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Chapter 01

 Brittany was casually looking around the shop at the different antiques, the small dusty shop was a usual haunt for Brittany who loved the old items scattered around she would always look around at the delicately made items not wanting to buy them but to enjoy the beauty of them. She had been in the store for a few minutes when she eyed a black lamp, a large smiled across her face as stared at it “It’s beautiful” she said as the elderly shopkeeper walked up behind her, he stopped and looked at it quizzically “Is it? It looks like junk to me, my wife bought it for the shop but I haven’t been able to date it, so I can’t think of a price for it, you can have it for $20, then at least I brake even” he said as he picked it up and examined it one more time “Yeah $25” he said and looked at the frowning Brittany. She shook her head “$15” she said with a smile the old man laughed then coughed, once he stopped he nodded “$20 then” Brittney nodded, she handed the man the money and took the lamp and left the shop.

As she left the shop she began to feel uneasy “I just spent $20 on this?” she thought as she looked at the black lamp “Kyle is going to kill me for wasting my money but it’s my money and it’s not like I get a say on what he spends his money on, he always goes out and does his own thing” she sighed as she turned the corner and could see her small house. As she entered her house she kicked off her shoes and walked into the kitchen, she placed the lamp on the side and frowned at it “Why did I buy it? It’s going to need a good clean before I can show it to Kyle” she said as she grabbed a cloth from the sink.

She began to rub the lamp and suddenly smoke began to emanate from the spout along with maniacal laughter filling the room, Brittany fell back onto the floor in a panic “What’s happening!?” she shouted as the smoke-filled the space in front of her it slowly faded away and a tall, bony man dressed in extravagant clothing stood in front of her with a wicked grin. Brittany swallowed hard as she stared up at him, his twisted, black goatee and a faint moustache, as well as grey eyeliner, gave him a very sinister look. He was wearing black robes that reached to the ground over top a red garment with bell sleeves. Underneath this second garment, he wore yet another shirt, this one black with very close-fitting sleeves that reached his wrists. The shoulders of his outer robe were pointed and connect to a long, billowing black cape with a blood-red interior. His shoes were brown and the tips curl inward. A red-violet sash was tied around his waist. He also wore an odd, light-coloured garment that covered his neck, the back of his head, and his chest. On the top of his head was a distinctive black headdress, seemingly a type of mitre, with a thin, yellow pattern wrapped around the middle.

Brittany began to shake as the man looked around his surroundings with a bemused look on his face “Well what do we have here?” he mused as he continued to look around the room, completely ignoring the scared woman on the floor in front of her “It has changed a lot, I wonder how long I was imprisoned for?”. Brittany shook her head “Imprisoned? You were imprisoned?” the tall man looked down at the woman finally seeing her for the first time and smiled a wicked smile “Yes my dear, a lowly street rat imprisoned me in that lamp and if you could wish for my freedom then I can take my revenge” he hissed the last few words which gave Brittany the shivers as she slowly stood up. “In the lamp? Wish? Wait are you a genie?” the tall man mocked a bow “I am Jafar, Genie of the lamp now if you would please wish me free then I will give you your hearts desire” he smiled as he looked down at Brittany.

Brittany’s mind was racing she couldn’t believe what she was happening “A real-life Genie? How many wishes do I have?” she asked, Jafar gritted his teeth “You have three but I advise you to set me free then I can give you anything, Brittany shook her head “We will see” Jafar clenched his bony fists “You should reconsider” Brittany shook her head “What wish would I want?” she looked around her small house “Maybe a bigger house? Or more money?” she thought for a minute when her phone vibrated “What now?” she said as she pulled her phone out of her pocket and saw that she had a message from Kyle, it read ‘Gone to the bar, won't be home till late don’t worry about dinner.’ Brittany gritted her teeth “I wish he would be more dependent on me” she said and Jafar sighed “Wish granted” he said and his hands glowed red for an instant. Brittany shook her head “What? No, I didn’t?” Jafar  snickered “You said I wish, so I obeyed” Brittany’s jaw dropped “But, but what did you do?” Jafar  smiled but said nothing “Fine don’t tell me, you can just wait around till I find out, you won't be getting your freedom until I know” Jafar  laughed “Fine, it will amuse me anyway, You know where to find me to reverse the wish” he smiled a wicked smile as his body became smoke again and slowly went back into the lamp.

Brittany began to pace back and forth “What has he done to Kyle? Why won't he tell me?” she thought as she stared the black lamp “I need to hide this before he gets home” she said to herself as she quickly picked up the lamp and ran into the bedroom, she opened up the wardrobe and shoved the lamp behind her shoes “I hope he is OK”. On the other side of town in a busy bar, Kyle was sitting at a table surrounded by his work friends, they were laughing and joking but Kyle was sitting silently as white as a sheet as he felt the warm dampness between his legs.

Chapter 02

   Kyle held onto to his beer with a shaking hand as he felt the urine slowly dribble down his leg, his eyes were fixed forward as his friends joked and laughed around him. His heart was racing as he slowly looked down and saw the dark stain on the front of his jeans “Shit, how did this happen? Right, I need to get out of here and get home” he thought nervously. He slowly looked around and all his friends were chatting paying no interest to him when he suddenly realised that his long coat was hanging on the back of the chair that he was sitting on “Yes I will quickly get up and grab my coat and before anyone notices it will be covering up the wet patch” he thought.

Kyle reached behind him and grabbed hold of the top of his coat and in one quick motion he stood up and spun around his chair picking up his coat, he was in the middle of putting it on when he heard one of his friends call out “What's up are you going already?” Kyle quickly zipped up his coat not turning to the group as he let out a fake sigh “Yeah Brittany text me she wants me home now” the group laughed “You’re so whipped her heard someone say but he was already heading towards the door. He left the bar and let out a sigh “Well that’s the hard part over now just to drive home, hopefully, Brittany isn’t home and I don’t have to try and explain to her what happened” he thought as he walked towards his car. He blushed as he felt his damp jeans press up against him “I still have no idea how it happened, I didn’t even feel the need to pee the next thing I knew I was sitting in my own piss. Really weird” he thought as he arrived at his car.

Kyle drove home with the windows down the smell of his wet pants becoming sickening to him in the confines of the car, as he pulled into the driveway he swore as he saw the lights on in the house “Fuck, she is home, how am I going to explain this? How can I get into the bedroom and shower without her noticing?” he sat for a moment before he turned off the car when he let out a sigh “I need to do it now it’s becoming itchy and it smells so bad” he thought as he got out of the car and slowly walked towards the house.

He opened the door and gingerly walked into the small house, trying to keep as quiet as possible as he entered, his eyes darted around but couldn’t find Brittany anywhere he smiled as he quickly walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind him locking it. He nodded his head again “I’m going to get away with it, I made it all the way from the pub to home without anyone knowing” he smiled as he unzipped his coat and took it off. He turned and placed his coat on the hook on the door when there was a knock on the door “Kyle is that you?” Brittany called out in a nervous voice, Kyle stepped back for a second “Yeah it’s me, someone spilt beer on me so I decided to quickly grab a shower” he smiled “Perfect, that explains it” he thought as Brittany paused “Oh is that it? Nothing weird happen?” she asked still with still a nervous tone in her voice Kyle’s eyes darted “No she wouldn’t know, how could she” he thought as he cleared his throat “No that’s it, I will be out soon” he said as he turned on the shower.

Brittany stared at the door for a moment “I hope nothing else happened, it’s weird he came home so soon after that thing happened” she thought as she turned around “So glad I hid that lamp in the spare room, if it does grant wishes but not clear wishes then I definitely don’t want Kyle to have it what if he wishes to have a million dollars and Jafar grants the wish by stealing the money then Kyle gets arrested for it. No he can’t be trusted I just need to find out what he did to Kyle” she thought.

Kyle stepped out of the shower all clean and urine free as he looked down at his piss covered pants and sighed “How am I going to get these past Brittany he thought when he was about to turn off the shower and stopped “Hmm that might work” he thought as he bent down and picked up his pants and shirt and threw them into the shower, he left the shower on drenching his clothes as he dried his brown semi-long hair with a towel. Once dry he then turned off the shower and nodded to himself “That should do it, will just hang them up in here until I’m sure I can get them into the wash” he said to himself. He picked up his sodden clothes and hung them up on the towel rails and then unlocked the door feeling proud of himself.

Brittany was lying on the bed on her laptop researching genies and Jafar but couldn’t find anything when Kyle walked into the room with the towel wrapped around his waist “How was the pump?” Brittany asked slowly looking up into her boyfriend's brown eyes, Kyle half smiled “It was fine” he said flatly, Brittany nodded and turned back to her laptop “Your beard is still wet” she said. Kyle smiled “Cheers” he said as he pulled off his towel and began to dry his beard when Brittany heard a strange noise, she looked up from her laptop to see Kyle still drying his beard naked while peeing onto the floor “What the hell are you doing?!” she shouted out as Kyle stopped drying his beard and looked at her confused “What?” he asked with a puzzled look on his face. 


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