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Hi Galaxy Lords!! 😊 💜 I hope your July was amazing and that you’re doing great recently. 

Thank you so so much for all your support this summer! I feel so grateful to be part of an amazing community and I appreciate all the kindness you’ve shown me throughout July. 🥺💕 I hope I was able to brighten your month and that you enjoyed all of July's content!  🤭💝 

Below you’ll find the link to download and view this month’s HQ sets. :)

HQ Sets: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_Z48n5qGR9C8BoSktzuCMKsDi7lYWRt3?usp=sharing

See you in August and sending love,
Published: 2023-08
Hi Galaxy Lords!! :) Thank you so much for an amazing August together! I hope you had fun being part of the Lunatic community and enjoyed all the content. 🥺💜  

Below you’ll find the link to view and download this month’s high-quality photos. I hope the sets add some extra fun to your upcoming weekend. 💕  This September we have a lot of extra fun and new things planned, including some new cosplays I’ve been working on and special fall-themed looks, so I hope you’re ready for an exciting start to the month! 😳🤭

I also hope you all stay safe and have a cozy start to September!

Download Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1IdCK-enjn7JuytT1IxRBsqOmSVUJPbtp?usp=sharing

Sending love and hugs,
Published: 2023-09