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  Hey guys!  HEre's something I know a lot of you are waiting for.  What's in store?

~Day 14 Spencer -  After the way Spencer acted the previous day for some of you, it's a wonders you'll even do anything with him right now.  Buuut, let's see just what he does, yeah?  Hard to resist him in THAT outfit...  

~Day 7 Darius - And Darius...  You'll find out a little more about this sly cat.  I got some new facial stuff for him (You'll get some of it here), and I gotta go back an update more with that.  So, hang tight there!  And, I'm finally starting to enjoy writing his route.  It's been tedious, but I had a good time with this one.

That's really about it for this update!  I got some things to go back and add into previous routes now (Mostly Darius expressions).

Thanks for reading, guys!  I hope you enjoy this update.  Let me know what you think!

Like the last one, password is in the comments.  For my new guys that can't find the link, look at this image >>  IMAGE THING

And please, do be sure to check out my FAQ  before sending me any questions :D

Thank you all so much for your support.  I can never say enough how much it means to me!

And, a big shoutout for CursedMark  and MarkThorne  for the work they've done for me lately.  It's all been great!

Ah, and as usual, please do not share or redistribute.  Thanks all :)


(No title)



darspe128 - pass Thanks guys!


Darius got a facial! Ooo la laaa... I knew his persistence would pay off


two of my fav husbandos - thanks for the update ^.^


Ok I am looking for the password but I can't seem to find it


I love the direction even more with Darius, I say more because I loved it when you took it with the acting direction and I love it even more now. And I'm glad you're starting to enjoy writing Darius's route - it is certainly a different type of style with him. I'm curious to see how you develop his route further because I'm loving it so far!


Already made my notes about Darius known, I love his route atm. Its who I"m most curious about right now. His route is just so different from the others since its an attempt to get eachother to like one another (or in Darius case to get that D). Loving it <3. I loved Spencer route too, it was adorable and cut. From the moment I saw his outfit I knew they were going dancing. Although I'm a little disappointed with the talk they have. I feel like Spencer did a really exotic but cool thing for the MC and based on the choices given you could like/hate it, but then it doesn't matter on the next day. It would be really cool to have a different scenario play out when the full game is released.


Learning some new things about Darius that I wouldn't have expected. It will be interesting to see what the future of his route brings. The Spencer update was sweet and traditional for him with a hint of potential "fun"ahead. Most impressive though is the small changes that can occur in route based on confidence. It gives the route even more options for the future. As always a great update! Thanks for the hard work!

Vic Viper

Actually, the lap dance or sandwich-thing (I try not to remember) at DS isn't based on whether or not you'd like it, heck no choice in DS changes how much you like or dislike Spencer's job aside from the choice in Day 7 (Bothered / Indifferent) after that, the MC just goes with it and is okay about DS no matter the choices, except he'll be more or less shy about it. The lap dance is there based on whether or not you decide to bring Charlie's hat with you, which doesn't come across as "I want to be manhandled on stage in front of ~50 people with my boyfriend acting very weird for who he is", at all. As someone who just tolerates Spencer's job but don't want to get involved, that talk at the dance club was a godsend. I get for people who enjoyed it that it's a continuity issue, and I mentioned it to him that it could annoy other people, but as someone who couldn't stand the lap dance setup and how that made Spencer's actions somewhat contradictory to who he is (or at least shown himself to be until Day 12), the first thing I wanted to do was either running away from the scene, or slapping some sense into Spencer. "Castrating him on the spot" is an exaggerated but still rather accurate way of putting how I felt when it happened, as the MC I would've not only felt embarrassed, but angry. So I really like this update, and it made me like (or not minding) the previous update with Spencer, which initially made my blood boil. Darius is becoming very interesting to say the least too !


After the way spencer acted? What is that referring to exactly Dyne? lmao


Well now, this was very informative and a lot of fun. Spencer is very good at romance albeit in a less traditional manner. Though I understand he wasn't acting entirely like himself the night prior the MC was being a bit over sensitive about what happened in my opinion, I don't believe Spencer should completely lose the playful, flirtatious side he showed there just tone it back a bit. Darius though, if he wasn't already my favorite this update would have cinched it. He has more confidence than all the other characters combined, none of those awkward or uncomfortable moments you find on the other routes he's always cool and collected, and never afraid to say what's on his mind. Also he's not wrong, he really does look good in everything he wears. Still waiting for that pirate outfit though ;) Honestly if the MC wasn't as dense as a lead brick he'd probably realize that Darius's teasing is just harmless fun as Darius is not the type to force himself on someone against their will, and if he played along Darius would probably grow bored with it since it seems like he enjoys the hunt more than the payoff. On a side note you misspelled Sauvignon, not trying to nitpick though just letting you know. Overall a very enjoyable update and I look forward to seeing where this goes.


Thank you :D Really showing off Darius more, and I'm starting to have fun with that myself.


Nooo, the internet betrayed me. I was looking at a list of wine pairings, and I didn't double check the site's spelling on it. Thank you :D This update was a bit fun to do, so I'm glad to see it was enjoyed!


I'm a new backer and i'm having some issues with the password, is it still the same? ^^u


Oooh, I had a typo/ Try the password now! Sorry about that.