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Here are the first few AI image albums that I put together. The curated images look stunning for the most part, but are limited in resolution for now, until I get a more powerful GPU. For every image that you see here, I had to throw out 10 others which were irreparably cursed due to poor composition, poor character anatomy, or downright horrid deformations 😫.

Though the AI models of today are great at small details, they still have a ways to go. With lots of babysitting, trial and error, as well as specifically inpainting parts of the image, I have curated the three albums below for you. I hope you will appreciate them! 

Please note that some images contained are NSFW. You may also notice some strange looking hands here and there, those could not be fixed no matter how hard I tried, sorry! 

Please let me know your feedback on how you feel about the changes coming due to Ai, or what you think of Ai art specifically, I am curious to know what you think. 

Interested in AI image generation? 

Hop in and we can share findings and improve together. There isn't really a one and done guide that you can follow, you just have to install it, play around with it, and intuit how it works. The results that you get will be wildly different depending on the resolution that you generate at, which is dependent on your GPU. 

Here is the guide that I followed to install StableDiffusion. I stopped following at 5:10 and installed a model specializing in beautiful women instead 😜. The model and LORAs that I use are found here.

The specific model that I use is called Chilloutmix. This AI model specializes in photorealistic hot babes and is 1-head, zero IQ clueless when it comes to literally anything else. The LORA that I use is called "ulzzang-6500." LORAs are a type of aesthetic filter that induces the AI to be biased towards a certain look. You can find LORAs of any flavor on that site I linked. 

To make this worthwhile, you will need a decently powerful Nvidia GPU of at least 30 series or newer. 




So incredible. Since I have a vague idea of the effort required to properly steer the AI, it would be lovely if you could share some tips on how you generated your wonderful images - like a step by step composition or something about the prompts. Congrats, it is awesome :)


Agreed. Would love a tutorial this is dope


I hear you, please see updated post for the two resources that kicked off this whole thing for me, thanks to an ex-patron.


I might just do that sometime, Im going to wait and see how people react to this content being added. For now, please see the updated post for resources and feel free to ask me specifics.