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Hey guys!  I got things done just a little sooner than I planned for!  I feel like my productivity in the new house has been really nice, since I'm working on getting a new schedule down too.  Thank you all again for the well-wishes and patience with me lately!

So, let's move on to what's up with this update!

- Darius Day 11 - So, while this is a Darius update, it's more about Spencer, if you all remember what was supposed to happen.  How do you think that plays out with him?

- Coach Grifter Day 21 - (Coach, again?!)  Now, I'm sure this is a surprise to all of you, but the reasons will be clear soon.  This update was fun to do though, and you'll see why when you play it if you don't remember what they are doing!  Let me know what you think of his new clothes ;3

- New music!  Again, we have some new music to test out in the newest update.  After talking about it with Raph, we felt we were taking the wrong approach to music.  Going forward, our idea is to focus more on "Moods" with the music.  Be sure to let us know how you feel about this!

- A real BG!  Bacon has finished a test image for a colored background.  You'll see it only on the newest updates right now, but we are definitely looking for your opinions!

- For anyone that hasn't seen it yet, we've relaunched our IDEKA 2016 Halloween Special on itch.io for $3.99  for anyone that missed it.  You can check out the page to see what we've changed and added to it since then.  Even if you can't purchase it, just spreading the word helps a lot.  You can see some more info in regards to this on my blog.

- Coach Grifter  and Spencer  dakimakuras are still available for order too!  Hopefully, we'll see Chester soon ;)  Any questions in regards to shipping and orders, please send them to the FurryDakimakura  site, as I don't have any control over those things :)

- Huge thanks to anyone that contributed to the typo page  on Google Documents!  I really appreciate keeping things clean and orderly.  It really helped me out a lot.

- Thank you all for your support and everything as well!  Really, it makes me so happy to see so many people enjoying the project.  Thank you all so very very much.  I can never express enough gratitude to you all!

- As usual, Links and Passwords will be in the top comment on the post!

- For all of my new folks, please be sure to check out the FAQ  on my blog for questions regarding Extracurricular Activities.



<a href="https://www.dropbox.com/sh/m019su4i23xyjhr/AADKqMmS2ZTr-zAJIm_yNfcFa?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/sh/m019su4i23xyjhr/AADKqMmS2ZTr-zAJIm_yNfcFa?dl=0</a> Password - lavarocks137 Android <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7dh8g7s9k4aqnvj/AAD_FUmAZs-iA60JQL-VMjd0a?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7dh8g7s9k4aqnvj/AAD_FUmAZs-iA60JQL-VMjd0a?dl=0</a> Password - lawnmower137


Yes, the passwords are weird. I was looking at my Lowe's Shopping list &gt;.&gt;


*dies* thank u so much &lt;3


*rejoices that my husband grifter has returned from the war* *is still waiting for my husband spencer to return from the other war*


I love the addition of background music, and the new bg gives it such a more personal and positive feel to it! As to answer the question that you gave at the end of Darius route. I do indeed want to switch! &lt;3


That was really cute!

Hyou Vizer

if anybody follows you on twitter wouldn't be surprised by harold again haha &gt;:P


dyne that was amazing X3 even tho it was a bit short update i love it &lt;3 and i love colors of the room it was perfect, I can't wait to see what is next.


great update with Coach :) too bad we didn't get to see a certain clothing item sported T.T yet


HEhe, well thank you ;3 And... now we have to wait and see how things keep going with Darius!


Heh, it might seem short on the outside, but the amount of choices and variations I had overall was big. Lots of little things scattered in there ;3


Well this was an interesting update. Lets start with Darius. Ill be honest i was dreading this day as i thought a day dedicated to Spencer during the Darius route would just annoy me, However it was actually pleasantly amusing and the music really kept me in the mood for the shenanigans of the day. Overall this day was actually quiet satisfactory and i would say it's better then the previous Darius day. Moving onto the new Harold Grifter day, The day is basically dedicated to teasing us (I LOVE IT), I do feel that the book store seemed like a missed opportunity, Where you could have used other characters to explain the other books, maybe even run into Richard or Patreons. But overall it was a very nice day, Music didn't quiet suit it as well as the Darius route for me. Finally the new shelter room background, while i loved the style behind this background, it feels off when the background art style changes, This has always been a problem ofcourse but this is the first time a fully colored background has been done.


just finished coach's update, very happy with it. having him showcase 'flaws' (sensitivity about his belly, jealousy, possibly still unconsciously pining for his ex) was very welcome, his new tank tops were adorable (though if he wears it on the courts i might actually die of embarrassment), i loved the music, it was spot-on for a lazy sunday, and the colored bg for mc's room was very cute and lovely. the only part i wasn't really a fan of was that there wasn't at all a segue to when they started talking about how harold got interested in his professions, they were literally getting food and then mc just said 'tell me how x happened', but that was the only thing i didn't like.


Although this might not really be something you can decide on your own, what are the chances we'll see an actual Bear Belly shirt made for purchase? Because that would make a great gift.

Hyou Vizer

i totally want Harold to wear that tank top on the courts, fuck it bwhahaha


Just finished playing through the new updates, and I must say I really loved them. With Harold's route we got to obviously see more to him, and I'm liking how he and the character are moving along together. Also, Maria's trying to be sly is quite funny, and the bit with the belly bear shirt and the buffet scene, those were adorable. As for Darius' route, even though he wasn't the main focus of the day, we did get to learn a bit more into him, depending on the choice you made when talking with Chester in the lounge. And it was nice to learn a bit more about Spence through the update as well, and it finally seems like he's coming to closure with what happened with Darius, and trying to move on. Lastly, as for the BG art, I am liking what we got for the MC's room, though I feel like it could be a bit more defined and a few more books could be added to the bookshelf. Regardless, BaconKing did a fantastic job on rendering it.


[code] I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/Day20_Coach.rpy", line 1238, in script File "game/Day20_Coach.rpy", line 1238, in &lt;module&gt; NameError: name 'co_variable_23' is not defined -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "game/Day20_Coach.rpy", line 1238, in script File "Z:\Users\David\Desktop\游戏\ExtracurricularActivities-1.37-pc\renpy\ast.py", line 1656, in execute if renpy.python.py_eval(condition): File "Z:\Users\David\Desktop\游戏\ExtracurricularActivities-1.37-pc\renpy\python.py", line 1725, in py_eval return py_eval_bytecode(code, globals, locals) File "Z:\Users\David\Desktop\游戏\ExtracurricularActivities-1.37-pc\renpy\python.py", line 1719, in py_eval_bytecode return eval(bytecode, globals, locals) File "game/Day20_Coach.rpy", line 1238, in &lt;module&gt; NameError: name 'co_variable_23' is not defined Windows-XP-5.1.2600-SP3 Ren'Py Extracurricular Activities 0.0 [/code]&lt;/module&gt;&lt;/module&gt;


Yes YES YEEEEEEEEEESS!!! now I just need more Dozer, dammit why can't I get enough of that Dino DX what have you done to me!? (thank you)


I'm curious, you've talked about updating the Halloween VN, is this the updated version? I'll spread the word in any case ('cause it allready was incredible imo), but I am curious about the possible updated version.


*cough* Hmm, I suppose we'll have to wait and see about that.


The one I linked to is the updated version, yes. It took us long enough, but we did update some things to it :D


I feel like a lot of people were expecting something totally different with Spencer ;) Hum, that's a good idea in regards to the book store. It might be something to look into as a revision for later on. Thanks for that ;3 The BG art style will definitely be changing a lot as I narrow down for an artist. All the sketchy BGs are just temporary (along with my hideous 3D ones).


So happy to hear all of that ;3 Thank you so much for the comment :D


There is an issue with Harold's sex scene. If you take his shirt off then touch his balls Harold disappears, and if you touch his balls again the stand in Wife model appears. You have to touch his balls first thing after getting his shirt off.


It was short but really nice! The new tank is cute, and I'm glad he's embracing his 'beariness'.


I have to admit even though the tank was cute, and totally perfect, I laughed my butt off when I saw it.


id have to look up if theyd ship it here but id love to have a plush of him &lt;3 ^^


Good update. The new BG looks really nice. I think it's a bit too "bright" right now, if that makes any sense. But it was so "refreshing". Honestly, that's a BG that I think has been missing for a while now. I mean it features so heavily in every route. Really good to see it!


It was even brighter! I actually toned it back a bit before adding it in x3


Well, after being busy with work and other stuff. I gotta say, I liked this update! (And the one prior, the Dozer update). I wasn't expecting another Grifter update, especially after day 20 lol. Regardless I enjoyed the interaction from MC and Grifter. It was nice. I especially like how they talked about about not hiding things from each other and how Grifter acknowledges his jealousy. Though they are nothing major. I like those touches. I also like the Bear Belly tanks lol. Wasn't expecting that shirt choice from MC. But it's funny and adorable . Although Darius' update was mostly Spencer. I still enjoyed it. I feel as though when he said he loved MC. He truly meant it. But not the way he said it. I think he's lying to be honest lol. But I may be wrong about that. Can't wait to see more of his route. I've taken a liking to it a while back. And so far I haven't been disappointed. Although not relevant here. I want to say that Dozer's update was nice. I'm surprised MC wasn't the one thinking about the future that he can possibly have with Dozer. It was nice and adorable. I reaaaalllyy want to see more of him.


Alright, just decided to run day 11 for Darius, and yes I admit it I would switch to Spence at that point if the option were there; yes I'm probably horrible for it. but if that happened to me in reality I would do the same. And the music and background changes are great too.


After playing Spencer's route, him willing to invite you over in Darius' route even when his place is still messy shows he's eager to make sure the MC is fine, and it's super touching! Also the new tank top for Harold is super cute, though I wonder if he'll be able to suppress his embarrassment to wear it to practice...

BadTech Games

I would too (no surprise) You could possibly start a relationship with Spencer while maintaining your friendship with Darius (as he's stated that isn't happening between you two) which could lead to all kinds of things! Spencer and Darius finally making peace, Darius perhaps getting jealous or considering more with the MC, or even after a while, they can't stand each other's differences, leaving the MC to wind up having to choose one or the other, this could/should also be reflected in Spencer's route perhaps? just a few ideas.


New room background was great! Loved the update, can't wait for next Coach update. Definitely my fav route. ♥ ♥


Hey - I'm not sure where to post this suggestion but here goes. Once the character is able to navigate around a map - I'd either suggest making the highlight color when you hover over locations a bit darker, or the background darker. It's almost impossible to actually see the hover green color you have right now.


I love Darius' route so far but his comments near the end of day 11 sound slightly jealous regarding Spencer. Maybe there should be a bit where the main character realizes this and asks him in a dialogue option?


I cant get this update and i want it!!!😢😢