles. She peeled off the tapes to his diapers and let them drop the to the floor as well. They were soaked all the way through, and she wasn’t surprised. She had deliberately left them on him for too long. She pulled the wet mass from between his legs and dropped in into the garbage. He needed a bath, he reeked of urine. But a lesson needed to be learned here. An establishment of the status quo.

She sat back down and pulled on the chain tying his mittens together, pulling him across her lap. His pants around his ankles effectively tied his legs together, and he was helpless against her power. She held her wooden hairbrush in front of his face, showing him the tool of her trade. He whimpered and tried to muffledly plead for mercy.

“I warned you. Several times. To behave yourself. But you preferred to throw a temper tantrum. That is not allowed.” She rubbed the cold wood across his backside. “I’m not doing this out of anger. I’m doing this because I love you and I want you to be the best baby boy you can be.”

The first smack was mild. She was building up to it. He twitched in surprise but didn’t fight her. What followed, however, was far from mild. She used the wooden hairbrush to great effect, working up and down each of his cheeks. By the tenth smack, he was kicking and wailing, trying as hard as he could to get away from her onslaught. It was futile. The more he squirmed, the harder she swung and by the twentieth swing, he was bawling, his eyes and nose running. By thirty, her arm was getting tired and his ass was cherry red. By forty, the bruises were starting to show, and when she finally counted to fifty, the lesson was over. Beaten, literally and figuratively, Baby Bradly was a sobbing mess, unable to do anything, in full obedience to Mommy.

She helped him stand and pointed to the corner. He was near hyperventilating, trying to breathe around the pacifier and the runny nose. He complied without complaint and stood in the corner, his cheeks afire from the worst spanking she had ever given him. Had he not been caged, he may have had some arousal, but she had broken the man he used to be, and now, a sniveling, crying, man-sized baby had taken over him.

She bustled around the house for a while, giving him time to calm down. Not too much, as she needed to get him back in his diapers, but for the moment, she would let the air do what it could to soothe him. She had lost a little bit of her control with him, but it was for his own good.

He had hinted at a hairbrush spanking several times before, but she suspected that his opinion had changed on the matter. It would be worth discussing in the future but for now, she had a baby to attend to.

“Bradly, come get a clean diaper on. Be a good boy for Mommy.”

He obeyed, laying down as best he could and already had his hips in the air, waiting for her. She smiled to herself, he was always so compliant after she spanked him. Her confidence in her ability to dominate him was soaring. She slid the diaper under him and without being told, he lowered himself onto it, then pulled his legs to his chest for the lotion and powder. He was staring at the ceiling, the tears drying on his face. She used his passivity to her advantage and as she was rubbing lotion on him, she pressed two suppositories into his rear. His eyes widened at the intrusion, but he stayed still. Like a good boy.

After the powder, she pulled the diaper up between his legs and taped it closed. She didn’t see the need for a second one, this one wasn’t going to last long and he was going to need a bath afterward. She left him there to sulk while she went into the kitchen. She was famished and she was sure that he was hungry too. They only had a few more hours together before he had to go to work, and she was sure that he was feeling disconnected from her. She made his a bottle, a new one, with a larger nipple and size, made for adults. He would need something more substantial, but for the moment, she wanted to have him relying on her.

She was lost in her thoughts and hadn’t seen him move from the living room. She almost stepped on him when she turned from the counter. He had crawled into the kitchen and was sitting by her side. She looked down at him and when their eyes met, she knew what was going on. The suppositories had done their work and he was feeling the urges. He groaned, trying to fight it, but was losing the battle.

“Baby, is something wrong?” She asked, pretending to be oblivious.

He nodded, his attention on the growing discomfort in his bowels.

“I think I know what’s going on. It’s okay, baby, just let your body do what it needs to do.

That’s why you are wearing diapers. For situations like this. And the sooner you get used to it, the easier it will be.”

He shook his head, not willing to give in just yet.

“I know it’s hard, baby, but you will adjust. Mommy doesn’t want to have to give you an enema.”

He whined, his mind racing on thoughts of the future. This couldn’t be his life. This wasn’t a part of the deal. But it was. He had agreed to a week in diapers, 24 hours per day, for 7 days. Every part of him wanted to rush off to the toilet and relieve himself. But he had made the deal. There wasn’t much left of Brad, she had taken nearly everything he had been and now she wanted the last bit. His dignity. She demanded his dignity. The first time, his body had just done what it was meant to, but this time, she was forcing it to happen. He was fighting for every last shred of who he was. His mind was screaming and it was losing the war.

The man that was Brad faded into nothing as nature took its course. Baby Bradly leaned forward as his bowels emptied into his diaper. He grunted and pushed, trying to get it over as quickly as possible. He couldn’t understand how he had come to this point, his eyes locked onto his wife, now his Mommy, as the last bit of dignity and rebellion passed into his diaper.

The cage. The pacifier.The mittens.The bottles.The breastfeeding.The soiled diaper pressing his mess into his skin. It had only taken three days, and he had been successfully reduced to the equivalent of an infant. Her eyes still locked with his, he saw the smile spreading across her lips. It wasn’t evil or malevolent. He couldn’t sense any cruelty or malice. All he saw was love. She was showing him love.

She motioned to him to follow her and she led him, crawling, back into the living room.

She moved the changing pad closer to the couch and sat on the floor between it and the couch.

He laid on the mat as she pointed and leaned back into her arms. She loosened the strap to his pacifier, and she gently pulled it from his lips. He didn’t push at all, completely subservient. She slipped the bottle between his lips and rested his head on her shoulder. He took it all without complaint, and she cooed and murmured in his ear as he suckled.

He still had to go to work in a few hours and the smell from his diaper was wafting up to

their noses, but for now, at that moment, Mommy and Baby were content.

One Week in Diapers - Chapter 06 - Day Three - Part Three

  Five words. Five words that rang throughout his mind. Five words that spoke immeasurable volumes to a tattered psyche. Five simple, innocent words.

Want to take that off?

Impossible words. His mind couldn’t handle it. Like everything else that had happened to him this week, he couldn’t handle it. He had been frozen in utter mortification, standing in the bathroom when those words rang out. The slow turn to look behind him, the blood draining from his face, and the utter embarrassment as he flushed magenta

How could he have been so reckless? How could he have let her see? How could he had been so fucking stupid?

Erica stood behind him, off to the side so that he couldn’t see her reflection in the mirror he was facing. His pants were down, his diaper on full display, and he had pulled the front of it down so that he could see the pink cage that contained his manhood. Bradly was having strange feelings from down there, and he wanted to see if anything was going on. He should have waited. He knew when he got to the next job site, he would have had all the privacy in the world. But Bradly wasn’t thinking straight. All Bradly knew was that he wasn’t supposed to touch his diaper. Mommy said so. And he knew that he was going to be in deep trouble if Mommy found out. But he had to see.

There hadn’t been anything visibly wrong with him. The strange feeling he had must have been a fluke or something. Some evil trick. It felt urgent but good. He didn’t feel like he had to potty, but there was some other feeling there. Something he used to know, but couldn’t put his finger on.

Terrified, he quickly pulled his diaper back up and fumbled to get his pants fastened before rushing past her, tears falling down his face. He didn’t know where to go, but he had to get away from her. He didn’t make it far, collapsing in a dark room as far away from her as he could get. He was sobbing, trying to stay quiet, but his cries could be heard by the only other person in the building.

She approached him slowly, standing inside the doorway for a moment, letting him get used to her presence. She knelt in front of him and gingerly placed a hand on his shoulder. He shrunk father into himself, unable to face her and dying from shame.

She sighed. She had known that something was up. He had been weirdly distant all week, and she had just wanted to see if she could get him out of his shell. This was not what she was expecting. To see this grown man, whom she had some sort of feelings for, standing in front of a mirror in an adult diaper and a chastity cage. That was far from the imagery she had expected or anticipated when she would think of when she imagined him without his pants. But to be in a diaper? What the fuck? She wanted to be angry or to laugh at him, something other than the feeling that she currently felt. Pity. That’s what she felt. Pity. The ghastly look on his face, the sheer terror at being discovered, the tears that fell down his face coupled with the blushing shame, and then the sobbing. For someone that she had always seen as so strong, emotionally, physically. He had always carried himself as a man who had his world in his palm, able to handle any challenge, conquer any diversity. To see him reduced to this sobbing mess, hiding in a dark room, unable to look at her was heart-wrenching

He was dry sobbing now, unable to form any more tears. His nose was running and his shirt sleeves were soaked through. His panicked sobs had given him the hiccups and between the silence, each hiccup added to his pathetic demeanor.

She didn’t know what to say or think and yet in some way, she felt she had to console him.

“Shhhh. It’s ok. I didn’t mean to startle you.”

She tried to put her hand on his head, but he pulled away sharply.

“You weren’t supposed to know.”

“Who did this to you?”

“My m...my wife.”

“Laura did this?! Why?!”

“Cause she found our messages.”

“And this was her reaction? To have you wear diapers?”

“It was our deal.”

“Deal? What kind of person chooses this as a deal?”

He was silent for a moment, then he lifted his head, “I’m that kind of person.”

“You agreed to this? To wear those?”



“To save my marriage.”

“Those will save your marriage? How?”

“By proving that I can handle it.”

“Handle it? For how long do you have to handle it?”

“Four more days.”

She thought for a moment, noticing that he was starting to relax and calm down.

“So a week, huh?”

He nodded, wiping the tears from his eyes.

“That’s fucked up.”

“It’s my fault.”

“How is this your fault? I mean, really, all you did was send messages to me. That’s not the end of the world. It’s not like we fucked or anything.”

“She says it’s the same as cheating.”

“I don’t think so. It’s a little wrong, but it’s not cheating. Cheating is if we had sex, simple as that. This? This is just cruel. And you wanted it?”

“It was the only choice I had.”

“You could have said no.”

“And then my marriage would be over.”

“And you think it’s going to be okay after this?”

He looked at her and was obviously confused.

“Think about it, Brad. If something like us texting turns into you making a choice like that, how many other mistakes are going to lead you down the same path?”

“I..I don’t know.”

“Exactly. You gave in. And now, she can pull out that divorce card whenever she wants to get her way and you will do anything she demands to keep your marriage. How is that fair?”

“It’s not.”

“Damn right it’s not.”

“But it’s what I choose.”

She looked at him, staring into his eyes, trying to find understanding. It didn’t seem possible that someone would choose as he did. She was sure as hell wouldn’t. She was disgusted and weirded out by all of it. Just knowing what was hidden under his pants made her feel uneasy and yet, she was strangely intrigued by it all. A feminist at heart, though not the irritating kind that wanted nothing more than female domination. Feminazis she called them. She was a firm believer in woman’s liberation but recognized that men played a crucial role in society. It was just that now and then, she’d like them to bow down to her instead of bowing down to them. It was unfortunate that every man she met was typically boring, only trying to meet her needs long enough to get her in the mood and then using her for their ends. She longed for her needs to be put first for a change.

A hiccup shook her back to reality, and she assessed the situation. He was staring off into space for a moment or two before his eyes fluttered, and he seemed to come back to reality. Enough times babysitting to know what that face meant. It was a question on the tip of her tongue but the answer seemed obvious now. Still, she felt compelled to ask.

“Do you...use them?”

He looked at her, shame returning to his face. He didn’t need to answer, but he nodded anyway.

“I have to.”

“Have to? Is that part of the deal?”

He nodded again, “I can’t take them off.”

“At all?”

He shook his head.

“But what if you have to…” She trailed off, unable to finish the question or comprehend the answer.

“I try not to do it here. If anyone else found out…”

A simple thought, but it shook her to her core. The gravity of what he was saying, how much he had to change in his day to day just to get through a week. It explained why he had been avoiding her and why his messages had stopped. She couldn’t seem to get her head around the whole thing and it made her feel nauseous. In some twisted way, she was responsible for his condition, and she didn’t want that on her conscience. She had to help him.

“Want to take that off?”

He looked at her, staring blankly. Echoes of her words reverberated through his mind. It didn’t seem possible to him that there was an out. It didn’t seem possible to him that anyone could or would help him. It just didn’t seem possible.

“I...can’t. I don’t have the key.”

“They are all the same. Had an old boyfriend that was into that sort of thing. Too weird for me. But I know that all the keys are interchangeable.”

“I’m not allowed to.”

“That’s up to you. Are you just going to let her walk all over you or are you going to stand up for yourself? All I’m saying is that I can get a key that will take that thing off of you. I’m sure I have one at home.”

He couldn’t think straight. It was all too much. What he did know is that his life was falling apart. He was overwhelmed with emotions. Too many things have happened in such a short amount of time. He had been found out by one of the people he had tried the hardest to keep all of this away from. She had seen everything, the diaper, the cage, and in his weeping, he had wet himself in front of her. He wanted to curl up into a ball and cry. He wanted to hide from the world. But strangely, he wanted his mommy.

No. Not her. She was the reason that he was in this mess, almost literally. He felt the pressure starting in his tummy. Erica was offering him salvation. If at all temporary. A chance to be free. It felt like it had been forever since he had touched himself, felt complete. She had taken every shred of his manhood away and it was up to him to reclaim it. There were so many questions, so many things he had to think of. And the consequences. What if he failed? What if she found out? Would she leave him? Would she punish him? She had already threatened an enema, a revolting concept for him. She had the mittens and he was sure that she had bought other devices that he didn’t even want to think about.

Freedom. That was the unyielding whisper in his mind. With the cage off, he could have some resemblance to his old self. He could find the courage to stand up to her. Or at least enough time to find himself before it would have to go back on. Any reprieve would be better than nothing.


He had been quiet long enough for her to have to shuffle off her feet. Sitting down in front of him, she was holding his hand. Neither of them understood how or why and when they figured it out, they both pulled away sharply. Content that she had an answer she helped him to his feet. They had to get back to work. She gave him a quick hug and told him that everything would be okay before watching him walk unsteadily back to his work area. Unable to help herself, she stared at his butt and with her newfound knowledge, she could clearly see the outline of his diaper. Seeing was believing and she was amazed at how he was able to hide it simply by playing to others’ ignorance.

Brad waddled back to his work area, his mind numb from the past few minutes. He was overwhelmed, wet, and seriously distraught. The one person that he never wanted to know about his situation was offering a temporary solution. It all seemed so insane. He went back to work, his mind trying to process. Time passed, and he tried his best to avoid Erica when he went to leave the site. She was waiting for him, a look of sympathetic calm on her face. It was genuine, perhaps more genuine than any other look she had ever given him. He could tell she was serious as she could tell he needed to be changed. There was no mockery of his situation, no sneers of domineering intent, just calm. He had peace in her calm.

The rest of his night passed without incident. He worked and he thought. He stayed a good boy and used his diapers like he was supposed to. Laura suspected nothing when he got home. She had a warm bath and dinner ready for him. With food and a change later, he was laying in her arms in bed, blankly suckling on a bottle. His mind, however, was racing. Planning. Plotting. Day three had come to a close and day four would prove to be the most interesting one yet.

Chapter 07 - Day Four - Part One

  Baby Bradly woke on the fourth morning slowly, wondering what fresh hell he would have to face. Everything seemed to be fine and he felt a strange sense of security. He was alone in the bed, Laura was bustling around the house somewhere and he felt at peace. His mornings were turning into a routine. She was always up before him so that was nothing new and he knew that she was waiting for him to wake up and be ready for his morning change. His mind was foggy from sleep but in the back corner he was mulling over the events and thoughts he had from last night. She was none the wiser and he was making plans to have his sought after manhood back.

He heard footsteps heading his way and in moments, Laura walked into the room, a smile on her face and a bottle in her hand. Part of him groaned. He was tired of bottles. He wanted to feed himself, take a shower, hell, he would settle for using the toilet at this point.

She was dressed and showered, perky and far too awake for him. She wasn’t wearing a bra and he could tell that she was aroused for some reason. Couldn’t have been anything that he did. He had fallen asleep early the night before, worn out from stress and crying. She was going to be overbearing this morning, he could feel it in the pit of his stomach.

“Morning Bradly! Did Mommy’s baby sleep good?”

He simply nodded, not willing to entertain her at the moment.

“Well, someone must have slept really well cause look!” 

She flung the covers off of him and he had a chance to look down. Around his waist, a large damp stain on the bedsheets. The telltale smell of pee washed over him. He had wet the bed. Wait a minute, his brain screamed, how could I have wet the bed? I’m wearing a diaper!

“It looks to me like someone needs a little bit more protection when he sleeps. Huh?” Her voice was that fake retail clerk voice she only used when at work. It grated on his nerves. He took quiet inventory of himself, the rest of his body seemed fine. He didn’t feel strange or anything like that, but the evidence was clear, as his diaper was practically mush taped around his hips. He hadn’t even felt the urge to go. She had changed him after he had gotten home and he had gone to sleep perfectly dry. To pee that much, to soak through not only a diaper with the capacity of 180 ounces, but to have it leak so much as to cover most of the bed as well. It didn’t seem possible. Not overnight. Not on the limited diet she supplied him with.

Confused, he looked at her but her face was hidden behind that smile. He felt as if she was hiding some great malevolence behind that smile. She didn’t feel like his wife anymore, just some cruel mother figure wearing his wife’s face. He had to get out of this. He had to get away from her. That night was going to be the first step. Remove the cage. If he could get the key from Erica, he was one giant step closer to getting away from Laura’s oppressive regime.

“Come on baby, outta bed and over to the changing mat. We need to get you into a fresh diaper.”

He sat up and swung his feet off the bed. The diaper squished and he felt more warm liquid squirt out from the leg holes. He went to stand but she cleared her throat and pointed to the floor. He obediently sunk to his knees and crawled across the room to the waiting mat. He squished more as he laid down and was barely settled before she held the bottle to his lips. He took it without complaint as she went about changing him. 

“My. My. My. What am I going to do with you, huh? At the bare minimum, I think you need two nappies today. Do you like that word? Nappies? It’s British I think. I like it so I think that’s a keeper. Little Baby Bradly in his cutesy nappies.”

He watched her around the edge of the bottle, now mostly gone.

“Are you going to be a good boy for Mommy today? Yesterday wasn’t so good, was it? No, it wasn’t! Someone was not a good boy and got his little tushy spanked. That’s what happens when you misbehave. So today, I want you to be on your best behavior. Remember what I said. You need to be a good boy for me or I will have to get that nasty bag and clean you out.”

He knew what she was referring to. He still had some pressure from the night before so he didn’t think that would be a problem today if he could bring himself to do it for her.

“So this is what we are going to do today,” having wiped him down. She showed him everything she had planned for the moment.

“Diapers first, of course, I don’t want you having accidents on the floor. Two full-sized with the princess pullup as a booster, just to be safe. Pacifier until breakfast. Mittens to keep you out of trouble and look what I found!”

She brandished a white t-shirt that looked way too long. On the chest was imprinted I <3 Mommy!

“See? It’s an onesie! Can you believe they make these big enough for spoiled babies like you?!”

He shook his head. It was a lie and they both knew it. He had wanted one for a long time but he was playing along.

“Of course not! But aren’t they just the cutest things ever?!”

She pulled the pullup apart and laid it inside one of the fresh diapers. She stacked those on the other one before sliding it underneath him. Lotion and powder were next and he could swear she was purposefully teasing him, rubbing around his poor caged manhood. The stimulation was maddening. He felt the urge to release but couldn’t and it hurt. She pulled the mass of diapers up between his legs and taped them one after each other, getting them as tight as she could. She pulled the bottle from his hands and set it aside, replacing it with the pacifier, lifting his head to tie it securely. She murmured things about him being a good boy as she sat him up. She pulled the onesie over his head and helped his arms through. She left the snaps alone for the moment and grabbed the mittens. He wanted to whine and whimper but he thought better of it. He let the mittens go on without complaint. He figured that by that point, there was nothing more she could do to him.

“Now, be a good boy and crawl out to the living room and play while Mommy cleans up the bed.”

He rolled onto his hands and knees and started to crawl. He got no more than a few feet away when he felt the tug of resistance on his diaper.

“Almost forgot.” Was all she said and he watched her snake her hand between his legs, grabbing the front of his onesie. He had to spread his legs more as she fumbled to secure the snaps over the bulk of his diapers. Once the last snap was secure, she patted him on the butt and sent him on his way. He had lived through everything else, but that one small effort was enough to redden his face. In every sense of the word, he crawled to the living room as a baby. Her baby.

Breakfast was mashed bananas and oatmeal in the kitchen followed by another bottle in the living room. As much as his morning changes were a routine, this part of his day was following suit. There wasn’t much in his life that he considered serene but this ritual was one of them. A concept had crept in his mind as he had played in the living room, watching cartoons and listening to breakfast being made. A concept that seemed like total lunacy. He could get used to this.

He sat on his feet and watched cartoons, bottle in hand, bottle in mouth. He was both disgusted and excited by the concept. As insane as it sounded in his head, in that moment, had she offered to keep him that way for the rest of his life, he might have weighed the options. To stay a baby forever? That was just psychotic. Wasn’t it?

His mind wandered during that morning, bouncing from his plan to that crazy notion. Freedom from all of his guilt and pain, from life’s pressures and uncertainty, from this endless punishment and shame. What path was the right one? Was there even a fork in the road? Three more days. He had made it halfway, despite what felt like the worst she could have thrown at him. She might still have other dastardly things that he didn’t know about, but the worst felt behind him. He had braved public embarrassment and his coworker knew about the situation. What more could she possibly throw at him? Was all of this as bad as he was making it out to be?

Part of him had always wanted something like this. An endurance run, to see just how long he could go as her baby. Working into the fourth day, he felt like making it to the end would be easier than how it all started. Plus, the perks. While not what any normal person would consider to be perks, there was some allure to the lifestyle that he was living. She cleaned him, she fed him, she changed him. Aside from the unfortunate bit about messing, it wasn’t all that bad. The three changes a day were enough to keep him from getting a rash or having to sit in it too long. He could complain that the pacifier and the mittens were too much but they did the job of making him feel utterly helpless, as intended, but they were only really used at home. Out in the world, she sent him in as normal of clothes as would fit over his diaper and it was life as normal. He had to be more careful, for sure, but as he had proven time and time again, outsiders would need to know what to look for to see that anything was out of the ordinary. It wasn’t like she doused him with powders and creams, so they couldn’t really tell unless they were right on top of him. Not to mention, the job had its own unfortunate group of smells so he had a deterrent from people breathing too deep around the job.

He changed tactics and thought harder. Freedom, on the other hand, from the cage and from her humiliating treatment. He still loved her, that hadn’t changed, but her domination over his life had been so complete and so jarring that he was still struggling to come to terms with it. He was doing things out of obedience, crawling, drinking from a bottle, and not fighting her because she had cemented her place as the authoritarian figure. In contemplation, everything she demanded him to do just further added to the baby motif. He wasn’t forced to do anything that a baby wouldn’t do. Did that make her actions cruel? The spanking surely felt cruel, but to a baby, any sort of punishment would. Making him mess himself wasn’t cruel, not in a broader sense. Babies had no concept of cruelty in that regard. If they had to go, they just went, so again, she was simply keeping him in the role. In reality, the more he thought about it, the only cruel thing she had done was lock his manhood in the cage. If he could somehow barter his way out of the cage, would this life really be that bad?

He mentally chastised himself. Stop being a fool. Get through this morning and you can get that ridiculous thing off of you. Then you will show her what’s up. Yeah, get out of these stupid diapers and talk some god damn sense into her. Or just leave. See if she can pay for all of this shit on her own. That’d be rich. She’d last maybe a week if that. She doesn’t realize how much she needs me. Needs my money. And she’s crazy if she thinks she can replace this dick. I’ll show her who’s the boss. Couple good nights balls deep in her throat ought to set her right. Goddamn, I want to get off. This is bullshit. 

“Bradly? Are you okay?”

He stopped suckling on the bottle and looked up at her, confused. He felt the blood drain from his face and his body relaxed. Something felt off. She was staring intently at him, waiting for something. He wasn’t sure what. She smiled and took the bottle from him, patting him on the head. Her whole demeanour seemed off like she had just found some great realization. She busied herself around the kitchen, cleaning up the morning dishes. He leaned forward and fell onto his hands and knew immediately that something was wrong. He kneeled there stunned as he tried to grasp what had happened. He was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he hadn’t realized what had happened.

Shame and embarrassment. That’s what he should have felt. He was puzzled as to why he didn’t. He was just minding his own business, thinking things over and it just kinda happened. He hadn’t even recognised it was happening. He was both amazed and mortified by that. He had read and done research that all seemed to say roughly the same thing. It was supposed to take months if not a year of constant diaper training before something like this was supposed to happen. It could have just been a fluke, a random occurrence. That had to be it. There was no way that he could be incontinent within just four days. It had to be a fluke. Even if it was, then why was he okay with it? He had just soiled himself without so much as a thought and yet, all the adult emotions he should be feeling weren’t there, just a calming sense of relief. His tummy didn’t hurt anymore and as he flooded the front of his diaper, there wasn’t anything to feel but better. As he crawled his way to Mommy, Baby Bradly was feeling pretty good about himself.

Laura was ecstatic. She had almost been convinced that she would have to pull out the enema bag and use it. She didn’t want to. The suppositories worked much better than she had thought and she still had some left. The bag was her last resort, bought on impulse to embarrass him, she hadn’t any inclination of cleaning the mess that came with it. There were other ways but it didn’t seem necessary any more.

She was watching him out of the corner of her eyes as he was drinking his bottle and watching cartoons. She wondered what was going on in his mind. He was sitting there, being good when his face flushed red and he had tensed up. He hadn’t even seemed like he knew what was going on. She did. She had seen that face before and not just on him. Her nieces and nephews would all make the same face when they had to go. She was amazed by all of it. She had gotten him so deep into the role that he had stopped fighting even his own body. She was so happy about all of it. She was still hurting, still angry, but he was holding up his end of the bargain, giving her what she wanted. It wasn’t about punishment anymore. It had started that way. She wanted him to feel the shame and pain that she felt. She had wanted him to hurt the only way she knew how, by making him hate one of the only things that made him truly happy. It started that way at least. Now, not so much. Now that she had him as she wanted him, she could just revel in the power it gave her. He needed her for everything. His food. His cleanliness. His comfort. Almost everything.

The past four days of taking care of him had given her a lot of time to think. Although she felt that he had betrayed her, all of her attempts to break him had failed. He was true to his word. Most of her anger had not come because of suggestive text messages. They hurt, sure. He had been giving attention to another woman and she was jealous. No, the hurt came from the unknown. She couldn’t shake the feeling that he had slept with that other girl, that he had crossed the line that he had sworn he wouldn’t. It made her feel powerless. If she couldn’t have his absolute attention, then she felt lost. Now that she had it, had everything that made him a man, she was starting to care for him again. Starting to feel that love they shared. She wasn’t naive though. She could still tell from the look in his eyes that he could still rebel. She had to keep him compliant.

One of the ways she told herself that she would do that was by being consistent. She went into this deal knowing that it was going to push them in ways that would take years to understand and that they may never fully recover from. The important thing, she told herself each night, was to not take the feelings from one day into the next. Although she had lost her patience yesterday and had to discipline him, she left those feelings in the past where they belonged. It seemed hypocritical to hold him to different standards. Why couldn’t she let the feelings from last week go? Why did she need to keep him like this for a week? Why have such a skewed double standard?

Questions for another time. For now, she had to get ready for work and she had a baby that needed a change. He had crawled his way onto the couch and was looking at her. Somehow, he had found his other pacifier and he looked so cute and innocent. His soft expression tore at her heartstrings. He was such a good boy.

“Ready for a change?” She asked him and he just looked at her. She smiled softly and went over to him. He nuzzled his face into her chest and her emotions flared. Part of her wanted him, another part felt like the mother that she was never able to be. She reached down with one hand and pulled the snaps apart on his onesie before pulling up the back to expose his diaper. She pulled it back to peek inside and the smell hit them both. 

“Oh my, didn’t someone make messes for Mommy?”

Again, no reply.

“Well crawl your happy baby butt to the bedroom and Mommy will change you.”

She watched him go, the extra padding between his legs forcing them apart. He was being such a good boy that she wanted to do something special for him. To take care of his last need.

In the bedroom, she found him lying on the mat, absentmindedly staring up at the ceiling. He looked so peaceful. While he wore the face of a man she had mixed feelings for, his body was someone else, someone she felt love for.

She hummed while she went about changing him, pulling the onesie up over his belly before untapping the first of his diapers. It was clean and dry. She had forgotten to cut some holes in the other one to allow liquid through. Rookie mistake. The other one was clearly wet, the indicator was obvious. Such a good boy. She braced herself as she pulled it off him. The smell wasn’t as bad as she had anticipated and most of the mess was a clump in the pullup. She separated the two and began cleaning him.

She kept humming as she worked, taking time to make sure he was clean and formulating a plan. He had been so good. She could be mad at him. She couldn’t be disgusted. Her baby needed her to be strong.

Once clean, she set about setting another princess pullup into a fresh diaper that she poked some hole in. Double diapering him was going to get costly, but he was such a heavy wetter. She slid it under him and as he lowered his hips, she felt the urge to reward him for being such a good baby.

She reached down her shirt and pulled out the key to his cage. He recognized it immediately and tensed up. She took note of his reaction. She still had the key as a bartering chip.

“Now, Bradly, Mommy knows that this has been a rough few days. Mommy also knows that you have been such a good boy today. So, Mommy wants to give her baby a little treat. Would you like that?”

He nodded, excited, his eyes fixated on the key. She undid her shirt and exposed her chest. She moved around to his side and looked him dead in the eye.

“Bradly, Mommy would like to take that off for a little while, understand?”

He nodded.

“But when Mommy says, it has to go back on, understand?”

He nodded again, slower.

“Will you be a good boy for Mommy?”

He nodded once more.

“Okay. Mommy wants to trust you. But if you misbehave, I won’t take this off again.”

He looked at her and slowly nodded.

She reached down and undid the lock, slowly pulling the cage apart, freeing him. She allowed him a few moments to let the air cool him before she pulled the pacifier from his lips. She lifted his head and slid her lap under him, turning his head into her breast. She rubbed her nipple on his lips and within moments, he was latched on to her, suckling softly. She let the sensations flow through her before turning her attention back to him. With her dominant hand, she slowly grasped his freed manhood, massaging it with her fingertips. His body responded immediately and she began working her hand up and down him. She could feel his reactions through her breast. His breath quickened, shorter, faster.

“Does that feel good?”

He moaned.

“Does Baby like that?”

He moaned more, his toes curling.

“Are you my good boy? Are you Mommy’s good baby?”

His hands clenched, his eyes were rolling into the back of his head.

“Come on, Baby, make messes for Mommy. Show me how much you need your diapers.”

His eyes snapped open and stared at her. She stopped moving her hand and the faintest of whimpers escaped his lips.

She looked down at him and kisses his forehead.

“It’s okay. You can tell Mommy the truth. Only I will understand.” 

She began pumping him again, slower this time and within moments, he was back to gasping for breath.

“Yeah? Does Mommy know best? Does Mommy know what you need? It’s okay, you can tell Mommy. Come on. Tell me the truth.”

He let her breast slip from his lips. She was going to have her way.

“What is it baby? Tell Mommy. What do you need?”


“That’s it, tell Mommy what you need.”


He was close, she knew it. She looked into his face and they locked eyes. She raised her eyebrows at him, expecting a response. She slowed her hand and let the frustration build. And when that didn’t work she stopped altogether, reaching over him to grab the cage and set in on his chest. She grasped him again and had him panting in seconds.

“Last chance, Bradly, or the cage goes back on. Now I know you want to be a good boy for Mommy and tell me what you need.”

He whimpered and stuttered to speak, “M-mommy?”

“Yes, Bradly? What do you need?”

“I...need...my…...ugh...diapers!” He released in a fountain all over her hand and his stomach, barely able to get the last word out. His eyes rolled back into his head and he slumped, spent. She wiped her hand off and his stomach as he twitched. Within moments of going soft, she had him locked back into his cage, lotioned and powdered, and was pulling the mass of diaper up between his legs, taping him back into it like his life depended on it.

She let him lay there for a few moments while she cleaned up everything. She helped him get dressed and get into bed. He was exhausted and he needed a nap. He had four hours before he had to go to work. She set the alarm on his phone and placed it on the nightstand next to him. She slipped his pacifier back into his mouth and watched his eyes droop closed. He had been such a good boy.

Chapter 08 - Day Four - Part Two

  Brad hadn’t meant to fall asleep. His time out of the cage had felt so good and the release was so intense that he was worn out. He hadn’t fought the cage going back on or the diapers or the pacifier. He didn’t have any fight left in him. His mind was fuzzy. Part of him was enamored by Laura for having given him what he had wanted. The other part was trying to work out if it was because of the deal, or because he had done what she had wanted. Did that mean that if he did what he was expected to do, she would let him out of the cage more often? But the cage was coming off in a few days, right? He wasn’t sure anymore. He couldn’t see anything past the day he was in. Was his life now exactly what he had fantasized? Was he happy?

A rustling out in the living room disrupted his thoughts. He looked at his phone and was immediately concerned. He still had an hour before he had to get ready for work, but Laura shouldn’t be home. She had to work earlier than him today and should already be gone. He sat up, spitting the pacifier into his hand. He set it aside on the nightstand and stood up. He had only made it a few steps before he had to stop, his bladder giving out, flooding his diaper.

Great, he thought, just what I need, to confront an intruder while wearing a wet diaper. Fuck my life.

He grabbed a pair of pants and struggled to pull them over the bulk of his diapers. With the onesie and the jeans, he could barely hear the crinkles. He grabbed a robe and loosely tied it, it’s dark color coupled with how it hung was enough to hide the bulk. After checking himself out in the mirror, he was content that no one could tell his predicament.

Brad slowly opened the bedroom door, peering down the hallway. He couldn’t see anybody, but there was definitely something going on. He carefully stepped into the hall and cautiously, with each hesitant footstep, made his way down the hall. He wished he had a weapon. A bat or a knife or something. Surprise would have to do. Maybe he could scare the intruder off without a long, drawn-out conversation.

It took one glance for his blood to run cold. That young girl that he had met yesterday, the one that told Laura about the mittens was in his house, in his living room. She was working on something, must have been schoolwork or something because she had papers and books spread everywhere. She looked like she had made herself at home, there was a glass of something, half drank, nearby. The tv was playing some mindless teen-focused supernatural drama. 

He tried to stammer out some words, something, anything, to announce his presence but the words wouldn’t come. He didn’t have to say anything, as she stopped writing, looked at the time on her phone and shuffled everything to the side so she could stand up. He tried to shrink back into the darkened hallway, but she saw him before he could get very far.

“You’re awake! Good. Do you need your diaper changed?”

He stared at her, flabbergasted. He couldn’t form words and his face flushed red. He was ashamed that this young girl, someone he would have been hitting on and fantasizing about, was asking him if he needed his diaper changed.

“Bradly?” Her voice was level, sweet, and almost kind. He remembered everything that she had said yesterday. About her brother being in diapers until he was 18. About what she suggested should be used on him. About had been done to him.

She walked around the couch to him and he was frozen in place. She was skinny, about half a foot shorter than he was, and gorgeous. Decent sized, perky breasts, and a firm ass. There wasn’t an ounce of fat on her and when he could, he would add her to his mental spank bank. But at that moment, she looked three feet taller than him, large and imposing. She knew his secret, had called him out on it and the closer she got, the smaller he felt. She looked up at him, their eyes locking, as her hands undid his pants. Her slender fingers slid down the front of his diapers, peeling back the leg hole, and running a finger along the inside, feeling the warm, wetness that he hid.

“Aww, is someone wet? Did you use your diapers like a good boy?”

He didn’t know how much redder he could grow, but he sure tried. He felt her finger brush the cage and he twitched. She kept her eyes locked on his as she flicked the cage again.

“Not a good boy, I see. Good boys don’t have to wear this, do they?”

Baby Bradly was an inch tall. Mere moments ago, he was tall and confident, ready to defend his house and his pride. But now, this blonde-haired, blue-eyed bombshell had stripped away all of his ego by reminding him of his current (new?) place in the world.

“I didn’t think so. So march yourself back to the bedroom and let’s get you changed.” She expertly pulled her hand back from his pants, using his hips to turn him around, she patted him on his padded bottom and sent him on his way. She didn’t follow him immediately, however, letting him make the steps himself, while she went back to her bag to grab a few things.

Laura and her had talked at great length before she had come over. It hadn’t been but moments after Laura had gotten Bradly home and in the corner before she had texted the young woman. Her name was Kylie and everything that she had said, her previous experience was true, to a degree. Her brother, Kevin, was disabled and needed to wear diapers out of necessity, so she was well versed in them. He had unfortunately passed away due to his condition not that long ago so Kylie still had plenty of supplies leftover. She had been his primary care provider for as long as she could remember, first helping her mom out, and later, taking over as her mom was forced to go back to work to support them.

Laura had asked if Kylie was interested in helping out with Bradly and explained to her, vaguely, the conditions surrounding his predicament. While it was still planned to be short term, she still didn’t want him to have to go to work in wet diapers and not get changed for over 8 hours. Kylie was more than willing to help, one to get rid of the extra supplies she had, and two, because she was intrigued at Bradly’s situation. Curiosity got her to say yes, and after her cursory inspection, her unasked questions had been answered.

Bradly was standing in the bedroom, the changing mat still on the floor from Laura. His mind was foggy, his will was weak. He couldn’t get his mind around what was happening to him. It was one thing to have agreed to let Laura treat him this way. It was another to have his coworker find out and offer to help him out of the situation. But to have this random girl that he had just met yesterday insinuate that she was going to change him? Could things get any worse? What was next? Who was next? Was he going to have to go in the other room during family gatherings so his mother could change his diapers? Was there no limit to his shame?

No. He thought. Enough was enough. There is no way that this is happening. There is no way that girl is going to see me like this. 

“Your mommy said that you may be a little reluctant about this,” Kylie said, walking around him and stopping at the changing mat. “She also said that I can do whatever I need to do to get you to comply. I hope it won’t come to such drastic measures so how about you be a good boy and come get changed.”

He looked at her and what she held in her hand. Diapers, pink ones. Why were they pink? What the hell was going on? When did he lose control over his life?

She looked at him and calmly set the diapers down next to her. She pulled out her phone, pressed a few buttons and Laura’s unmistakable voice sounded throughout the room.

He can be a little stubborn at times, mostly during changes, and more so if he messes. You can do whatever you deem necessary to get him to behave. I’ve been having to use two full-sized and one princess pullup on him, so let's stick to that. He will need to be changed when he gets up from his nap, and between job sites. I recommend that you take him to work so that there aren’t any problems. I’ll be working late tonight so if you could feed him, bathe him, and put him to bed for me, that would be wonderful. Should this work out, I will definitely be calling you whenever I need a babysitter.

Babysitter. That word cut deep. He could take care of himself. He didn’t need a babysitter. Whenever she needed one? There were only a few days left in the deal. How many more times would she be working late? Just what the fuck was going on?

Desperation and overwhelming helplessness flooded through him. This couldn’t be happening. This couldn’t be his life. He watched her walk over to him and by the time she took him by the hand, tears were rolling down his face. This was impossible. This couldn’t be his life now. What happened to him?

She slowly peeled off the layers that hid his shame from her. Robe first, showing off the I <3 Mommy decal on his onesie. Then his pants. They came down hard, held up by the bulk of his diapers. Tossed aside, his manly clothes disguising the truth. She helped him in place and held his hand while he sank to the floor. On his back, his face burning, he looked away. Anything to not see Kylie’s face. She went over to the dresser, grabbed his pacifier and soothingly held it to his lips. He took it without complaint, Laura’s allowance of anything goes ringing in his head. Her soft hands fell upon his knees and with gentle pressure, she spread his legs. There was little in the way of privacy for him anymore, the edges of his diaper clearly sticking out from the leg holes of the onesie. He felt the snaps pop, one by one, heart-wrenchingly slow. He wanted to die, to sink into the floor and disappear forever. Her hands, so soft, so gentle, lifted the fabric up and folded it over his tummy. He felt the all too familiar tug on the tapes on his diaper and he couldn’t stop crying. She had to be half his age and yet here he was, bawling like the baby he appeared to be, getting his diaper changed.

Later, he would be amazed at just how skilled she was. Wipes, lotion, powder, all applied with expert efficiency. He wanted so badly to protest the pink diapers. He wanted so badly to be anywhere else but there but he did the only thing he could do. Nothing. He laid there, letting her remark and giggle at the pink plastic cage. He stared off into oblivion while she talked about how sissy babies had to match so he needed the pink diapers. He thought of anything and everything he could to get his mind off of what he was going through. And what occurred to him was five simple words.

Wanna to take that off?

Hope. It was still there. He had almost forgotten about Erica’s offer. He dreaded having to show her what he would be wearing tonight. He hoped that she would just hand him the key and that would be that. He could go off somewhere private and do what needed to be done. But he still didn’t know what he was going to do after that. He couldn’t take any clothes with him. He didn’t even know where his underwear had gone. Laura had packed them away somewhere. He could go commando, that wasn’t a problem. One night of minor irritation would be a small price to pay to have that infernal device off of him. Then things would change. She wouldn’t have any more power over him and he could confidently give her a piece of his mind. Soon. So soon.

“There, all clean and dry. And pink really looks good on you!” Kylie exclaimed, doing up the snaps. “I’ll have to bring over the extra onesies that my brother had, cause they look so cute on you!”

She helped him sit up and gently wiped his tears away.

“It’s ok. I’m not as scary as I look. And I know that this is all a bit much for you. So how about we go out of the kitchen and I’ll make you something to eat.”

She hopped to her feet and held her hands out to him. He reached up and she pulled him vertical.

“I know that you Mommy usually makes you crawl everywhere but how about, as our little secret, I let you walk? You have to be good for me though, cause otherwise, it’s back to Mommy’s rules, okay?”

Bradly nodded, happy to have the torture of being changed over. Kylie didn’t seem to be that bad. He felt wary like she was just leading him on, or that she could or was much worse then she appeared to be. For the moment, though, he was happy to have some semblance of normality. He followed her to the kitchen and sat at the table, watching her, trying to bide his time until he could go to work. Freedom was so close.

Kylie made him a good lunch, a can of soup and a grilled cheese sandwich, cut diagonally as all grilled cheese should be. She helped him get dressed and ready for work, stopping only once to run her fingers along the inside of his diaper. She kept the pacifier and allowed him to sit in the passenger’s seat as she drove him to work. The longer he was around her, the lower his guard became. He almost felt some form of compassion from her, like she wasn’t judging him for his condition. She bade him farewell and said she’d be back in a few hours for his lunch break, ready to change him if he needed it. They both knew that he would, but it didn’t feel as shameful as it usually did. Finally glad to see her go, and more than happy to start his day of work, Bradly felt a little bit excited about the next few hours.

Erica was nowhere to be found. After checking in with his boss, who was heading out the door, Brad was told that Erica had a lot she had to get done that day. Disappointed that he couldn’t get it over with, Brad headed off to his work area. Patience was something that he struggled with, and before he knew it, hours had passed and he had wet himself. It was becoming a problem to him how easily his body would just let go like it knew that it could without any issue. Besides the embarrassment, of which his bladder didn’t care. He tried not to think of how the conversation was going to go. He couldn’t help but pray that it went the least intrusive way possible. She would just hand him the key, and he would be on his way. Moments later, he would hand it back, washed of course, and they would never talk about it again.

“Ready?” She asked, catching him off guard. Dusk was upon them and there was no one else in the building. They had all the privacy that they would need.

“Do you have it?” He asked, a hopeful tone in his voice.

“Yeah, I found it. So where do you want to do this?”

“What do you mean? I thought I was going to…”

“Yeah. No. I know how these locks work. They are finicky. And the key is fragile. It’s best if I do it.”

“I’ll be careful with it, I promise.”

“I’m sure. But let’s not take that chance. So do you want to do it here or where?”

“I don’t…”

“Look. Either we are doing this or we aren’t. I have a lot to do today and don’t have time for this back and forth. So either you drop your pants right here, or tell me where.” Her voice got snippy, and he could tell that he had irritated her.

He sighed, defeated, “The bathroom.”

She spun on her heel and led the way. He followed her, his dignity and hopeful desires smashed like a cake dropped on the floor. She bee-lined it to the nearest bathroom and was impatiently tapping her foot as he shuffled in.

“Okay, let’s get this over with. Drop them.” She said, her voice softer, but not by much.

He ashamedly undid his pants and pushed them down to his knees. He reached between his legs and pulled apart the snaps of the onesie, revealing the pink shame he had underneath. She smiled at him and he couldn’t tell if it was a smile of empathy or mockery. He wiggled back and forth, slowly sliding the mass of diapers off his hips and for the first time, she got a full, clear view of the cage.

She pulled the small key out of her pocket and knelt in front of him. She could smell the lotion and the powder, mixed with urine. She wanted to be disgusted by it all but felt a tug at her instincts that didn’t quite make sense to her.

“Are you sure about this? I mean, if I help you take this off, then that’s it, you’re probably going to lose your marriage.”

He hesitated for a moment, mulling it over. The shame had been too much and he had to take a stand. He nodded to her, his mind racing, replaying everything that had happened over the past 4 days. There was no way he could let this continue. There was no way he could handle 3 more days. There was no way she would forgive him if he took it off. He thought about this morning. How she had taken the cage off. Aroused him. Pleased him. And all he had to do to get his release was give in. Give in. That’s it. That’s all. Be a good boy. Use his diapers. Obey. She hadn’t asked the impossible. She hadn’t demanded the world. Just be a good boy. Use his diapers. Was that so bad? Was that so hard? She loved him. Cared for him. Cleaned him. Held him. She was everything that he had wanted out of a partner. Lover. Fighter. Mother. What? She had only pushed him when he needed to be pushed. When he had to remember his place. Be a good boy. Was this the right path? Was this being a good boy? Would she take the cage off and let him feel pleasure? No this way. No. Not if he broke the rules. That wasn’t being a good boy. But what good boy was constantly locked away? What was the point? Three days. That’s all he had left. He could handle that, right? Right? Be a good boy. 

He didn’t realize what he was doing until she gasped. She was reaching for the cage lock, key in hand. She was just about to insert it when his hands shot down, covering his shame. He pushed her hands away and pulled his diapers back up around his waist. He struggled to secure the snaps on the onesie and was surprised when he heard the key bounce off the floor and her hands pushing his hands away. She did the snaps for him and helped him pull his pants up. She wasn’t angry. In some way, she was relieved. She knew that he loved his wife and she knew that he cared for her. She knew that he couldn’t give up the life that he had built and she couldn’t ask him to make that choice. In a way, she was proud of him, for doing the right thing and for upholding his end of the deal.

He left her without a word, heading back to work. They didn’t speak for the rest of the night. She didn’t know what to say and he had no words anymore. He had broken a rule and he was going to be punished for it. He hoped that if he at least admitted it, it wouldn’t be as severe. Mommy was going to be angry. He tried not to think about it. He would deal with whatever comes. He had made his choice.

Kylie met him outside the building. She had her bag filled with the necessary supplies to change him. She also brought him his lunch, and per Laura’s instruction, a pair of bottles. He wouldn’t be happy to be fed by her, but she was sure she could handle him. He seemed different when he got in the car like he had reached some great realization. Kylie had been messaging Laura back and forth since she had dropped Bradly off at work and as she drove him to the second part of his night before he got to have his lunch, she could feel her phone vibrating sporadically. Laura must have had a great idea or something and was sending a slew of messages. She read through the messages as Bradly checked into his other job site and raised an eyebrow in surprise at what was said. The message was completely unexpected and it surprised her. When Bradly returned for his lunch break, she had to quickly hide her phone so that he couldn’t see any of the still incoming messages. He ate his sandwich and surprised her again when he didn’t object to the bottles. His eyes looked glazed over like he had acquired some inner peace or something.

His mood continued throughout the rest of the night. He laid still while she changed him into another set of pink diapers. He didn’t object to the dinner she fed him, by spoon. He didn’t hide away from her when she stripped him down naked for his bath and uttered not a peep when she held him in her arms and fed him his nighttime bottle of warm milk. His eyes were drooping when she tucked him into his marital bed and he accepted the pacifier without even a twitch. She stayed in the room for a little while, making sure that he didn’t have any problems falling asleep. He looked so peaceful. So content. His innocence pulled at her heartstrings and she gave him a kiss on the forehead before leaving him to sleep.

Laura got home near midnight. Kylie had taken it upon herself to clean up the dishes and pick up the bathroom. She took out the garbage, remarking at how many diapers were in it. It wasn’t shocking, but she wanted to suggest that Laura switch over to black garbage bags for more privacy. They sat at the table while Laura made herself a bowl of cereal.

“How was he?”

“He was good. Didn’t give me any problems.”

“That’s good. I’m glad. I told you what I had to do yesterday.”

“Yeah. I was hoping that it wouldn’t come to that.”

“If it does, in the future, you will need to remind him who is in charge.”

“You are in charge. I think it’s best to leave discipline up to you.”

“I didn’t hire you to coddle him.”

“I’m not sure why you hired me. A few more days isn’t going to make a difference.”

“A few more days?”

Kylie stared at Laura, puzzled. “I was under the idea that this would be over on Sunday.”

Laura sighed, “I don’t know. It’s been an interesting week. What I do know is that you are worth every penny.”

“Thank you.”

“So what do you think, Kylie? Would you like to be his nanny for the next few days?”


“Meaning that he will be your responsibility until Sunday.”

“Doesn’t that break your rules?”

“It won’t absolve me of my responsibilities. I did wake up to wet sheets this morning. All I’m saying is that I have a lot on my plate right now and I could really use your help.”

“Do you still think it’s necessary? I mean, after today?”

“I’m not fully convinced by just today. Let’s see how tomorrow plays out and we will go from there.”

“Okay. I’ll bring the extra supplies tomorrow afternoon.”

“Morning,” Laura said, curtly.

“Morning?” Kylie asked.

“Yes. I think you should be here when he wakes up. I have a busy day tomorrow and I want him to understand your place in his life.”

“Ok. I’ll be here by 9.”

“Sounds good, goodnight.”

Chapter 09 - Day 05

 Kylie arrived promptly at 8:30. She was told 9 in the morning but she had other errands to run and didn’t see the point in going back home. She sat in the kitchen with Laura and watched her write out a list of dos and don’ts. They shared coffee and silence. Kylie had brought a few more things leftover from taking care of her brother, including more restraints and of course, the rest of the pink diapers.

Laura busied herself with her list and her coffee. She had a lot of work ahead of her and she had to get moving. This was going to be the first morning that she wasn’t going to be there when he woke up. Part of her just wanted to tell him the truth and get it out of the way. The other part wanted to see just how far she could take it before he’s had enough. She was surprised to have gotten this far but there were still other things she could do. Based on what she had found out yesterday, she was starting to see a pattern in his behaviour, and spending the day with Kylie would be enough to show her where his thoughts were.

“Okay, I think that about covers it.” She slid the list over to Kylie, who read it in silence.

“Umm, okay?”

“Is everything alright?”

“I’m not sure. I mean, do you want me to do all of this or what?”

“No. I want you to use this list as mere suggestions. He has to learn that you have the same authority as I do. It’s your job to teach him that.”

“Laura...I’m not sure about all of this.”

“You will be fine.” She pulled the key to his cage from under her top, undoing the

necklace, before dropping in into the young girl’s hand. “This is your greatest motivator. He will think he can get you to let him out far easier than he could me. But if he acts like I think he will, he will do anything that he can you get you to reward him with time out of it.”

“I don’t think that I should be the one-”

“Yes, you should. One way or another, he needs to learn his place.”


“No buts. You should go wake him up. He gets cranky if he sleeps too long. I have to go to work. I have a meeting afterwards so I won’t be home until he’s at work. Today is a test Tomorrow is an exam. For both of you, so don’t disappoint me.”

‘I...I won’t.”

“Good girl. See you later, Kylie.” With that, Laura walked out the door, coffee in hand, and Kylie was left alone with her thoughts.

Something about all of this felt off. She scanned the list one more time. Laura had written out everything that she was comfortable with Kylie doing, if necessary. Giving the key to his cage to Kylie was a passing of the torch. He was Kylie’s problem now. At least for the day. She crept down the hall to their bedroom and found him still asleep. He looked so sweet and innocent, despite his snoring. Maybe it was because she knew of what was under all of the covers or maybe it was because she knew that he was of no real threat to her. She went back to her bag to grab a few diapers. She surveyed the remaining count and realized that if they stuck to the amount that Laura preferred he wear, they would run out by morning. She had funds, Laura had given her an allowance to entertain him or get necessary supplies. And after doing the count in her head, diapers were going to be necessary.

She set the necessary supplies for his change by the mat and looked around the room. Sure, she saw it all yesterday, but it still looked so alien to her. Everything felt weird. Like there was something going on behind the scenes that she could almost see. The walls were bare, there were hardly any pictures in the room, and everything felt so generic. Like she was looking at a bedroom from a show. The room lacked personality, uniqueness, and that loving feeling that a marital bedroom should have.

While Kylie didn’t really didn’t know what she was supposed to see in a bedroom, she remembered her parent’s room feeling like a caring and loving environment. Laura’s room felt sterile and it made Kylie feel uneasy. That list she read only compounded those feelings. Laura’s plan seemed too impossible to be real. Bradly stirred and rolled over, pulling Kylie back to reality. She went over to him and noticed his pacifier was starting to slip from his lips. She gently pushed it back in and he began sucking on it as his eyes fluttered open. She saw his eyes focus and grow wide. Her face wasn’t the one he expected and he was taken back by it.

“Morning Bradly. We have a lot of things to do today so when you are ready, let’s get you up and get you changed. I’ll make you breakfast and we can start our day. How does that sound to you?”

He pulled the pacifier from his lips and swallowed a few times. It didn’t take him but a moment to see the familiar chain no hanging around the young girl’s neck. Mommy had given her power over him. It was of little consequence, however, as he rolled to feel the familiar damp squish.


“Shh. I know. You don’t need a babysitter. But I saw that look in your eyes. You are wet and therefore need to be changed. And you saw this.” She pulled the key from behind her tight tee shirt. 

"Your Mommy left me a list of this we can do together, and punishments should you not behave yourself. I’ve been hired to be your nanny for the next few days. Do you know what that means?”

He nodded.

“I’m sure you do. It means that I am in charge and I can do whatever I need to remind you of that. I don’t, however, want to start our day off with threats. What I want to do is get my baby up. Clean him and get him into a fresh nappy, and start our day on the right footing. So what do you say? Will you be my good boy?”

There were those words again. Those mind-bending words. She was careful and calm in her delivery and he sensed no hostility. She didn’t want to have to discipline him, but she made her stance clear that she would if she had to.

He nodded again and she helped him sit up.

“I thought so. Let’s get you changed. We have a lot to do today. Someone, I won’t say who has been going through diapers like crazy. So today, we are going to go shopping for some more.”

She wasn’t mocking him, more a playful understanding. He was beginning to relax around her, which was good as it made him more compliant. She helped him lie down on the mat and she set to her task. His eyes were fixated on the ceiling and she wondered what he was thinking. What she was thinking was that he looked ridiculous with that pink cage. It was demeaning. She knew it was just another method of control that Laura had devised. But Laura had put her in charge of him and Kylie could do what she wished with him. She slid a fresh diaper under him and contemplated what to do. They had a long day ahead of them and many chances for him to rebel. Now was not the time. Maybe later. If he was truly a good boy. Maybe later. Cleaned, diapered, and into a fresh onesie, this one was a solid blue color with no wording, she helped him to his feet and took him by the hand, leading him to the kitchen. He followed behind obediently, still groggy from sleep. She made him breakfast and even fed him a little. She could tell that he wasn’t used to all of it. Some things were routine, but others, like being fed, were still unusual for him. She tried her best to be respectful and understanding of his situation. She couldn’t fathom what he was going through, five days into the worst week of his life she assumed, but he was taking it all very well. It was a hard thing for her to not feel sympathy towards him. Even with what she knew of his situation, the deal seemed like it went too far for such a minor indiscretion.

With breakfast done and cleaned up, she let him go play in the living room while she packed some things for their road trip. She found him some a set of work clothes and packed the last few diapers he had in a bag. She didn’t know how long they were going to be out and from time with her brother, a bag was a good reminder of the way things were. She caught him on all fours playing with some cars on the floor when she undid his onesie for a diaper check. She could tell by how he tensed that he was still embarrassed by them, but he was clean and dry still so she helped him into some pants and his shoes before leading him, bag over her shoulder, to her car. He stood next to her while she put the bag and her purse in the car. She could tell that he was hesitant and rightfully so. In the backseat was a car seat, only this one wasn’t made for little kids. While not immediately recognisable as a car seat, Bradly was quick to see its purpose. It looked like a vest hanging off the back of the seat, with two headrests to keep the person from flopping their head to the side, and two padded leg cuffs that looked to go around the thighs. The vehicle’s regular seatbelt did the job of securing the wearer, but this added contraption, plus the fasteners, was very intimidating. Those that sat there weren’t getting out on their own and it terrified him. Being babied at home was one thing, even as far as wearing the mittens and the tied on pacifier. 

But to be restrained in a car like a baby or special needs person was too much.

“Bradly? Is something wrong?”

He stammered out something unintelligible and backed slowly away from her.

“No, no Bradly, come here. I need to get you in the car so we can go buh bye.”

He looked at her horrified and shook his head. “No like that. I don’t want-”

“Bradly! Stop it! This is going to happen, one way or another. Look, I promise that it’s more scary looking than it really is. And I promise that I won’t use the locks. They were for when I was out with my brother, I swear. So, I’m going to be nice and give you one last chance. Come here, or we will go back to the house.”

Bradly paused. He couldn’t tell if her veiled threat was real or not. He couldn’t fathom this 120 pound young girl being able to discipline him or if that was even what she meant. Confused and still scared, he stood his ground. Kylie sighed, she knew this was going to happen one way or the other. She had hoped that it wasn’t so soon, but she knew she had to get it out of the way. She calmly walked toward him and as expected, he cowered. She gently took him by the hand and let him back into the house. With the door shut and the potential for prying eyes blocked, she was free to do whatever she wanted.

“Bradly, go stand in the corner. I am very disappointed in you and I need a minute.”

He complied and she could see that he was relieved to have gotten off so easily. Or so he thought. She let him stand there for twenty minutes or so while she calmed down and became level headed.

“Come here, Bradly.”

He turned around to see her standing by the couch. Everything looked innocent enough. He went over to her and she stared up at him.

“I want to make one thing perfectly clear. Are you listening? I am in charge. I know it doesn’t look like it from where you stand, but I am not someone to be trifled with. I had wanted today to be a good day. I had wanted to see if you could earn some time out of your cage. But you chose to disobey me. Now, I know that the car seat is scary. Trust me, I know. But that does not mean that you can openly defy me in public. I want you to be a good boy. You want to be a good boy. Why? Because good boys get rewards and get to do stuff that naughty boys don’t. So here is what is going to happen and you are going to do everything that I say. You will pull down your pants. You will undo your onesie. You will pull down your diapers. And you will lean over this couch. I am going to paddle your bottom for disobeying me. With this.”

She pulled a paddle out from behind her back that looked more menacing and terrifying than the car seat.

“Because we have wasted 30 minutes with your behavior, there will be 30 swats with the paddle. You will count for me and let me be perfectly clear, you will be crying and begging for me to stop well before we get to 30. But, and this is non- negotiable, I won’t hear you. Because this, your locking pacifier, will do wonders to keep you quiet. I don’t like fussy babies. I prefer happy, playful, good boys who do what they are told. But I have experience with fussy and know what makes things go smoother. So, pacifier, mittens, and a good hard paddling is in order for you today and then, maybe later, when I’m sure that we won’t have to repeat this, we can talk about how you want to be a good boy for me.”

Her words had broken him. He hung his head in shame and despair. He knew that he had lost. While he could have overpowered her and gotten away, he knew that he would be on borrowed time. Mommy would find him. And Mommy would make it all happen anyway, but worse. Resigned to face the music, as it were, and get this over with. He undid his pants and pushed them to the floor. He pulled the onesie snaps apart and wiggled his diaper off his bottom. He leaned over the couch, his hands out for the mittens and waited, the tears already starting to form in his eyes.

“That’s more like it. That’s being a good boy and doing what he is told.” She said, moving around him. He felt her lift the cloth of the onesie and fold it over onto his back, exposing his quivering behind to her. He felt the cold, unyielding paddle slide slowly across his cheeks. He was openly crying now. He knew it was going to be bad and he couldn’t help himself anymore.

“Shh. Tell Miss Kylie that you are sorry and that you will be a good boy.” Between sobs, he was able to get out all of the words. He put extra emphasis on sorry and being a good boy.

“It’s okay. Miss Kylie knows that you are sorry. I’ll tell you what. If you promise, pinky promise, to be a good boy for me for the rest of the day, then I won’t have to paddle you.”

“I be good. I be good, Miss Kylie. I pwomise.” Baby talk. A first for him. He didn’t know if it was from panic or fear or from somewhere else.

“I hope so. I don’t want to punish good boys. And you have been so good for me. Come now. Stand up so we can fix your diapers.” He stood and she proceeded to pull his diapers back to where they were. Efficiently, she had him dressed again and was wiping the tears from his eyes. She pulled him down for a hug, holding his head to her chest. One of the things she knew was to keep the status quo. She could be nurturing, but she couldn’t treat him as an equal. 

“Are you ready to try this again? We still have things to do and places to go.”

“Yes...Miss Kylie...”

“And you are going to be my good boy?”

“Uh huh.”

“Good. C’mon, let’s go.” She led him back to the car and helped him into the car seat without complaint. She could tell that he was still uneasy about it, but once he was strapped in, she gave him his pacifier and tossed the locks to the other side of the car. She got in the driver’s seat and adjusted the mirror so that she could see him. Content that he wasn’t going to throw a fit, she focused on the road. Bradly didn’t know where they were going or how long they drove, but being tightly secured in the car seat harness and the comfort of his pacifier and diapers was enough to make him drowsy. He hadn’t meant to fall asleep, but before he knew it, he was snoring softly.

Kylie smiled to herself as she drove. He was a good boy and had the potential to be a great baby. She didn’t have to use force to correct his behavior, merely the implication of force. She was fully ready to make her threats a reality but she was glad that she didn’t have to. She didn’t have to tell him that he earned a second chance, he would know soon enough.

She woke him up at the store. It was an adult-themed store, not too dissimilar from the one Laura had taken him to. He was still rubbing the sleepies from his eyes as she unbuckled him.

“Did you have a nice nap, Baby?” She asked while she felt his front. He was wet, the diapers forming a mushy but resilient bulge between his legs. “Would you like me to change you before we go into the store?”

He looked at her with admonishment. Change? Here? In public? No way in hell! He shook his head vigorously.

“Okay, then, afterwards, but you will need a change before we go to lunch. I guess I would want to wait too. This is going to be a new experience for you.”

He wanted to resist. As he stood, he looked down to see the bulge from his wetting and felt his thighs pushed apart. Anyone who knew what they were looking for would see that he was wearing diapers and that he was wet. And after Kylie had figured it out in the store the other day, Bradly was mortified to be around any other person who might learn his secret.

“Is something wrong, Bradly?”

“Do...do I hafta go in?”

“Yes, Baby, you do. As your nanny, I can’t leave you unattended in the car.”

“But no one will see. I’ll lie down and be qwiet and everyting.” More baby talk. It was coming easier.

“No can do, Baby. But how about this. You will be my bestest brave boy in there, and Miss Kylie will do something extra special for you. How does that sound?”

“But...but...I scared...People might see...”

“People might see? See what?” He pointed down to the obvious between his legs. “Oh sweety, don’t you worry about that. You don’t need to worry about anything. Miss Kylie takes care of her baby and no one will say anything. Do you see people pointing fingers at other babies for wearing diapers? Of course not. Why? Because babies wear diapers and use them. And there is nothing funny about that. I think you are as cute as a button and I won’t let anyone make fun of you.”


“Cross my heart and hope to die!” They started walking towards the store entrance, her leading him by the hand.


“Yes, Baby?”

“About the changing...”

“After we are done in the store. I don’t want you to get a rash so we need to take care of that. I promise you that it will be over before you know it and you will feel so much better when I’m done.”

“I hafta?”

“Yes. Are you going to be my good boy for your changes?” They stopped just before the door and she looked into his eyes. He was vulnerable, out of his element and completely under her control.

“Yes, Miss Kylie.”

She smiled, kissed him on the cheek, and whispered in his ear, “That’s my good boy.”

Her warm breath on his face sent shivers down his spine and made him beam with pride. Positive reinforcement works wonders, she noted as he pulled open the door for her, like a little gentleman. Inside the store, however, he clutched her hand and stood behind her, overwhelmed by the sights and sounds all around him. He had never been in a store like that and in his fragile state, was nervous around the few patrons that were there. She must have been there before because she led him right to where they needed to be. In a small room, tucked back in a corner of the store and behind a hanging black curtain, was the baby section. Anything and everything that someone might see in the baby section at the local supermarket was here, blown up to adult sizes. Clothes, toys, bibs, bottles, diapers. Bradly looked around in amazement. There were displays of high chairs, cribs, and strollers, things he never knew existed in his size.

Against one wall were package after package of diapers, all in various sizes, colors, and absorbencies. This world that he had barely investigated was much bigger, much grander, and so much more than he thought was possible. Kylie felt his hand let go of hers. She watched as he wandered around the room, checking out everything. She hadn’t expected him to have that much interest. She honestly believed that he would try to rush her into a purchase and out the door, dying from embarrassment the whole time, but to her utter amazement, he calmly walked about the room, examining everything that he could. He looked positively adorable. His soggy diapered but waddling around as he played briefly with toys and looked at all the possibilities.

They didn’t notice the other couple until one of them approached Bradly. He was standing near the crib display, trying to not look like he was intently staring at it. The girl approached him, her hair in pigtails tied with pink ribbons. Kylie could immediately tell that she was also in diapers. The man she was withstood off to the side, not far from Kylie, and watched the exchange unfold before their eyes.


Bradly jumped, spinning around in surprise at the voice behind him. His eyes doubled in size as he realized that he was not alone anymore.

“My name’s Bailey! What’s yours?”

He stammered but didn’t say anything. He couldn’t, he was frozen in fear.

“I have one of these. It’s really comfy. Do you have a Mommy or a Daddy? I have a

Daddy and he’s the bestest in the whole world. He takes care of me.”


“Is that your Mommy? She’s really pretty. Daddy says that someday, I might have a

Mommy too. When he meets someone that loves me for me.”

“I... I mean. Hi.”

She giggled, “You're funny. It’s okay. I was super scared to my first time.”

“First time?”

“First time out in diapers. It’s was so scary! I thought everyone was going to laugh at me and call me mean names. But no one did. Maybe cause my Daddy would beat them up. But Daddy says that most people just don’t notice. And those that might, just don’t care. And that’s kinda sad.”


“Because I’m super cute! And I like being this way! I like having a Daddy that watches over me and takes care of me. He loves me so much for who I am. And if other people can’t see that, then that’s their problem!”

“I...I guess I never thought about it that way.”

“It took time, for reals. I mean, I wouldn’t even go outside wearing a diaper. Pull-ups were one thing, they are easy to hide, but a full-sized diaper? I thought everyone would see and know. But slowly I just kinda got over it. Daddy makes sure that I have everything I need and that I can be who I really want to be and I would never take it back for anything.”

“But what about...you know...changes?”

“Oh! Daddy makes them super fun! And it doesn’t matter where. Daddy will change me whenever he thinks I need it. It’s happened in the back of a car, in a public bathroom, at a park, at the zoo. It doesn’t matter where. I was so scared the first few times, but like Daddy always says, he knows best. And he’s right, he does know best. I don’t even worry about it anymore. If Daddy was to change me right here, right now, I would just lay down and let it happen like a good girl.”

“Like, right here? You would do that? Aren’t you worried what people might say or think?”

“No! Silly goose! I know two things. I’m Daddy’s baby girl. And Daddy loves me no matter what. That’s all I need in life. Daddy, and Daddy’s love.”


“No buts. You are thinking about it all too much. Just let it go. All of that yucky grown-up stuff you’re holding on to. Just let it go. Embrace your new life. It’s not always perfect, but this life is way better than how you were living. Jobs and bills and all of that garbage. Just let it go. Be a good baby and just be a baby. The only things you should worry about it getting enough love and attention. That’s all a baby really needs.”

She spun on her heel and then paused, “Oh, and a crib. You should definitely get your Mommy to buy you a crib, it will change your life.”

He wanted to reply but she went over and bounced into her the man’s arms. Bradly thought for a moment that the guy would give him a dirty look but nothing happened. She led him around to the toys and such and they grabbed a few things including a package of pink diapers and were gone.

Bradly stood by the crib, his hand gingerly resting on it. He thought about what that girl had said. Be a baby. Be a good boy. Was it really that simple? Could this be his life? His future? Was any of this even real? What would he do for work? Would he work? Would she continue to send him out into the real world in doubled up pink diapers? Would anyone even care?

Kylie appeared beside him, a couple of packages of diapers in her hands. She smiled sweetly to him and handed him a few to carry.

“These are extra absorbent, so you shouldn’t need to wear two of them anymore. That’s why I wanted to come here, same price, better value. Are you ready to go, Baby?”

He nodded to her and followed her to the checkout counter, his mind in deep thought mode. The clerk didn’t pay any mind to who he was or why he was carrying the diapers. To them, it was just another purchase. No one in the store batted an eye at him and he wondered if that girl was right. Did anyone besides him even care?

True to her word, when they got back to the van, she had him crawl up and lay down. She changed him like a pro, and for an extra reward for being such a good boy, she removed his cage before securing him in a singular diaper. It felt better than the mess he had been wearing, both more streamlined and easier to move around in. He was relieved that it left much less of an outline in his pants.

The cage stayed off the rest of the afternoon. She bought him a kids meal from a local

fast food joint so that he could get a new toy that he happily played within the back seat. She made sure he went to work in a fresh diaper and as a reminder of what a good boy he had been, she let him take his toy to work too. Erica engaged him in conversation about anything and everything that wasn’t his situation. Either she didn’t want to talk about it or she didn’t care, it mattered little to him. What mattered was that for the first time throughout this whole deal, he didn’t feel like he was being punished nonstop. And that was good enough for him.

The cage went back on after his bath at the end of the night. Kylie told him it would have to when she took it off. He made sure to shave around his area while in the tub and he laid there and let her lock it on to him while he drank from his bottle. He felt a change coming over him. A calm realization that with only one more day to go, the cage was not an issue anymore. Kylie put him to bed shortly thereafter and within moments, he was asleep. She was exhausted, but content. Taking care of Bradly was more work than she bargained for, but today had been a really great day. She was starting to grow attached to him. He relied on her for his well being and as such, cared for as a child would for its mother. She didn’t want to have any children of her own, but to take care of someone else’s baby, that was something she could do.

“How was he?” Laura walked in the door just past 1 in the morning, clearly exhausted and ready for bed.

“He was great. We had a little trouble at the start of the day but once he knew where he stood, he was a little angel for me.”

“Good. Did you get more diapers for him?”

“I did. I took him to a store that sells stuff like that and let him look around. He seemed really interested in a few things there.”

“I see. And is he asleep?”

“Yep, in your bed, all tucked in.”

“Great. Well, I’m going to change out of these work clothes and get something to eat. Same time tomorrow?”


“Yes, Ma’am.” Laura corrected.

“Sorry. Yes, Ma’am.”

“Good. Tomorrow will be the final test. You’ve done well so far. Go home, get some sleep, and I will see you here bright and early in the morning.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“Oh, and Kylie?”


“Don’t ever forget your place. Because I won’t.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

With a veiled threat looming over her, Kylie left Laura’s house and headed back to her car. Don’t forget your place. Laura’s words carried an ominous tone. There were many things that Kylie wished she could forget. Laura having that knowledge to hold over her was something that Kylie would never forget. She started her van and readjusted the mirror. The car seat in the back made her pause, and she involuntarily shuddered. Memories of her brother were still fresh in her mind and sometimes, they would haunt her. She put the car in drive and the thoughts from her mind. Bradly had a very big day ahead of him, and she had to be ready for whatever came from it.

Chapter 10 - Day 06

  The weekend had finally arrived. For Brad and Laura, it meant different things for each of them. For Laura, it meant that there was less reason for her to dodge her responsibilities. She had done all the running around and talking to people that she had needed to. Now, all that was left was to lay the foundation of Brad’s final choice. He had honored his part of the deal, even with all that Laura had put him through. She was surprised at how he had gone along with everything, even pushing his boundaries with public humiliation and discipline. But he hadn’t wavered. Well, not too far. His defiance was something that she knew she had to curb if any sort of new deal was to be struck.

It was on the third day that she had decided that she liked the arrangement that they had. There had been some hiccups but overall, the way he had taken to his new role was somewhat inspiring to her. Not that she wanted to partake in it, but with him under a firm hand, she had far less relationship stressors and was able to find some time to reflect on herself. What she found in her reflections was that her love for him had changed. Not from his actions, but from time. They had grown apart over the years, and as their tastes changed, their motivations had as well. While he had his ways of branching out, she had not yet taken the time to find what got her excited. The past week had allowed her that and her mind had wandered. Now with more interests than she knew what to do with, she had only to secure the new status of their marriage and she would be able to do as she pleased.

Bradly, on the other hand, was trying to figure out what he should do once he had his freedom. With the blasted cage off and the diapers backed back away, he could return to the man he used to be. The week had been an interesting one. He had never thought that he would have had to endure the things that he had been put through, but all in all, it hadn’t been bad. Aside from having to cover it up at work, it was almost pleasant. Punishments aside, it really wasn’t that bad. He had even gotten used to using his diapers to their full potential. While not the best way, it did have it’s moments. He did enjoy being praised. But that wouldn’t matter anymore. It would be today or tomorrow and he could put this whole affair behind him. Part of him wondered if he would miss it, the pampering, being waited on near hand and foot. But the humiliation was another thing altogether. It was something that nagged at him. Was it really necessary to put him through all of that? And for what? What does it do for them? It did nothing for him, beyond remind him of his place. And maybe that was the point. To remind him of his place. It wouldn’t matter in a few days. Once he was free from his plastic prison, he would make sure that such insults to his manhood would never happen again. He already had plans for that cage to meet the business end of a hammer. A million pieces should suffice to get his point across that he would never be treated like that again. And the final insult, Kylie, would be dealt with as well. His wife putting that thing on him was one thing, but not some young girl.

He rolled over in the bed, the crinkle of his diapers reminding him that he still needed to be patient. For the moment, he still needed them to take care of his situation. He could do it himself. He understood the logistics of it but he knew the rules. He was bound to pay for the time when he did break them, but at the moment, he didn’t need to press his luck. Once all of this was done with, he would sit Laura down and they would have a long talk about their future. For now, as he looked across the bed to the empty place where she would normally be, he knew that nothing was going to go back to normal until they were standing on equal footing.

He sighed. He supposed that it was time for him to get up and go whimper for a change. The one thing he could say was that Kylie was clearly the better caregiver because she was more attentive. Laura was one hell of a disciplinarian as he feared her hand more than he did anyone else’s. They would both feel the brunt of his hands when he was done. His mind raced with all the things he wanted to do with the both of them. To remind them of their place in a man’s world.

Why he was so angry, he didn’t know. Maybe from all the sexual frustrations that he had. Maybe because he was tired of wearing pink diapers to go with his pink cage. Maybe because he was upset with himself over actively wondering what life would be like if he chose to stay like this.

Kylie awoke with grim determination. She knew that she didn’t have much longer with this job and she was resolute in seeing it through. She got dressed, taking her time to make sure that all was in order. Even with everything that was going on in her life, she always wanted to be properly composed. Her mother had instilled that in her, sometimes cruelly. But it was a lesson that stuck and she was careful to not slip up. Her mother, for all of her eminence and poise, was a stickler for the rules. Specifically, her rules, and the lessons she taught for breaking them were long lasting.

Kylie glanced at her phone, checking her messages and the time. She had a little bit before she had to take care of Bradly and a slew of text messages from her friends, but one was different. One was from a number that she didn’t recognise. She unlocked her phone and scrolled through her messages, responding to all of her friends and Laura. The unfamiliar number had sent her a message not more than 20 minutes ago, while she was getting dressed. She read the message. Paused. Read it again. And her blood ran cold. Her mind raced. It couldn’t be! It was impossible!

It was good to see you again, Babygirl. I trust that you are being a good girl and following the rules. I know you will get this message. And you know the rules. You have 5 minutes from the time you read this message to respond.

Her heart beat rapidly and her breath fluttered. She never thought in a million years that she would ever hear from him again. But her mother’s lessons rang in her head. Never be rude to your elders. She sighed and let her fingers do the talking.

Hi. It’s good to hear from you.

Short. Simple. To the point. There was no reason to give more than that. It wasn’t like she owed him any explanations or anything. The past was just that, the past. What she hadn’t expected was the immediate and chilling response.

Is that how you were trained to address me? That’s one, little girl.

She gulped and a cold shiver ran down her spine. Memories. Dark memories flooded through her mind. Tales for another time. She quickly typed out the only message she could.

I’m sorry, Daddy.

Again, the response was immediate. And she conversed as best she could.

That’s better, little girl. Have you been well?

Yes, Daddy.

Good. You look well. Who was the boy you were with?

A client, Daddy. I was babysitting.

I see. And what is his name?

Bradly, Sir.

I see. Bailey seemed to like him a lot. Are you training him?

No, Daddy. Just watching over him while his Mommy is at work.

He has a Mommy. Interesting. And are you following your rules?

Yes, Daddy.

Show me.

She grimaced but did what she was told. Taking a quick picture and sending it to him. She hated having to do it, but if he could find her phone number, then she was sure he could find her again. It’s not like she had gone very far as she was still living with her mother.

Good girl. I don’t want to hear that you have been breaking the rules.

You won’t, Daddy.

I’d better not. I have a cranky baby to change. It was good to talk to you, Babygirl. Now make sure you get to work on time.

Yes. Daddy. I will.

And like that, the messages stopped. She sighed again and closed her phone. She shuddered again and finished getting ready. He had taken up too much of her time and if the dampness between her legs was any indication, too much of her thoughts. The memories kept flooding back. More and more vivid with each fresh one. She tried to block them out. She quickly went back through her phone and deleted the picture she had sent. There were some things that she didn’t want to get back in the habit of doing, and that was one of them. She had given him enough of her body. And enough of her thoughts. She squeezed her thighs together, holding them shut for a moment, before straightening her shirt, and collecting her purse. She looked inside to make sure that she had everything that she needed, trying hard to avoid looking at the one thing that would stand out in a young woman’s purse. She quickly averted her gaze, grabbed her keys, and after saying a quick goodbye to her mom, headed out the door where her job and her life without him awaited.

The routine was as expected. Not long after Kylie arrived, she had changed and bathed Bradly. She was setting about making him breakfast while he played with his toys. He seemed to completely ignore Laura as she ignored him, save for the few moments she gave him if he played too close to her. She was engrossed in her paperwork and would only look at him if he accidentally bumped into her while he played with his toy cars. She would smile lovingly at him before returning to her paperwork. He didn’t seem to mind, crawling around the floor in just his diapers. Kylie had been nice enough to put him in one of the new diapers, deciding that the pink ones would only be used for special occasions. Like punishments. She hoped that she wouldn’t have to use them.

“Bradly? Breakfast is ready!”

Laura looked over the top of the pages in her hands as Bradly dropped his cars and went to stand up. She cleared her throat, not loudly, but enough for him to hear and he dropped back on all fours before crawling out to the kitchen. She made a tsk sound under her breath but smiled. It was a simple thing to remind him and his obedience was immediate. He wanted to serve. And she was more than willing to see him do so.

“Kylie?” She called, looking back at her paperwork making sure the numbers she was reviewing made sense.

“Yes, Ma’am?” Kylie asked, walking into the living room.

“Would you be a dear and make me two warm bottles of milk? I want to make sure the baby is good and full before he goes down for his morning nap.”

“Yes, Ma’am. Would you like me to do that before or after I feed him?”

“Now would be good. Give them a chance to cool a little bit.”

“As you wish.” She said, returning to her charge who was anxiously awaiting his breakfast.

Kylie mulled over her place in the house as she set about her task of making the bottles and feeding Bradly. The tone Laura used was more akin to the tone a master would use on a servant. Unflinching and borderline obstinate. Kylie wanted to stand up to the older woman but her mother’s rules rang loudly through her mind. And there was the secret. Kylie couldn’t shake the text conversation she had that morning from her mind. How did he find her? Why now? And what did Laura really know? They hadn’t talked about anything, but Kylie was sure that Laura knew something incriminating. She was such a hard woman to read. Her tanned complexion and taught, firm body coupled with her piercing eyes made Laura a difficult woman to ignore. She seemed to emanate power and authority. Kylie understood how Bradly, who was more fit, taller, and stronger, could be so easily controlled by his wife. Kylie was about the same height as Laura, a little more slender in her build and with a smaller cup size, but she was no less of a woman, and yet Kylie had folded almost completely and immediately to Laura’s tone and confidence. It was almost scary. All she knew was that she didn’t want to be in Bradly’s shoes if Laura got angry.

When Bradly was done eating, and the bottles were warmed and ready, Laura led both of them to the bedroom, Kylie walking, Bradly crawling. She sat on the edge of the bed and looked at her baby.

“Are you wet, little boy?” Bradly just kind of sat there, unsure of what to do.

“Come here and let me check you.” Bradly crawled the rest of the way and as Laura motioned, he turned around so that his diapered rear was facing his wife.

“Look into her eyes while I check your nappy. I want you to fully understand who is in charge.” He felt her tug at the leg holes of his diaper. “See the necklace? She has the key to your pretty pink cage. And she is only allowed to use it when I see fit. Isn’t that fun? Even with your freedom so close, it’s still so far away. You’re wet, as I expected. This week has done a lot to show everyone the kind of man you really are. Well, not a man. Not really. Real men don’t wear diapers do they? Real men don’t have their little weenies locked up in cages because they can’t behave themselves, do they?”

She didn’t wait for a response, it was all rhetorical. She didn’t care what he had to say. She was more interested in Kylie’s reaction to the words she had for him. As expected, Kylie was visually bothered, but she was trying her hardest to not show it.

“So, since you are not a man, but a pathetic little sissy baby, crawl yourself over to the closet and bring me a pink diaper. These are not fitting for you.”

Bradly complied, crinkling his way to the closet. He didn’t want to wear anymore pink diapers but he didn’t have a choice. He did a quick count to see how many were left. Three. Thank God, only three more of those ridiculous things left. He grabbed one and slowly crawled back over to Laura.

“What a good baby. So obedient. Now, ask your nanny to change your diaper.”


“Silence! I will not be questioned by you. I gave you an order, now do it!”

Bradly turned to Kylie and with a stammer in his voice, he tried to do what he was told. “W-will y-you ch-ch-change-”  

“That is no way to address your nanny!” Laura stood up and both Bradly and Kylie cowered. “Do it again!” Bradly was close to crying, both from embarrassment and from rage, but he steeled himself and tried again. “Miss Kylie, would you please change my diaper?”

“Better, but- Look at me when I’m talking to you, babies don’t ask to be changed. Babies, that you would be you, get changed when I say they get changed and no amount of your whining will make it happen any quicker. I saw what you did this morning. You waited until she was here before you got out of bed to whimper for a change. That stops now. And since I’m sure that you have wet yourself again, because you’re that level of pathetic, you are overdue for a change. Kylie! Change the baby!”

Kylie snapped into motion, setting the bottles down next to the bed, before rushing around to get the lotion, powder, wipes. She led Bradly to the mat and within moments, she had his sopping wet diaper off and rolled into a ball. She was wiping him down when the key around her neck slipped out from behind her shirt and dangled in front of him.

His eyes locked on it immediately and he stiffened up. Laura smiled cruelly. She knew very well how much that key meant to him and as long as he was castrated by the cage, he would be the pitiful baby she wanted him to be. “May I have his diaper, Ma’am?”

She nodded in amusement as she handed it to Kylie. She watched as the younger girl diapered her husband. No fuss. No mess. She had circumvented her end of the deal and she couldn’t be happier.

Now clad in his pink diaper, Laura had him crawl up onto the bed and lay in her lap. He took the bottle to his lips with no complaint and as he drank, he looked up into the eyes of his wife. They had changed. What love for him she may have had when the week started seemed to have changed. He couldn’t feel the warm, caring heart that he had fallen in love with all those years ago. He didn’t know what he felt from her anymore. He didn’t know what to call it. It wasn’t love. It was something else.

He was into the second bottle, feeling warm and full but there was much more to go. Laura instructed Kylie to hold the bottle while Laura pulled her shirt and bra off over her head. Bradly’s eyes were drooping but he continued drinking. He was so full and full made him tired. When the last drop of milk was pulled through the nipple, the bottle was quickly replaced with Laura’s breast. With nothing flowing, it was more of a placeholder. He latched on, not fully aware of what he was doing and his eyes slid shut.

Laura motioned Kylie over and pulled the keys out from her shirt. She motioned for Kylie to shake them and when she did, his eyes flickered open for a moment but nothing more. He wasn’t fully asleep, merely playing possum, but he was going to fall asleep if he kept his eyes closed for much longer. He wanted to listen though, and he pushed himself to hang on every word.

“And that, is what I’m talking about. That is the change I’ve been working towards. The key only affects him when he’s out of his diapers, otherwise, he’s a perfectly obedient baby.”

“He doesn’t need the cage to be controlled. I tried to tell you that. It seems like he just likes being a baby.”

“I don’t need you to tell me what he needs.” Laura snipped, “But you are right. He does seem to just like it. However, I’m looking for a more lasting change in behavior as opposed to just liking it. The cage provides him with a constant and unyielding reminder of who is in charge. But I don’t want to have him wear it all of the time. I want the cage to be a behavior adapter, only used when I deem necessary. And for that to happen, there has to be some choices made.  

“He is so peaceful when he’s asleep. Especially when his mouth is full. It’s soothing to hold him like this, but I have work to do. Help me get him tucked in.”

She slipped her breast from his mouth and between the two of them, they managed to get him under the covers, tucked in and with his pacifier between his lips. He was sound asleep. Laura grabbed her bra and shirt, slipped it back over her exposed chest and they headed out of the room. Kylie stood in the hallway while Laura slowly shut the door, making sure the baby was asleep, and gathering her thoughts.

“Kylie? Can I ask you something?”

“Sure.” With her back to Kylie, Laura’s eye twitched. She turned around and faced the younger girl.

“Do you like working for me?”

“Of course.” Laura held back her tone and displeasure.

“And do you find me difficult to work for?”

“No. Of course not.”

“And do you disapprove of how I treat my husband?”

“No, why would I?”

“I’m not sure, but, I needed to be sure.”

“Oh. Okay.”

“Oh, and Kylie?”


Laura pounced on Kylie, grabbing her by the chin and shoving her back into the wall. Kylie’s eyes grew wide at the sudden movement and wider when Laura plunged her hand down the front of Kylie’s leggings. She felt Laura’s hand cup and press against her, between her leggings. And her secret.

“Right here. Right now. I want you to understand one thing. I am in charge. When I tell you what to do, what to say, or how to act, you will do so, without hesitation, without pause, and without complaint. So when I tell you to address me as Ma’am, you will do so. Every time. Amy I clear?”

“Don’t answer, I’m not done. I will speak to my husband as I see fit. And I saw exactly how you reacted to the tone I used. This tone. The one I’m using right now. I can feel you tremble, from both of your lips. It terrifies and excites you and I can tell. But let me remind you of what I know.” She squeezed the young girl’s sex a little bit.

“I know exactly who you are. I know exactly where you came from. And I know exactly how to get you to do what I say. I’ve been kind. I’ve been nice. I’ve even been patient, but, little girl, this is the only chance you will get to straighten up. I will not have you disrespecting me or challenging my authority when it comes to the baby. Am I understood?”

She took her hand away from Kylie’s mouth and the young girl’s lip quivered. Laura’s ice cold gaze was unwavering. Kylie shuddered a little bit, clamped her eyes shut, and flushed red. Laura’s stoic expression cracked into a victorious smile as she realized what just happened. Laura stared into Kylie’s eyes as the young girl paled. Kylie’s knees went weak and she felt her eyes burn from the tears starting to form.

“I’m waiting. I won’t ask again.”

“Y-yes, mom- I mean, yes Ma’am.”

“I’ll accept both. Go clean yourself up and then do the dishes. I’m not paying you to cry. And don’t make me have to remind you to change your behavior again. You won’t like what will happen.”  

Laura left Kylie trembling in the hallway and returned to her work. She was brimming with confidence that Kylie wouldn’t be a problem anymore. More than an idle threat, Laura was prepared to make good on her words. Her position was absolute and no one could challenge it.  

Kylie sat in the bathroom, crying. She had been forced to follow Laura out to the living room to grab something from her purse and was now sitting on the toilet lid, sobbing. The text messages should have been a warning and Laura had made it abundantly clear that she knew how to manipulate poor Kylie. She wiped her eyes with some toilet paper before slipping off her shoes and pulling down her pants. Her secret, the same brand of princess pull up that Bradly had, sat snuggly on her hips, swelled to near capacity from the wetting she had just given it. It was all too much for her, and she openly sobbed, the childish undergarment on full display. She resigned herself to her state and peeled the sides apart, catching her shame in her hand before dropping it in the trash. She grabbed the fresh one off the counter, wiped herself clean, and pulled it up her legs. Once tight on her hips, she stretched one leg at a time, pushing the pull up tighter to her body. Her leggings were next and once the shame was covered, she took several deep breaths and composed herself. She slipped her shoes back on and left the bathroom, ready to complete her instructions.

She no more than got to the kitchen before Laura called to her.  

“Kylie? Come here please.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

She stood in front of Laura, a few feet away. Laura looked up from her paperwork to see the young girl freshly composed.  

I trust that you have spares?”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“Good. Come closer, let me check you.”

“I-” Kylie paused but Laura’s stare meant that she was serious. “Yes, Ma’am.” “Good girl. Now drop your pants.” Kylie did as she was told. “....yes. Ma’am”

“It seems that we are now at an impasse. I am paying you to watch my baby but it seems that you need someone to watch over you. So what am I to do?” She pulled up on the pull up, making sure that it was tight and wouldn’t leak. “I don’t know, Ma’am.”

“Well, I think I do. Each morning, when you come over, I will check to see that you are properly dressed and each night before I dismiss you, I will check that you have not wet yourself. I expect you to remain dry, no matter what. But should you need to change, you will ask me for permission. Am I clear, little girl?”

Kylie paused, feeling the dread of being so exposed. She stayed dry almost all the time, unless Laura used that voice. But the woman knew exactly how to manipulate her.  

Yes, Ma’am.”

“Oh, yes, and about that. When Bradly is not around, you will address me as Mommy, am I clear?”

“Yes, Mommy.”

“Good girl. Now, pull up your pants and go do your chores, I have a lot of work to do.”

“Yes, Mommy.”

The day had barely begun for both of them, but Bradly and Kylie both knew that things were just getting started. Laura had seemingly planned for everything and she wondered how long before she had more than one baby to take care of. She would need help in that case and after a quick text, she eagerly awaited the rest of the day  

Chapter 11 - Day Six - Part 02

 Erica was only mildly surprised to check her phone and see the long anticipated message. Ever since she found out about Brad and what he had chosen to endure, she had been expecting his wife to contact her. She had expected it to happen sooner but she knew she wouldn’t have had to wait long. 

The message was short and simple. His wife wanted her to meet with her at an address. After some searching on the internet, which was something that Erica did often, she found that the address was Brad’s home. She found that to be peculiar but not too unnerving. It hadn’t been the first time when she had been confronted by a jealous woman. Certainly wouldn’t be the last. 

Erica was somewhat of a whore, at least, around the work sites, that’s what the guys said of her behind her back. She vehemently refused to accept such labels and would outwardly protest being referred to as such. However, they weren’t entirely wrong. Erica had learned from an early age that her looks were her key to an easier life and she had taken that lesson to heart. From talking playfully around those she liked or swinging her hips seductively as she walked by a group of men, it hadn’t taken long for guys around her to collect the courage needed to ask her out for drinks. It would always start innocently enough. As a social drinker, Erica could be seen often at the local watering hole, so it came as no surprise to anyone that she began attracting male attention.  

Flirting here or there had gotten her quite far. Showing influential people within the company a good time out had landed her a padded position where her work wasn’t scrutinized. The rumors of her sleeping her way to the top had started not long after that and although everyone involved had denied it, such denial only fueled the rumor mill to generate more and more outlandish stories. However, when she had been caught making out with an up and coming member of the company, her reputation had been sealed. After a bottle of wine and a lot of tears, she learned to just accept that there were some things that she could not change and made it a point to earn the reputation others were so eager to give her. That’s how she had landed the job she was at. After agreeing to sleep with the boss’ son in return for the easiest job the company had, she showed that no one was beneath her as long as there was something to gain from him. 

Brad was different. She had not found anything that she wanted from him besides a friendly ear. He was interesting to talk to, with far more insightful opinions and world views than the guys she normally hung around with. He was playful, at least with his words, and even a 

little flirty, but she was not his type and he never attempted to push their relationship beyond a working friendship. They had exchanged some playful and seemingly innocent banter back and forth via text messages, but Brad had always respected his marriage and her boundaries. It had come as a shock when she had discovered the deal he had made to keep his marriage. It had seemed to be too outlandish to be real. She had expected a slew of hateful messages from his wife calling her everything under the sun but she simply hadn’t received any. 

Seeing the true depths of Brad’s suffering, she had offered to help him out. He had been a good friend and she, in a way, felt guilty for his predicament. She knew enough about the device he was wearing from an old boyfriend and when he had moved out, she had found the spare key to his device when she had been cleaning one day. She didn’t know why she had kept it but after seeing the pain and anguish in Brad’s eyes when she had discovered his, she was glad that she had kept it. What was worse and perhaps more confusing, was his refusal to let her take it off of him. It had been the first time in her life where a man had pushed her hands away from his privates and the first where she saw a true devotion. All of the men that she had ever been with were quick to seize the moment, any moment, that would lead them closer to having sex, but not Brad. 

That night, she had gone to the gym and while running on the treadmill, she had met this woman who seemed to have all the insight that she struggled to find. After listening to some talk show on the tv’s in front of them, they began to talk about men and how frustrating they were. 

“...like they seemed preprogrammed to run around thinking with the littlest head they have.” 

“For real! Like, I don’t get it. How can they be so blindly dumb to the world around them? 

Not everything is about their dicks!” 

“Right?! Like if it wasn’t for women, men would have wiped themselves out long ago. Sometimes I wonder why we even keep them around.” 

“For the very thing that gets them into trouble.” 

“You know it! If it wasn’t for them being half good at sex, we would have replaced them a long time ago!” 

“Half good? Girl, you have it way too good it you are getting half decent sex.” 

“Well. I could complain. As I’m sure you could too. But no, my biggest complaint is that they don’t understand just how good they have it. Everything could be going great, the best it’s ever been, and then they just have to fuck it up somehow.” 

“Yeah, guys are the worst.” 

“Like, take my husband for instance. We’ve been having the best life we can have and then I find out that he’s talking to some other girl on the side! Can you believe that? I’ve given him everything that he’s ever wanted, and yet he still seeks attention from someone else? The fucking hubris of that ass.” 

“That’s terrible! So what did you do?” 

“Well, I took away his only sense of self!” 

“Sense of self? What’s that?” 

“What does every guy cherish above any and all other things?” 




“Close, but no.” 

“Well, if it’s not beer and it’s not sex, what else does he have to live for?” 

“His dick.” 

“You didn’t Lorena Bobbitt him! Did you?” 

“Without all the blood and law breaking, yes.” 


“It was easy enough. They make this thing that goes over a guy’s dick and keeps him from getting hard. Put a little lock on it that I have the key too and bam! Instant obedient husband. No longer is he thinking about getting his dick wet. He’s only thinking about getting that cage off and if you tell him point blank that he has certain requirements to meet in order to get it off, he will do just that and more.” 

“And it worked?” 

“So far. You see, men are like little boys in their minds. If you ever had brothers you would know this. As they develop, they are led by their instincts more than their thoughts. That little guy in their pants makes a lot of the decisions for them through most of their lives. Little brain thinks first, big brain last, that sort of thing. A woman’s job is to keep him thinking about her so that the little brain keeps the big brain focused. If a woman gives the little brain just enough sex or pleasure, the big brain will put up with all sorts of things they would normally not.” “So if you lock up the little brain, you keep his attention on you?” 


“But won’t he just get bored after a while? I mean, you can only keep them pent up for so long before they get whiny.” 

“Very true, but if you teach them to accept and expect a little pleasure, spread out over time, then they will stay compliant. Theoretically, if you let him out once a month or once every few months, you could get him to do pretty much anything.” 

“But doesn’t that take away from your enjoyment as well?” They stopped walking on the treadmills and slowly headed towards the locker rooms. 

“Of course. But there are some sacrifices I’m willing to make. And besides, it’s not like they really know what they are doing in the bedroom anyway.” 

“No, they really don’t!” 

“And I’m not one to do anything about it. Men are too hard to teach.” 

“That’s why they invented toys!” 

“Say no to boys! Say yes to toys!” 

“Right! Who needs boys?” The other women in the locker room all gave smiles and thumbs up the chant. Erica and the woman had lockers not too far from each other. After they took a quick shower in separate stalls, they returned to the lockers and sat on the bench, drying their hair. 

“We do. Sadly. I don’t want to have to pleasure myself.” The woman said, pulling clean clothes out of a bag in her locker. 

“So you are going to let him out, eventually?” Erica turned away from the woman and dropped the towel from her body in order to pull on clean panties. 

“Eventually. I mean, I kind of have to. I do love him. I just wish that he would think about things before he did them.” 

“Well, we can’t expect them to be as smart as us.” 

“Are we really that smart though? We keep taking them back, time and time again. We can’t seem to live without them.” The woman also got dressed, however, she didn’t turn away and Erica watched as she pulled on a lacy thong. She was an incredibly attractive woman and 

Erica wondered what kind of man her husband was to talk to another woman instead of his wife. 

“Yeah. But, we kinda could. I mean…” 

“I know what you mean,” the woman said, clipping the matching bra around her ample chest, “It’s not exactly my cup of tea.” 

“Mine either. But…well, I’ve never tried so I can’t really say.” Erica stammered, finishing getting dressed. 

“Nor have I. And I’m not sure I would want to.” 

“Be either. But we do only live once.” 

“This is true. Maybe, under the right circumstances, I could be open to the idea.” 

Erica paused, unable to ascertain whether or not the woman was dropping a hint or not. 

“What would the right circumstances look like?” 

“Well. I am married. And it’s not like I want to get a divorce at this point of my life. However, should there be a way that my husband would agree to it, there could be a possibility to experiment.” 

“What man wouldn’t agree with something like that?” 

“A man that doesn’t get to watch or join. I’m still upset with him.” 

“It’s too bad that there wasn’t somewhere you could send him. I mean. If he would do anything for the chance to be let out…” 

“Well, you are not wrong. And maybe you are on to something. In case something comes up, here is my number. We can talk about how men are pointless later! But, I guess we will never know. I can’t exactly send him to his room.” 

“It’s a bummer that they don’t have nannies for men.” Erica joked as they parted ways in the parking lot. 

 It was supposed to be all playful talk, nothing real would ever have come of it, but there she sat, staring at her phone, days later with an invitation from the same woman to come over. She hadn’t thought she would ever be faced with anything like this. Not only was she going to meet the woman who she was attracted to, but she was also going to meet the woman who put Brad in a chastity cage and diapers. Erica’s mind was reeling from everything but as she got changed and put on some light makeup, she knew that she had only scratched the surface of the day. 

“Kylie? Would you come here?” Laura asked, twirling a card in her hands. It was almost time. 

“Yes, Mommy.” 

“Good girl.” 

Kylie had been completing her chores. It had taken her a few hours but she had managed to clean the whole house, wash and put away the dishes, and was in the middle of scrubbing down the bathroom. She felt like a servant, doing whatever she was told, when she was told. It didn’t help that she had to wait on Laura’s beck and call. Every drink refill, snack, or anything the woman desired she had called on Kylie for. And to remind Kylie of her place, Laura would check her pull ups every single time. It was humiliating, degrading, and arousing. Every time the older woman shoved her hand down the front of Kylie’s pants, the younger girl trembled in excitement. It wasn’t the touches, though she was sure that’s what Laura was thinking, but the subjugation. Forced to serve a more powerful person and regularly reminded of her place, Kylie couldn’t help but remember the last two years. She was remembering how it all began when she heard her name called by Laura from down the hall. 

She sighed and straightened her shirt before heading towards her new Mommy. 

“Yes, Mommy?” 

“Our guest will be here shortly and I have a request of you, but first, how are you doing?” 

How are you doing? Was code for let me check you. Kylie said nothing and simply pulled her pants down so her pullup could be inspected. If this was the way things were going to be, Kylie thought about wearing skirts or nothing at all to make this process less intrusive. Anything to keep Laura from getting stricter or making good on her threats. 

“Good. Still dry. And how does this make you feel? Honestly?” 

“It’s fine, Mommy.” She almost choked on the words, but managed to get them out. 

“Oh really?” Laura reached behind the young girl and ran her hand up Kylie’s rear. “Then why do you shake when I touch you?” She gave the young girl a soft swat on her padded rear. Kylie jumped a little, not from pain, but from surprise. 

“I...I’m not sure.” 

“I see. Is that all you have to say?” Another light swat and Kylie jumped again. 

Confused, Kylie nodded, unsure what to say. 

“I figured as much.” Laura grabbed Kylie by the wrist and pulled her over Laura’s knees, twisting her arm around her back, not letting go. “It didn’t take long for you to forget your place.” She started swatting Kylie’s rear, three swats per cheek, back and forth. They weren’t hard, but they were getting harder. “I warned you. Every single time you address me. Every single time! 

What are you supposed to say?” 

Each swat got harder and harder as Kylie tried to get the words out, “Mommy. I’m supposed to say Mommy!” It was getting intense and she could feel the tears welling up in the corner of her eyes. 

“That’s right! And I want you to remember that! Now stand up and pull down your diaper!” 

“Y-yes, Mommy.” Kylie did what she was told as Laura let go of her wrist. The tears were starting to fall as she slid the pullup down to her ankles. 

“Tears already? I haven’t even given you something to cry about. But I can’t have you waking the baby. Go get the spare pacifier from the kitchen. And leave your pants where they are.” 

Kylie sniffled and stepped out of her clothes, walking towards the kitchen, her eyes, face, and rear burning. She grabbed the pacifier off the counter and returned to Laura who held her hand out for it. Kylie handed it to her and as Laura snapped her fingers, she laid her body over the older woman’s knees. “Hands behind your back.” Kylie sobbed and obeyed. 


Kylie parted her lips and felt the bulbous plastic pushed between them. Tears openly ran down her face as Laura secured the straps together around her head. 

“Now, we begin.” 

The spanking wasn’t the worst that Kylie had ever endured, but it ranked up there. With the pacifier gag in place, Kylie’s wails barely traveled past the living room. Laura did a good job of reddening every inch of Kylie’s ass and by the time she was done, Kylie had for sure learned her lesson. Laura helped the young girl to her feet and helped her back into her pull up. 

“I’m sure you are about ready to burst, so go ahead and use your diaper. I will allow it this time.” 

Kylie looked at her, her face wet from tears and drool running out of the corners of her mouth from the pacifier. She tried to turn away but Laura held her and pulled her onto her lap. 

“Right here. On Mommy’s lap. I want you to wet your diaper like a good girl on my lap.  

You can do that, right baby ?”  

Kylie sniffled and nodded, her face burning in shame. She buried her face into Laura’s neck and sobbed. 

“It’s okay, baby . Mommy didn’t want to have to do that. But you need to learn who is in charge here. I know that things are going to be rough, but we can figure it out. I’ve already called your mother and told her that I need you to watch the baby for the night. You are long overdue for some real time with Mommy. Now be Mommy’s good girl and use your diapers.”  

Kylie tried to resist but Laura’s words were enough to push her over the edge. She didn’t have to go bad, but it was enough to fill her pull ups without leaking. Laura could feel the spreading warmth and smiled. 

“That’s it. Let it all out. Good girl . Mommy is so proud of you! Let’s go get you change-” There was a knock at the door and Kylie froze. 

“That’s our guest, hurry up and go answer the door.” 

Kylie’s eyes nearly bulged out of her head in fear and surprise. She shook her head, flushing red with shame but Laura’s eyes grew narrow and her voice stern. 

“I won’t repeat myself.” 

Kylie pouted and let out an audible whine as Laura pushed her off her lap. Her protests got her a hard slap to the year and with the snap of her fingers, Laura pointed towards the door. Kylie stomped her feet a little but headed towards the door about to face her humiliation. She tentatively reached for the door knob and as she slowly pulled it open, her face paled, her body trembled almost violently, and she peed again, overflowing the pull up and causing it to leak, running streams down the inside of her legs. 

“Oh dear, did you have another accident?” Laura said, standing behind her, a huge grin on her face. “Don’t be rude now, Kylie, invite our guest in.” 

Kylie motioned and backed off to the side, her face a beet red. She had never felt so ashamed and humiliated. Her heart was pounding so hard in her chest that she couldn’t hear what was being said. She was frozen in place and Laura led her guest into the living room. When she returned, she had a towel and some sanitation wipes. She soaked up the puddle that Kylie had left on the floor and followed it up with the wipes. She left again and returned a few moments later to take Kylie by the hand and lead her to the living room. Kylie had just started to calm down a little until she saw the guest again and her heart rate skyrocketed again. Laura slowly directed her to lay down. She was so numb to everything but the pounding in her chest that she went along with it, laying down while Laura pulled her pull ups apart, wiped her clean, and unfolded a pink diaper in front of her. A diaper! Like the ones that she had been putting on Bradly. The sight of it was enough to jolt her back to reality and she tried to shove Laura’s hands away. 

Laura responded by grabbing Kylie’s ankles and lifting them up, exposing her already red rear to the air and to the guest. Laura gave Kylie several hard slaps to each cheek before sliding the diaper under the girl’s exposed bottom. Lowering Kylie’s ankles, Laura separated them and slid forward a bit so that Kylie couldn’t close her legs. Surprised by ruthlessness, Kylie could only cover her face with her hands as Laura sprinkled liberal amounts of baby powder over Kylie’s privates. With practiced efficiency, Laura pulled the front of the diaper up between Kylie’s thighs and in moments had it securely taped shut. 

Laura spent the entire time talking with her guest, who sat nearby and had a front row view to the entire ordeal. Kylie hadn’t been able to make out any of the words because of the heartbeat pounding in her ears. Laura helped her to her feet and checked the diaper to make sure that it was tight and secure, going out of her way to deliberately pat Kylie on the rear a few times. She then helped Kylie put on her pants, pulling the tight fabric over the diaper and her and the guest remarked at how the leggings showed off the contours of Kylie’s padded rear. 

Laura took Kylie by the chin and looked her directly in the eyes. 

“I’m going to take this off of you now and I expect you to be on your best behavior or it’s going back on. Am I understood?” 

Kylie nodded and Laura reached behind her head to undo the clasp. While she was there, she also undid the necklace chain that held Bradly’s key. Kylie remained silent and stood there, unsure what to do. 

“How about you go get our guest something to drink while I go wake up Bradly. I’m sure he’s slept long enough.” 

“...yes, Ma’am.” 

“I’m sorry? What was that?” Kylie cringed at having to say the words, but the feeling of subjugation was overwhelming. 

“Yes, Mommy.” 

“Better. Now do as you are told and don’t dawdle.” 

Laura disappeared down the hallway and Kylie quickly retrieved a glass of water for the guest. She grimaced at each step as it was met with the all too familiar crinkle that accompanied plastic backed diapers. Her leggings did quiet the noise a little, but both her and the guest could hear it. She sat on the couch at the opposite end from the guest and blushed as the crinkling intensified by her sitting. 

“So…” The guest said, sipping the water slowly. “This is what you have been doing.” 

“Erica, I swear to God, if you tell my mother about this, I will kill you!” 

“Something tells me that your mother already knows. And besides, I think your Mommy would have something to say about your behavior.” 

“Stop. Just stop! This isn’t funny!” 

“Oh, I beg to differ. When she told me that you had gotten a job babysitting, I didn’t think that you would be the actual baby!” 

“I’m not a baby!” Kylie exclaimed, trembling. 

“Is that so? Because I’m pretty sure that I just saw you with a pacifier gag, wetting your pull ups to the point of leaking on the floor, and seeing your already red butt spanked and put into a real diaper. If that doesn’t say that you are a baby, I don’t know what does.” 

“This...this wasn’t supposed to happen.” 

“It doesn’t matter what was supposed to happen. You remember exactly what your mother said.” 

“She doesn’t need to know about this.” Kylie gestured to her waist. Her mother had trained her to wear her pull ups after a history of having accidents. She had been adamant when she had said that if Kylie ever ended up in full diapers again, she would stay that way. 

“And I’m eighteen. I’m practically on my own now.” 

“I don’t think that will matter to her. And I won’t lie to my aunt. Not after what she did to you.” 

“Please. I’m begging you. Don’t tell her. I’ll do anything!” Kylie pleaded. 

“We will see about that.” Erica stopped talking as she heard Laura’s footsteps coming closer from down the hall. 

Laura had woken Bradly up, noticed that he was wet and decided not to change him. There was a lesson to be learned here and she needed every bit of an edge as she could get. If all went well, she could solve a few of her problems all at once. She helped him get sweatpants on so that he could hide his shame a little and instructed him to follow her to the living room after he had found a shirt. The pants had covered most everything, but the waistband of his pink diaper still poked out. Confident that she had him sorted out, she returned to the living room to put the last part of her final plan into action. 

Laura had been working out a final test for Bradly. After having seen first hand the change in his behavior during the week, and how liberating it was to not have to worry about him, she had wondered what her life would look like if she kept him as he was. Would he even accept it? She had found a better, longer lasting connection with him then she had ever had before, but the future was a hard thing for her to quantify. Was the connection enough to warrant the extra effort she would have to put into their relationship? Kylie was proving to be something of a project herself and that meant that she was going to have to take on more of the parental responsibilities that she had shrugged off. But, and there was a large but there, she couldn’t do it alone. She could, of course, send Kylie back to her mother, who would be more than happy to learn that her daughter had been put back into diapers. Lori had warned Laura that Kylie needed someone to stay on top of her and that if Kylie showed signs of regressing, to send her back home. She had mentioned something about a man who was great with situations like hers and something about an Institute. Lori had given her a business card and told her that if she ever needed any advice on how to handle Bradly, she only had to call the number. 

Bradly hadn’t been much of a problem, and Laura was excited to see what kind of dynamic she could create with Kylie and him. She had already molded him the way she wanted him to be, she just had to break his rebellious spirit and help him transition into his new life. But to do that, she had to push him. Give him an impossible choice, but a choice he could make. 

She set the items needed for his test out on the coffee table. One was the key to his cage and the other, a stack of papers. She had worked on the wording in those papers for a long time, trying to make sure that there was no way he could weasel himself out of it. She would present them to him as his way out of all of this. A divorce. Freedom at last, but if he passed the test and chose the key, she would tell him what the papers really meant. 

Erica was the final nail in the coffin. For him to choose the papers would mean that he would have to face her utter rejection. Details they had worked out over many talks since they had met in the gym. Erica had not been anything like what Laura had expected and she could see what Bradly had seen in her. Erica was a manipulator and the more they talked, the more Laura realized that Erica had played him. Erica had covered for him on a botched job and ever since then, she had been using him to get more of her work done under the guise of staying busy during conversation. She flirted with him, led him on, all to make her look better for the bosses as he did his work and most of hers. 

They had worked out how they were going to confront him about all of this. Erica was going to hide off in another room while Laura put forth the options to him and they would play it out based on his reactions. Laura had to insist that Erica put whatever feelings she may have had towards him aside. Erica had lied to her and told her that she didn’t have any feelings. Everything she had done she had done for her own gain. A selfish way to live, and one that Laura would remedy later, should she get her way. She motioned Erica to hide in the kitchen and called to her man sized baby. It was now or never. 

“Bradly? Come here, baby.” 

Kylie watched in quiet repose as Bradly came down the hall. He looked uncertain and scared, but he did what he was told. His time with Laura’s chest and his nap had done wonders to dull his focus and Kylie could tell that he wasn’t completely ready for whatever Laura had in mind. Kylie tried not to fidget. She didn’t want him to know that she was in the same boat he was and she kept looking to Laura to make sure that she wasn’t doing anything wrong. 

“Did you have a good nap, sweetie?” 

Bradly nodded, clutching his pacifier in his hand. Laura could see that he was trembling and on edge, his uncertainty ever more evident. 

“Good. Well, I guess we can skip over the rest of the pleasantries then.” She clapped her hands, “Today is the day! You did it! You made it the whole week without breaking the rules!” He seemed to relax a little bit, his wariness starting to fade. 

“But, as we both know, now we are faced with another challenge. Where do we go from here?” 

“Back to normal was the deal.” 

“And what does that look like for you? 

His uncertainty returned, “What do you mean? Normal is normal. What our life was before this week. That’s normal.” 

“Oh. So normal to you is when you sneak around behind my back and talk to other women.” 

“You know that’s not what I meant.” 

“But it’s what you did. How can you possibly expect me to go back to a life like that? How can you expect me to live when I’ll always be wondering if you are hiding something from me?” 

“I’m not going to do that anymore. I’ve learned my lesson.” 

“Lesson? Do you think this past week was a lesson? No, Bradly, this past week was a test. A test to see if you had what it takes to be a better person to me.” 

“And I passed! So what’s the big deal?” 

“The big deal is this!” She moved from where she was standing to reveal the key and the papers. 

“What is that?” 

“This is your choice. I’m not going through any more of this bullshit Bradly. The rules of our house need to change. The rules of this marriage need to change. So I came up with this choice. And it’s pretty simple. You recognize the key so you know what that’s for. The papers...are...well, the papers are the end of us. You want out, this is how you get out. Divorce. Plain and simple. You sign a few lines, you pack your shit, and you get out of my house. I say my house because I will be damned if I will let you destroy everything that I’ve built.” 

“Ummm, okay. And what does the key mean?” 

“The key means that you are willing to accept the new rules of this marriage. In exchange for me taking that cage off, you agree to live your life as I see fit.” 

“As you see fit? What does that mean?” 

“What that means, Bradly, is that you will dress as I see fit, go where I see fit, do as I see fit, and behave yourself as I see fit. You've spent most of this marriage trying to get me to take control of you and this is your change. I will make all of your choices for you and we will have a happy life. 

“Or, you can walk away. Live your own life, do as you see fit. But if you want to keep this marriage, as you have clearly shown, then the choice should be simple, right?” 

“Give up everything for you?” 

“Am I not worth it?” 

“Yes. But…” 

“But what?” 

“I’m not sure…” 

“Let me make it simple for you then. I know what you did. What I don’t know is why. So explain to me why.” 

“Why what?” 

“Why,” Erica interrupted, coming up behind him, “why I had to lie for you. Why I had to cover for you so that you didn’t get fired.” 

“I...I don’t know-” 

“What am I talking about?” She was sassy, her voice mocking and cruel and Kylie hated it. “Are you sure? Could it maybe have something to do with this?!” She yanked his sweatpants down, exposing his pink diaper to everyone. His face reddened in shame and he tried to pull them back up but she slapped his hands away. 

“No. I don’t think so. Explain to your wife what you did. Tell her the truth. The real truth this time!” 


“Didn’t you think it odd that our deal was one of your fantasies?” Laura asked. “It never occurred to you that maybe there was something more going on?” 


“I knew. Erica told me about what you did. How you stole adult diapers from an elderly person’s room when you cleaned their facility. She told me how she had watched you put them on one night and then jerk off into it. She told me everything. About how your boss called and asked if something happened when a complaint was made. She told me how she covered and lied for you to protect your job.” 

“But that was months ago!” 

“Yeah, and it’s taken us months to get you to this point.” Laura said. 

“But it was so worth it!” Erica sneered. 

“I...I don’t understand!” 

“Don’t you? It’s really simple. There never really was a choice. Just like there isn’t now. Both roads lead to the same place. You wanted to be a baby so bad that you would lie and steal to get what you want, then fine. If you want to be a baby so bad, then that’s what you will be. A baby. Our baby.” Erica said, patting his diaper. 

“O-our?” Bradly stammered in disbelief. 

“The funny thing is, both of us are sick and tired of selfish, insecure men like you. We are tired of always having to clean up your messes. Men like you run around destroying the place, your dick in your hand, thinking that whatever you pee on is yours. Well, that stops today. We are going to give you whatever your little baby heart desires. All you have to do is sign the papers.” 

“The papers? I thought they were-” 

“You? Thinking? That’s rich! Listen, Baby Bradly,” Erica said, moving to stand by his side and taking him by the chin, “And listen good. We all know what you are going to choose. We’ve planned out every little detail. Do you think this is all just a coincidence? Do you? Or do you think that this is everything that you have ever wanted? Because we all know it is. Don’t we. So how about you be a good boy for me and wet your pants.” He stared at her, both in disgust and intrigue. 

“Go on,” she said, cupping his diaper right under his cage, “wet your Pampers for Mommy. Be my good boy , now. Prove to me how much you want it. Prove to me how much you need me to change you. Do you need a bottle? Is that it? Or do you need to make a mess for me? It’s okay, Mommy doesn’t mind. You go ahead and give me a big push right now.” 

His eyes glanced to the side, to Laura and Kylie. He couldn’t believe this was happening. He couldn’t think. She shook his chin and redirected his gaze to her eyes. Eyes he had fantasised about, looking up at him, when he was a man and she was in her place on her knees. They stared into his and with each second they were locked in contact, he felt himself shrink. 

“Eyes on me. That’s a good boy . It’s okay. Give me a little push. Come on, Baby, you can do it.” He felt his stomach tighten and his abs constrict. “One little push, that’s all I’m asking for. You can do that, right? One little push for Mommy?” 

His eyes grew wider and his jaw tensed. Her voice has stopped being commanding and was now more loving and hypnotising. 

“That’s it,” She said as his whole body tensed and he started to push. “Good boy ! That’s 

Mommy’s good boy ! ” 

He was a good boy. Push. He was her good boy. He pushed harder. She let go of his chin and pulled him into a warm hug. She smelled so nice! He nuzzled into her chest. 

“One more big push for Mommy, baby.” 

He pushed again, groaned, and filled his diaper, feeling the warm mess spread down between his legs. He groaned again, wetting himself as well, and sighed in relief. It was over. 

His transition was complete. He was her baby. 

“Good boy ,” Erica cooed, stroking his hair. “Mommy is so proud of you! How about you come over to the couch and Mommy will hold you for a moment before we change you.” She led him to the couch, making sure he didn’t trip on his sweatpants. She helped him lay down on the couch and she cradled his head in her arms. She wasn’t ready to try breastfeeding him, but she held him close to her chest so that they could bond. A new mommy and her new baby. 

“I guess that settles that, then.” Laura said, picking up the key and the papers. She moved over to Bradly and he turned on Erica’s lap to look at her. 

“You’ve done well, Bradly. I am proud of you. And this is your life from now on. You will remain in diapers. Forever. And we will take care of you the entire time, that’s the new deal. But that does mean that some things will change around here. More specifically, there won’t be a here. I’m going to sell this house and we are going to buy a new one. A bigger one. One more suited to our new lifestyle. 

“Erica will be moving in with us, so you won’t just have me to take care of you and although I don’t really agree, we have decided to take your cage off. It will stay off for as long as you follow the rules. You stay a good boy, do what you are told, and use your diapers like the baby you are, and we won’t have any problems. We may even let you cum every now and then, but that’s only on special occasions. 

“Oh. And no more sex. With me. Or Erica. Or anyone, ever again. You are a baby and babies don’t do adult stuff like that. You will get a release if you behave, but you will not be having sex. 

“But never fear. You will see a new side to me. You’ve passed the test completely. I know you may think that I was cruel but I was only trying to push you. I needed to know for sure that if I gave you this option, that you would accept it without a fight, and you did, and I love you for it. This is going to be a wonderful journey for all of us.” 

She glanced down to the papers in her hand and over to Kylie. 

“We will need to sort out a few things but for now, I just want you to let it all go. Adulthood, work, the outside world, all of it. That’s not you anymore. You are going to be my baby every day, all day long, so there will be no need for you to worry about anything anymore. I 

know that this will be a transition and I know that it may be overwhelming, so I want you to know that you are not alone in this. You can talk to me, or to Mommy Erica, and most of all, to your new sister.” 

Laura looked at Kylie, who shrank a little and blushed. Laura snapped her fingers and Kylie complied, standing up and sliding down her leggings. Bradly looked surprised to see her also in a pink diaper and the look at her face said it all to him. 

Their world had just been irrevocably changed. And if the swelling bulge of her diaper wasn’t enough of a clue, they would both be facing this new world together. 

“Erica? Shall we go get our new babies changed? It’s going to be a busy day!” 

Chapter 12 - The Final

Everything had gone by so fast for Bradly. He lay in his new crib, the one he had looked

at with such wonder that day out with Kylie, wondering if he had really made the right decision. It

was early in the afternoon, he designated nap time, but he wasn't sleepy. Kylie was, as she lay not far from him, snoring softly. He hadn't ever imagined that she would end up like he had, nor

that she would have been so comfortable with it all. She used to be someone he looked up to

and could admire for her strength of will, but now, as she lay there in a pink nighty and her

diaper sticking out, she was anything but the authority figure he knew her as. She murmured

something incoherent and smacked her lips. Her binky had fallen out of her mouth not long after she had fallen asleep and he kindly pushed it back between her lips.

They had been sleeping together for a few days now. Not sexual, of course. Laura was

very keen on reminding them both of their new roles and on the day that his life had changed

forever, her and Erica had taken them out shopping. Mostly for the crib, as large as a queen

sized bed, but for huge stockpiles of diapers, but for locking plastic pants to go over them.

Kylie's were clear while his were blue. Laura had been true to her word, after he had messed

himself practically on command for Erica, they had changed him and removed the cage. It was

only to be used if he seriously misbehaved. The plastic pants were enough of a deterrent to

keep his urges at bay. While locked around his waist, he was incapable of reaching his diaper,

much less his manhood, and the same with her. Sure, he could have played with other parts of

Kylie, but there was an underlying threat in Laura's voice that such things would not end well for

him. He really hadn't had any urges though. How could he? She looked just as infantile as he

did and the thought of trying anything with someone who looked like a baby just seemed weird.

The diapers, the naps, the crib, the bottles, and everything else did wonders to keep him in a

state of innocent bliss.

He didn't want her, he wanted his mommy. Either of them. He wanted to be a good boy

for them so that maybe he could get some special mommy/ son time. That night of his final

transformation, Laura had permitted him to have some quality time with Erica. It felt really weird,

at first, as Laura watched, but after Erica had latched him on to her breast and talked to him

softly while she rubbed him through his wet diaper. As Laura stated, it was bonding time. A time

where he learned the benefits of being a good boy, as well as learning that Erica was just as

much of his mommy as Laura was. When he had finally reached climax, it had been so

overwhelming that his eyes had rolled into the back of his head and he had been left in a state of euphoria.

It had been one of a few times when he hadn't questioned the new path in his life. But

those moments were few and far between. He had been living this life for the past few weeks

and Kylie moving in was only a reaffirmation that his life was truly out of his control. There had

been a time after that first day that he hadn't seen Kylie and after the first week, he had thought

that she was gone for good, but after they had moved into Erica's house, because it had far

more space and Bradly got a room to himself, that he had started to wonder if he had really

made the right decision.

Laura and Erica were now lovers, something that had happened far quicker that Bradly

had thought. Laura's domineering will had taken over every aspect of the new arrangement up

to and including their time in the bedroom. Thanks to Brad having experiment with female

domination, there was little they had to do except replace a few of the adult toys with new ones, and the dynamic continued, unabated.

Bradly remembered their first time. Erica had initially protested to him watching but Laura

demanded it. She had said that Bradly needed to see that he wasn't needed as a sexual partner

anymore and that Laura could get was she needed without him. While the adult version of him

would have loved to watch his wife had sex with a woman, the baby part of him was as

disinterested as they were of him watching. Despite Erica's protests, she had put up very little of

a fight, pleasing Laura with her mouth and fingers to climax before Laura put on the strap on.

Adult Bradly had always wondered what Laura looked like when she was playing the dominant

role and Erica found out rather quickly that it wasn't just a show from Laura. He didn't watch much more after that. There was no point. There was nothing there that was for him anymore.

He let his mind wander and tried to block out the frantic moaning while he focused on the

wooden blocks he got to play with and the squishiness of his diaper.

After the move and with Bradly now in his own room, complete with changing table and

all sorts of child's toys, they were allowed to do whatever they wished under the guise of putting

him down for a nap for a few hours. It was never at the same time each day and it didn't take

long for Bradly to figure out what they were up to everytime they said it was nap time and he

wasn't tired.

Bored, and not able to sleep, Bradly got up on his knees and surveyed the crib. He

wanted out so that he could play or do something, but he was worried about what Mommy

would say if she found out that he had escaped. Learning lessons the hard way was Kylie's

forte, not his. As he fumbled around the crib, he accidentally kneeled on Kylie's hair, waking her

up with a yelp.

"Ow! Get off my hair!"

"Sorry. I was just-"

"Just what? Trying to get out? You know that's against the rules."

"That's just it. We keep hearing about these so called rules but we don't know what they

are. Why can't I get out of here. This is my room. Those are my toys. And I want to play with


"Cause, stupid, Mommy said so! And you remember last time we didn't do what Mommy


"You didn't listen. Not me. And you got spanked. I saw. And you cried."

"Shut up! You would cry too!"

"Nuh uh."

"Yeah huh. You would cry like the little baby you are!"

"You're the real baby here! Not me!"

"Oh really? Then who was it that pooped their pants in the store the other day? Huh?

Who was it that made us have to leave before we got candy cause he couldn't hold it? Oh yeah,

it was you! Stinky pants!"

"You shut up before I throw your binky across the room! I know how much you need it.

You whine and cry and whimper if it's not in your mouth. So who is the real baby here? Me or


"You are both babies!" Laura interjected, walking into the room. "Babies that clearly

didn't need naps. Now I don't want to hear any more of your bickering."

"Yes, Mommy." Bradly and Kylie said, settling down. Mommy Laura was not one to be trifled with. While better than she was, she was still Mommy.

"That's better." She lowered the side of the crib and helped them step out. Standing in

front of her, they held still as she gave them both diaper checks. They were still not used to

going through the routine together. Alone, they were find, but they always got blushy everytime

Laura would pull back on the rear of their diapers to check for messes. Kylie, especially, who

was already red in the face before Laura got to her. "Bradly, you can wait a little while longer for

a change, but little Kylie here has messed herself like a good baby girl, haven't you?"

"Yes, Mommy." Kylie said meekly.

"Up on the changing table with you. Bradly, you can go play with your toys."

"Yes, Mommy."

"My, my, my. Two babies at once is surely a handful." Laura said as she pulled the key

out from behind her blouse. She unlocked Kylie's plastic pants and pulled them off, setting them

aside. She crinkled her nose at the smell, but continued on unfazed. "Especially since we are all

getting used to one another. But I'm not worried. I have the two bestest babies in the whole wide

world, don't I?"

"Yes, Mommy." Her babies said, making her smile. She peeled open the tapes and

pulled back the front of Kylie's diaper, making the younger girl flush red and cover her face. "Oh,

Kylie, you have nothing to be ashamed of. You used your diaper like a good baby girl and

Mommy is proud of you. I'm glad to see that you took to your new training without


"Training?" Bradly said, not intending to say it out loud.

"Yes, Bradly. While Kylie was away, she was at a special place getting some much

needed training."

"What for?"

"Why, to be a better baby, of course!"

"A better baby? Was she not good enough? Am I not good enough?"

"Of course you are. But you see, Kylie used to be someone's baby girl before she came

to be with us. And I had to work out a deal with her mother so that Kylie could come live with us

forever as your baby sister."

"Do I need training?"

Laura paused before she resumed wiping Kylie clean. "Why would you ask such a thing,



"Because, why?" Laura asked, pulling a fresh diaper from the package next to the

changing table.

"Cause I don't know what's going on anymore."

"What do you mean?" She tilted Kylie's legs back and expertly slid the diaper under

Kylie's bum like a seasoned pro. She sprinkled powder all over and in a moment, had the diaper

safely taped up. She helped Kylie off the table and onto her feet where she helped Kylie put her

legs through the plastic pants before pulling them up and securing the lock. She held Kylie's

pacifier near her lips and after Kylie kissed her on the cheek, she grabbed it with her mouth and

ran out of the room.

Bradly sat on the floor by his toys, not really playing with them anymore. Laura could sense that something was bothering him so she sat on the floor opposite him to talk.

"What's wrong with my little man?"

"I...I just don't know if I'm good enough."

"Good enough? For what?"

"For you."

"For me? What does that mean."

"Can I talk like a big person?"

"Of course, sweetie. But just until we get this worked out."

"Is this what you really want from me, Laura? I mean, is this all that our marriage will be

from now on?"

"Is this not what you wanted?"

"I don't know what I want. Or wanted. I didn't really have the chance to make a choice.

And now, so much has changed. I quit my job, we sold our house to move in with Erica, you and

her are a thing now, and Kylie is supposed to be my baby sister. It's a lot to take in and deal

with. I don't know if I really want to wear diapers for the rest of my life. It seems like I lose more

and more control every day. And what happens if I lose all control, and then you decide that this

isn't what you want from your life anymore? What then? Am I supposed to stay wearing diapers

and try to get a normal job again? I just want to know that you want this, all of this to be our new


"Such serious thoughts for someone so little."

"I'm not fucking around, Laura."

"Watch your tone, Brad. You know I don't like it when you talk like that. But you answer

some of your questions, and the answer is simple. Yes. This is what I want from you, of you.

And of Kylie. I want you to be in diapers for the rest of your life. And I'm going to keep you that


"But why? Why would anyone want to keep another adult like this?"

"Why would I wantto? I don't wantto. I need to."

"You need to?"

"Let me explain this in a way that you might understand. You hurt me. Not in a way that

can be easily fixed, but you did. And I know that you are sorry and I know that you didn't mean

to and I know everything you are going to say about it. The point is this. Our deal. That one

week in diapers that I thought was going to be enough to get you to run away and never look

back, showed me that there is more to this world than just the normal. I actually liked that week.

I liked taking care of you, having you depend on me for everything, and having to be the strong

one in the relationship. And I saw you for who you really are and more importantly, what our

marriage meant to you. I saw a person willing to give up his entire adult life to apologize to his

wife for some slight he had made that honestly, wasn't that big of a deal. Being a baby makes you happy, and I want to be the one that gives you that happiness. As long as you are happy,

then I am happy. I have Erica to help me with my adult urges, and I have you to remind me of

the inner strength that I never knew I had.

"The cold hard truth, Brad, is that I planned nearly all of this. I wanted to have control of

our relationship and you wanted me to have that control. This is how it happens. This is what

that life we have always wanted looks like. And, honestly, I have never loved you more."

"Loved me more?"

"I was losing the spark. I can't deny it and I won't. I had to do something that would ignite

a new fire in our lives. This was the best that I could come up with and I think it worked out

rather well. Don't you?"

"That's just it. I don't know if it has."

"Really? Why?"

"Because...I don't know...it just kind of feels like I'm stuck."

"Stuck? How so? Do you feel like I'm being too strict?"

"A little."

"Okay. In what ways?"


"Be honest with me, Brad. I want you to be happy, truly happy."

"I don't want to just do baby stuff."

"Okay. What does that mean for you?"

"Well, you said that there were rules and I've tried hard to abide by them, but I spend a

lot of time bored because I don't know what I can and can't do."

"So you are looking for some structure."

"And a little freedom."

"Freedom? Like what? Because I was very clear. You are a baby and you will wear your

diapers. And no sex with anyone."

"I know. And I can live with that. It's hard, though, really hard."

"Because you are horny?"

"You know why."

"I do. But I want you to say it. It makes it more real for you if you say it."

"Wearing diapers makes me horny. Happy now?"

"Yes. Is that all?"

"No. I've been meaning to ask if it's really necessary that I be a baby all the time. Like,

could I be bigger?"

"How much bigger?"

"Few years, maybe more?"

"So a toddler?"

"Something like that."

"Well, I will have to think about it, but as long as you stick to the rest of the rules, I don't

see why you can't be as big as you want, within reason of course."

"So, diapers all the time?"

"Yes, Bradly. Diapers all the time. Maybe training pants or pull ups if it's possible, but for

the foreseeable future, you will be in diapers all the time. Are you okay with that?"

"Can I have my video games back?"

She smiled at him. "Of course you can. And I'll tell you what. Because you were such a

big man about this, let's say we all sit down tonight and go over the rules and expectations of

this house. And because you're my special little man, how about once a week, no matter what,

you and I have our own super secret special time?"

"Super secret special time?"

She smiled at him and leaned over to push the door closed. She pulled off her blouse

and bra and tossed them aside. She went over and got a clean diaper, the baby wipes, and the


"Come here, my special little man. Mommy wants to hold you." She latched him to her

breast and with her free hand, undid his plastic pants and his diaper, sliding them down as far

as she could reach. She wiped him clean and dribbled some lotion on his boy parts. She began

stroking him slowly.

"This time is just for you and me. Mommy and baby. Only I will let you be out of your

diaper and only I will touch you this way. I love you, Brad. With all of my heart. And no matter

what else happens in this world, you will always be my little prince. You stole my heart all of those years ago and I will never let you go.

"This is what makes us special and what will make the rest of our lives special. I need

you to take care of as much as you need me to take care of you. You give me the power to be

my own woman, to pursue my own happiness, and I would do anything for you. I'm sorry that I

set you up and made you feel like you weren't good enough for me. You were and you are. I just

wanted you to become the best possible version of you that you could be. And do you know

what that is, Bradly?"

"You're baby?"

"My baby. My sweet and soft, little man. My best friend, my soul mate, my everything. I

will always love you and I will always take care of you."

"I wuv you Mommy."

"I wuv you too, my little prince."

There was silence for a little while as she edged him. Getting him almost there to where

he was squirming in her arms before pausing. Several times he would whine the moment she

stopped and a few times she would have to add more lotion. But it was their super secret

special time, and she had to make it last. When the pleasurable torture got the point where he

was about to cry, she finally let him release and his whole body went numb. She was the only

one who had ever gotten him to truly orgasm and that was why it was their little secret. He lay

there trembling as she cleaned him up and got him into a fresh diaper. She helped him back into

the crib and slid the side up, locking it in place. He curled into a ball around his 3 foot tall teddy

bear and she watched him slip away into dreamland.

Of all the years they'd had together, through all of the hardships and pain, the battles

and the despair, all of it was wiped away in a few moments of tenderness. They had achieved

lasting happiness, a woman in control of her life, happy in the home she had made, and a man,

now free from the world that had so often held him



I love this, hope it continues.

Anon A. Mouse

*SPOILERS* Well, I have to say, there were certainly times I was concerned about our poor protagonist, but I must say, well done! I've always disliked cruel, uncaring caregivers and Laura was really starting to get on my nerves for her cruelty. However, the resolution: Superb! And it wasn't a total about face. There was logic, planning, emotional charged motivations behind each of her actions. And when you hear her explain everything, you can't help but get goosebumps. I wish nothing but happiness for Laura and Brad and their new family.


I loved this story. The only question I have is, does his sister ever get any sexual release since it seems that getting dominant like this turns her on to. Personally I'd just have ride on a rocking horse in a wet and messy diaper till she's satisfied or ride on one of her mommy's knees in a messy diaper. But man I loved this story. I couldn't get enough of it.


From the Max Harper: I will be revisiting the one week characters after I finish Kylie’s story