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Here's something I know a bunch of people have been looking for.  I went ahead and compiled a short guide on how to best handle Spencer's route.


Chesters >> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zPVxV-L5bEZxhsYVUE-FkAC9Ex7t-MX_h1b4S6BCJqY/edit?usp=sharing

Coach's >> https://docs.google.com/document/d/11MNt7zZhGYVE54V3uKJKAJsbo5VPQ9M_zmD_nYizMNE/edit?usp=sharing



i wasn't expecting so much variation! with coach and chester's route there's basically one positive set of choices, while chester's negative choices do have specific consequences (+mistrust, +jealousy, +anger etc), but with spencer's 'confidence' meter i don't have to go with one specific set of choices to get max love. that's not a criticism of coach and chester's routes btw, it makes a lot of sense for different routes to have different point systems; spencer has had a crush on mc/been his friend for a while so it'd be difficult to make him see mc as less appealing, chester had a horrible sex-related experience in addition to his anger issues so he has a lot of potential buttons to push, and coach is a mature guy who lets mc set the pace for the relationship so even though he doesn't have specific things to make him dislike mc it's easy to not impress him. is there a similar meter for darius and dozer since there's the option to be more sexual or more chaste with them?

Devin Drake

Could you post the link to the coach's guide?


Where can I find guides for all of them?


Darius and Dozer's variables haven't really kicked in too much just yet. There's a little bit there, but not much yet!


OOh, so Spencer route have a 'confidence' attribute? That is neat! So cool how every route have its owm special remark. Also, cool how it increases everytime you basically go with an option that you think Spencer would be 'judging' you. It really is a confidence value.


Ah no...looks like I missed a few things on Spencer's route. Oh well, gives me something to do while waiting for the next update hehe.


Sweet! I was hoping for more guides I like to see what I got right lol but I gotta ask are these going to be updated? They don't seem to go as far as the game has.


I'm actually happy that I naturally got spencer route completed (at least based on the guide) :D.


Oh, nice, I never suspected that the main character would have a confidence variable with Spencer! I really like that he gets a chance to grow!


I am glad that even before the Guide for Spencer came out besides just starting the match instead of practicing first I had his route down through out the updates. Also missed that picture the MC takes when he teases Spencer when he finds out he takes dance classes.

Phloww Bluegleam

Hiya, I started playing the demo late November and I wish I had known about this VN sooner! It reminds me of Morenatsu. I was also surprised how much I've gotten with Spencer before his guide; guess we click. XD I don't know who'd be my favorite yet, but I do like every character's route so far. I'm looking forward to this. Keep up the awesome work Dynewolf and Cursedmarked and any other artists who are contributing to this wonderful VN!

Devin Drake

What species is the MC? I know it probably says it in the game but im too lazy to comb through it.


You'd never find it anyway ;) He currently has no race/species. He's undefined, so the player can imagine him as whatever he wants right now.


Thank you so much! Really glad to see you're enjoying it. Please look forward to what's to come :D


Dyne Wulf how do you download this game? Also is this accessible to mobile devices


The public demo can be found on my main Patreon page, and the mobile version isn't up just yet.


Wulf, are you planning to update these guides? And also include guides for Dozer and Darius?


pls update guides and I cant wit till next game