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Howdy, folks!  It's finally here!  Thank you all so much for the patience you've shown me.  I'm still experiencing vertigo symptoms, but they are so mild now I don't notice them that much.  I'm glad I ended up taking the extra time for this update too, because, boy, is it a big one.

Just to give an idea of how big it is, my average update is probably around 10-12k words.  This one clocks in over 40k. So... there's a lot.

I'm not gonna say too much about the update here, since I want you all to see if for yourself, but I'm sure a bunch of you already know what to expect.  I hope you all enjoy it as much as I have.

For the gallery, Row 10 has the first 7 boxes for displaying images.  I didn't add pictures to the boxes, but if you click them, you'll see the images from the update as you unlock them.

As I mentioned in my last post, I won't be doing another update until Richard's on July 1st (I'm skipping the June 16th housekeeping so I can just rest).

Itch Link (please use this first if you can!)- https://dynewulf.itch.io/10-ea-patreon-download/patreon-access

One Drive - https://1drv.ms/f/s!Aojwdb9M1Oytiq0BCKlqbXqLhTIBJw?e=eiQBgB

- Thanks so much for the continued support with typos and other errors with the Google Docs page.   It helps tremendously!  Don't forget, you can post image  errors there too.  Please keep errors posted to the reports page and not in comments/messages to me~

- Don't forget, you can see my update schedule here!  It's updated through the end of the year, so you can see what's coming!

Now, there was another note I left with my last post about the delay, and if you don't follow me on a twitter, you wouldn't know.  Not only was my birthday at the end of last month, but I also tied the knot with my boyfriend of 13 years, so we were officially married on the same day as my birthday.

On top of that, my friends and I have finally gotten Engaging Destiny up on Steam as "Coming Soon"!  Folks can start wishlisting that for when we release it. >> https://store.steampowered.com/app/2443990/Engaging_Destiny/ 

If you can't see the page, be sure you log in first, as it's an 18+ title.  Please keep in mind, this will not be posted to Patreon, as it's something that I've been working on with a separate team in my free time.

Needless to say, I've had my hands full lately!

Anyway, thank you all again for your patience and support.  It really means a lot to me to know I have so much support here =3  Thank you!



Wow, just wow. I laughed, I cried, and I groaned more then a few times. There were a nice few surprises and some pleasant confirmations, another great update. As to who caught the item was nice though I would also liked to see a certain someone else catch it too.


Marriage is truly contagious, congratulations on your real life nuptials! Happy for you both!

John Murphy

Wow! Thank you so much Dyne. A very fitting epilogue and a great ending. So glad Eric's parents turned out the way they did. I cried. A lot. I'll admit it. The stories keep getting better and better. Love your work.


Soooo excited to play this!

Bobby Thornbody

I just finished Spencer's epilogue... Dyne... I don't think I can come up with enough to say how much I loved this. You definitely gave the Best Boy the best ending he could possibly have. That aside, congratulations on your marriage!

哉 哉

I’m so happy to see our good boy become a good men, and… I don’t know how to explain my feelings after playing, it just, somewhere inside my heart feels warm, I sincerely wish them a wonderful future! And thank you for what you do and congratulations to your marriage!:3


Thank you so much for this Dyne! This epilogue made me happy cry several times. This delivered on all those feel good moments and desires, well worth the wait. I wish I could glimpse into their future story, it is my sincere hope that these two will always have a place in the hearts of those who read their story.


Thank you! I really tried to make it an ending he deserved! I'm glad


Thank you so much! That's a good feeling too, so... excellent!


The best kind of cry then! I'm glad I'm able to cause these good feels.

Jammy Dox

I don't know what to say other than thank you. This epilogue was so fantastic in every way. I laughed and cried more than I think I have with any other update for any visual novel I've read. All around just a wonderful update to a wonderful story! I did have one quick unrelated question. Is there any way to find the song listed as "piano" in the music gallery online? I really want to add it to my study playlist but cannot for the life of me find it anywhere else.


If I had my way I would have had two people catch the item and play off that with a certain lion and bear getting ribbed about a possible double wedding in the future.

Bobby Thornbody

You did an amazing job. I knew that the wait was going to be worth it, and you definitely proved me right. Thank you for an amazing end to the Best Boy's story.


I don't know if I'm allowed to reply here so sorry in advance but here goes. The name of the piece that was listed as piano is "Piano moment" google will give you choices on how to get it. Most others you can find on Bensound under different names. But not all.

Naesaki Ashwell

This epilogue was everything I wanted and more. My emotions are going to take a while to recover 😭 it was good emotions of course and happy tears <3


The epilogue for Spencer was perfect. It had so much emotions for all the characters. Loved how things turned out with Eric's dad and Spencer's dad is so adorable. Liked how officer Ger and bandit were included. Kinda wish Dwayne could have been included but it did not make sense like with Harold's epilogue. Also Darius was awesome. Loved to see all parts of his personality shine through. Loved the scene with Dozer. Cool to see that he opened up to his friends more. Also grandma's are amazing. Lastly congrats on your marriage.


Thank you so much for all that! Glad to hear all the good stuff here =3