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 Chapter 01

Nikki sighed as she rolled the ball around in front of her “I hate the weekends, I don’t get any freedom on the weekends” she thought as she rolled the large ball back and forth between her hands. She looked up at the TV and rolled her eyes as Peppa Pig started “Why can’t it just stay off? I would rather have it off than have this rubbish on” she thought. She looked around her small confines for something else to pass the time with after getting bored with rolling the ball around when she decided to move onto a doll that was sitting next to her, she picked it up and pretended to move it around the floor when Kirsty stood up from the sofa and walked towards her.

Nikki began to feel nervous as the young woman walked towards her “What does she want? Can’t she just leave me alone” she thought as Kirsty smiled down at her. Kirsty squatted down in front of Nikki and cooed “Does baby need a diaper change?” Nikki blushed bright red as she looked down at the pink diaper sitting between her legs, she slowly shook her head “No me don’t” she said in her high pitch baby voice. Kirsty cocked her head to one side and frowned “You know what happens if the baby is lying now I will ask you again “Does baby need a diaper change?” Nikki blushed even more as she sighed and slowly nodded her head “Me went wee wee’s” she said. Kirsty shook her head “Well let’s see then” she cooed as she poked her hand through the bars of the playpen that Nikki was sitting in, Nikki was sitting with her legs spread wide as she had been told too which made it easy for Kirsty to place her finger inside the pink diaper between Nikki’s legs. Nikki scrunched up her face at the invasion but Kirsty quickly removed her finger and shook her head again “Baby you do have a wet diaper on but as you don’t want to be changed out of it then you can stay in that diaper all day and night, isn’t mommy kind?” Nikki looked up at Kirsty with pleading eyes, she opened her mouth but stopped herself then quickly said “Fank woo mommy” She quickly looked back down at the mat as Kirsty stood back up and walked back to the sofa.

Nikki shook her head as Kirsty sat back down “Great just great, why didn’t I just tell her that I wet the diaper” she rolled her eyes “Because it’s so humiliating, I hate having to tell her every time I wet this stupid thing and now I’m going to be stuck in it till tomorrow” she shuddered “What if I poop? Will she still leave me in a messy diaper? She knows how much I hate wearing a messy diaper!” she began to sweat “She will though this is the punishment. Right I will just have to try not to poop” she scoffed “Like I have a choice in that right now, she has kept me in diapers for so long that I have very little control left. No it’s going to happen I’m going to end up pooping sometime today then she will keep me in it till tomorrow” Nikki shook “I can’t believe this has happened to me, I’m a 33-year-old diaper-wearing baby, a slave to my 18 year old student Kirsty all because I invested my money wrong and lost everything” she sighed as she got rid of the doll and picked up a rattle, she slowly began to shake the infantile object “I thought I was saved when Kirsty’s parents offered for me to stay here, our parents have been friends for almost 40 years, Kirsty’s parents are my godparents but Kirsty didn’t like that I was crashing her free and single lifestyle, well she quickly found a way to keep me out of her business” she thought. Suddenly an adult-sized baby bottle was in front of her face “When did she get up?” Nikki thought as she dropped the rattle and took hold of the bottle with both hands “Now you drink up little one” Kirsty mocked as Nikki placed the large rubber nipple in her mouth and began to drink the milky substance.

Nikki stopped with the nipple in her mouth and eyes wide “This isn’t just milk” she thought as she looked up at Kirsty who standing watching her “I said drink up baby” she said as she folded her arms. Nikki swallowed and stared at the bottle “She has put a laxative in this, it’s milk with a laxative, she wants me to drink it up, so I will definitely have messy diapers today”. Kirsty frowned down at the infantile woman “Drink it now or I will make you mess your diaper another way young lady” Nikki went white as she slowly sucked on the nipple and the milky substance entered her mouth again “One way or another she is going to get me to mess myself, I would rather have the laxative than an enema or a suppository” she thought as she continued to drink from the bottle.

As Nikki drank from the bottle Kirsty looked down at her teacher, the older woman was smaller than her at 5’4, she had long brunette hair that was tied into two pigtails, her slim body and average chest size was hiding under a pink frilly shirt that was very loose on her but stopped just above her pink diaper. She had a pretty face with a lovely smile that didn’t appear much during the weekends. Kirsty never liked Nikki as a teacher she always thought she was too bossy and enjoyed the power of being a teacher too much so when the opportunity came to put her in her place Kirsty jumped on it.

Once the bottle was finished Kirsty took it from her and smiled “Good baby” she then patted her head and went back to the sofa, Nikki sighed as she watched the skinny tall blonde woman walk back to the sofa, her long legs hugged her skinny jeans and her tight red top showed off her curves and her large breast size. Nikki sighed as Kirsty went back to her phone “I can’t believe she is still doing this to me, how long has it been now? Five months? The worst part of it is I can’t see a way of getting out of it” she thought with a tear in her eye as she picked the rattle back up and continued to shake it.

Chapter 02

Nikki continued to sit in the playpen shaking the rattle, slowly feeling the effects of the laxative work its way in her as she sighed “Great she is going to have me sit in another messy diaper” she slowly shook her head “Well I guess it’s a messy diaper while here at home and not in school, I hate when that happens but it’s becoming a regular thing now I’m sure other teachers have noticed the smell by now” her eyes widened “Do they know? Do they talk about it when I’m not around? Do they stare at my ass when I’m around to see if I’m wearing a diaper or if I have messed myself?” she shuddered.

She took a deep breath “I hope not, I’m sure they don’t someone would have come up to me by now. What am I going to do when that happens though? It’s bound to happen sooner or later I’m diapered 24/7 and only time I get changed is when she wants to do it” she thought as she stared up at Kirsty still on her phone “Someone is going to find out soon and then what? Do I tell them what she is doing to me? Tell them that I don’t have a choice that I have to go along with it? Will they help me or just leave it?” she shuddered as she felt her stomach tighten “Well I’m going to do it soon, going to mess another diaper just like a baby” she closed her eyes tightly. As she opened her eyes she jumped slightly as Kirsty was squatting down in front of her “It’s lunchtime baby” she cooed which caused Nikki to roll her eyes “Oh great lunchtime” she thought as Kirsty stood up. Kirsty bent down and placed her hands under Nikki’s armpits and helped guide her over the small wall of the playpen to the other side, once there Nikki got onto her hands and knees and began crawling towards the kitchen followed closely by Kirsty.

Nikki crawled towards the kitchen table and waited for Kirsty, as Kirsty sat down Nikki slowly got up onto her feet, she stood up while keeping one hand on top of the table and slowly walked towards the cupboards as she reached the end of the table she sighed “Every meal we have to go through this” she thought as she released her hand from the table and fell gently onto her padded rear. “I don’t see why I can’t just stand up beside the cupboards and then stay standing holding onto the top, why I have to stand up at the table walk to the end and let go just to crawl the short distance to the cupboards and stand again is insane” she slowly got onto her hands and knees and began to crawl. “Making me have to hold onto something at all times while I’m in here otherwise I have to crawl is just stupid. I walk around all day at school but then as soon as we get home, I have to crawl everywhere but in here. I hate crawling it's so humiliating, I know she stares at me as I do it” she reached the cupboards and slowly stood up while keeping a hand on the countertop.

Nikki turned and looked at Kirsty sitting at the table and cleared her throat and using her best baby voice she asked “What dooos mamma wantum eat?” which caused Nikki to blush “I hate talking like that” she thought as Kirsty looked up at smiled “Baby can make mommy a cheese and ham sandwich today” she cooed. Nikki nodded as she got a plate and the butter knife out of the cupboard to make the sandwich. She slowly waddled towards the fridge with the items while keeping one hand on the workbench at all times she opened up the door and removed the cheese, ham and butter. As she removed the bred from the bred bin she began to sweat as she felt her stomach tighten for the last time, she placed the bread down and opened up the butter as she began to shake “No not now” she thought but as she began to butter the first bit of bread a loud fart escaped her and she turned bright red as she felt her stomach relax and her body begin to push. “Why now!?” she thought as she quickly looked over her shoulder towards Kirsty who was now staring at her with a great smile on her face, Nikki quickly turned back around and continued to butter the bread swearing under her breath “I’m not allowed to stop, I have to continue making her lunch while I mess myself” she thought with dread as suddenly she felt the first wave enter into the seat of her diaper. She turned white as a sheet as she felt the warm mess spread around her supple bum cheeks and filling the air with the foul smell as she moved onto buttering the last piece of bread.

Nikki finished buttering the bread and reached for the cheese when she scrunched up her eyes “Crap I only got the butter knife out, I need a sharper knife for the cheese” she thought as she looked over to the draw a few steps away. She closed her eyes as she slowly began to waddle towards the draw, she could feel the mess in the seat of her diaper move around and press-up against her as she made her way to the draw when suddenly she felt her body push once again. She felt another wave of poop enter into her diaper and mix with the already sticky mess that was in there, she felt it spread all around her rear as she closed her eyes but continued towards the draw “This is so wrong, I have to continue to make the food even though I’m filling my diaper. I’m just like a baby” she thought with a sigh as she finally reached the draw and she finished pooping once again. She opened the drawer and retrieved the knife when she then realised she left everything else besides the fridge, she swore under her breath once again “Great now I have to waddle back there” she sighed as she slowly made her way towards the food feeling every slight movement inside her diaper as she waddled along. Once back at the food she began to cut up the cheese and placed it on the bread, she then placed the ham on and soon the sandwich was complete. She put everything away and then turned to Kirsty once again who was staring at her infantile roommate with a smile which caused Nikki to blush as she announced “Mommy dindin weady”.

Chapter 03

 Kirsty smiled as she got up from the table and walked slowly towards the older woman “Thank you baby girl” she cooed, she stood in front of Nikki who was blushing bright red “Turn around baby” she commanded and Nikki slowly turned around “I hate this bit, I’ve just messed a diaper isn’t that humiliation enough” she thought. Kirsty placed her hand on the waistband of the diaper and gently pulled it back “Oh baby you have made a poopy in your diaper” Nikki scrunched up her face with embarrassment “Why does she have to announce what I’ve done, we both know what's happened” she thought as Kirsty continued “But as you like that diaper so much you can stay in it all day and night, what do you say baby?” she said as she moved her hand over the back of the diaper and gave firmly pushed her hand against the diaper. Nikki grimaced as she felt the mess squish up against her and she swallowed hard “Fank woo mommy” she lisped out, Kirsty giggled as she gave Nikki’s bum a pat “Good baby” she cooed. Nikki closed her eyes “I hate that I have to go along with this, whatever she wants to do to me I have to obey. I would never have believed that she wanted me to be this though, her baby slave” she sighed.

Kirsty took hold of the plate of food and turned to walk away which caused Nikki to turn around “Oh great back into the family room, that means I have to crawl but first I have to get down. This is going to be disgusting” she thought as she squatted down and quickly dropped to her padded rear with a squish “Yes that was disgusting” she thought as she felt the mess spread around her cheeks and between her legs. She let out a sigh as she got up onto her hands and knees and crawled after Kirsty back towards the family room. Nikki crawled after Kirsty back into the family room and followed Kirsty back to the playpen, Kirsty bent over and helped guide Nikki back over the small wall of the playpen where Nikki once again sat on her smelly bum. Kirsty smiled down at the older woman “Good bad baby” she cooed which caused Nikki to blush once again as she went back to the sofa to eat her lunch and Nikki went back to rolling a ball around in front of her.

Nikki scrunched up her face as she smelt the foul stench of her diaper assaulting her nostrils “I really should be used to this by now it’s been four months since she slowly turned me into a baby and almost once a day I’m in a messy diaper but I still hate it, its just disgusting and now I’m going to be in this diaper until tomorrow” she picked up the rattle and began to shake it as she looked over at Kirsty eating her sandwich “I hate the weekends at least during the week I get to be myself, yes I’m constantly on edge that someone might see my diaper but I get to walk, talk and feel like a grown-up. Today all I can do is crawl around, play with my toys and watch baby TV shows. Or if mommy Kirsty wants me to do something for her I have to that, like make her food or clean the house” she let out a sigh “I always have to look like I’m playing so she doesn’t think I want to do something else and she has come up with some very strange requests. Giving her a massage or brushing her hair was quite normal and private compared to cleaning the car or removing leaves from the gutters while only wearing a diaper and a shirt. I almost died from embarrassment when I had to do them. I would rather be bored than humiliated” she thought when she noticed she had stopped shaking the rattle “Shit” she thought and quickly began to shake it again “I hope she didn’t notice”.

Kirsty stood up from the sofa and walked over to Nikki “Lie down baby girl” she cooed, Kirsty looked at Nikki with a puzzled look but did as she was told as Kirsty grabbed another pink diaper from the pile beside the playpen, Nikki smiled slightly “Is she going to change me? Maybe she can’t stand the smell” she thought as Kirsty stood over the playpen wall and squatted down at Nikki’s feet “We are going to have some fun” she said with a wicked smile. Nikki’s eyes widened as she looked over at the rattle “She noticed! How could I be so stupid!” she thought as Kirsty unfolded the diaper and placed it under Nikki’s bum and taped it over the original diaper. Kirsty stood up and helped Nikki back up to a sitting position as she stared down her pink frilly shirt and her double diapers “I have never worn more than one diaper, I really don’t like it” she thought. Kirsty stood back over the playpen wall and bent down and helped Kirsty onto the other side “What does she have planned? Why am I wearing two diapers?” she wondered as Kirsty bent over and picked up a hand full of diapers and a pair of clear locking panties. Nikki shook nervously as Kirsty began to walk away, Nikki shook her head as she got onto her hands and knees and crawled after the young woman “I’m not going to like this, why does she have all of them? What does she plan on doing?” she thought with dread.

Kirsty walked towards the back door, she opened the door and warm summer air greeted her, she smiled as she stepped outside closely followed by the terrified Nikki, Nikki looked around the large garden and swallowed hard as she looked at the two-level houses that surrounded there one level house “Anyone can look out from an upstairs window and see me like this” she shook suddenly as her eyes darted around “I can’t believe I’m out here wearing a messy diaper and a t-shirt. I’m a respected teacher at a college” she rolled her eyes “Respected, what a joke” she thought. Kirsty turned and smiled down at Nikki “Now I want to have a little experiment, how many diapers does it take to stop you from running around” she giggled as she placed the diapers on the floor.


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