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For this release, I have added some some eloquent and sexy pole dancing poses to the collection. Some of these were created by building upon the studio pole dancing animation from HS1. The poses are located in the Various Themes>Private show folder, and under Freelancer604>Misc in VNGE. Happy rendering!

I highly recommend turning on the "Crotch Adjust" function

**Koi users, please use studio object "pole" at 1.8 scale for ideal hand alignment.

**I had quite a bombastic poster planned for this one, but I got home really late today and didnt the chance to bomb-ast the scene up. Youll just have to deal with the ugly poster, sorry!

Featured models from left to right: Gena, Chelsea, Rose, Yan, Jean

These and all prior poses are included with new pose packs. Please download the latest pose pack. This post is here for information only. clean install Install required.  Instructions for avoiding duplicates (if you have not done so already) are in this post.

Next Pose Pack:  Kpop Dance Poses
Previous Pose Pack: Runway Model Poses

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