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I know that I promised to post the roadmaps for the remainder of this year as well as give more information about the Diary pages for the side-characters.
But, unfortunately I have to postpone that to next week.

Yesterday my neck started to hurt a little bit, and during last night my neck completely locked up preventing me to move my head even an inch.
Apart from being incredibly annoying, it also hurts like hell.

Now, before anyone starts to worry, you don't have to.
This is the 4th time this happened to me, and I know that I'll be completely
fine again in about 2 days with some heavy muscle relaxants (valium).
(Which I got after I went to the hospital the moment my neck locked up.)

So, after I post this message... I'll be pretty much a.f.k for the next 48 hours.

Sweet Affection 0.9.7

I had hoped to finish all the writing today, but obviously that idea has been pushed back now.
I don't have any worries about the release date of 31 May, but an early release might not be possible anymore because of this.

My apology to everyone who was looking forward to the roadmaps.
But, I'll make sure to post all of that in the progress report of next week.
As well as the usual change-log and definitive release date.

If you have any questions or something you like to share with us, you can always reach us here on Patreon or Discord.

And, thank you to all the supporters.

- Naughty Attic Gaming



Hello. There have been not a few messages that we have sent you so that you take care of yourself and rest properly. You may also need a physical therapist in addition to medicines. And that is what again for my part I want to send you. Take care, take it easy and don't worry very much about the road map or the secondary diary pages. You know that your Project is not a matter of one or two days, but that it is a long-term great construction. :) Cheers and regards


Neck pains can really suck. I recently tweaked my neck pretty bad by turning my head too rapidly. I wound up going to a Chiropractor myself for a few adjustments and got to feeling much better very quickly.