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Because I have been doing a lot of exploration in the space of AI image generation this month, I was inspired by some of the poses that the AI came up with in its outputs. I figured I should try and replicate them. I have prepared one standing, one sitting, and one floor pose for you.

When trying to replicate the below poses, I have discovered that, like hand drawn art, AI often ignores anatomy all together and only worries about whether or not the pose looks good from a certain angle or perspective. Its only when I dove in and tried to replicate them that I realized this, so I could not recreate them as well as I had hoped. However, I did end up with some poses that I really liked non-the-less. I hope you will agree when you load them up!

For those who are curious, here are the references that I tried to replicate:

I may have simply gone down the wrong path when trying to recreate this pose. It looks simple enough, but something about the way that the bend occurs at the waist made me fail to replicate the essence of this pose. I think the arm coming across, along with the fabrics masks any anatomical weirdness in this image.

This pose really caught my eye, but I think that this pose requires a graduated surface rather than a flat one. 

I think this pose is really cute when use in a portrait format, leaning towards a secondary subject such as some flowers, a friend, or some food, etc. I think that the pose data for this one came out alright. The difficult part will be reproducing the expression, which will require DBLIN face on HS2.



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