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Hey guys, it's update time!  This would have been out a little sooner, but my neighborhood's power went out around 3AM while I was making my final round of checks (glad I save requently!).  

Despite me saying where in my posts, I still get questions from people not being able to find my links.  You might have to "Load More Comments" at the bottom of the page before seeing the links with passwords in the first comment I make.   I will not be replying to this anymore.  If you won't take the time to read the post, I won't take the time to answer this question over and over.  I don't mean to sound rude, but it's getting a little out of hand x3 

Now, what's in the update!?

- Day 19 Coach Grifter - Game day!  I did something a little different with the match to make it at least somewhat interactive.  It's nothing huge, but it's a bit different!

- Day 16 Chester - And time for some drama, love and silly stuff, all wrapped up in one, big pacakge (no, not that one).

- Updated the Change log, cause I remembered!  Just goes over some of the things I fixed/updated.

- Don't forget, guys!  The Coach Dakimakura is still up for pre-order.   His success/failure will determine who else on the team will get one.  He will be up for sale for an indefinite amount of time, so if you can't order him now, order him when you can!

- Welcome to all my new followers!  Thank you for your support :)  Be sure to check out the FAQ if you have any questions before sending me a question in regards to bugs/errors/how often I update.  

- As well, I don't mind fanart!  I know there are folks out there who don't like it or whatnot, but feel free to draw the guys (just give due credit) and share the work.  Just make sure you share it with me too, so I can share it on my blog! 

- In regards to my recent poll, I read all the comments, and of course compared that with my votes they don't match up at all... hahaha), but with the information I've gathered, I have something in mind that I'll be trying in future updates.  Stick around, and you'll see!

- ONE LAST NOTE!  This is important!  I forgot, I'm losing a couple of days this month, so my update miiiiight be a day or so behind normal.  I'll try to avoid that, so it doesn't throw me off any, but just a heads up, just in case.

I think that's all for now, everyone!  Thanks again for all your support.  Be sure to leave any feedback, suggestions or whatnot in the comments!



Version - Password - Link :) MAC - dontshareplz12 - <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/0m8cban6zdbobgw/ExtracurricularActivities-1.32wgal-mac.zip?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/0m8cban6zdbobgw/ExtracurricularActivities-1.32wgal-mac.zip?dl=0</a> PC - dontsharethisplz12 - <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/d10ljkd76lr9hhw/ExtracurricularActivities-1.32wgal-pc.zip?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/d10ljkd76lr9hhw/ExtracurricularActivities-1.32wgal-pc.zip?dl=0</a> ANDROID - andy13222 - <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/euepa9t73kynca7/ExtracurricularActivities-1.29-release.apk?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/euepa9t73kynca7/ExtracurricularActivities-1.29-release.apk?dl=0</a>


Oh boy! More of Coach X3

Kyle Fanta

Trying to decide, if I should play the updates or just hold off and binge, like when I watch anime.


Got any idea when they are going to ship? (The coach pillow)


thanks dyne


Took me a while but got this update to work as well good bit to restore what Norton quarantined on my laptop.


I'm not sure when they ship, but they'll go for printing at the start of next week, I think. So, hopefully they'll be shipped by the end of the month!


I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT HAROLD UPDATE AAAAH !!! Honestly, all of the stories have gotten so interesting that I just don't care who you're updating. I'm invested, frick me up Dyne. Keep up the good work !!


Sounds like there is lots to see is this update, sadly it will be a couple days before I have time to sit down and read through it. Well either way it's something to look forward to, I'll try to offer some feedback after I'm caught up.


I suppose there's plenty! It'll be here when you're ready for it ;3


Getting alot of errors with the tennis match

dk999 (edited)

Comment edits

2022-09-16 15:22:36 おさまらない勃起は先輩ちゃんに責任持って鎮めてもらわないとですね…!! ありがとうございます!☺️
2017-02-16 07:19:00 I can't help when I don't know what the errors are. I wonder why you're getting errors, and nobody else is. A couple of things could be wrong. How long has it been since you actually started Coach's route from the beginning or did you load up an old save (like really old)?

I can't help when I don't know what the errors are. I wonder why you're getting errors, and nobody else is. A couple of things could be wrong. How long has it been since you actually started Coach's route from the beginning or did you load up an old save (like really old)?


In case of no one other than me noticed : In Coach route, Chester X Dozer shipping just got real &lt;3


Hey Congrats on finally hitting your goal there DyneWulf you definitely deserve it. :D


Let me start with Congratulations on hitting your goal! I am glad to see that your amazing work is getting the attention it deserves! That done it was another excellent update. The Tennis match was an interesting addition that enhanced the experience. The after party was a nice addition as well. I did notice an error in the Chester route. On day 15 it is confirmed that everyone, Andrew included, is invited to a dinner Maria is hosting the next day and it never happens. Granted a lot happens in this update but nothing is said about it by any character it's as if they have all forgotten about it. Don't get me wrong it was a great update just found that a bit odd. Then again it's fully possible I just missed something.


Thanks thanks! Glad you've enjoyed it. At first, I thought you missed something, then after reading back over it, you're right... I missed an entire thing there... Oh dear &gt;.&gt; Well, that's gonna take a little bit of editing to make up for. Thanks for pointing that out!


I really enjoyed Chester's route so far especially after that incident with Vernon with how the MC comforts Chester by saying he shouldn't feel bad for kissing him also during the walk home from Chester's place on day 16 I honestly thought that the MC was going to encounter Vernon again by himself.


I made sure the imply that was gonna happen at the end, hoping to build a little tension. Best to keep your eyes open... It's NEVER wrong for Chester to kiss you, right? Poor bull... He can kiss me whenever he wants! x3


Love the lingering cheshire smile... makes me wonder if I'll regret that decision.


So ended up being busier over the weekend the I wanted/intended to be but finally found a couple hours of free time to read through these updates, and as promised here are a few thoughts I had. An interesting update, the first real games of the season, starting a new job plenty of character development all around. First off Coach Grifter, The tennis match was fun, though the randomizer seemed intent on only using the "your opponent rushed the net what do you do" option, -seriously who would fall for a lob shot four times in a row- otherwise still enjoyable all around. Also my second playthrough net a little more variety there so all good, the celebration afterwards was interesting too, a little interaction with the other guys brings up some intriguing possibilities there, Darius being his usual helpful self albeit somewhat overbearing at times and a thinly veiled attempt to live vicariously but he means well (probably). Seems like Chester and Dozer are getting close outside of the courts too so it will be interesting to see where that goes. Looking forward to finding out what Coach has planned for Saturday too, seems like it will be something special for sure. Chester's' route is obviously building up to something, starting a new job, trying to better define their relationship, and of course dealing with the ever annoying past mistakes coming back to haunt you, Vernon is a consistently unlikable person, should be interesting to see how they deal with him being around and butting into their business. The ending there was a bit odd though, why would the MC be paranoid about walking home after dark just out of the blue like that, it's something that he had probably done a dozen different times prior to this, granted as a plot device intended to build suspense it works, hopefully that leads somewhere though otherwise it's just a random event with no real payoff. An enjoyable read as always, I look forward to seeing what comes next.


that last bit i think was supposed to be a combination of walking all the way home at night by himself (prior to this he'd only walked home from the bus stop at night) and also residual hyper-awareness of who may be watching him after the vernon incident.


Lmao, I had no idea what you meant until someone else sent me a message about it. I can't believe I missed that x3