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 TLDR at bottom -

I really enjoyed animating this update, It really got Part 3 progressed alot, and it  thickened the lore

  • Tsunade reveals the details to her development and the secret of the herbs

  • Boruto's Clone fails to use Temari's Great Fan but his Jougan could turn the tides 

Thank you for giving me the time to deliver this.
Previous story updates were shorter

and it seemed like Part 3 was never gonna get finished at that rate but if I can get similar amount of time to do a story update like the one that just came out. 

Part 3 will be finished in 2-3 more big story updates.
And Part 3 seems like its going to have a longer run time than Part 2.

What now? 

  •  This is a non issue when Part 3 gets done but, its a problem right now...

Part 3 is getting harder to follow with every update. Since I said it wasn't going to be animated chronologically but rather segmented to make it easier on me. People are getting confused with following it, I know this won't be an issue when its all done but I can't sit here and claim to be a story teller when the story is fragmented, and you have to go from post to post to follow the whole thing so...

 I'm combining everything I've animated so far for part 3 and putting it together, so we can bring everyone back to one baseline of the story. Itll relax my nerves and I can focus on finishing the story 

  •  Working on Part 3 

  • Working on 2 non cannon nsfw scenes (Release Window: End of this Month | Early next month) 

      1 with Temari | 1 with Tsunade 

  • I'm also working on something else that I won't announce yet until I'm ready, and it's big. Only one supporter Lambo Xiao Long knows about it, but he won't rat on me and spoil it (I hope)

Gohan, What's Veteran? 


  • Story Update summary

  • Part 3 will be finished in 2-3 more large story updates

  • Part 3 will likely be longer than Part 2

  • Hard to follow Part 3 story, I'll be combining everything animated so far into one video file so we can be at same baseline

  • Working on Part 3 

  • Working on 2 Non-cannon NSFW animations for end of month (1 Temari/1 Tsunade)

  • Working on something secret I won't announce until Im ready

  • What's Veteran


    The next time I'll post (unless something else pops up) will be the 2 noncannon animations see you then :)


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