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Chapter 01

Jessica pulled up outside the large building and turned off the engine, she nervously looked up at the building “The first day, I can do this” she sighed “Even though I’m not too sure what I’m doing, I’m looking after babies, that’s not to difficult and I would be insane to pass up this job it pays so well, I would never get this amount of money anywhere else. My friends are going to be so jealous that I’m earning so much at just 20” she smiled “Whatever it is I’m sure it will be fine and I will be great at it” she looked at herself in the mirror and pulled her long blonde hair back behind her shoulders and nodded to herself “Here I go” she said as she opened the door and got out of the car.

She walked up to the large building towards the doors of the building shaking slightly as she approached, she let out a long breath and pulled on the door. The door didn’t move, she looked questionably at it “I’m sure I was told to be here at 5:00 am” she tried to the door again but once again it didn’t move “So what do I do?” she asked herself when suddenly she heard a voice shout out “Yes? What do you want?” Jessica jumped slightly and looked around but didn’t see anyone around “Where did that come from?” she thought when the voice repeated, “Well what do you want?” Jessica looked around and finally saw an intercom on the wall, she blushed bright red “Obviously, why didn’t I even look for that?” she thought as she smiled “Hi, I’m Jessica I’m here about the job” she said trying to hide the nervousness in her voice. Jessica stood for a moment staring at the intercom in silence “Did they hear me? Should I say it again?” she thought when she heard a clicking from the door and the voice said “Welcome, go inside and someone will be with you soon”, Jessica let out a sigh of relief and nodded “Thank you” she said and she opened up the door and walked in to the warm building.

Jessica looked down the long corridor and waited “This is a very strange place to look after babies, it’s not like any nursery I have ever seen” she thought to herself as she fidgeted nervously. After a few minutes of waiting a tall woman walked down the hall towards her, she was wearing a tight nurse’s outfit that showed off her curves and her large breasts and Jessica blushed slightly “Will I have to wear that?” she thought as the woman smiled at her “Jessica?” she asked, Jessica nodded her head as the woman stopped in front of her “Nice to meet you, I’m Trish” Jessica placed her hand out to shake her hand but Trish quickly turned away “Follow me, we have a lot to discuss” she said, Jessica pulled her hand in feeling slightly embarrassed as Trish walked back up the hallway.

Jessica quickly followed behind as Trish asked “So what do you know about this place?” Jessica looked puzzled “Not a lot, I know that I will be looking after a baby or maybe more” Jessica noticed Trish nodding as they approached an elevator “That’s right at first you will have one baby to look after” She said as she pressed the button to call the elevator as Trish continued “So we can see how well you do, at most you will look after only two though. Maybe if someone is ill you might have to look after more” she said and Jessica smiled “I can do that” Trish snorted “We will see, now you have sighed all the paperwork and sent it back to us?” she asked, Jessica nodded “Yes everything was signed and sent back” Trish smiled “Good” she said as the elevator arrived and the two women entered, Trish scanned her ID card on a panel in the elevator and the pressed floor 2. The doors closed and Jessica could feel the elevator moving upwards.

The doors opened and Trish left the elevator, Jessica followed as they walked down another long corridor “This is the second floor, it’s where our lunchroom, changing room and toilets are” Jessica nodded as Trish continued “You will get an ID card that will give you access to the ground floor the second floor and the floor your baby is on” she paused and looked at Jessica “I think your baby is on floor 5” Jessica looked at her puzzled but nodded “OK” she said and Trish continued walking in silence, they eventually reached a door and Trish scanned her ID card and the door clicked, Trish opened the door and entered the room following closely by Jessica.

Jessica looked around the room of large lockers as Trish walked towards one of them “This is your locker, your uniforms will be in here, you get two per day, once you have worn them throw them into that basket and the following day you will have two more” Jessica nodded nervously “So I will be wearing that?” she asked, Trish laughed “Yes something like this, is that a problem?” she asked and Jessica slowly shook her head “No its fine” Trish nodded “Good, there is also a pair of shoes for you to wear also now get changed and I will wait for you outside” and with that she quickly left. Jessica walked to her locker and opened it and pulled out the nurse’s outfit she blushed as she stared at it “I can’t believe I have to wear this” she said then she sighed “Just think of the money, I can wear this it's not to bad” she quickly thought as she placed the outfit down and began to remove her clothing.

As she stood in her underwear she smiled down at her tall slim body “I’m going to look pretty hot in that outfit, maybe I could take one home and use it on a guy someday” she giggled to herself as she pulled on the tight outfit. Once on she looked down at her large breasts poking out the top of the outfit and blushed “They don’t hide much do they” she said to herself as she turned to look at her tight bum beneath the outfit. She then grabbed the shoes and looked at them puzzled “Why velcro?” she thought but quickly pulled them on, she placed her clothes in the locker and slowly made her way towards the door.

Jessica opened the door and saw that Trish was waiting for her, Trish looked her up and down and smiled “Perfect, does it fit well?” Jessica nodded “But why the shoes?” she asked Trish looked down at her feet “Velcro, oh that’s so a baby cant grab hold of the laces and do something naughty with them” Jessica looked at her puzzled then nodded “OK,” she said. Trish handed Jessica a card, Jessica looked at it and smiled “Oh my ID card, thank you” Trish nodded “You keep that on you at all times, don’t let a baby grab hold of it” she said with sternly, Jessica nodded “Why would a baby grab it?” she thought as she pinned it to her outfit. Trish nodded again “OK time to see your baby” she cheered and she quickly turned and walked back towards the elevator.

They travelled up to the fifth floor and walked down another hallway as Trish said “Your baby is called Elisa, she has been with us for two weeks now” Jessica nodded as the stopped in front of a door. Trish smiled at Jessica, now your baby is through that door” she pointed at a door several steps away “But this door goes into the viewing gallery, it’s linked with that door” she pointed behind Jessica toward another door that they had passed, Jessica nodded as Trish smiled “Lets meet baby Elisa” she announced as she opened the door. Trish walked into the dark hallway and Jessica followed with the door closing behind her, she walked down the dark hallway and stopped beside Trish “They won't be able to see us but we can see them once I flip this switch we can see into the baby's room” she whispered, Jessica nodded with a puzzled look on her face “Why all this just for a baby?” she thought. Trish flicked the switch and the hallway suddenly lit up and Jessica’s jaw fell open “What the hell?” she blurted out nervously. She stared at a red-haired woman sitting in the middle of a white floor naked apart from a diaper hugging her waist, she was sucking on a pacifier while shaking a rattle. Jessica couldn’t help but nervously laugh as she looked at Trish “This is baby Elisa?” she asked and Trish smiled and nodded.  

Chapter 02

   Jessica stared at the young woman sitting in the middle of the floor wearing nothing but a diaper while sucking on a pacifier and shaking a rattle, she blinked a few times in amazement. When she finally found her voice she looked at Trish “What the hell is this? Why is she wearing a diaper and acting like a baby?” she turned back to Elisa and shook her head as Trish walked beside her “This is what we do here, we take naughty woman and make them good babies, we then send them back out to the world” Jessica looked back at Trish stunned “What? Naughty? Like what? How do you send them out? Like that or who looks after them?” she asked as her head spun. Nurse Trish gave a little laugh “Well naughty as in being a brat, being spoilt or not caring about others and baby Elisa will be going back home, her husband will be taking care of her...” she paused for a moment in deep thought “..ah nope her ex-husband will be taking care of her, she has been here for three weeks, she has about 3 months left of training that’s where you come in”.

Jessica shook her head “What you want me to look after her?” she pointed at Elisa who had stopped shaking the rattle and was now playing with a baby style jigsaw puzzle, Jessica shook her head “No, I can’t do it, it’s too wrong, I’m sorry but you have the wrong person” She turned back to Trish who sighed “You signed the contract Jessica if you break the contract then you will have to deal with the consequences” she shook her head slowly as Jessica’s eyes widened “What consequences?” Trish looked her up and down and said “If you don’t want to work here then you will stay here, as our newest baby then we will adopt you out after your training” Jessica’s jaw dropped open as Trish continued “It’s all in the fine print of the contract”.

Jessica’s head was spinning as she turned back to Elisa “I either work here and look after an adult baby or I become one! Can they do that? They have a signed contract from me and look at her they obviously have the ability to do it. I am definitely not going to become like her oh god am I really going to do this? Treat a grown woman as a baby?” she thought for a minute as she stared at Elisa when she noticed the yellow stain on the front of the diaper then shivered “She uses diapers, no I can not end up like that” she sighed “OK I will do it”.

Trish smiled “I am glad, it would be such a waste to have you crawling around in a diaper even if it would look very cute” she giggled as Jessica blushed and quickly cleared her throat “So what now?” she asked, Trish turned back to Elisa “Well it looks like baby Elisa needs her diaper changing, so why don’t you go in there and change here?” Jessica swallowed hard “Really?” Trish nodded “Yep, I want to see how good you are with the baby, I will be watching from here.” Jessica continued to stare at the pretty woman and the wet diaper that sat between her legs “Any tips?” she asked. Trish laughed “Yes ignore the fact that she is bigger than what you are used to, she is still just a baby” Jessica frowned “Right, OK?”.

Jessica turned back to Trish “Anything else?” Trish nodded “Yes if she pretends that she is a grown-up in any way then you must punish her” Jessica shook her head as she stammered out “P P Punish her?” Trish nodded again “Yes either by giving her a spanking, not changing her diaper, putting more diapers on her that sort of thing”Jessica's eyes darted back and forth “More diapers?” she asked and Trish laughed “Yep, the babies hate that, it’s a constant reminder that they have a diaper on and that they are now babies, but whatever you want to do”. Trish pointed back down the hall “Now if you go back down here and to the left, her door is there, you can swipe in and then it will open up into a small room where you can stock a diaper bag, when your ready scan the next door and it will open up to baby Elisa’s room, OK?” Jessica swallowed and slowly nodded “OK,” she said. She slowly walked past Trish down the hallway back into the light corridor where she turned left and stood outside the door, she scanned her ID card and the door opened. Jessica shook her head as she walked into the small dark room, instantly the door behind her closed and the lights turned on.

Jessica’s eyes darted around the small space, it was covered floor to ceiling with shelves carrying different clothing, toys and diapers for the adult baby, in front of her on the door was a large empty diaper bag. “There is so much in here?” she said to herself as she looked at the pile of diapers to her right “Which diaper do I get?” she blushed “I can’t believe I’m about to change a grown woman’s diaper, this is so weird” she thought as she continued to look at the diapers. There was plain white ones, pink ones, blue ones and ones with animals printed on them they all different thickness “So do I choose the thinnest one? If I was in her position I wouldn’t want to wear a thick diaper, she reached for a plain white one then stopped “But what if she leaks with just wearing one of those, I need to remember what Trish said and forget that she is bigger” she looked at the safari one and nodded “It’s the thickest one but it definitely won’t leak” she sighed as she picked one up and placed it in the bag with baby wipes and powder “But what if she needs to be punished” she blushed again “Could I punish her? What would I do? Spank her” she shook her head “No, I couldn’t do that” she sighed “Not change her? That seems very cruel, Double diaper her?” she looked back at the pile of diapers and shook her head “No that’s not fair either” she quickly looked around the shelves when she noticed plastic panties with a lock on them “What are they?” she thought as she reached out for the panties “I could lock her in the diapers that would be a form of punishment, it would satisfy Trish, wouldn’t it?” she shook her head and quickly threw the panties into the bag.

She grabbed the bag and pulled it over her shoulder and took a few deep breaths “Right I’m about to do this, about to change a grown woman’s diaper, I’m going to see her vagina” she blushed “No I need to make sure she knows I’m in charge otherwise I could end up like her” she shuddered “That’s not going to happen” she thought as she took a deep breath “I’m the nurse and she is the baby” she said as she scanned her ID and the door opened.

Chapter 03

  Jessica stared into the bright room and slowly made her way forward where she in front of her was Elisa sitting on the floor still sucking on the pacifier, she looked up at Jessica nervously as Jessica stopped for a moment as she stared at the attractive young woman. “How did she get her self into this? It’s so weird being so close to her, with no glass between us, this is actually happening to her she is being turned into a baby and she is going to go and live with her husband as a baby. She is smaller than me in height and her red hair is gorgeous and I didn’t notice before but she has very large breasts she doesn’t really pass for a baby” she thought when she looked down at her own chest “Oh shit, I should do something or I will be in place” she thought as she looked back at Elisa and cleared her throat and warm smile crossed her face “Hello baby girl” she cooed and Elisa turned bright red which made Jessica giggle internally “She does look very cute but how am I going to do this? I just got to remember she is just a large baby, a large baby with large boobs” she continued to smile down at her.

Jessica took a step forward “I’m nurse Jessica, I’m here to change your...” she cleared her throat “I can do this, I have to” she thought “…change your diapers” she continued to smile as Elisa looked down at the floor in shame. Jessica squatted down and placed the bag on the floor beside her as she looked up at Elisa “Now baby, come over here and I will get you into a fresh clean diaper, how does that sound?” she beamed but Elisa didn’t move, she continued to stare at the floor not moving. Jessica’s mouth felt dry and she quickly glanced at the wall where she knew Trish was standing “I have to let her know I’m in charge” she thought.

Jessica cleared her throat again “Baby girl, you get your wet bum here right now or nursey will punish baby!” she half-shouted. Elisa visibly shook and then shook her head and Jessica could tell a mental battle was going on in her head and she felt sorry for the young woman when Elisa suddenly got up onto her hands and knees and began to crawl towards her. Jessica let out a slight sigh of relief as Elisa sat down in front of her and quickly lay on her back staring up at the ceiling. Jessica looked down at Elisa’s half-naked body and blushed “Right well this is unexpected so I just change her, I have changed hundreds of diapers in the past this is just the same” she thought nervously as she scooted slightly towards the adult baby in between her legs.

Jessica looked down at the wet diaper then quickly looked up at Elisa who was still sucking on the pacifier while staring up at the ceiling her face bright red with embarrassment, Jessica looked back down at the diaper and raised her eyebrows slightly “You know what if I was in your shoes I would be embarrassed too, don’t worry I will get this over with soon” she thought as she leant forward and released the tabs on either side of the diaper. She stared down in amazement as she slowly pulled the diaper down revealing Elisa’s smooth urine-soaked groin “She is fully shaved?” Jessica thought then she rolled her eyes “Of course she is shaved, she is considered a baby she has to be” she continued to smile as she pulled out the wet wipes from the bag and slowly reached out to clean her “Why am I so nervous about this? I need to just stop, she has wet her diapers she obviously needs them and she needs cleaning up just like any other baby” she suddenly relaxed and began to clean up the young woman's vagina.

Once the front was clean she took hold of Elisa’s ankles and lifted them up into the air revealing her round supple smooth bum cheeks “Wow she would have a nice bum if it wasn’t in a diaper” she held in a laugh as she began to clean up any excess urine from her cheeks. Soon Elisa was clean and Jessica removed the diaper she lowered Elisa’s legs as she balled the diaper up and placed it in the bag, she then pulled out the much thicker safari-style diaper and when she turned back to Elisa she noticed that Elisa was staring at the diaper with disgust. Jessica looked at the diaper confused “Why doesn’t she want to wear this one? Well, it doesn’t matter I have to get it on her” she thought as she unfolded the diaper. Jessica was about to place the diaper under Elisa’s naked rear when she noticed that Elisa and slowly scooted away from her slightly, Jessica frowned “Get back here right now you naughty baby!” she shouted “Wow, did I really say that? I didn’t expect that” she thought as Elisa slowly scooted back towards her sucking frantically on the pacifier “Good baby” Jessica said while still frowning.

Jessica continued to frown down at Elisa as she quickly took hold of Elisa’s legs and lifted them up into the air once again and placed the diaper under Elisa’s bum, she grabbed the baby powder from the bag and sprinkled a generous about of baby powder over Elisa’s bum and then lowered her legs, she poured more baby powder on Elisa’s groin and lifted the thick diaper up tapping it tightly in position. Jessica looked down at her work and smiled “That will hold up well” she thought but as she turned to put the baby powder back in the bag she noticed the plastic panties sitting in the bag “Should I use them on her? Well, she was bad for moving away but she did come back. I think I should otherwise Trish might say something” she thought.

She pulled the pink panties out of the bag and she saw Elisa’s eyes widen and a smile appeared on Jessica’s face “Oh she doesn’t like them, well she shouldn’t have tried to get away” she thought as moved the panties around in her hands “Wow they are really thick and they have frills on across the bum, I didn’t notice before. No wonder she doesn’t like them it would be like wearing another two diapers. Well I have started now I can’t back down” she thought as she quickly took hold of Elisa’s ankles and guided the large panties up her legs towards the thick safari diaper. Jessica was surprised that Elisa didn’t even move as she guided the panties up over the diaper but it was when Jessica found the lock and pulled the chain tight and locked the panties around her waist did Jessica see Elisa’s tear-soaked face.

Jessica stared at the woman’s expression but she didn’t feel guilt or sorrow instead she felt a thrill, her heart began to race and the hairs on her arms stud on end as she slowly stood up still staring down at the miserable woman wearing nothing but a diaper and sucking on a pacifier. Jessica felt a shiver run through her which surprised her and without saying a word she picked up the diaper bag turned and left the room. Elisa sat miserably sobbing in the middle of the room sucking on the pacifier feeling the large padded diaper locked between her legs she slowly shook her head as she picked up the rattle once again and slowly began to shake it.

Chapter 04

  Jessica’s heart was racing as she pressed her back against the door in the small room “Wow, that actually happened, I just changed a grown woman’s diaper and placed those huge panties on her. I can’t believe I did that” she thought with a shy smile. Slowly she spun around and placed the diaper bag on the door where she found it, she removed Elisa’s soiled diaper and placed it in a bin beside the bag. Jessica once again looked around the small room at all the different diapers, clothing and everything that an adult-sized baby would need, she shook her head in disbelief “I could dress Elisa up in some very cute clothes” she thought with a smile.

Jessica let out a sigh of relief as she approached the door to leave “I hope I did everything that Trish wanted to, I punished her for trying to crawl away, I changed her and the whole thing wasn’t too bad actually. It was a little weird seeing as she is a full-grown woman but I think I could get used to that quickly especially when she has a wet diaper on just like the baby that she is treated as” she cleared her throat “I actually enjoyed babying her. That’s so weird” she thought while blushing as she left the small room and walked back into the corridor and back towards where Nurse Trish was waiting for her.

Trish smiled as Jessica walked up the small corridor between the rooms towards her “You did very well” she said as she turned to face Elisa still sitting miserably on the floor. Jessica smiled as she stood beside the tall nurse “Thank you” she said as she too watched Elise slowly shaking the rattle, Trish nodded “I like the touch of the punishment panties, they are really thick and the babies don’t like wearing them. I didn’t expect you to use them straight away” she said as she turned to Jessica. Jessica swallowed “I thought they would do the trick after you said that some nurses put more than one diaper on them, I thought that would work well” she lied. Trish nodded “Good work, now it’s my turn to go and change my baby” she said as she spun around and flicked a switch.

Another room lit up and sitting on the floor was a brunette woman playing with toys in the corner of the room, she was wearing a bright pink onesie that covered the large bulge from her waist “This is baby Ruby” Trish said with a smile. Jessica stared in amazement at the pretty young woman playing with a baby style jigsaw puzzle and then turned around to look at Elisa again “I don’t know why I’m surprised to see another adult baby but I am” she said as she turned back to face baby Ruby. Trish laughed “I know what you mean,” she said as Jessica turned back to her “So you look after Ruby?” Trish smiled and nodded “Yes but she was called Adriana before she became a baby, her new baby name is Ruby” Jessica looked at her puzzled “You changed her name?” Trish shook her head “I didn’t change her name her parents did, they wanted a new name to go with her new life. She is getting a baby sister as well she was called Lucy but will now be called Crystal” Jessica looked back at Elisa “Will she be getting a new name?” Trish shook her head “Nope her husband wants her to keep her name, I prefer to give the baby a new name, new life new name” she said with a smile “Right well I’m going to go and change baby Ruby, watch on she has a temper I want you to see what you can do without using anything, just by being imposing” she said and with that she walked out of the small hallway leaving Jessica alone.

Jessica stared at the woman that was once Adriana and now Baby Ruby with eager interest as she waited for Trish to enter the room. She turned around and saw that Elisa was crawling towards the toy corner in her room, Jessica giggled to herself “Wow look at her bum sway, those plastic panties have made her bum huge, she is definitely aware that she is wearing a diaper” she stopped giggled and frowned “Well maybe next time she will listen to Nurse Jessica” she thought with a cheeky smile. She turned back around as she saw Trish enter baby Ruby’s room she didn’t say a word as she walked towards the pink blanket in the centre of the room and sat down on her knees, she patted the blanket and turned to the frozen adult baby. Jessica saw Trish say something but she couldn’t hear anything “Why can’t I hear her?” she said as she saw Trish speak again and the colour drained from baby Ruby’s face, she looked at the wall and finally found the switch that Trish had flicked, then she saw two sets of headphones hanging on the wall and she shook her head as she picked up the headphones and placed them on her head.

Jessica looked back up as baby Ruby crawled to Trish, Trish said “On your back baby girl” and Jessica smiled to herself “Well I now have sound” she thought as she watched baby Ruby lie down on her back. Jessica watched on fascinated as Trish spoke baby talk to the young woman, telling her what she was going to do next and always referring to her as baby, she watched as baby Ruby blushed bright red at the remarks which caused Jessica to smile “She definitely knows what she is doing” she thought as she opened up the pink onesie. Baby Ruby’s hands went straight towards her breasts to cover herself up, Jessica shook her head “What is she going to do? Is she going to spank her?” she thought but Trish laughed and said “Baby girl, Who do you think put you in that onesie in the first place and I’m about to change your wet diaper, you have nothing to hide from nursey now pull your arms away like a good baby”. Jessica watched Ruby’s face turn bright red but she didn’t move until Trish placed her arms on her waist “Pull your arms away now baby girl” Tears began to roll down Adriana’s face as she slowly removed her hands revealing her breasts, Trish smiled “Good baby”. Jessica watched on stunned “She didn’t do anything? She didn’t threaten her she didn’t punish her she just told her, wow I have a lot to learn” she thought.

Chapter 05

   Jessica removed the headphones and stood in silence for a moment, she eventually shook her head “This place is so strange they treat adults like babies, they punish them if they act like the adult that they really are. I should be appalled I should want to run out of here and never come back but I’m actually looking forward to looking after baby Elise. Something is wrong with me if I want to treat a grown woman as a baby, why does it interest me so much?” she smiled as she left the dark corridor back into the large hallway.

“Were you watching?” Trish said as she closed the door to Baby Ruby’s room, Jessica turned towards her and nodded “I was very impressed, I have a lot to learn” she said which caused Trish laugh “No you don’t it's all about power and who has it, once they know that they are the baby and you're the grown-up then they will do what they are told with just a folding of the arms”. Jessica nodded “About the power? I have power here!” she thought with a sly smile as Trish motioned for her to follow her. Jessica quickly caught up to the experienced nurse as they walked towards the elevator. Once in the elevator Trish swiped her ID card and pressed the button for floor 02 “That will be it for today, I will take you back to get changed and to pick up your bag then I will show you out” Jessica looked at Trish concerned “Already? Did I do something wrong?” she asked nervously Trish shook her head “No you did fine, it’s what we do on the first day so you can get home and process it all then come back tomorrow prepared for the day” Jessica sighed “Oh alright” she said as the lift continued to move.

The elevator doors opened and the two women began to walk down the hall towards the changing room when Jessica noticed that Trish was still carrying the diaper bag “Why do you have that?” she asked while nodding at the bag Trish sighed “The diaper pail hadn’t been emptied again, so I’m going to bin Ruby’s dirty diaper here then I’m going to go to the boss and complain that’s the fourth time this month that a pail hasn’t been emptied, I might be late for dinner time now though” she shook her head as Jessica smiled “I can take it, I have my ID card so once I get my bag I can get the elevator down and you can go straight to the boss and complain” Trish quickly nodded and handed the diaper bag to Jessica “Good thinking” she said and before Jessica had a chance to say anything else Trish was back in the elevator with the doors closing.

Jessica entered the changing rooms and walked over to her locker where her regular clothes were waiting for her, she placed the diaper bag down and opened up the locker at her clothes “I didn’t think I would be leaving so early but it does make sense, I’m going to be thinking about this all day and trying to adjust to it but this way I can mentally prepare myself for tomorrow and I will come back ready to deal with the large babies and I will get to teach Baby Elise how to be the best adult baby girl that she can be” she thought as she began to remove her Velcro shoes. Once her shoes were off she pulled off the tight nurse’s uniform, she tossed the uniform into the basket and took hold of her clothes. She stood for a moment in her white underwear “That uniform really does show off my body, it pushes up my breasts and shows off my hourglass figure, it must be for the babies. They are sitting around in diapers and in comes a sexy looking nurse it must make them feel even more infantile. They really have thought of everything” she thought. Soon she was back to wearing her navy blue button-up shirt and black pants, as she placed her shoes on she remembered the diaper bag “Yeah I need to bin that diaper” she said to herself, she quickly took hold of the bag and unzipped it. She quickly held her nose as the fresh smell of stale urine entered the room “Well that’s the diaper” she said as she took hold of the large item and quickly walked over to the trashcan and placed the diaper inside. She walked back to the diaper bag “Now what do I do with the bag? Do I leave it here? I know I will put it in my locker” she said as she took hold of the diaper bag when she noticed inside the bag were fresh diapers. Jessica looked around the room slightly nervously “I think I’m going to take it home instead” she thought as her heart began to race. She quickly zipped the bag back up and placed the strap over her shoulder and slowly left the changing the room, back out in the corridor she walked back towards the elevator and pressed the button “Why am I taking these diapers home? I was going to leave them in the locker now I’m taking them! Why?” she thought as the doors opened and she got in, she scanned her ID card and pressed the level one button and felt the elevator move “What if I get caught, I will just say I didn’t know what to do with it so the safest option was to take it home” she thought nervously as the doors opened and she got out. She walked down the corridor to the large front door and once again scanned her ID card and the doors opened, she felt a cold wind rush over her as she stepped outside and she quickly missed the warmth of the building.

Jessica got to her car and unlocked it, opening the drivers' door she tossed the diaper bag onto the passenger's seat as she sat down in the driver's seat, she closed the door then looked over at the diaper bag “Why did I take it? Am I really going to try one on? I’m really curious as to how it feels and it might make it easier to look after Baby Elisa if I know what she is going through” she suddenly shook “What am I thinking about? I can't wear a diaper” she thought as she turned on her car and drove out of the parking lot towards the road. She glanced over at the bag again as she drove home and her mouth went dry “I will try one on, just to see what it’s like but that’s it. It will go on and then come off nothing more” she thought while rolling her eyes “I changed a grown woman’s diaper earlier and now I’m thinking about wearing one myself. What a weird day”.


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