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I was holding off on this as long as I could, but I don't think I'm gonna have much of a choice now. (TLDR at the bottom)

On Wednesday,  I took my husband to see a Rheumatologist due to some complications he's been having with vasculitis. The doctor told us instead of waiting for any test results, we should go to the ER right away to get him seen. Hours later, he's seen and admitted due to high blood pressure and hematuria.

We found out that he has high levels of creatinine in his kidneys along with the high BP. All of this seems to tie together with his vasculitis, I suppose. What we thought was gonna be an overnight stay has turned into several days with of testing and blood drawing and even a kidney biopsy.

We were told he'd end up staying over the weekend, but we had hopes of him heading home sooner. Instead, we were told they might have botched the biopsy a bit.  It might not have been successful enough and there's a high chance of him staying a whole extra week because they'll need to do ANOTHER one after we get the results of the first one.

Needless to say, that break I was gonna take, didn't happen, and I've just been... existing between the home and hospital.

If he doesn't get to come home tomorrow, there's a really high chance I just end up doing that small housekeeping update that I was gonna mix in with Richard's update, because if they keep him through the upcoming week, I just won't be at home to work on a full update.


Husband has been in the hospital since Wednesday and might have to stay even longer, I have hardly had any time to rest, and I might have to do that housekeeping update instead of Richard's update because I'm not home to work.

We're just playing the waiting game right now, so I'll update this post when I have more news to share.


First of all, thank you all for the kind words and support <3  It means a lot to me seeing all of it. The last week has been one of the most stressful weeks I've ever had, and there's just been nothing going on in my head other than the stress and worry.  So really, thank you all for understanding and being so supportive.

The husband is back home (which is great!), but we're still trying to get answers between lab tests, the kidney biopsy and a visit to a rheumatologist today (they're trying to get the lab results that we've been trying to get). He's still not feeling the greatest, but he'll hopefully have some medication tomorrow that'll make him feel better.  We're still doing a lot of waiting, but I feel like we have a bit more direction now.

With that said, the update -will- only be a housekeeping update.  I don't feel like I have the time to do a proper update, so the update only the 1st will be a minor one.  I have some images I'm adding into the Spencer epilogue that I imagine folks will enjoy!

Anyhow, thank you again for the supportive words and all of the love.  It really means a lot to me!


charles corsello russ

Take care of yourself hunny we can wait you be safe and our prayers are with you

Daniel Turandot

Please do not...feel bad for this? You're extremely stressed and your husband is in the hospital. I can't imagine how stressed you are trying to be there for your husband and being concerned about all of us! We're okay! Be there with your husband! Honestly when you said you're "just playing the waiting game" I misread it and was happy you both weren't just sitting there worried! Please take the time to be there with him, we will be fine! I promise! And I wish you both all the best!


Gah Damn, I hope your mans gets better dude, take your time with the updates. He comes first over this stuff, and I hope our messages can assist you in staying strong in this situation.

Nicolas E. Gramkow

Take care of your husband, and yourself as well, it's better to be done with a clear mind over doing in a moment of stress.


Please, rest and don't worry about us, your health and your husband's comes first. We can wait


Take care of yourselves and I hope fore the best. 🫂

Hikaru Ginno

Don't worry about us, Dyne. The VN can wait. Stay with your husband as much as you can. This is the most important thing. Wish you both the best with all my heart.


Take care of y’all’s self, that’s more important Hope for the best


Your husband is most important, take care of both of you. I wish the best for you


Who cares, you've got bigger things to worry about than the update, best of wishes 🥰


Love both of your works! Please take time to focus on what's truly important! Wishing Wolfstar health and a speedy recovery &lt;3

John Murphy

Bro, whatever you need. Husbands first. If you need anything from us, just ask.


Ah, that is too bad. Take all the time you need. Life needs to take priority first, especially for medical stuff. I hope it is nothing too bad. Even if you skipped doing any update at all, I think everyone would find it understandable.

Lance Heyen

Family always comes first and anyone who doesn't like that isn't worth listening to. Stay strong and remember to take care of yourself too, it can be easy when a loved one is sick to let their needs entirely subsume your own, but you need to make sure you are taken care of too.


Dude, it's always been family and health first &amp; VN second. Do what you need to so you and your husband are well, take a month off once both of yours mental &amp; physical health are back on track. I know from my own personal experience that looking after a love one when they have experience a health matter and need you to look after them for a while, it's quite tiring. So take all the time you need and best wishes for recovering to the both of you. If you need someone to talk to feel free to message me, as someone who gone through this a few times now.

Carey Brown

I second everything people have already said. Take care of yourself and your hubby first. We'll still be here and will happily take no updates even if you feel overwhelmed.


Mate, Forget the update and try to rest and be supportive of your man, take all the time you need we will always be here.


I am sure everyone can wait for an update. Just keep yourself healthy and look after your husband.

Jesus Manzano

I had to put everything second to care for my husband when he recieved his liver transplant. So I totally get your reasons. We all your back, don't worry.. So use that energy into husband care. 🙏❤️


I'm so sorry to hear that Dyne, family always comes first, I've been a supporter for like 7 years now I think, and one thing I can say from that no matter how long it takes for an update to come out it's always worth it. You've more than earned the right to do whatever you have to do in my book. Take care of yourself and your family first please. I think I speak for a lot of people when it comes to that statement.


Take care of your family. The rest of this can wait.


Wish him a speedy recovery! And a piece of mind for you!


Just want to send you and your Husband many snuggle smoochies! Hope he gets better soon.


Your dedication to work is commendable but not need right now. Now is the time to focus on health and family. They will always be more important. Thank you for all that you do! All the love to you and your husband. I hope things work out for the best and quickly.


Health is #1! Take the time you need

Kora Regalia

take all the time you want you just got a big character finale finished were not gonna rush you especially not in this situation. we love you dyne take care of yourself and your husband.


Glad that Wolfstar is back home, hope things get better soon


Oh dear. I hope he’ll be okay.

Bobby Thornbody

Take care of yourselves first. That's most important. I look forward to seeing the new images, but health should always come first.

Ralf O'Possum

i wish you all the best! plz take care of yourselves


I'm glad he's home and I hope the recovery is fast. Moments like this bring a lot of stress and you'll both need to rest, so don't worry and take care of yourselves


Family and health first dyne!! Hoping everything will settle down soon so you can breathe again. Gambateeee