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Unfortunately, someone has decided to share the last update I put out to the u18chan boards.  While I'm glad people are enjoying it, it's a bit disappointing to see that.  I guess it's to be expected though, right? 

I think the only issue I really have is that if it's readily available to everyone, there's no reason for people to support it, but I'm really curious to see what you guys think about this.   Let me know!  Do you think more people would support, having access to each update?  Or do you think it's more of the draw to support, getting to see each update as it's launched?

This comes right before I put out another update too (which will be out tomorrow)!

Quick Edit:  It seems to be thanks to that yiff-party website.  They seem to steal Patreon content from a ton of artists and share it there.

Thank you all for the support and feedback here!  It really helps me out to read it, and I think I know how I'll be taking care of it!



It was bound to happen I suppose. Sucks for the people who are actually supporting :/


Well, it's not going to cut into the content for my supporters though, and they'll still get the special version once everything is said and done!


Is there anyway for you to report it to get it taken down?

Nicolas E. Gramkow

you need to see both sides, i became a supporter after i saw the post, there is that bad side of piracy bu there's also the good side of marketing


On one hand it's good advertisement but on the other kind of defeats the purpose of your patreon if everyone has access to the most current demo


It's hard to say whether this is good or bad, but personally (as a small-time supporter), I don't think it would make any difference to me whether or not there is a supporter-exclusive immediate access to new releases. With that in mind, I tend to lean towards this being an okay thing, since it's more exposure for EA, and thus, more potential for people to support it.


That's true! That's why I'd like opinions on it. I see some projects blow up, and they put everything out there for people to see, but people support it anyway. I think I'm more reserved with is since... I'm not an actual artist, and felt like I'd not give people a reason to support this.


On there, not that I know of, but I'm gonna see how this plays out ;D


Right. I've got a couple of different ways to look at it.


it has both goods and bads. on one hand, it's VERY good publicity. on the other hand, like you said, why support what you can get for free?


I do have mixed feelings about it. At first, it was aggravation, but that's passed, since I can't really control it. Perhaps people will support the project regardless, and I really do appreciate ANYONE that does. It helps me afford to be able to do this x3


It should be demonstrated publicly to bring people to fund it. But why are you gonna fund it, when it's being shared every step of the way til the game of the completion. It really sucks that people who are paying get the game, and people who don't pay get it too. Sorry if it's a little selfish....


I mean I was able to find this because someone posted on u18chan so I can see it drawing more support


Personally, I think it's good exposure and I would still support even if it was all freely available, but at the same time, you've worked really hard to put updates out and to earn supporters. I suppose it just comes down to the results of it, if you get more supporters this way great!


I noticed the influx of support after it was posted there, so I certainly see the benefit of certain things!


It's not selfish at all, because you make a good point about it. I will reiterate though, that my supporters will be some special content in the final version though!


I'm glad to hear that! Knowing people would still support it regardless really makes me feel better about it. I've poured a ton of time into the project already, and I don't plan on stopping either ;D


I agree, you'd get good exposure showing the new updates. However, while sharing it publicly, make it apparent that unless they are supporters, that won't get access to special content of the game.


I say it's free advertising. It is not the finished product, so it's like giving out a free sample to get a new wave of people addicted. Then people will want more and eventually support like I did to get more story!


I'm kinda iffy about it. I was hoping it wouldn't happen since this was one of my favorite vn's but unfortunately people want alot of things for free. I would see if it's possible to take down the download but keep the thread for publicity but that's just me


Personally, I think it's a mixed bag. I found out about this project through a Tumblr page with the current downloads on it at the time lol, probably not the same thing. I believe that firm supporters who want to see this project through, will support the project regardless of people finding the most current downloads for free. But like others have said, free advertisement so that should help in the long run.


In all honesty it is how I found you. And I subbed to you almost in an instant. So while I do not condone the fact that someone shared your stuff, seeing it brought me here.


Yeah it's one of those things that is going to happen and there is unfortunately not a lot that can be done about it, at least not without considerable time and effort invested. It ls a complex issue and I can see where there are multiple viewpoints on whether it's free publicity or a blatant disregard of your intentions for product distribution. Personally I am leaning towards the latter, considering you already offer a public demo for those who don't have the means, or desire to support the project and while not as far along as the supporters demo, it is enough to give people a general idea what to expect. Honestly I can't say that this might not turn out to be a blessing in disguise as far a support goes, and in the end it's up to you how you want to handle it but I think that keeping the current system with a free public demo and a more complete demo for supporters is the best way to go. I intend to keep supporting the project either way, so whatever you decide I will go along with it.


You can actually try and test something out now. Since you have the free publicity already, you can see if support for the games increases. If support does increase then maybe you can post at least past updates for the game that is delayed by at least 1-month/2 updates. That way the people who pay to support will be able to obtain the current updates while those who do not pay can still see the game however, the full release of the game will only be available for patreons. This way those who do not contribute may end up being patreons because they do not want to wait for the delayed updates. However, if support does not increase then I suggest that the game should only be available for patreons.


No matter what happen i will support your game to the end.


In all honesty i found your VN through U-18Chan about 5 months ago inadvertently when someone posted a thread for Blackgate there and after pledging to that Patreon recommended me to your VN. So i am thankful for that but the way creators/artist/writers get treated on UChan often gets nasty and some people whining for free stuff without even a single thought of what goes into making it. Trust me though, the people who love what your doing will support you even if the builds were available for free. Blackgate is offered free and it still seems to get good support, same with Echo. So i would not worry to much, i'm sure your patrons will stick around to support you. Might i suggest that if you do decide to give the builds free your self that you make non-patrons wait a month to see what current patrons already got. So their a month behind on builds.

Hyou Vizer

sadly was bound to happen eventually meh. i have found your game on other sites in the past tho thankfully the info on those at least lead to your patreon so there are some honorable people


I only found out about you and this game through that U-18 thread and here I am supporting you,take that for whatever it's worth.


"a blatant disregard of your intentions for product distribution" I can't see how there are multiple views--pretty clearly this is what it is. The problem is that there's basically no way to enforce the model while the game is still being distributed through downloading, so you might as well look for silver linings.


Hehe, that's ony way to look at it! I had just finished updating the demo version to include more days even ;D


People support you because they expect you to finish the game. Not because you provide some private demo versions to them.


Unfortunately, that yiff-party website has been a thorn in the side for a lot of patrons. It's like they make accounts and steal creators content to share on their website. I'm surprised it took this long, honestly!


Seems advertisement is a general consensus! Well, thank you for supporting ;D


Seems to be the case with a handful of people right now. Glad it was enough to pull in new support :3


Anyone who quits supporting you just because they get some versions for free would have to be a blockhead or something.


I think that's the route I'm gonna take, actually. Realistically, I update about 4 routes a month, meaning putting the free demo for 1-2 days behind on the routes is still a couple months of progress, but it just doesn't seem like it's that much.


Thank you very much :D I really like to hear that.


Thank you for that ;3 After everything I've seen here, I have a pretty good idea of what I'm gonna do next.


At least people link back here! That's always a good thing. I expected it to happen eventually, but I guess I just wasn't ready for it!


It's worth a lot, really. I'm happy to see that people are actually coming from there and showing support!


Hmm, that's the first I've heard that. That's a lot of pressure too x3 I gotta see this through to the end though. I have lots of people who are actually supporting me, and I never thought I'd get as far as I have. Not to mention, I love my guys and their stories!


Haha, I'm glad to know that some people don't care about things like that then :3


Sorry for that, I started the thread coz I wanted to open a discussion about the VN like how Blackgate and Echo had as well as to bring more attention to it. I wasn't aware of there being leaks until it was posted.


it's your decision whether or not to make the demo free but the bottom line is that this is shitty because someone who doesn't own this project essentially made that decision for you. i don't know if i'd pay if the content was free (if i wasn't already a patron) but i definitely think this project is worth supporting and i'm happy to be supporting it; i'm not gonna stop supporting just because there is a free version out there.


Oh no, don't be sorry for doing that. Honestly, I'm glad it was done! I've gotten more support becasue of it, so thank you x3 It's only becasue of that one website I mentioned that anything was leaked, so I don't blame you in the slightest


Thank you! I think I'm just gonna stick to how I've been doing it ;) Leaks are gonna happen, and it can't be helped, so I'm just ognna stick to my normal stuff ;D


I'll still support you, because to be fair, back when I didn't have a job, I would always try and get paid content for free. Now that I have a job, I'd be happy to continue supporting your project. It's as expected, of course, that paid content would be leaked sooner or later. You're doing a great job, can't wait for the next update!


tldr: Don't worry about it too much, you can probably just keep doing what you're doing, you're still the most convenient source of the latest version and people will pledge because they like EA regardless. Unlike apparently everybody else, I found EA though a link CM posted somewhere or other, and became a patron explicitly because I wanted to get the latest updates.  But there are plenty of webcomics I support as well merely because I feel I'm getting value for the public content. If you want to avoid people stealing and posting stuff publicly, almost the only way to do it is to have no exclusive content at all. And I mean ZERO--the "special patron version" you're talking about will be special for exactly the ten minutes it takes for someone to post it to a sharing site. Of course, without exclusive content 2/3 of your current support rewards disappear. Off the top of my head, things I've seen people offer in place of exclusive final content: - Ephemeral interactive content like live-streams. You can't pirate these because they stop being "live" when they're done. - World info, notes, and WIP content like sketches. Things that aren't worth much and the final version will be out soon anyway, so there's little point in sharing them. - Commissions / input into the final product. I'm not really sure if you can do much for the first two, since watching you program is probably not as interesting as watching someone sketch and you're already doing free background info via the AMA. And I don't necessarily think you should add more official patron input, both because it can create more work for you if you're not careful and because being compelled to listen to other cooks can ruin your soup. But making the inevitable comparison to Blackgate, that's pretty much what they're doing--the first tier is an input tier. One thing you can do, perhaps, is delay access to the $10 reward until a payment cycle has gone through. I suspect people who are actually giving you money are less likely to post it free, which at least makes the image gallery patron-unique-ish. (You probably don't want to delay the $3, to encourage people to pledge it as the easiest way to get the current content.)


I'm unsure about how it will turn out, but the thing I'm sure is that I will keep supporting EA! Simply because it's a game that I enjoy quite a lot so far, and want to support your work made on it!


I've ended up coming to terms with it happened and have cooled off since I first found it. I was really irritated to begin with, but not it's like... I knew it would happen at some point or another, and it can't really be avoided. People will find ways to do this regardless! Streaming is definitely out on that, cause yeah, watching me do that is... mind-numbingly boring, I'm sure.


i could see releasing a build thats several updated behind or that only goes to, say day 5 for each character as a demo build?


HAha, that's what my demo build was! It was through Day 7 with everyone, and all I could do with Dozer and Darius


I think that it was wrong of them to post your content like that but regardless of wether or not its free I plan on supporting you. this is your way of paying your bills and living your life and I would hate to stop helping just bc the content is out their for free. keep up the good work.


Thank you for that :3 It really helps tremendously!


Well, I'm not a patron, not because I don't want to but because of reasons. But I like to support stuff I like any way I can so I was and still am planning to pay for the full game when it's complete, even if it's leaked or not.


I have to admit that I discovered this game through u18chan boards, and after I played it that I decided to become a patron to help as I can so you can keep working on the game. I know it must be disappointing to see your work being shared for free but at least it's another way to make more people learn about this awesome game!!


It certainly is! As it's been said before, it has a silver lining ;3

BadTech Games

Yeah, I would jump on that right away. You already have a demo out. Leaking the latest build is uncalled for and may affect your support if it keeps up. Im sorry someone was so selfish they did that to you


I first got a version from u18chan then started supporting it so :3


Unfortunately , its very common to patreon works leaks into some websites. On other hand, it also helps spread about your project as well, as more people have access to your project and come to know it (and even support it). Since preventing that your works leaks in the internet is kinda impossible, what I would suggest is that you give public access to older versions, maybe one or two versions older than the actual. That way, supporting patreons still have exclusive content, and if your project has to leak, at least you are offering it from the source. Of course, you have to feel confortable about it. I hope that leak don't hurt your patreon project or your spirit on working on it! Heads up and good luck!


Add me to the list that found out about this from u18chan. (and started to support it.) I don't think you should worry too much about it leaking. As it is likely to do so anyway. :-/ But there are quite a few other visual novels that release the update publicly and have good support behind them. Likely because they have folks that see it like I do. As a tip jar and hoping it helps with the motivation to finish the project. (Edit: Just bumped up my pledge a level too.) :-)


He's doing that already; it's just that due to Patreon's wacko interface you can only see the free two-versions-behind download if you're not a patron or are logged out.


So far, the only thing that's happened has been positive!


My public one is a little outdated, so I think that's also a problem I'm seeing, so I'll have to make sure to update that one a little more frequently than what I've been doing. Spirits are just as high now as they were, considering I've seen a lot of support come out of it too!


Haha, yeah, I can't stop it x3 Well, thanks for coming along to show your support for the project as well! It really means a lot to me! I'll be doing more for the public one in the future too!


It really would be too much effort in my opinion to stop it at this point. The only thing I'll add is you should probably see this as a warning to take extra precautions when you do put the final product out for people who actually paid for it. I'd recommend something along the lines of a person's personal email address being used as the password to access the final product.


If Steam didn't have a ban on adult content, I'd suggest posting it there. You really need some kind of online auth if you actually want to enforce this. ...relatedly, it occurs to me that "yiff-party" having done this is ironic, in that EA doesn't actually contain any serious yiff. (Yet. Whenever that picture Darius sends you stops being a placeholder, now...)

BadTech Games

Awesome, As long as you are happy with the results I have no reason to fault it. Keep up the great work!


you'll always have my support for this current project and anything else that clever head of yours can come up with!


I actually discovered this game yesterday through a friend on Discord. Decided to play the public demo to see what it was about and quickly became a fan of this pretty much after finishing one of the routes. I do want to support you and I'm planning to become a Patron very soon. However, I don't have money to pledge yet at the moment. Once I do have some, I'll pledge - No doubt about that! :) I've read a few comments here in this post and I have to agree on some things. People who aren't Patrons yet could have access to a certain limited amount of days in the public demo, and Patrons have a few more "days" in advance. It feels more fair that way, I think. Either way, I am going to support this regardless of what you decide is best for this project of yours. Keep up the good work! :)


Great to hear! Glad to see that the word spreads around, and that you've enjoyed it! I hnow there are some people that can't pledge, so I will be doing more to update the public version at least monthly now.


I know this post is a little old, but I felt the need to say that I never would have found this game without that board. Had no idea it was on Patreon and as soon as I get the funds, I'll see about supporting the project!


I have to confess, I too saw the game there and came here to support also!