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Firstly, this poll is public so I can tell any followers that I updated the Public version to 1.35 today, along with the Patron 1.37 update.

Second thing...  The poll!  I've been talking about a plush design with the guys over at FurryDakimakura, and we have a design pending.  Would you guys be interested in a Coach Grifter plush?  It's another one of those things that will only roll around as long as the interest is high enough.  And chances are, I'll have to do a Crowdfunding type deal to get it rolling (it's not cheap to get a plush toy produced at a good price [aiming for $25 apiece]!).  Regardless, with a design in place, I'm going to get a prototype done, and I'll share that when it happens!  It'll prolly be a couple of months, at least, so I wanted to get some input now.

And with that, I have to thank everyone that has purchased the Spencer and Coach dakis so far.  The sales have been great so far, so Chester's daki is coming up next.  Hope to have that one before the end of the month!




Phloww Bluegleam

Oooooo, I'd be interested in EA character plushies!!!

Doc Tora

"Yes. Definitely! ABSOLUTELY!" - Mabel Pines. I echo this sentiment.


Absolutely, if there were enough interest to make it practical from a financial standpoint to create them I'd collect the whole cast in plushy form.


I would 100% buy a coach plushie oh my fucking god


I'm down for a Coach plush, heck I'm just waiting for my next paycheck next month to get a Coach Dakimakura


I'd love to be able to do the whole cast, but... I dunno if that'd be possible. It'll be another thing I use the first piece to gauge the success of :D


I'd love one of Chester, but I could be convinced to get a Coach one at some point. :3


No, I don't like him so much... I really like Chester & Darius


Since Coach is the most popular guy, he's first on the list (even though Chester is my favorite >.>).


Understandable ;3 But, since Coach is the most popular character so far, he'd be first on the list, and his success would determine if the other guys got on as well. I'd love to have one of Chester too though!


I would love a Coach plush. I really like him but I also love Chester and Dozer too


I hope the Coach Plushie succeeds i really want a Chester Plushie, Also YUS Chester Daki.


I'd love a husbando plush


1:1 or ...?


a 1:1 ratio would be amazing... >.> But no, he'd prolly be about 8" to keep the cost low. I'm still waiting for more info about all of that though!


Would buy all the pulshis; and as soon as I can get the money together the Dakis are mine. I'm just a tad obsessed with this game. lol. I was just telling myself about how much I need a Coach and a Spencer Plush earlier today, and now this...talk about timing.


Would definitely buy one of him in the future if it gets made, and more than likely would buy ones for the rest of the cast too. ^^


I'd buy one of the fluffy coach ~(•-•~)

Vic Viper

The problem with this kind of poll is that I doubt many people will ever pick "No", because the people uninterested in the idea will probably say "eh, doesn't bother me", and the all people saying "Yes" won't necessarily buy the product in the end. Don't get me wrong, it's a good idea, but I cannot bring myself to vote for that reason ; I'm not interested, but for the sake of other people's interests, I don't wanna vote "No", nor do I want to vote "Yes" cause that would probably inflate your expectations whenever it'll be on sale.


I love all of them so go for it! <3


when they come out ill be getting all of them but still #spincer :3


I wouldn't care for one myself, but I don't have anything against one. Like Vic Venom said, you might want to change the poll to something like: "would you be interested in buying a plushie".


Good to know! It's definitely for the future, as production can take some time, but... might as well find out now ;3


Gosh, Vic, being such a negative nancy. Haha, don't worry about it. I already expect that to come into play, but I do like when people actually give me a reason in the comments. I leanred from the Dakimakuras (Like 300+ said they'd buy one, but...). The difference there is the costs though.


It's all good ;3 I knew what to expect coming into this, and it's pretty much what I expected. I can use previous experience and make a decent assumption of how things would turn out overall :D


I want to vote yes but I think I am going to hold off. Me buying one would really be conditional on the size, I cannot get something to large, and the materials it is made from. So, I would have to wait and I do not want to throw off poll results. Interesting idea though.


Lol is this even really a question I mean for real, I feel like almost every backer for the most part either loves Coach or loves Plushes XD


The real question I think is should he be casually dressed or nude :P


Yes! i wanna buy a coach plushie .. and it's afordable at a 25$ .. i just hope it could be shipped to my country too


instant buy for me


How about casual dress with removable clothes and anatomically to scale; that way we get the best of both worlds allowing us to cuddle with casual coach or nude coach depending on our mood. Hell, we could apply this logic to all the plushies not just coach. lol




Yeah will definitely buy all of them when they are out.


I just had this image of coach going, "wait... what.. there are... there are... going to be... teddy bears... of me? *blush* And people want to...want to buy them?" *blushes harder* MC: "Yeah papa bear, and they want them naked too!" *Grins at coach* "N n no w way, w w why m m me? *Coach passes out from embarrassment.* LOL


I know this seems like a stupid question but how exactly do you plan to model them my first thought went to a plushie wearing their tennis clothing.


A little off topic but does anyone know how to open the box in the I.D.E.K.A. Halloween special? Ive been stuck for three days. : (


If you're referring to the box that needs a password it's 'open'

Cody Furlong

Just finished Coach's route, on the new public update, amazing work! I did notice one odd thing however. On day 11, I went to the gym and met with Coach Massi and went through his introduction dialog. Then on day 16, I went to the track and met with him again, but it acted like I didn't know who he was already, and went through the introduction dialog again. As if I hadn't met with him previously.


You know now that u mention he did the same thing to me too

Cody Furlong

Found another oddity with Chester, on Day 8 when you meet his friends for cards. It says that Chester is playing using your deck right before Vernon shows up, and after the fight with Vernon, it says that Chester is picking up his decks and putting them up in his deck box. So we never got our deck back.


A daki and a plush? The list of must-haves continues to grow! Lol, I hope the plushes will be out soon.

Solitary Hyena

Hell yes...though i do wonder how it'll be designed.


Will def be buying one when it comes out day 1. I want a bear of the bear.


you bet I want to snuggle with the coach.


i wouldnt mind having a plush of spencer in his lumber clothes


any plush cuz i will just buy all of them


I would like one too


How can I access the patreon demo of the game?????


BE sure the check the post titled "Update 1.37". The post has the instructions on downloading the Patron update there :)


My curiosity about Dozer's non extracurricular activites... Increased 100% :3


I'd buy a Coach and Chester plush. ^^


Absolutely !!!!