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 Chapter 01

Phyllis slumped down in a chair in the staff room and let out a long sigh “Such a long shift” she said to herself as she relaxed on the chair, her aching legs enjoying the comfort of not having to support her for the first time in 18 hours. She closed her eyes and shook her head “I can’t wait to get home and into bed” she smiled as she opened her eyes and looked pulled her phone from her pocket for the first time in six hours, her eyes widened “12 missed calls and 8 voicemail messages?” she said to herself, she checked the phone log and shook her head “All from a blocked number” she let out a sigh “Well I know what this is about, that crazy couple. It has been investigated I didn’t do anything wrong, I feel bad for them losing there baby but this is getting ridiculous. I’m going to have to report this” she said as she slowly stood up from her chair with a groan, her legs and back felt like they were on fire as she shook her head “I will do it when I come in tomorrow” she said as she looked down at her aching legs.

She slowly walked towards the door as she caught her reflection in the mirror “Well I don’t look too bad for being awake for 20 hours” she said with a smile as she adjusted her short dark hair. Phyllis was 5'8 and 165 lbs she had a toned figure which she got from playing soccer on the weekends, she was a tomboy type a with short hair and very little makeup, she never liked wearing the girly dresses or spending hours on her hair which served her well working as a nurse and having to wear scrubs most of the time. She straightened her scrubs and opened the door and left the staff room with a smile on her face “Finally going home” she thought as she walked down the hallway.

She nodded at the reception desk where her friend Carol sat “See you tomorrow” she shouted out, Carol looked up from her desk and smiled “See you Phyl” she shouted back, Phyllis didn’t really like her name, she found it was too feminine so everyone called her Phyl instead. Carol continued “Go quickly before they find something for you to do” she laughed as she waved, Phyllis laughed back “I’m going as fast as I can” she smiled as she turned towards the door and left the hospital.

Phyllis felt the cold chill in the air as she walked out into the darkness, she wrapped her arms around her and shivered as she slowly walked towards her car “I should have brought a jacket” she said to herself as she walked away from the bright lights of the hospital into the dark car park. She approached her car but then she paused and quickly looked around in the darkness “I swear someone is watching me” she thought but as she looked around she couldn’t see anyone as she shook her head “I’m just imagining it, I need sleep” she thought as she continued to her car. She grabbed her keys from her pocket and unlocked the car door, she slowly sat down in the driver's seat and sighed “My legs are going to hurt tomorrow” she said to herself.

She sat for a moment with the door open, not noticing the dark figure slowly, silently making its way towards her. The hooded figure made its way towards the side of Phyllis’ car and moved in closer towards the open door. Phyllis lent over and placed her seat belt on and as she was about to close the door a hand reached into the car and sprayed something in her face. Phyllis’s eyes widened as she began to cough hard “What the fuck!?” she shouted, her heart began to race with terror as her head began to spin and her eyesight blurred, her body felt heavy, and she found it almost impossible to move, she turned her head slowly towards the door and saw a blurry hooded figure inches away from her watching with a large smile.

Phyllis’ head became heavy and fell forwards, her chin resting on her chest, sweat was pouring from her forehead as her heart raced “Oh god, what’s happening? I can’t move, I can't even speak” she thought as the figure lent into the car and unfastened the seat belt around her. She heard movement outside of the car as the figure grabbed placed arms under Phyllis armpits and slowly pulled her out of the car, Phyllis was shaking with fear as a cold gust of wind wrapped around her, her head still spinning she thought “What’s happening? Why am I leaving the car? Where am I going?”. She was gently placed in a chair and the hooded figure stood up and began to walk away from her “Am I going to be left here? Oh god, I’m going to freeze” she thought with panic when slowly the chair began to move forward away from her car and towards a van with its back doors open wide.

The chair stopped by the van and a new fear ran through Phyllis “They are kidnapping me! I’m being taken away!” she tried to move frantically but her limps wouldn’t move, tears ran down her face as the chair was lifted into the back of the van. The chair was pushed to the far end of the van where Phyllis eyed a small bed in the corner, her head was still spinning as she looked at the bed puzzled “Why does it have pink sheets and no pillow?” she wondered when the hooded figure stood in front of her and grabbed hold of her feet. She then felt hands under her armpits as she realised “It’s not just one of them, it’s two people! I’m being kidnapped by two people! That’s how the chair moved forward. It’s a wheelchair and someone else was pushing it, why didn’t I figure that out before?” she thought with tears flowing down her face as she was slowly lifted off the chair and lowered into the bed on her side in a fetal position. The two hooded figures looked down at the woman, Phyllis could see two beaming smiles and it sent shivers through her as she tried to move once again “This can’t be happening” she thought when one of the figures squatted down in front of her and slowly removed the hood.

Phyllis’ eyes widened as she stared at the woman through blurred vision squatting beside her “YOU!?” she screamed in her head as the woman continued to smile “You lost our baby girl so to make up for it your going to be her replacement” she giggled as Phyllis’ eyes darted around “What!? What does she mean a replacement?” she thought with dread as the woman smiled “You are going to be our baby girl from now on, don’t worry baby girl, you will get used to your new life and will soon come to love mummy and daddy” she continued to smile as she stood up and placed the hood back over her head, Phyllis was in a state of shock “A baby? Mummy and Daddy? No way! No, I’m not going to be a baby? What does that even mean?” she shook all over as the woman turned to the other figure and said “Time to go daddy” she said and they both left the van and closed the doors leaving Phyllis in darkness. She heard the engine of the van start and felt it move off “Oh god they have done it, they have kidnapped me! I need to get out of this” she thought when suddenly she felt very tired and even though she tried to fight it she soon drifted off into a deep sleep.

 Chapter 02

 Slowly Phyllis opened her eyes, her head was swimming as she let out a groan “Oh god my head” she mumbled as she stared into the darkness. She felt the warm soft blanket covering her, slowly she stretched out a little when her hand touched something cold “What's that?” she thought as her head continued to feel muddled. She wrapped her hand around the metal bar and moved it up and down, she felt the long bar with a confused look on her face “What is that?” she thought again as her mind slowly woke up. Phyllis took her hand off the bar and moved it slightly when she felt another cold bar on the back of her hand, her eyes opened wide and her brain kicked in “What the fuck!” she shouted.

She began to shake as the memories came flooding back like a horribly twisted nightmare “Oh god, where am I?” she said as she quickly sat up and banged her head, she let out a cry as she quickly lay back down rubbing her head. Phyllis’ other hand continued to examine the long bars that surrounded her as she rubbed her sore head “They have put me in a cage? What the fuck?” she thought when she suddenly realised she was lying on a something soft. She slowly turned onto her side as the blanket fell off her she suddenly froze, she began to shake uncontrollably as she felt the cool air of the room touch her naked body.

Tears formed in her eyes as she quickly felt around for the blanket and pulled it over her once again “Oh god, they removed my clothes! I’m in a cage naked” tears rolled down her face as she huddled over to a corner of the small space she was imprisoned in and tightly wrapped the blanket around herself. “They removed my clothes, they saw me naked” she shook with disgust as tears continued to flow down her face “Why are they doing this?” She thought as she wiped the tears away from her face “I didn’t do anything wrong, they blame me for the loss of their child but there wasn’t anything I could do. What are they going to do with me?” she thought.

Phyllis continued to sit in the corner shaking with fear tightly holding onto the blanket to hide her nudity as the time passed the tears dried up, she felt a wave of anger instead “They can’t do this to me! I won't let them, whatever they have planned for me I will fight them, I won't give them the satisfaction of making this easy!” she thought when she suddenly remembered something, she cocked her head with a puzzled look on her face as she repeated the words her captor had said “ You are going to be our baby girl from now on” a cold shiver went down her spine “What do they mean a baby girl?” she wondered as she looked around in the darkness of her prison.

She let out a gasp and swallowed hard, her mouth felt dry as she once again felt the bars surrounding her and above her. She placed her hand through the bars and reached down feeling nothing, her fears coming true she stopped and shook her head in disbelief “This isn’t a cage, it’s a crib!” she thought as she continued to feel around underneath her “Yes that’s it, I’m off the ground I’m lying on a mattress surrounded by metal bars with a blanket placed on me, I’ve been locked in a fucking crib!” she screamed in her head. “Do they really mean it? They want me to be a baby?” she shook her head “It doesn’t make any sense, how do they expect me to be a baby?” she closed her eyes and sighed “Well they have me naked in a crib, what else are they going to do? Do they want me to wear clothes or keep me naked? Are they just going to leave me in here or?” she shook her head. “It doesn’t matter because I’m going to get out of here, they won’t get the chance to do anything they have planned because I won't let them,” she thought when slowly light appeared from the corner of the room.

She could see the outline of a door open up between the bars and the bright light shined into the room, Phyllis’ squinted as her eyes slowly adjusted to the new light when she saw a figure stand in the doorway, she began to shake with fear as the figure walked towards her. Suddenly the lights were turned on and Phyllis closed her eyes quickly, she slowly opened them and her jaw dropped open as she stared at the white metal bars that surrounded her and the pink blanket that she was hiding under “Oh god I was right, it is a crib!” she thought. She looked passed the bars of her crib towards the tall blonde haired woman walking towards her with a huge smile plastered on her face, she looked down at her and cooed “Good morning baby”

Chapter 03

  Phyllis scowled at the tall woman while gripping tightly to the blanket “Get me the fuck out of here Jessica!” Phyllis shouted nervously. Jessica sighed and shook her head as she brushed her long blonde hair behind her shoulder, she adjusted her short black loose dress then looked at the woman cowering in the corner of the crib “Now that won’t do now, I will let you out of your crib when you are a good baby for mommy” she smiled and it sent shivers through Phyllis. Phyllis regained her composure quickly and shook her head “I’m not a fucking baby! Now let me out of here you crazy bitch!” she screamed but Jessica just shook her head again and said calmly “I think we need to get daddy in here to teach you not to be so naughty” she said and she quickly turned on the spot, her dress lifted up as she spun around revealing her frilly red panties to the trapped woman when Jessica shouted out “Michael we have a naughty baby in here!”

Phyllis began to shake as she stared through the bars at Jessica’s long muscular legs “Oh fuck, I remember Michael he’s taller than me and a professional bodybuilder, he could toss me around like a toy” she began to shake as she heard footsteps coming from outside the room “Fuck what am I going to do? Jessica is only a little bit taller than me, about 5’10 but a lot more built than me and now Michael. I can’t fight them off maybe Jessica but not both of them” tears began to form in her eyes “What are they going to do?” she thought as Michael entered the room wearing a tight-fitting black shirt that showed off his muscular body and pair of whitewashed jeans, he frowned as he walked towards the centre of the room towards the crib.

Phyllis nervously looked up at the tall man as he stood beside his wife, his shaved head and neat black beard made his frown that much more menacing as he stared down at her. Phyllis felt the tears run down her face “What am I going to do? He is so scary, those cold eyes staring at me” she shivered as he didn’t take his eyes off Phyllis. Michael folded his arms “So we have a naughty baby do we Jessica?” Jessica nodded her head but Michael didn’t see it as he continued “Well let's see if she can be a good baby for her daddy” his frown lessened as he smiled slightly which scared Phyllis even more.

He continued to stare down at the frightened woman “Now baby I hope you can be a good baby for daddy, let's start with removing the blanket” he said in a soothing tone, Phyllis stared down at the pink blanket “He wants me to take off the blanket? He wants me to sit here naked?” she shuddered but didn’t move. Michael shook his head and scoffed “Baby we were the ones that removed your clothes in the first place we have seen all of your nudey parts already this is just to see if you can be a good baby for us...” he looked over to the corner of the room as he continued “...If not then you will be punished”.

Phyllis’ chest ached as she slowly followed his gaze over to the corner of the room and her jaw dropped open as she stared at a wooden framed apparatus with black leather cushions and straps running around it. Her mouth suddenly became dry as she stared at the object “It’s a spanking bench, I’ve read about them” she slowly looked back up at Michael who was still staring at the bench and smiling “Oh god he wants to put me on that and spank me? With those restraints, they both could easily lock me down in any position they want and I wouldn’t be able to get out. Completely vulnerable to anything they want to do to me” she shuddered at the thought as she looked back down at the pink blanket that covered her and sighed “They have both seen me naked before and if they get me over onto that then they will see me naked anyway” she scrunched up her eyes “I fucking hate this. I either let them see me naked or I get forced to show myself naked and then go through the pain and humiliation of being spanked but I can’t just let them see me naked” her head began to ache as Michael looked back down at her “Well baby are you going to be good?” he asked with a smile.

Chapter 04

   Phyllis swallowed hard, tears began to form in her eyes as she slowly removed the blanket away revealing her naked body to her captors. She quickly closed her eyes as tears continued to run down her face and she felt the eyes of her captives on her, she stayed scrunched up in the corner of the infantile prison trying to hide as much of herself as she could with her arms. Jessica reached in between the bars and took hold of the blanket and pulled it out of the crib as Phyllis continued to sit naked in the corner, “I can’t believe I am letting them see me naked but they already have that’s how I got like this and both of them could easily overpower me put me on that spanking bench and then I would be in trouble. Maybe one at a time I could hold my own but not both of them together” she thought. “Awwww what a good baby you are, see daddy we don’t have to punish the baby she will be good for us” Jessica cooed as she continued to stare down at the naked woman, Michael let out a short laugh “I don’t think she will be too good, I’m sure I’m going to have to punish her and turn her bum red soon” he laughed again as Jessica hit his arm “Don’t say things like that you might frighten then baby, now baby can you open your eyes for mummy and daddy?”.

Phyllis swallowed hard again “I don’t want to look at them if I don’t then I will get ‘punished’ by Michael. He just wants any excuse to do it” she thought with a sigh as she slowly opened her eyes. Jessica smiled from ear to ear “Awwww you're being such a good baby, I’m so happy” she giggled as Michael shrugged his shoulders “We will see” he said coldly. “Baby, lie down on your back inside your crib” he said with a wicked smile, Phyllis’ eyes went wide “Lie down? Show them my nudity? I can’t, it was hard enough to remove the blanket I can’t just lie down naked in front of them” she shook as she looked down at the plastic-covered mattress that she was sitting on as Michael he turned to Jessica “This will see if she is a good baby” he said with another short laugh. Jessica frowned as she looked at Phyllis “Come on baby, you can do it just lie down for daddy” she cooed but Phyllis didn’t move. Michael smiled “Well we have ourselves a naughty baby now and naughty babies get punished” he said with a chuckle as they both began to lower the side of the crib.

Tears streamed down Phyllis’ face as Michael’s hands made their way towards her “Don’t do this! Leave me alone! Help!” she shouted as Michael took hold of her legs and began to pull her towards him. Phyllis tried to kick but Michael was too strong, she wrapped her arms tightly around the bars of the crib but she hadn’t noticed that Jessica had circled around her. Jessica poked her hands under the captive woman’s armpits and to Phyllis’ horror began to tickle her, Phyllis let out an involuntary laugh and loosened her grip slightly on the bars. She turned to face Jessica with hatred in her eyes as she tried to stop herself from laughing but Jessica continued to tickle her and Phyllis couldn’t fight her and Michael and suddenly she was pulled out of the crib by the strong man.

Michael held Phyllis around the waist as she kicked and screamed, he quickly moved over to a nearby chair where he pulled her across his knee and pinned her down locking her arms down on her back she was defenceless. “Get off me! Let me go!” she shouted once again as she began to shake with fear when she suddenly remembered the early threat of turning her bum red “Is he going to spank me? I’m going to be spanked?” she thought when a large firm hand came crashing down hard on her firm bum cheeks. Phyllis let out a large scream as she felt her body vibrate with pain, she tried to kick away to do anything to get away from another slap but it was no use. Another large hand came down hard on her cheeks, her bum felt like it was on fire as her kicking stopped and loud crying followed but that didn’t stop Michael.

The spanking went on for a total of twenty slaps each as hard as the last, Phyllis was a bubbling mess when Michael began to pat her tender bum. “I’m in so much pain, my ass hurts so much” she thought when Jessica appeared in front of her, she squatted down and took Phyllis’ chin in her hands and lifted her head up so they were looking at each other. Jessica sighed “You shouldn’t have been a naughty baby, I guess we need to tell baby the rules” she said calmly as she stroked Phyllis’ short hair “Here’s the main rule that you will live by from now on, you are baby Phyllis”. Phyllis’ eyes widened as she tried to shake her head free but she was unable too as Jessica continued “You are a baby, we will treat you like a baby. You will be a baby, if you do anything that is not what other normal babies do then you will be punished” she said with a beaming smile that sent chills through Phyllis. Jessica released Phyllis’ chin and her head dropped as Jessica stepped away “They are serious, they want me to be a baby? They are going to treat me like a baby?” she shook “They are mental!” she thought. Jessica cleared her throat and Phyllis turned her head to see that she was on the other side of the room sitting on her knees “Now baby, daddy is going to let you go and you're going to crawl over to mommy to get your diapers put on” she cooed.

Chapter 05

  Phyllis was shaking with fear, her face white with terror as she stared wide-eyed at Jessica who was sitting across the room from her while she continued to lay naked across Michael’s lap. She could feel Michael’s eyes staring down at her bruised bum which sent cold shivers through her, slowly she felt Michael’s large hand release pressure on her back and her heart began to race. “I am not going to crawl over to her! It’s not going to happen! As soon as he lets go of me then I will run for it” Phyllis thought as she quickly looked around the room, she let out a gasp as her eyes fell on the closed door that her captors had entered through. She bit her lip nervously as she stared at the door “I can run for it, I can make it before they will have a chance. He is sitting down and Jessica is across the room. I will soon be free” she forced herself not to smile as Micheal’s hand released her “I will play along for a second then I’m gone” she thought as she looked down at the soft carpet.

Jessica patted the floor and smiled over at her captive “Come on baby, we can’t have you being a nudey bum all day, come and get your diaper on” she cooed. Phyllis quickly frowned and tightened her jaw “I’m naked because of you, you crazy women and there is no way I’m wearing a diaper!” she shouted in her head. She closed her eyes and relaxed her body with a long breath out and slowly began to move off Micheal’s lap. “Good baby” Michael laughed as he gave Phyllis’ red bum a few more pats. Phyllis took another deep breath suppressing the anger that was building up in her as she rolled off Michael’s lap and onto the soft carpeted floor.

Phyllis was on her hands and knees facing towards the door, her heart was racing with anticipation as she looked up and  eyed the door once again, her mouth was dry as she swallowed and she took a deep breath as she slowly moved one foot  up towards her body, she was in a starting position about to run the race of her life. Quickly she pushed off and she bolted forward, she ran faster than she ever thought possible “Are they chasing me? I must be so far ahead of them” she thought with delight as she reached the door. She was out of breath and her body ached, drumming was going on in her head as she looked down for the handle of the door, she frantically looked around the door, scratching at the wooden barrier “Where is it? Fuck!” she shouted as her heart began to break. Tears formed in her eyes as she stared forward shaking like a leaf, the pounding in her head stopped and she felt very cold. Phyllis banged her head against the door “Fuck” she said quietly as she heard movement behind her.

What the fuck am I going to do? What are they going to do to me?” she thought with dread as her bum continued to sting “I can’t get spanked again, I’m not a baby!” she screamed in her head. Jessica and Michael stood beside each other but hadn’t approached the terrified woman, Jessica shook her head “Naughty baby, you broke so many rules so daddy will have to punish you” she said with a sigh as Michael nodded his head and slowly made his way towards the naked woman. Phyllis couldn’t move as she sensed Michael approaching her “Punish me? Not a chance I’m standing up and I can fight” she thought as she nervously moved her head away from the door and took another deep breath. Phyllis turned around to face Michael with her fists clenched “You will not touch me!” she shouted as she lunged forward with a yell her fist swinging for Micheal’s face. Michael smirked as he moved to the side with lightning reflexes and avoided the punch, he reached out and grabbed hold of Phyllis’ wrist and pulled. Phyllis’ eyes were wide with shock as her arm was pulled forward throwing her off balance “How did he move so fast? Oh shit what have I done?” she thought with terror when her hand was pulled down to the floor and she found herself bending over. Michael released Phyllis’ wrist and quickly wrapped his large arm around the terrified woman and lifted her up off the ground.

Phyllis cried out in terror with tears streaming down her face as she was carried across the room, she tried to struggle out of the strong man's grip but she couldn’t do anything to release herself from Michael’s vice-like hold that pinned her against his waist. Michael stopped as Phyllis began to shake once again with her blurred vision she didn’t know where she was in the room “What are they going to do to me? How are they going to punish me?” she thought nervously. She felt her feet being lowered onto the soft carpet which caused her to shake profusely when she felt both her hands being grabbed, the hard grip around her waist was released and Phyllis found herself being pulled forward. Phyllis’s eyes widened as her vision became clear and she saw she was being pulled towards a strange contraption with leather padding and straps running around it but before she could tell what it was she was pulled forward and her upper chest was pressed against soft leather, her arms were pulled over the leather padding that rested against her collar bone and was placed into two soft leather boards straight out in front of her. Quickly Jessica strapped her arms down with multiple straps while Michael wrapped a strap around her upper back tightly locking her in. She shook her head as tears continued to run down her face “Am I going to get spanked again? Please no! How am I going to get out of this? What can I do? Fuck what’s going to happen?” she thought with a wave of fear running over her. Michael bent down beside her and took hold of her foot and even with Phyllis trying to fight him he easily manoeuvred her leg where he wanted it, he lifted her leg up off the floor and away from her body on an angle. Phyllis felt a soft bar behind her knee and her foot was placed flat on a soft leather surface which she was quickly strapped into. Michael moved to the other side and did the same with her other leg and Phyllis found herself strapped to the leather contraption in a squatting position.

Phyllis was shaking “I feel so vulnerable and there is nothing I can do to get out of it, why do they have me like this? What do they have planned? She thought as Jessica stared into Phyllis’ eyes and smiled a wicked smile that sent chills down Phyllis’ spine. “Now baby, you were so naughty so we have to punish you, firstly you are going to get this” she said calmly as she produced a large pacifier with straps running from it. Phyllis gasped “I am not wearing that!” she shouted which caused Jessica to laugh “Oh baby, you just don’t learn do you” she said as she moved the large nipple of the pacifier towards Phyllis’ lips. Phyllis quickly closed her mouth but Michael took hold of her nose and squeezed it shut, panic appeared in her eyes as she stared forward at the large nipple “No! I won’t have that humiliating thing strapped in my mouth” she thought as her head began to pound and her vision became blurry. She quickly opened her mouth to breath when the large rubber nipple entered her mouth, Michael released her nose and tightly wrapped the pacifier around her head locking it into position. Phyllis took deep breaths through her nose as she tried to spit the rubber nipple out of her mouth but it wouldn’t move, she shook her head out of frustration “This is so humiliating!” she screamed in her head. Jessica nodded and smiled once again “Now we will remove that when we believe that you can talk like a good baby. Baby we are going to give you suppositories but don’t worry because then we will put a nice clean diaper on you so you can't make a mess” she giggled as Phyllis’ eyes widened and a muffled groan came out from the pacifier.

Chapter 06

  Phyllis tried with all her might to get free from the strange apparatus that she was strapped too, she flung her head around and moaned from around the pacifier but all it did was exhaust her. She was shaking with fear as Jessica walked behind her “NO! Don’t do it, don’t do any of it just please let me go!” she pleaded in her head. Jessica placed her fingertips on Phyllis’ back and ran them down her spine towards her bum, it sent shivers all over Phyllis’ body and she closed her eyes as tears began to roll down her cheeks. She heard the familiar sound of rubber gloves going over hands and she turned white as a ghost “She is really going to do it, she is going to go through with it and put suppositories in me and I can't do anything to stop her, I’m forced to squat I can’t even tense up in this position and then...” she winced and shook her head “...I still can’t believe she would put it on me” she thought as fear ran through her body.

Phyllis’ eyes shot open and her body tensed up as she felt two fingers enter her bum, tears ran down her face as she sucked on the large pacifier trying to find some form of comfort as she felt the fingers wiggle around inside her. Phyllis screamed through the pacifier as Jessica moved her fingers in and out of her slowly, over and over again as Phyllis continued to cry “I hate her! I hate this! I hate them all! I can’t believe they are doing this to me!” she screamed in her head as her ass felt like it was on fire. Jessica slowly removed her fingers for the last and Phyllis let out a frustrated sigh when she felt something cold and hard graze against her cheeks “What the hell is that?! What else do they have planned?” she wondered with dread as she began to shake furiously. Phyllis’ entire body seized up and she went as white as a sheet as she felt the large butt plug enter her, her mind went blank as she stared forward into the nursery.

Michael gently removed Phyllis’ feet and placed them back on the ground before strapping them into position, Phyllis was now standing as Jessica kept her hand firmly on the plug that poked out of the attractive woman’s ass. “It shouldn’t come out with her standing but I just want to make sure” she said to Michael with a smile, Michael nodded towards his wife and smiled back at her as he announced “Now time for the diaper baby girl”. He took hold of the diaper and quickly slid it between Phyllis’ legs and guided it the short distance up towards her groin. Carefully Michael lifted the diaper up as Jessica quickly removed her hand from the butt plug and the diaper was quickly taped tightly around Phyllis’ waist in one quick motion, they smiled at each other feeling proud of what they had accomplished when Phyllis began to groan.

Phyllis’s stomach began to ache as she shook and felt the diaper wrapped around her “They did it, they actually did it. I’m wearing a diaper! They have me wearing a diaper! How did that happen? When did it happen? I went into shock when that thing went in me” she blushed. She tried to move her legs and felt the plug against her bum cheeks and heard the rustle of the diaper and felt cold “What do they want? They have me in a diaper but with that inside me, I won't be able to use it. Is that good or bad? I know that my stomach pain is just going to get worse. Is that what they wanted to do? To make me go through pain?” she sighed as she hung her head in shame. She suddenly looked with anger in her eyes as she felt hands run over her now diapered bum, the continued to feel the diaper, with there hands running between Phyllis’ legs and rubbing against her vagina. A horrible chill ran through Phyllis as the hand continued to rub and pat the front of her diaper “Stop touching me! Oh god, this is hell! I can not get aroused by this! Just stop!” she screamed inside her head until it got too much “Stop touching me!” she screamed but the pacifier blocked the noise as Jessica stood in front of her captive.

Phyllis stared daggers into Jessica as she stood in front of her when she suddenly realized she could still feel hands on her diaper and a horrible chill ran through her “Its him, he’s doing this to me! Why are they so evil!?” she screamed as the pace picked up and Phyllis began to breathe heavily through her nose. Her eyes were wide with a horrible mixture of pain and pleasure as the rubbing went in circles over her vagina, pushing the diaper up against her and sending shivers through her. She closed her eyes as Jessica continued to stare at her with a smile as she felt Michael’s hands work on her, she moaned and screamed into the pacifier as her body tensed up, her stomach ached once again but it did little to distract her from what was happening. “No, I can’t do that in a diaper! I can't let him do that to me!” she thought as tears ran down her face as she tried to break out of the contraption but it was useless her body convulsed in eager anticipation when suddenly her eyes shot open and a feeling of sheer bliss ran through her. The rubbing stopped and the feeling of bliss quickly left her, replaced with regret and humiliation as she could still feel the horrible tingles run through her body.

Her stomach suddenly ached and tears ran down her face “This is a nightmare, I need to get out of this, I need to do something” she thought. She was about to look away when Jessica took hold of her chin and moved towards her and they were practically touching noses as Jessica smiled a wicked smile that sent shivers down Phyllis’ spine. “Now baby girl, that’s the last time anybody is going to touch you like that, little babies don’t make cummies. Daddy wanted you to enjoy your first diaper and make sure you know who is in charge of baby girl” she cooed as Michael stood beside her. “Now baby girl” she continued “We are going to leave you here like that for a little while by then your tum tum will be making big owies for baby so when we come back we hope that you will tell us how much you want to mess your diaper for us” she giggled as Phyllis’ eyes went wide with fear. “Only after you have told us then we will remove that naughty plug from your bum bum and will let you mess your diaper like a good baby” she gave Phyllis a kiss on the forehead as she stood back. Phyllis shook her head in anger as the couple silently left the room “What!? I am never going to tell her that, I don’t care how much pain I’m in!” she thought when another sharp pain ran through her stomach and she began to cry.


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