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So, a question to you all.  Initially, when I started the project, I wanted to have a variety of artists contribute work to EA (such as the scene Reclamon did with Spencer or Mark did with the Con drawings of Chester).  I haven't pursued too much more of this in a while and recently have been thinking about it again.

Do you guys find it to be too jarring to see something like that, or is it something you'd be interested in seeing more of?

Vote, leave me your thoughts and such!


Donovan Grayson

I like fanart but seeing it in game kind of takes away from the experience


Although I like the art being consistent in the main story when it comes to major plot points, I wouldn't mind when we happen upon other pieces of art that we may have not come across otherwise - like the spencer one. But that's just me. I like a variety but not in a way that disjoints the overall consistency of the VN


I think it's possible to implement different styles and make it work. But, it'd be challenging. I think the best example that could work would be during Chester's route with the Artist's Alley! If there's more moments guests artists have their pieces shown in similar methods, it could totally work!

Doc Tora

I think it would work if it's something on the side, like a little easter-egg during a minor scene or extra image for the gallery you get by picking a certain choice in a route. However, I try to go for full immersion in VNs and too many different styles might disrupt the engagement


I'm with these guys. If it's a side thing or an easter egg, it'd be fine, or if someone touched up or added to the 3d environments. But if guest art for the main game is too different from the original style, it might rip away the immersion.


I think it is too jarring or odd to put other artists in. Unless it fits in an area where you expect a different style, like as someone mentioned the art you can have done of Chester, the style change seems abrupt and for a moment takes you out of the game. Even the scene with Spencer, when I first saw that my first thought was not "oh, dancing", "that is funny", "that is cute", "that is a tight outfit", or even "that is nice" it was and still is whenever I see it "um, why does he look different there?" For me changing styles takes you out of the experience. For me even on a side route it would be odd, because I am going to want to eventually take the side route, and if that route as great story to the point I would want to play that route over and over again, I do not think I could because the style change would be story breaking disruption for me. You could try but I think it would be hard for you to fit a section were you would expect a style change like , again, the art you get on Chester's route for every character.


I don't mind fan artist being included, the problem is where are they gonna fit in? Chester's route did great work of there being different artists due to the convention. I can't see this working outside of chester's route unless you plan on making MC take drawing as a hobby or maybe a backup profession in the game.


I agree with the other commenters. (Although the vote is apparently going radically the other way?) Guest art in the main line , especially having different sprites in different styles or the same character randomly show up as drawn differently, is kinda weird and feels very patched-together, wait-who-the-heck-is-that-ish. Even Reclamon's scene struck me as odd at first, although not too badly because his style matches CM's moderately well. (Mark's style would have been pretty WTF, for example.) I mean, I hear that CM is pretty overloaded so I can guess some of the motivation behind this, but maintaining visual theme is pretty important for making a character recognizable IMO. It's the same reason anime often even has characters wearing the same clothes most of the time. Of course, if you're talking about backgrounds and cut-scenes, you've got more flexibility? Like, if you asked Mark to throw some color on his sketches and just used them like that, it would probably work out. (Assuming you got almost all the backgrounds done that way.)


I like the current style, and I wouldn't want it to change. However if it's a necessary evil because, for example, working with a single artist is too challenging logistically, the best alternative would be to work with an artist with similar style.


I will admit seeing Reclamon's art threw me off striking me as odd seeing a different style, I didn't really mind it, I would much prefer them only to be sourced similar to that of the art from Chesters route. Overall its dangerous ground to step on although i would encourage finding ways to put other artists within the VN.


I do not like the multiple artist idea because i think it takes away the imersion alot. when i saw reclamons drawing of spencer for the first time, i was pretty put off... :( id say stick to cursedmarked, our man <3


Multiple artists can be great in certain situations. Of course, I never would think that you would make every frame suddenly a different artist, that would be a bit crazy. I love the main story being one artist, cohesive and a sort of glue that holds things together. However, using different artists or different styles to accent very particular scenes is not a bad thing. It shows, "This, is supposed to be special, we will treat it that way" and can really make it stand out. The style has to be similar enough in most cases to not completely throw people for a whirl though. If you need an artist, however, I can draw a mean stick figure.


i get what the other commenters are saying but y'all have to remember ea isn't even close to being a finished product yet, it's basically still a beta and several months/maybe even a couple years (depending on route length) away from the 'official' release. i fully understand that cursedmarked can't pump out fully polished art for exclusively this project every two weeks and i much prefer having guest art to just having half the visuals completely blank for several months. iirc you said a while ago you'd eventually replace the image of spencer with one drawn by cursedmarked and i think that's the best way to go about with guest art in the future (unless it's something canonically drawn by someone ingame like the chester drawings). and then with the official release they can be available in a seperate gallery as the original pieces or something.


obviously in the finished product having different scenes done by different artists will look kinda unprofessional if the styles don't mesh well but we're not talking about the finished product right now.


In my book, variety is always welcome. However, when variety is implemented, more often than not, consistency is sacrificed in the process. But think about it. Different artists would give you better progress with the visual part of the novel and the variety would give CM more room to breathe. Now, to maintain the consistency of the visuals, I would recommend having artists go with certain parts like CM with characters, some with backgrounds, etc.


Much of what I feel has already been said by others. I think that other art from other artists would be ok if it took the form of bonus images/collectibles. I feel like using it in general would compromise some of what appeals to me about the game. I must be completely honest and say that CM's work is part and parcel of why I love EA so much.


I actually discovered EA via CM. What he draws for it is some of his better stuff IMO. (...well, or maybe I just like the characters more 'cause they've got a story behind them.)


Gallery unlocks is one method I have in mind after talking with someone else over it, and the idea of Darius doing something like that amuses me x3 Thanks for the extra list of artists there too ;3 That gives me some ideas for the future.


The votes and comments certainly don't go with each other! Generally though, the comments give me a much better idea of what I'm looking for. The spriting with stay the same with CM doing all of that. The only difference in art could come from special scenes or the like. Thanks for all the feedback on this! It certainly gives me some ideas on how to handle this going forward! I have a couple of things to try out now, so... Stay tuned ;3


I would love to see more artists but as long as the change in style is TOO jarring, it should be fine and be a cool change of pace.


I think we enjoy seeing them but just want to see CM draw spencer dancing in a leotard. :P


When you say jarring, you make it sound bad lol. But in all honesty, I personally wouldn't mind. Seeing as how you said it won't change the sprites of everyone, I don't see a reason for you not to try that out. Plus it helps other artist doesn't it? But it all depends on what the majority say/vote I suppose.


Guest artists seems like a fine idea to me. As long as the art is not too low quality or VASTLY different from CMs originals i'd love to see more. CMs art was what first drew me to this VN over alot of other ones and his works could be varied upon as long as it is not replaced by others. Too much too different art would make the look fragmented and as you say, a bit too jarring.


While, I do like Reclamon's and Mark's art, I would personally perfer CM's art in game, but then in the gallery have the other artists work. Or maybe, have an option in the beginning to choose whether its All CM's art or Include others works.


CM is the god artist in this domain <3

Suck McJones

I support artistic consistency, however I think some guest might be a nice addition. Esp like with the con drawings for Chester, though alternately I think a 'gallery mode' might be a good middle ground, letting players look at any in-game images they see/find, as well as maybe with guest artist unlocks for meeting certain goals or getting certain dialogues.


A lot of the typed feedback can be more valuable than the votes though ;3


And interesting idea, buuut ultimately a ton of extra work, depending on how I went about it.


Yup yup. I've been talking with someone else about some images of Spencer, and how I could implement them. Using them as Gallery unlocks is how I think we're gonna work that one out ;) I could easily add in a special gallery for that.


Artist Consistency is a great thing. But it could also be something to look forward to as an unlockable mode where you can have different artist styles of the characters that your players can have access to.

Kravenar Games

mmmh i'm curious to see more


I think the most important scenes should be done by cursedmarked, love his art, but the side scenes are fine to be done by others, as long as art style doesn't differ way too much. For other things like drawings of chester, style doesn't matter.