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I recently received a message asking to cut some of the post bloat from the Patreon page (I deleted a lot of the posts related to my video hosting issues since that issue is resolved). The Patreon layout is awful imo (I hate that you have to scroll, scroll, scroll), and there is supposed to be a site update coming soon...

Anyway, it brings up the question of my linking YouTube posts here. Should I link YouTube posts or not? Personally, I agree with cutting back on the bloat of linking YT videos here.


Joshua Brice

Thanks for the laugh too. It does sind like some LOTR shit...


Doesn't matter much to me. Whatever people want. Patreon is lousy but that's not in your control.


I love the LOTR reference. You could also make a Skyrim reference there too, lol


I don’t really care either way but I think it would make the scroll less harrowing if it’s only exclusive posts.


Scrolling isn't much of an issue for me because once I watch a video I'm unlikely to watch it again. But for new patrons or people who rewatch videos it could be an issue. Patreon isn't really set up for accessing content which is weird. There should be a list with separate pages for each post not just one endless page. But it's not a big deal for me.


I personally dont mind at all, but I love how u always ask the community about stuff like that here. Feels like we got a real democracy goin


It's only the illusion of democracy. Behind all of the politics it is a dictatorship of the Poppop.


There’s a guy that I follow on patreon who has tags per artists on its page. I don’t know how he does it but when you go to his page there’s categories and each category corresponds to an artist he’s done reactions, prevents the endless scrolling. Just a thought :)